Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 447 I am an expert at cheating people

He just robbed and ran away, but the stupid bird turned around and hit him with a cannon, destroying the highest-level secret base of the Freedom Alliance, turning the fortress into cosmic dust without even a hair to be found.

First came the Dimension Devourer, and then the 'Evil' cannon. It always felt like a frontal provocation. It slapped the faces of the Freedom Alliance and the Joint Command, and slapped them hard. The slap was not enough, and then it was pulled on their heads. After all, the Freedom Alliance simply regarded Organization X as their mortal enemy.

For the Joint Command, Organization .

Not long ago, I asked everyone to close the door. Now that the door has been closed, it is captured by this X organization. What is the problem? More on their nonsense?

Even though they have attached great importance to Organization

You can't find it when you look for it, and you can't prevent it. It's so uncomfortable for the Joint Headquarters.

However, the body used by Organization

This is the biggest clue to the Joint Command. This kind of high-end machine body is definitely not something that can be produced by a small workshop, and its performance is still unknown. It may be that being completely invisible is definitely not something that ordinary factories can achieve.

The other is quantity. The fighter planes used last time still had the feeling of being pieced together, but now they are gone. There are such a number of new integrated aircraft, which can explain some problems. The word mass production proves that the aircraft manufacturer is strong enough.

Apart from anything else, the original Resistance Army Ya may not have such technical strength. Upgrading to mass production in the short term can improve the performance again, which is a big departure.

Judging from the thorough investigation of the border space by the intelligence department of the secret service, there are not many military and heavy industry companies with such industrial strength. It is a pity that Shuguang Industry and Kona Industry are on the list again.

Moreover, both are listed as the number one suspects, but there is no evidence, and both industries have branches, and both are conducting normal research, and Kona Industries' branch research department has always been under supervision, and Kona Industries itself is also No problems were detected at all under the supervision of the Freedom Alliance.

As for Shuguang Industry, it’s quite normal to know about it, and I don’t think there is any problem. But after all, it is not under supervision, so Shuguang Industry is more suspicious.

But suspicions are suspicions. Besides Sugon, there is another one who is even more suspicious. A certain emerging energy group is also the number one suspect. Its main industry also involves the development of various engines and it is also a ship manufacturer. It is related to X There is nothing wrong with the relationship between the organization. The key is that this company has a good reputation.

Not only is there a sect, it is also involved in private military forces. It has established a private army, has good relations with many mercenaries, has its own planet, and is suspected to be the behind-the-scenes supporter of some armed groups.

Such a suspicious object is so bright that it is difficult not to notice it.

Although they were innocent in this matter and were purely implicated, they were still investigated by the Joint Command. Of course, Sugon Industries and Kona Industries were also investigated together.

However, Shuguang Industrial is now considered to be clean and not afraid of investigation. Except for some problems with the door, all other things that need to be cleaned have been cleaned up.

The Joint Command's investigation was conducted under the guise of inspection and visit. Gina received the Joint Command's inspection team warmly but without losing any distance.

Many people came to this inspection team, from the Freedom Alliance, TMC, and the Federation.

I won’t go into details about the process. In short, Gina did everything a company should do and did not refuse even when the inspection team wanted to inspect the door.

However, this time the inspection team's inspection of the door was more detailed than last time, and the equipment used became more and more complex. They also blocked Suguang's people from outside, but even so, no problems could be found.

It would be strange to be able to find out the problem, because this door is a real door, and it is the door from TMC that connects to World No. 4.

How could the goods-to-version problem be detected? In order to prevent the inspection team from fluctuating the door inspection, Gina directly took the initiative to cut off the connection with World No. 4 and replaced the original fake door with the real door. Don't be afraid of people from the inspection team activating the door. Even if you activate the door and connect to World No. 4 again, it doesn't matter. They have already made preparations there. In the past, they had to face the siege of vajra led by Xiao Lu. A little useful information It was impossible to detect it, so for this reason, the original set of door equipment on the Galaxy was dragged to Xiao Lu's lair.

And it doesn't matter if they are connected to a new alien space. As for whether this door can be reconnected to World No. 4, there is no need to worry. Even if it cannot be reconnected, it will not have such a big impact on them, but it was a long time ago. Everyone knows that the door has the ability to record the coordinates of the opening space within a certain period of time, and there is a high probability that the device at the other end can be connected back after being activated.

The research team of Shuguang Opposite Sect is not only a latecomer like Aeolia, but also a group of unlucky children who were tricked by Xiao Yun before. Such great progress has been made over time.

Just as the doorman of the Joint Command was closing the door for inspection, Jonson, a member of the inspection team, took Gina and stood outside the heavy steel gate chatting.

While chatting, Jonson brought the topic to Xiao Yun: "Mr. Shizhen is not here today?"

"Maybe we went to the ecological zone. We were not in the industrial park today. Compared to the industrial zone, the ecological zone may be more interesting."

Jonson took advantage of the situation and asked: "Ecological zone, I'm a little curious about how Shuguang, a military and heavy industry company, would think of building such an ecological zone."

Gena glanced at Jonson and was silent for a moment, then said calmly: "I also want to know why a military industrial company like us wants to establish an ecological zone. Maybe it's interesting?"

Jonson was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly with a cautious expression and clear eyes: "Maybe it's interesting."

"Just kidding." Gina chuckled and said: "The establishment of the ecological zone is beneficial to Sugon's future development direction. Although Shuguang is a military industry enterprise, it is not willing to only develop in military equipment and weapons. It is diversified. The development of biopharmaceuticals is also necessary, and we are also preparing to develop pharmaceutical biology, so ecological zones are naturally necessary. "

"General Jonson, you also know that our Dawn's treatment cabin is quite advanced, but no matter how advanced it is, there are limitations and it is impossible to create a superman. Although the giant gods and mechas are powerful, they may capsize in the gutter when facing the best knights, so In our opinion, what is truly powerful is human beings themselves.”

"We want to study human body enhancement technology, but we disdain bionic enhancement transformation in the mechanical direction. The most perfect situation is to allow humans to possess the characteristics of powerful alien creatures, and the worst situation is biomimetic transformation. The establishment of ecological zones will help Our research direction."

"So that's it." Jonson nodded clearly, but his expression was quite cautious: "If you have such an idea, you must first report to the Joint Command when you are fully prepared."

Gena showed a slightly puzzled expression: "The Joint Command still has restrictions on research in this area?"

Jonson reminded: "Restrictions on human body modification have always existed. It's just that you don't have to use these restrictions when you don't want to use them. Anyone can violate them and will not be held accountable, but they will definitely be effective when they want to cause trouble." , especially during this period of time, you must be careful and don’t act recklessly.”

Gina nodded: "Thanks for the reminder."

"Give it, give it, please give it."

The familiar voice made Jonson and Gina turn their heads and look over, and saw Xiao Yun walking through the crowded crowd and coming to the two of them.

"Mr. Shizhen, I just mentioned that you didn't expect you to arrive so soon."

When Jonson saw Xiao Yun, he became more enthusiastic and greeted Xiao Yun in a good mood.

"You guys arrived suddenly. I came over as soon as I received the news." Xiao Yun chuckled and pointed at the big closed iron door in front: "What's going on inside, and the door is closed?"

Gina said: "This is the routine inspection of the door by the joint command inspection team, right? General Jonson."

"Yes, yes." Jonson smiled in response and said, "It's nothing."

"Aren't you going to recycle the door?" Xiao Yun looked at Jonson with some suspicion, and then said with a vigilant look on his face: "This is a bit too much."

"Hey." Jonson sighed and shook his head: "My words are useless now. Whether I take them back or not really depends on the decision from above. But to be honest, keeping this door here may not be a good thing for you. ”

"What's the situation now?" Xiao Yun pulled Jonson aside and whispered: "Why did the inspection team check the door as soon as they arrived? The purpose is too obvious. What happened? What do you mean by danger? , it’s a bit unreasonable for people on our boat to hide it from me.”

Jonson looked embarrassed and sighed: "As I told you before, some organization is targeting the door. This time it's a big scene. The Freedom Alliance's cosmic fortress was bombed into cosmic garbage, and the entire base No one is alive, you think your Dawn is more powerful than the Freedom Alliance? That's a fortress."

Xiao Yun was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck, are you cheating on me?"

Jonson shook his head quickly: "No, no."

"Didn't you clearly tell us that we have a door when you inspected us?" Xiao Yun looked disgusted and waved his hands: "Take it away, take it away quickly! I, Shuguang, are just on the right track now, and I cannot withstand the destruction of that inexplicable organization."

Jonson said: "Don't be anxious. This time, the joint command sent more than just Shuguang. They sent eight inspection groups to confuse the news. They are all military-related companies. You can rest assured that they are here today." Everyone is absolutely trustworthy, and it is impossible for the door to be leaked. "

"What I mean is that today's inspection of the door cannot be leaked. Many high-level officials within TMC know about Shuguang's door... that... that... I mean it has been leaked long ago."

"Haha." Xiao Yun made a hehe sound without expression.

Jonson whispered: "There are other ideas from above."

"I do not want to know."

"No, no, no, you still have to know."

"I really don't want to know, please take the door away."

"No, it's better if you really know. You can leave the door open."

"I don't want to say goodbye. I'll take you away. I really really don't want to know."

Jonson ignored it and spoke directly: "Chimera can have a real new owner. The Joint Command can recognize its legal rights and support the new owner's elimination of other involved forces. It can directly accept federal jurisdiction and be on par with TMC and the Freedom Alliance. ”

Xiao Yun looked at Jonson in surprise: "Request."

"Accept the management of the Joint Command, accept command when necessary, and appropriately assist in some special operations of the Joint Command. I know you have many knights on your hands. Although Dawn has just begun to develop, the potential of Dawn is still in your hands. The power is definitely not weak, and the benefits are definitely many.”

Xiao Yun chuckled: "There's more."

Jonson said: "The surveillance team and intelligence department of the Joint Command must be fully involved in Chimera, but the Joint Command will also support you in the development of private armed forces. The most important thing is that it will open to you some things that only the Federation knows about." intelligence authority.”

Xiao Yun: "Okay."

Jonson felt a little surprised: "You agreed?"

Xiao Yun gave Jonson a big roll of his eyes: "I mean, you can do it. Spend my money to build you an armed force that can accept orders. The Chimera is going to change, right? I can stay as long as I can, and if I can't, I can't." Just change places when you go down, maybe Dawn can buy a planet.”

"Don't say that." Jonson said quickly: "The foundation of Dawn is here now, so it would be inappropriate to change it to another place."

"I feel like you're cheating me." Xiao Yun pointed at himself and then at Jonson: "That's what I do when I'm cheating people."

Jonson smiled awkwardly: "It doesn't exist. A trap is definitely not a trap. To be honest, as long as Shuguang does things within the rules, there are only advantages and no disadvantages."

"What benefit?" Xiao Yun chuckled: "When I cheat someone, I will keep telling him benefits. Why don't you just take the door away and I won't take it, or I can buy it out and you decide a price. These conditions you mentioned, I denied."

"I, Shuguang, can do these things even without the Joint Command. Why do I need to rely on the prestige of the Joint Command? Lend me a prestige and I have to listen to your arrangements? Am I not powerful enough?"

Xiao Yun said: "If you want to negotiate, you can come up with suitable conditions. As long as I am satisfied, I can cooperate. Otherwise, even if I don't do business at the border, I can go to other places to do business."

"Shuguang's products can be sold everywhere and we don't worry about whether we can continue to operate." (End of Chapter)

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