Mad Doctor

Chapter 1013: event escalation

"I'm telling the truth," Zhang Jing said.

Ye Wutian was helpless, if she really said that, although there shouldn't be anything in the end, she was unavoidable.

"You want to court death?" Ye Wutian suddenly pinched Zhang Jing's neck, which made Sun Bingbing and others look stupid again, what's going on? Didn't Brother Tian know this woman? The other party shouted dearly to Brother Tian, ​​now why does Brother Tian hold someone's neck?


"You want to kill me?" Zhang Jing was not afraid, but was pinched by Ye Wutian, making it difficult for her to speak.

"Kill you?" Ye Wutian sneered: "How could I kill you? However, it's okay to throw you into the water."

"No pity on Xiangxiyu at all?"

"Are you a woman?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Zhang Jing said, "What were we before? Don't tell me it's nothing."

Ye Wutian is too lazy to talk to Zhang Jing, when will he be the head when he keeps on talking like this endlessly?

After letting go of Zhang Jing, Ye Wutian walked towards the cab, and after a while, the boat started to turn around and walk towards the shore.

Zhang Jing was a little surprised that Ye Wutian let go of her like this, which was unbelievable.

After the boat docked, Ye Wutian and Zhu Jian left together. On the way, Ye Wutian asked Sun Bingbing to leave. Before leaving, he comforted Sun Bingbing, "Bingbing, don't be afraid, it's just a small matter, it's not for you. What would be the impact."

What can Sun Bingbing do now? She could only nod her head, she didn't know if it had any effect.

Then Ye Wutian and Zhu Jian went back to Zhu's house. On the way, Zhu Jian's phone rang, and it was Mr. Zhu who called and asked Zhu Jian to go home quickly.

Ye Wutian, who was sitting in the car, didn't know what to say. Why did Mao get into trouble every time he came to the capital? what happened?

When the two returned to Zhu's house, Mr. Zhu was waiting for them at home. As soon as the two returned, they immediately let them go into the study and talk about everything from the main to the end.

Zhu Jian explained the incident in detail, and finally said, "Grandpa, any man would be angry at that kind of thing at that time."

"Why do you still fight when the police arrive?"


"Very majestic?"

Zhu Jian couldn't answer. After thinking for a long time, he said, "You didn't know how arrogant their attitude was at the time. Why would a little Japan dare to be so arrogant when he came to our country?"

Zhu Jian didn't dare to reveal Sun Bingbing's true identity, but just described her as his friend, not his girlfriend.

"Is this kid telling the truth?" The old man suddenly looked at Ye Wutian.

"Well, really."

"Naughty, one nonsense, both nonsense, you shouldn't shoot after the police arrive."

"Old man, it's just a small matter. At that time, if Xiaojian didn't shoot, I would. The arrogance of the other party was unbearable, and he said that he was a distinguished guest of our country. If he didn't give him a satisfactory explanation, he I don't want to invest, I want to say, isn't it just a movie? To scare anyone? Besides, isn't he investing to make money? Why take advantage of such a banner?" Ye Wutian said.

Ye Wutian believes that what happened at that time, the old man knows, with his ability, I am afraid that it will be spread to his ears early in the morning.

At this moment, the red phone in the study rang. The old man picked up the receiver and put it to his ear. In the next instant, his expression changed slightly, and he hung up the phone without saying a word.

Judging from the expression on the old man's face, Ye Wutian knew that something must have happened, but they didn't know what happened and whether it had anything to do with them.

"The Japanese is dead." The old man said slowly.

"What?" Ye Wutian and Zhu Jian said in unison, obviously frightened by the old man's words, the first reaction was not to believe it, how is this possible? How can it be so fragile? Although the other party was injured at that time, it was not so exaggerated. In contrast, the director Chen was injured more seriously. He was all right, so how could Little Japan die?

"You know what's going on?"

"Grandpa, this is impossible. I'm very measured. Besides, my strength is limited, so I shouldn't." Zhu Jian couldn't accept this fact.

"Stay well at home, and you are not allowed to go anywhere without my permission." The old man also smelled an unusual smell.

How could Zhu Jian dare to say anything? Stand there honestly.

"Xiaotian, go back to the hotel first, this matter has nothing to do with you." The old man said to Ye Wutian again.

Ye Wutian knows that the old man is protecting him, but he really doesn't care about it, "I'm fine, old man, if you need any help from me, just say it."

"Well, you go back first, I'll tell you if you need anything."

Ye Wutian could only give up when he saw this. He left Zhu's house alone and returned to the hotel. He was also puzzled and puzzled while lying on the sofa. Little Japan died very strangely.

Is it related to Zhang Jing?

The death of that little Japan, in terms of responsibility, has nothing to do with Zhang Jing. The second time she was thrown into the water, it was her order from Zhang Jing.


Ye Wutian smelled the conspiracy again.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Wutian raised his brows when he heard the knock, who was it? Not many people know that he is here.

The knock on the door kept ringing, but Ye Wutian didn't get up to open the door. He didn't plan to get up and open the door.

"Ye Wutian, open the door, we are the police." Someone spoke outside the door.

How did the police find this place?

With doubts, Ye Wutian got up from the sofa and opened the door, but when he opened the door, more than ten dark guns were aimed at him.

Suddenly being pointed at by so many guns, even if he is an immortal, I am afraid there is no way to safely avoid so many guns.

Fortunately, the police did not fire the first time.

The other party didn't give Ye Wutian a chance to speak at all, and two police officers came up to handcuff Ye Wutian.

"You have to give me a reason to arrest me, right?" How could Ye Wutian give in? Directly avoiding the two police officers, he was betting that since these police officers did not shoot at the first time, it means that the other party did not want to kill him.

Of course, there is also another possibility, that is, this is a game at all, and these people want to lead him to do something, and then they can have a fair reason to shoot.

Ye Wutian secretly hated that these people dared to shoot, so he made up his mind to kill these people just before he died, and let them be buried with him.

"Ye Wutian, do you dare to resist? Do you know what you are doing now?" said a policeman.

Ye Wutian sneered and scolded a fool in secret, "How do you know I'm here? Don't tell me you saw it by accident."

"This is our business, there is no need to tell you, now you just need to know, we suspect you murdered, go back with us to investigate, don't force us to shoot.

"Oh, what if I don't go back with you? What about you?"

"You'd better not force us. You should know the consequences of resisting the law."

Ye Wutian laughed and laughed wildly: "I want to ask, which dog's eye sees me resisting the law? Which pig's eye sees me killing?"

"You..." Several police officers were blushed by Ye Wutian, and these words contained serious insults.

"What's the matter? You want to shoot?" Ye Wutian ignored the other's anger, "Don't say that you have no evidence to prove that I suspect murder, even if there is, what can you do with me? There is a way to shoot? I promise. Kill you one by one before I fall."

If what I said just now was contempt, then what I said now is a threat.

Being pointed at by so many guns, and daring to threaten others, I am afraid that only Ye Wutian can do it. If it was replaced by others, I would have been so scared that their legs would already tremble. What if the pistol accidentally went off? That's no joke.

"Listen to me, I don't know how you found me, but I'm not in the mood to play with you. You can go where you come from. Is there a problem?" Ye Wutian didn't want to play, didn't want to go with these people, these people I don't know much, and to put it bluntly, it's just being used.

"Everyone, leave it to me here." In front, Xiaoling's figure appeared, and she immediately attracted the attention of the police with her cold and strong outfit.

Xiaoling was too lazy to talk nonsense, she walked in front of her and took out her ID card and flashed it in front of the police.

After seeing the document, the other party didn't dare to say a word, and quickly turned around and left.

"Why did you come?" After the police left, Ye Wutian said, "I miss you."

Xiaoling showed Ye Wutian a bad face, "Come with me."


"You'll know when you get there."

Ye Wutian was not used to Xiaoling talking to him in such a tone, no matter how they had already had an unusual relationship, and still spoke to him in this way, what was she thinking?

"I miss you." Ye Wutian also admitted that this sentence is a bit ****, but don't women like men like this? One thing on the surface, another on the inside.

Xiaoling stared at Ye Wutian before saying, "You bastard!"

Ye Wutian was stunned by the scolding, not knowing why Xiaoling scolded him.

"You hurt Sister Yuhe badly, she owes you something?"

Ye Wutian was startled and remembered that he asked Song Yuhe for help. Did something really happen? "What happened to her? Did she get caught?"

"Humph! I really want to kill you."

"Tell me quickly, what's going on? Where is she now?" Ye Wutian was very anxious.

"I don't Xiaoling's daughter-in-law, please tell me quickly, where is Sister Yuhe?"

"Watch your words."

Xiaoling glared at Ye Wutian fiercely, he was puzzled by this, are all women like that? Saying one thing and doing another, the two have had an unusual relationship, but she still doesn't admit it.

Ye Wutian didn't care and ignored Xiaoling's words. According to his understanding of women, it was all like that, duplicitous.

After Xiaoling took Ye Wutian to a building, she turned her head and said to Ye Wutian: "The director is inside, remember, if you have the opportunity to ask Sister Yuhe."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, thinking of the last time he hung up on the phone of old man Zhuo, and now he wants to see the other party again, wouldn't he be ignored by the other party today?

No matter what, I have to see old man Zhuo today, not for myself, but also for Song Yuhe.

Ye Wutian only hoped that the old man Zhuo would not be too much, not to embarrass him too much. ()

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