Mad Doctor

Chapter 1015: I want to beat you for a long time

In the next two days, things in the food hall became more and more turbulent, which exceeded the expectations of many people, including Ye Wutian.

Such a small matter will become more and more violent, and there must be a pusher behind it. Of course, with the energy of the old man Zhu, it should be able to settle the matter, but Zhu Jian suffered and was ordered to stay at home and not allowed to go out.

It wasn't just Zhu Jian who was affected, Sun Bingbing was also not feeling well. I don't know who was responsible for what happened that day. Fortunately, the above deliberately suppressed this matter, otherwise everyone in the world would have known about the food shop.

"Brother Tian, ​​what should I do? Should I go to Director Chen to apologize?" Sun Bingbing called Zhu Jian, but Zhu Jian couldn't come out, but he could only let Ye Wutian think of a way.

Ye Wutian is funny, why do you, Zhu Jian's woman, ask me to find a way?

"No, Bingbing, do you have no confidence in Xiaojian?" Ye Wutian asked.

Sun Bingbing shook his head with a wry smile: "Brother Tian, ​​I don't even know him now. I only know that he is a son, and that people outside call him Zhu Shao. I don't know anything about his family."

Suddenly, Sun Bingbing seemed to think of something, and looked at Ye Wutian with glowing eyes: "Brother Tian, ​​can you tell me?"

Ye Wutian refused: "Let him speak for himself in the future."

Sun Bingbing was disappointed for a while!

"However, there is one thing I can tell you. I feel that Xiaojian really likes you. You also saw that on the boat that day, he did so many things for you."

When Sun Bingbing heard this, she finally felt a little comfort in her heart. It was undeniable that Brother Tian's words made sense. It was indeed the case. She was not stupid and could feel it.

"So, for the sake of Xiaojian and yourself, don't go to see that Director Chen, he deserves it, and at the same time, don't worry about your future, Xiaojian will handle it for you."

"Thank you, Brother Tian." Sun Bingbing also hoped that, and hoped that Xiaojian would help her as Brother Tian said.

The two slowly tasted the food, but each had his own thoughts and thoughts, and neither of them focused on the food.

The death of that little Japan is very bizarre. Could it be Zhang Jing? That woman can do anything.

The two were sitting by the window of the restaurant. There were not many customers in the restaurant at this time, so no one recognized Sun Bingbing.

"My dear, it was so hard to find you, so you are here." Zhang Jing's figure appeared, and her appearance immediately made Ye Wutian raise his brows, but Ye Wutian moved his eyes to Zhang Jing more. On the man beside him.


The other guests in the restaurant were quickly kicked out, and Ruoda's restaurant became empty.

Ye Wutian was inexplicably nervous, what did the other party want to do?

"Darling, you're sorry for me, people miss you so much, so you're hiding here to soak up beautiful women?"

"Sun Bingbing was serious about Zhang Jing all of a sudden, knowing that she was the behind-the-scenes boss of the restaurant that day. Seeing her calling Ye Wutian dearly, Sun Bingbing was very embarrassed and helpless."

"Bingbing, you go back first, don't worry, it's fine." Ye Wutian saw that the other party came prepared.

Sun Bingbing quickly stood up and wanted to leave, but as soon as she stood up, she was stopped by a big man.

Facing the fierce and powerful man in front of him, Sun Bingbing was really scared.

"Prince, it's been a long time." Ye Wutian looked directly at this unbelievably handsome man, and there was a bit of demon in his handsomeness.

They were both men. Ye Wutian didn't understand why the difference between the two was so big. He couldn't understand this. Compared with the handsomeness of the prince, how many men in the world could compare with him?

In front of the prince, Ye Wutian, who always thought he was handsome, was also somewhat ashamed.

He didn't know about the other aspects of the prince, but there was one thing that Ye Wutian couldn't compare with the prince. With the prince's handsome appearance, it would definitely be unfavorable for him to find a girl.

"Sit down." With a smile on the handsome face of the prince, he motioned Sun Bingbing to sit down, and at the same time he pulled out a chair and sat down.

Sun Bingbing was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do, so he could only ask Ye Wutian for help.

Ye Wutianxiao stood up, walked in front of Sun Bingbing, stretched out his hand and gently pulled Sun Bingbing away, then took a step forward and faced the big man who stopped Sun Bingbing, "Brother, will you move away?"

The other party didn't move, it was as cold as a piece of iron, as if he hadn't heard Ye Wutian's words.

Ye Wutian was not angry. With the corner of his mouth slightly raised, he took an unexpected shot and pushed his knees up. In the next moment, everyone only heard a 'bang' sound, like the sound of an egg falling from the air to the ground.

He was suddenly attacked by Ye Wutian, and the opponent was completely unprepared. He was hit so hard that no matter how strong he was, he couldn't bear the pain.

"A good dog doesn't stand in the way, I don't understand this truth?" Ye Wutian muttered to himself after finishing the fight.

Sun Bingbing sucked in a breath, she is not a man, but she can understand what the sound just now means.

Today, Fang found out that compared with Zhu Jian, Brother Tian's ruthlessness is even worse. At most, Zhu Jian just threw the other party into the lake, but when Brother Tian made a move, he directly cut off his descendants.

"Bingbing, you go back first, call me if you have anything." Ye Wutian said.

How dare Sun Bingbing say anything? Frightened, she forgot to speak and could only nod numbly.

This time, no one dared to stand up and embarrass Sun Bingbing, and she walked out of the restaurant smoothly.

After Sun Bingbing left, Ye Wutian returned to the seat just now and sat down.

"I'm sorry, the person who hit you, Prince, won't you be angry?"

The prince glanced at the subordinate on the ground who was wailing in pain, "The skill is not as good as that of others, it deserves it."

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, the prince's words are really incomprehensible. As the saying goes, you should also look at the master when you beat a dog. No matter how bad his subordinates are, they are his subordinates. if.

Thumbs up towards the prince, Ye Wutian said, "I like you."

"Don't be complacent yet." The prince stopped him: "I don't want to fight anyone who wants to fight."

"Oh? Listen to what you mean, want me to compensate?"

"What do you think?" The prince asked back.

Ye Wutian said: "Prince, there shouldn't be any hatred between us, so can't we be friends? What's the point of having to be enemies?"

"Friends? Do you really have friends?" The prince seemed to be laughing at himself.

"Okay, you don't like my way of saying it, so let me put it another way, can we stop fighting between us? It's really meaningless."

"Yes." The answer was not the prince, but Zhang Jing: "Return to the Poisonous Shadow Sect, we are our own people."

Ye Wutian sneered: "Thirty-eight, the matter between us has not yet been calculated, what qualifications do you have to intervene? Is there a place for you to speak here? Your master is here, when will it be your servant's turn to speak? No big deal. Small."

Zhang Jing was so choked that her chest was up and down, and she was very angry.

"What? You don't agree? Don't you even care about your master?"

"Ye Wutian, remember." Zhang Jing, who was very angry, trembled, as if she wanted to rush up to fight Ye Wutian.

"What are you calling? Ye Wutian? Ye Wutian is your calling? It's ridiculous to call my dear."

"Xiao Jing." The prince said.

Zhang Jing suppressed his anger: "Prince, let me clean him up."

Ye Wutian looked at Zhang Jing with a sneer: "You killed that little Japan?"

"What about it or not? What does it have to do with you?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Having said this, Ye Wutian changed the subject: "However, if I know that you are framing me, then don't blame my men for being ruthless."

Zhang Jing sneered: "Who are you scaring?"

"Prince, you have nothing to say?" Ye Wutian asked: "Your subordinates ignore your existence, so you have nothing to say?"

The prince didn't speak, so he couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Ye Wutian is a little arrogant, and people don't ignore him at all, "Okay, come here today with such a big battle, don't you want to chat with me?"

"Join my Poison Shadow Sect." The prince finally said, "As long as you agree, everything we have in the past can be wiped out."

Ye Wutian wanted to laugh, wanted to laugh out loud, but he still held back his laughter and asked, "Does it mean that after I join Poison Shadow Sect, all my skills must be taken out?"

The one who answered Ye Wutian was the prince's nodding lightly.

After being confirmed, Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing out loud, this was probably the funniest joke of the year.

Ye Wutian laughed, and the prince also laughed, and finally, the entire restaurant was filled with laughter from the two of them.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting." Ye Wutian almost burst into tears, "Do you know what I'm thinking? I thought of a sentence, if you call it cheap, you are invincible! It is undeniable that I am not shameless enough for you."

"Do you agree or not?" the prince asked.

Ye Wutian said: "Isn't this obvious? If it is you, can you agree?"

"Everyone says you're smart, but in my opinion, you're nothing more than that. Those who know the times are Junjie, Ye Wutian, only smart people can live longer."

"Prince, I also have something I want to tell you, Poison Shadow Sect is an ancient sect, but I don't understand, the people who are rationally trained are the elites among the But you let me People are disappointed, like an idiot." Ye Wutian said this very poisonously and mercilessly.

"Bold." Zhang Jing scolded: "Ye Wutian, do you know what you are talking about? Just your words alone are enough to die ten times."

Ye Wutian said with contempt: "Die ten times? Do you really think you are the prince? Damn! There are so many shameless people these days, what's the matter? Self-proclaimed prince? Why not the emperor?"

"Looking for death." Zhang Jing couldn't bear it anymore, knowing that she couldn't be Ye Wutian's opponent, she couldn't care too much, so she rushed towards Ye Wutian.

After avoiding Zhang Jing's attack, instead of attacking Zhang Jing, this fellow attacked the prince, moving as fast as lightning.

Zhang Jing and the others were shocked. They never dreamed that Ye Wutian would suddenly attack and attack the prince. Although they knew that this guy never played cards according to common sense, Zhang Jing couldn't accept it now.


Ye Wutian's huge fist hit the target, and this punch, he wanted to fight for a long time, today is finally a dream come true. ()

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