The three people coming together are enough to prove that the so-called emergency may be a real emergency.

Xiao Yun also stopped joking and asked directly.

"What happened?"

Schneizel spoke first: "We caught two spies not long ago."


Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows: "This shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that the status is a bit special." Schneizel shook his head slightly: "And there is another piece of news that is not particularly good."

Xiao Yun said: "Don't sell it."

Schneizel said: "The FOLD crystal was found on the Windermere star in the Higaman globular cluster on the border of the Galaxy. The New United Army has been secretly in contact there for a long time. Both spies came from the Windermere star. of."

Xiao Yun: "Windermere...where is the Galaxy Apple produced?"

"That's right." Schneizel nodded and said, "The situation may be more complicated now. One of the two spies carries a sacred object stolen from Windermere."

"We didn't know it at first. We just captured and imprisoned the two people who were fighting during the Galaxy Festival. We also confiscated all their belongings at that time. The new integration suddenly sent us a letter asking us to take the two spies into custody. Leave it to them. The identities of these two people were also learned from the New Union. One is an intelligence agent of the New Union, and the other is also an intelligence agent of the New Union but is a traitor. "

"Then hand it over, this is not a big deal." Xiao Yun frowned slightly and said, "But the discovery of FOLD crystals on that planet is quite unexpected, what about the output."

Schneizel said: "I don't know, but it may have a certain impact on our side, and this is not one or two things. It is a series of situations caused by these two spies."

"you say."

Schneizel shook his head: "From my point of view, it is simply that we captured two spies and confiscated a sacred object from Windermere. The integration asked us to hand over the things and people to them."

Regeni spoke: "My lord, Mr. Bilula also made the same request to Shuguang, but his request was to hand over things to him and did not mention people."

"The Epsilon Consortium also contacted us secretly, hoping that we would hand over one of them to them, and we found out that this Ypsilon is also the big financier behind Galaxy, and the Epsilon Consortium is willing to pay a certain price in exchange. That traitor."

"So interesting." Xiao Yun found it interesting: "Mr. Bilula also wants to join in the fun? What is that thing?"

Kruse sat down and said calmly: "An embryo, an embryo that was produced hundreds of thousands of years ago and is still alive today. The only thing that can be determined now is that this embryo has roughly the same genes as humans, and it also has a very high FOLD wave response."

Xiao Yun said thoughtfully: "Singer."

Cruze said: "To be precise, it should be a weapon, a singing weapon."

"Why does Mr. Bilula want this?" Xiao Yun felt confused and said to Regeni: "Help me make an appointment with Mr. Bilula."

Regeni nodded and left, and Cruze looked at Xiao Yun: "Aren't you going to hand over the things to the new unity?"

Xiao Yun shook his head: "Of course not. If this embryo can really grow into a singer, then it is the safest in our hands. But I want to know what Mr. Bilula wants this thing for. As for the Ypsilon Consortium , what they are willing to pay.”

Kruse said: "We can talk, but if the other party is willing to pay a big price to exchange for someone, it only means that this person is important enough."

Xiao Yun said: "Arrange people to go to Windermere to clarify the situation. I will go to Mr. Bilula to talk about the remaining Kruse. You will be responsible for it. Schneizel will deal with the new integration. Leave the rest to the fleet. Establish a foothold in the new world as soon as possible.”

Regeni made an appointment with Mr. Bilula to report to Xiao Yun when he came back. Xiao Yun went directly to Bilula's mansion, but this time when he saw Bilula, he no longer looked like that giant. Xiao Yun raised his head to communicate with the other party.

Nowadays, Bilula's physical condition is completely different from before after the operation. He appears in front of Xiao Yun wearing a distinctive tuxedo and holding a cane. He no longer looks like an old man but a rather thin middle-aged man. Young people, of course the Geraldians' distinctive features can still be seen clearly from the other person's face.

Xiao Yun looked at the other person: "Mr. Bilula?"

"Hahaha, I can't recognize you. Yes, I am Bilu La." Bilu La laughed. His sense of humor did not change because he became younger due to the surgery. He raised his cane and pointed at Xiao Yun: "Stand here The one in front of you is Bilula, the commander of the Gerardi fleet. Are you intimidated by my young appearance?"

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes: "Yes, yes, the fleet commander who looks like a skinny monkey scares me to death."

"Hahaha, it's just temporary. Eating more and drinking more will naturally make you gain weight."

Bilula seemed to be in a good mood, beckoning Xiao Yun to follow him, and took Xiao Yun to the huge model room where the two met before, but now that they were in this place, both of them seemed to have intruded. A villain from the land of giants.

"Remember this place."

"Well, the place where you first met your godfather."

Xiao Yun smiled and shamelessly got closer to each other.

"You are so shameless." Bilula glanced at Xiao Yun dumbfounded.

Xiao Yun smiled but didn't mind: "If you're not godfather, why are you so shameless?"


Two shameless people who seemed to have a sense of humor were laughing together in the kingdom of giants.

When the laughter stopped, Bilula sat in front of the small round table where afternoon tea had been set, and said to Xiao Yun: "If I hadn't taken the initiative to contact you, Shuguang, you, my godson, would not have taken the initiative to come to me as my godfather. "

"Busy, I'm really busy." Xiao Yun took a cup of black tea from the hand of Bilula's maid and put it directly on the table, saying: "I have so many things to do every day that I can't keep up. Frontier's I left everything to others to deal with. If I hadn't received the report today, I might have been busy with other things elsewhere, but godfather, what do you want with that Windermere sacred object?"

Bilula nodded: "I don't just want holy objects, I also want the relevant authorization for the new FOLD technology. I know that Dawn and the New United Army have reached some technology licensing agreements. I want the same thing, with you as my godson." You won’t deny your godfather these authorizations.”

Xiao Yun thought for a moment and asked, "Who do you represent?"

"A new conglomerate, Caius, although it does not yet exist."

Xiao Yun was very practical: "Then what can I get?"

Bilula twisted the gem on the front of his cane, and a projection of the Milky Way Star Map popped up from the cane. The red and blue colors in the projection covered most of the Milky Way Star Map. Xiao Yun couldn't understand it even after looking at it twice. what's going on.

Bilula said with a smile: "All S.M.S branches in the red area are gifts from my godfather to you. You can send people to receive all the assets and personnel of these branches."

Xiao Yun turned his gaze to Bilu La: "Did I miss something? My godfather was so generous and gave all these to me?"

Bilula: "Not only that, Caius will be a rapidly expanding super interstellar complex enterprise, and Sugon will also get part of Caius' shares."

Xiao Yun nodded slowly: "It's really pie in the sky, but unfortunately I don't believe that such a good thing will happen to me inexplicably."

"If you can't catch the pie in the sky, you will knock people unconscious." Bilula chuckled and said: "Caius is willing to give Shuguang some shares, but it is best to exchange shares with Shuguang for cross-shareholding. At the same time, the relevant authorization for FOLD’s new technology also needs to be assigned to Caius. Of course, this will not affect Sugon’s own use or authorization to the New United Army.”

Xiao Yun groaned with a strange expression: "FOLD technology, FOLD crystal, and curvature engine, do they still need the weapon support of Dawn? It seems that after this Caius is established, it is going to develop vigorously in the Hijaman globular star cluster? And it also Want to cultivate your own singer? Well, in exchange for paying half of S.M.S., you also need to obtain Sugon’s technical authorization. Joint complex enterprises... can make you willing to pay such a high price... The initiator behind this... Lin Akemi?"

Everyone in Bilula was stunned, looking at Xiao Yun with his mouth wide open, who seemed to be talking to himself.

Xiao Yun showed a clear expression: "It can only be Lin Mingmei, and only Lin Mingmei can make you willing to pay such a high price. Among the Jeradi people who joined the United Army in the same batch as you, There are many loyal followers of Lin Mingmei, as well as the female captain of the first fleet, Misa Hayase. I am just curious how you contacted them? "

Bilula looked incredulous: "You?"

Xiao Yun said: "I just guessed that the only person who can make you pay so much is Lin Mingmei."

Bilula was silent for a while, then nodded slowly and said: "Yes, it's them, and they can only be contacted through the new FOLD communication, and only Shuguang has mastered this technology. The first contact was half a year ago, I don't know. The powerful FOLD wave of the cause swept almost the entire galaxy, and it was at that time that we made contact with the missing first fleet, but if we want to establish a stable communication mechanism, we must rely on new FOLD communication technology. "

Xiao Yun asked: "How did you know about the embryo from Windermere?"

Bilula smiled and said: "Of course there are collaborators who confirmed this and informed me. I can guarantee that the embryo will not become Dawn's enemy in the future. We established Caius with only one purpose, and that is to rescue those trapped in another space." "The first fleet."

Xiao Yun took a sip of tea and thought for a while: "In principle, I can agree to hand over the sacred object to you. You can discuss the specific matters with Regeni, but the sacred object is only lent to you to own or own, Caius. There is also interest but it is impossible to hand over Sugon’s shares to others.”

Facing a group of fanatical fans, and most of them should be high-ranking people, a large group of people on the same level as Bilu La... Xiao Yun thought it was better not to provoke them.

Crazy fans are hard to offend, not that they can't be offended but that they are unnecessary. At Dawn, we really don't have the time to cause unnecessary trouble, at least in the past two years.

Whatever they want to do, just wait for them to do it. Just don't bring trouble to the new world. Moreover, it is enough for Caius to intervene. Fortresses are often breached from the inside. If you intervene, you can advance or retreat. .

But Xiao Yun could not discuss the specific matters. Bilula knew this very well, so he did not continue to discuss this topic with Xiao Yun in the following time.

At the same time, Bilula cannot fully represent Caius. The two have only reached a consensus now, and another person is needed to negotiate with Regeni.

After drinking tea, Xiao Yun said goodbye and left. After returning to Dawn Heavy Industries, he discussed the situation with Kruse and the others.

"I'll take the embryo back to World No. 2 for processing. You talk to that Caius first. Return the unified people to the unified one, and let the Ypsilon people take it away themselves."

"Let's talk first." Kruse looked at Regeni: "Find out what they want, and be careful not to let Shuguang be used by them. As long as it can ensure that Shuguang's interests are not affected, we can relax the conditions appropriately. The only thing is Caius as a whole must support the independence of Dawn and Frontier, as well as the exclusive mining rights of Windermere. If these two points are not achieved, there is no need to talk about it.”

"Although we are not prepared to completely rule the entire world as the mastermind behind the scenes, we cannot use our hands to create an opponent that can compete with us."

Xiao Yun glanced at Kruse and nodded: "Well, the origin of the FOLD crystal is the only thing that cannot fall into the hands of others. We must also quickly send people to contact Windermere."

Regeni hesitated: "Who is in contact with Windermere?"

Xiao Yun also paused and muttered: "Shirley Lu hasn't held a concert for a long time. Organize a fleet to protect Shirley Lu in the name of holding a concert, and let Lux serve as the leader of the fleet to represent Shuguang and Wende. Mil Contact."

"Yes, Master Xiao Yun."

Cruze nodded slightly: "Pink Princess is a good candidate. If nothing happens, you can come with us."

"No." Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "I transferred people from other worlds to protect me. Mathias came back from the Freedom Alliance and brought back a message saying that he had found the asteroid where the Freedom Alliance hides the door. Over there There will be action at any time.”

Kruse nodded to indicate that he knew and would not ask.

After the embryos were delivered, Xiao Yun left first with the so-called holy objects and went directly back to the new villa.

At this time, Lux, C.C and Shirley were all at home and did not go out.

Xiao Yun directly told the three people about the matter, and Shirley Lu said that it didn't matter. She just thought that she was going out to work, but she was a little unhappy that Xiao Yun couldn't accompany them there.

Lux asked Xiao Yun carefully and then agreed.

C.C expressed no interest, but it didn't matter if he went along for the fun.

Xiao Yun went to World No. 2, found Tieria who replaced Livonz and handed the things to him, then returned to World No. 4 and stayed for two days. He did not return until everything was ready to send off the fleet. World No. 0. (End of chapter)

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