Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 384 Candidate, Schneizel

The white wolf is handsome and elegant, and the horse is mighty, but this white wolf is not the other. The white wolf Paw Team is still the same Paw Team. It just makes the name of the Paw Team more formal, but in fact they all represent the same meaning, then It's the loyal dog unit.

Cong Yungai also mentioned the name change to Xiao Yun, but at the time he thought it had nothing to do with it. But after coming to World No. 3 today, he found that because these teams were probably to protect Cornelia's dignity, they had changed a lot, and some were missing. The ruggedness and ferocity were more graceful, which made Xiao Yun immediately realize some problems, so when Cruze mentioned Xiao Yun, he accepted it.

The Paw Paw Team has grown a lot in size after what happened in the last World No. 3. Re-structuring is also something that Kruse feels is necessary. He can no longer pull anyone in to work just because he sees who has no mission. There must be something. A more detailed division of functions and responsibilities will allow the Paw Team...the White Wolf Team to play a greater role.

That is to say, Cruze didn't know that because Xiaodao, the personal guard captain, was sent out, this guy had eaten his stomach several times in a row. Otherwise, he would probably have pulled Xiao Yun on the spot to confirm the subsequent restructuring of the White Wolf Army.

Although it hasn't started yet, at least Xiao Yun has written it down and included it in his future plans. If he wants to carry out a complete restructuring, he will have to wait until the ship group's affairs are over before he can make large-scale adjustments. When the time comes to move the whole body, I will probably be busy.

Xiao Yun could imagine that the restructuring of the Paw Patrol Team would be accompanied by a comprehensive reform of the entire force. Once implemented, it would definitely not stop at the Paw Patrol Team.

After spending a long time alone with Cornelia, they finally arrived at the dusty Schneizel.

For Schneizel, Xiao Yun is not too familiar. The two of them have met only a handful of times, but this does not hinder Schneizel's understanding and recognition of Xiao Yun. He is very clear that Xiao Yun is actually a talented person. He is the biggest controller behind the scenes in this world.

Schneizel couldn't put on any airs in front of Xiao Yun, but his elegant demeanor allowed him to be polite when facing anyone.

After taking off his cloak and handing it to the attendant, Schneizel stepped forward to caress his chest and then bent down towards Cornelia. He also did not forget to bend down towards Xiao Yun and salute: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xiao."

"Brother, please get up." Cornelia raised her hands, glanced at Xiao Yun beside her and said to Schneizel: "I already told your brother the situation when I contacted you before. I don't know. What is your final decision now?"

Schneizel nodded: "It's an honor to serve Mr. Xiao, and I also really want to see the different majesties in other worlds with my own eyes."

Xiao Yun said: "As long as you are willing. When I need such a person, the first thing I think of is you. I also believe that you have the ability to do well what I want you to do, and continue to stay here and do something irrelevant." For urgent matters, it is better to go to another world to fully utilize your talents. I will explain the specific situation to you later. You first explain and arrange the things at hand. We will set off soon, take one or two Reliable subordinates should go over and settle down first.”

A flash of astonishment flashed in Schneizel's eyes, but he nodded without saying anything: "It will take about an hour."


Schneizel nodded towards Cornelia and decisively turned around to leave. Looking at his leaving figure, Cornelia shook her head slightly and said to Xiao Yun: "I have always felt that the emperor is actually more capable of becoming an emperor than me. Talent, following you should give him a chance to show off his talent this time.”

Xiao Yun said: "It's just a space immigration fleet with a population of about 20 million. It can't even compare to a NUMBER, but the situation and the various situations it has to face will be much more difficult than here. Even the stage is now I haven’t set it up yet, so I have to work hard.”

Cornelia looked at Xiao Yun and smiled gently: "I don't think anything can stump you."

Xiao Yun laughed: "I don't think anything will trouble me."

When Schneizel appeared again, he was accompanied by only one person, and his luxurious clothes were replaced by ordinary clothes, but the elegance in his bones could not be concealed at all.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Cornelia was relatively familiar with the person brought here by Schneizel. She nodded slightly and said, "Sir Canon Martini, if the Emperor can choose to take you with him, don't let him down." Trust in you.”

Kanon knelt on one knee: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Xiao Yun was very satisfied with Schneizel's temperament revealed from his bones. He nodded and left World No. 3, where he only stayed for a short time, under the watch of Cornelia.

When Regeni, who had arranged for people to wait in place after returning to World No. 4, learned of Xiao Yun's return, he immediately pulled away from work and came to Xiao Yun.

However, the faces of the two people brought back by Xiao Yun did not reveal any other emotions: "Sir, you are back."

Xiao Yun nodded: "This is Schneizel Brittania, and the other is his adjutant Canon Maldini. You will be responsible for the two of them."

Regeni nodded towards the two of them and reached out his hand: "Regeni Rejeta, welcome you."

Schneizel smiled faintly, nodded slightly and reached out to shake Regeni's hand: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Reggieta."

Regeni said: "Just call me Regeni. I will tell you the information about this world and what you are going to do as soon as possible. You don't have much time to prepare and you only have one chance. If you can't seize it this time, It will be difficult to find such a good opportunity next time.”

Schneizel nodded slightly: "Then let's start as soon as possible without further delay."

Xiao Yun asked: "Is the person dead?"

"Yes." Regeni nodded in response: "Not long ago, the news was released that Auxiliary Officer Mishima died in an accident. Currently, the ship crew has formed an investigation team to begin a detailed investigation into the cause of Auxiliary Officer Mishima's death. There shouldn’t be any problems found.”

Xiao Yun asked: "What's the accident?"

Regeni said: "In the car accident, Auxiliary Officer Mishima, who did not use a seat belt due to an accident while the vehicle was driving, was violently hit and died on the spot."

The car accident is real. It is definitely easy to create a car accident artificially after locking the target with the knights' ability. There are many ways to adapt to local conditions. Death in a car accident is probably the most accidental accident. As for the violent impact, it is caused by someone. It's hard to say whether he grabbed his head and hit it or something.

Kanon blinked inexplicably, looking at the small steel space around him, and suddenly felt that what he had to do this time would be difficult.

"Oh, what a pity." Xiao Yun sighed and asked, "Will you be responsible for this matter?"

Regeni did not refuse: "I will try my best to arrange it."

"Come on." Xiao Yun patted Regeni's shoulder and left. Regeni looked at the two newcomers and raised their hands: "Please follow me."

Schneizel and Kanon nodded and followed.

Regeni said: "This world is very vast. Humanity has traveled to most places in the galaxy and discovered many other civilizations. Where we are now is a galactic immigration ship group, a huge immigration spacecraft. , this is a fleet composed of Geraldians and humans. The Geraldians are a giant race that you should be able to see more often in the future."

Kanon looked around: "No wonder I feel so small and depressed."

Regeni smiled slightly and said: "No, I believe the size of the fleet will surprise you later. This is a very large immigration fleet with a population of almost 20 million, with a complete ecological cycle and different landforms. Generally speaking, it is a very suitable place for human survival and also has a super giant city. The space you see now is just an internal passage of our factory. "

Schneizel nodded: "Then what is our mission?"

Regeni stopped and turned around to look at Schneizel: "You should have heard the conversation I had with you just now. The original auxiliary officer of this ship group died unexpectedly, so a new auxiliary officer must be chosen to take over his job. "

Schneizel understood: "So my task is to become this new auxiliary officer until I replace the leader of this so-called immigrant fleet and become the new ruler."

Regeni said: "That's exactly it."

Schneizel raised his hand to signal Regeni and said as he walked: "Then what kind of support can we get now."

"It's a pity that there is nothing." Regeni shook his head and pointed out the biggest problem now, saying: "We came to this convoy not long ago, and the only place where this convoy can stay now is this new one. We opened a factory that did not even have complete equipment, and this factory also needed the support of local forces to complete, so we had nothing but people.”

"We don't have any available connections or supporters in this fleet. What you have to do is almost starting from scratch, and none of the help we can provide you can be made public."

Kanon looked at Regeni blankly, and even Schneizel was startled: "No help at all? Let me become an auxiliary officer directly in a white body? There is no relationship and no support. What is the system here? Kind of."

Regeni said: "Autonomous parliamentary system."

Schneizel was a little numb. What he wanted to do was to seize an opportunity and become the presidential secretary. No, it should be said that he became the vice president. Thinking about it, this kind of thing seems to be fanciful and difficult to achieve. , if it were a royal system, it would be simple, as long as you get one person, but now Schneizel doesn't even know where to start.

Regeni gave an explanation: "I guess you think that the assistant officer may be just a secretary, which is not wrong. Originally, the assistant officer has the same role as an assistant and secretary, but in some cases, the assistant officer can still be Being regarded as a deputy official has been given other meanings.”

"You don't need to think about things with additional meaning. If you can become the presidential secretary first, your chances of success will be much higher."

Schneizel was not one to put down his burden and asked, "How much time do we have to prepare."

Regeni said: "Normally, it should be possible in about a week. I will fully cooperate with all your actions. In fact, this matter is not as difficult as imagined. There are many things we can operate in it. ”

Schneizel nodded slightly: "That's true. If you apply means, you may be able to easily achieve your goal."

Regeni smiled slightly: "I think so too, but there is one thing you need to pay attention to. You cannot reveal your relationship with us for the time being."

Schneizel said: "It doesn't matter, I need a few days to thoroughly understand all the information that can be learned about this world and this immigrant fleet."

This is a challenge, and it is also a relatively difficult challenge for Schneizel. Although he and Regeni both believe that they can use many methods, the simplest method is to seize the fleet by force. Do you have the right to rule? If Xiao Yun didn't let them do this, it means that what Xiao Yun needs is a stable fleet and a normal and smooth transition of power. Therefore, even if some methods can be used, they still need to be mastered to a certain extent, no matter what kind of methods are used. The most important thing for Schneizel now is to quickly master enough information.

After Xiao Yun separated from Regeni, he went to the area used by Triscilla's medical team, and found Triscilla who was busy under the guidance of the medical pseudo-changer inside.

Xiao Yun walked over and took a closer look at the screen in front of Triscilla: "What are you busy with?"

Triscilla turned her head and glanced at Xiao Yun before continuing to make corrections on the computer: "This is the physical examination report of the old man Geraldi. We also need to make foolproof preoperative preparations before starting the operation."

Xiao Yun nodded: "Bring a tube of nanorobots for treatment."

Triscilla paused for a moment, then opened the drawer next to her and took out a tube of nanorobot and handed it to Xiao Yun: "Inject directly into the belly button. I have made special adjustments to this tube of nanorobot. Make V bacteria the main target for elimination.”

Xiao Yun didn't hesitate. He picked up his clothes and inserted the injection into his navel. He pressed the injection button without changing his expression and waited until there was a pop, then pulled out the injection and placed it on Triscilla's table.

After the injection, Xiao Yun asked: "When will it take effect?"

Triscilla said: "Sir Xiao Yun, you will be able to feel something within a few hours. I suggest you stay here for the rest of the time so that we can observe at any time. If there is any situation, we can get it as soon as possible." I also need to keep an eye on the cleaning progress and give you fluids at any time based on your current physical condition.”

Xiao Yun was not willful: "You can arrange it. Has Hanayou sent a letter back?"

Triscilla said: "Yes, but Regeni has made arrangements during your absence." (End of Chapter)

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