Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 98 Go, I’ll go!

"They are indeed exactly the same. It is indeed a father-son relationship with the same genes." Xiao Yun looked Kruse up and down. No, it was Mu. He nodded and said, "It's just that the length of the hair is different. The hair color needs some adjustment. Okay. Can you do it?”

Ernesto nodded quickly: "It's all trivial. I guarantee you won't notice any difference at all. However, although they are exactly the same after putting on the mask, there are still some subtle differences that may become exposed flaws."

"Minimally invasive plastic surgery?" Xiao Yun looked at Ernesto and said, "Is it no problem?"

Ernesto patted his chest: "Don't worry, Master Tokizada, the technology in this area is very advanced, and it recovers very quickly. It's not a problem to make an identical face. Even the palm prints can be completely modified."

Mu pushed Xiao Yun's hand away and shouted in shock: "What on earth are you going to do!"

"Mu, no, Cruze." Xiao Yun patted Mu's shoulder lightly and said in a deep voice: "From today on, you are Cruze, Law Lu Cruze. Next, you must master it as soon as possible. Cruze’s various habits, he returns to PLANT as Cruze.”

Mu looked like he had seen a ghost: "Are you kidding me? You want me to pretend to be Cruze and go back to ZAFT?"

"I'm not joking with you. If you weren't more suitable for pretending, I'd rather go on my own." Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "You only have half a month at most, and I can only delay you for half a month." , you must leave Orb as Kruze in half a month.”

Mu shook his head quickly: "I can't do it. As long as I go to ZAFT, I will be exposed immediately. If I don't go, I definitely won't go."

"You are a man who can turn the impossible into the possible." Xiao Yun patted Mu's shoulder and encouraged: "Think about how much suffering and hardship you have overcome in your life. What you have to do now is It’s just a small episode in life, you have to believe that nothing can trouble you.”

"Since Cruze has the same bloodline as you, you can definitely do what he can do. Isn't a son inferior to a clone of his father's genes?"

"Mu, in my eyes, you are definitely the second person with the greatest potential to become a new human being among natural people. You have a high degree of spatial recognition ability, you also have the ability to resonate with each other, and you have excellent learning ability, etc. These are the most basic qualities of new humans. If you don’t push yourself, you won’t know how great you can be.”

Mu stopped Xiao Yun and asked, "Who is the first person?"

"Of course it's Cruze." Xiao Yun spread his hands and said honestly: "He is much better than you now. The simplest way to put it is that he can use adjustments naturally and smoothly even if he is just a clone of a natural person. You can drive MS with your OS, but you can’t.”

Mu opened his mouth and said, "Why don't we just send him back?"

"No." Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "If he is willing to cooperate, of course sending him back will be a done deal, but Kruse won't. You have to do this. The Earth Alliance has set up a trap in Alaska waiting to be ensnared. ZAFT threw himself into a trap, but ZAFT is not a good person either.”

"ZAFT secretly created a super weapon called Genesis, a gamma-ray cannon that concentrates the gamma rays produced by nuclear fission and then attacks them. I don't know if there are multiple versions of that thing, but With the addition of a mirage system and ultra-high-strength PS armor, even the battleship's main gun cannot break it. I can't think of a second way to destroy it besides destroying it from the inside."

Xiao Yun raised his hand and raised a finger: "One shot. It only takes one shot to turn the coalition's lunar base into dust. But at the same time, it only takes one shot to completely change the ecological environment of the earth's atmosphere. The sea will be destroyed." At least half of the population will be evaporated if it is instantly boiled."

Ernesto looked at Xiao Yun blankly: "Master Shizhen, how did you know?"

"I have my own source of information." Xiao Yun glared at Ernesto angrily: "I want you to be more conscious and use your subjective initiative. I will remind you of everything."

Ernesto turned his head away and did not dare to look at Xiao Yun. Mu took a deep breath after hearing Xiao Yun's words: "So I have to go even for the sake of all mankind."

Xiao Yun nodded: "We have to go. Genesis is ZAFT's highest-level secret. Only a very few people have access to it, and Kruse is one of them. According to my information, ZAFT has also developed digital There are mobile suits equipped with anti-neutron jammers, and one of them is specially prepared for Kruse. It is equipped with a weapon called the Dragoon System, which is a wireless version of the linear cannon.”

"Only one machine has the power to annihilate the entire Earth United Fleet head-on, and if the Union is equipped with a mobile suit as standard, your second task is to receive that machine, and then you can join us in the universe. ”

Mu nodded deeply: "I understand."

Xiao Yun said: "But don't worry, I will go with you. As a representative of Orb, I will go to PLANT with you. In name, it is for visit and exchange to lobby for a ceasefire between the two sides as a third party, but the real purpose is to find help for you in PLANT." your allies."

Mu scratched his hair and said helplessly: "Why does this world seem to be destroyed at any time in your mouth, but there is no way I can pretend that I didn't hear what you said."

"Stop acting so frivolous and be more serious." Xiao Yun said to Ernesto again: "Invite the most professional acting teacher to come over and arrange the surgery as soon as possible."


Mu gritted his teeth and said, "I will fight tooth and nail for you this time."

Xiao Yun nodded lightly, with a serious look on his face: "Don't worry, as a reward from the whole world, I will send both Ma Liu and Baji Lulu to your bed."

Mu paused and gritted his teeth again: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't hear anything."

"Okay, you didn't hear me."

Xiao Yun waved his hand and said: "Let's go and meet Ma Liu and Baji Lulu. Next, I have some other arrangements for the ship. I really can't keep up with the changes in the plan."

Ernesto complained silently behind Xiao Yun: "Isn't it because you have become too fast, sir, that you can't keep up with the plan?"

"Alas." Xiao Yun sighed: "The blame is on Cruze for being so confident and running in front of me. I really can't help but want to try to artificially promote the emergence of new humans, and there is such a suitable and capable person around me. His replacement."

Mu suddenly froze and turned to look at Xiao Yun like a machine: "What does this artificial forceful push mean?"

"Hmm." Xiao Yun touched his chin and said: "According to my understanding, the new humans are evolved humans due to their survival and adaptation in the cosmic environment. However, although this kind of evolution is generally very unlikely, , but there will definitely be more and more new humans as they truly set foot in the universe in the future.”

"At the same time, the evolution of new humans is also random, but it can also be artificially pushed through some methods, such as more and closer contact with the universe and certain particles that exist in the universe. People with potential will be greatly affected. Psychic shock may also lead to evolution, and it is easier to awaken between life and death, but it is said that new humans have terrifying spiritual power, and their spirits will remain even after physical death.”

"Where did you know these things from?" Mu was very surprised, but after sighing, he looked at Xiao Yun with suspicion: "The substitution you are talking about is not the kind of mutual substitution I thought. "

Xiao Yun smiled at Mu and said sincerely: "I think you may have thought it wrong."

Mu: "........., I'll go, why don't I go?"

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