Mad Doctor

Chapter 1021: Since ancient times, otaku has produced talents

In the room, on the table, on the wall, there are monitors hanging all over the room. In one corner, Ye Wutian counted, and there are four computer mainframes piled up.

There is only one other person in the room, and Ye Wutian estimates that this person is the talent Zhu Jiankou said.

From the outside, Ye Wutian has not found anything different about the other party. Of course, the person is not bad, but it is estimated that he has been staying at home for many years, and the skin on his face looks somewhat pale and lacking. Sunshine.

"It's here." The other party just said hello to Ye Wutian and the two of them at will, "It's still a little bit short, you two will sit down first."

Abandoning this sentence, the other party went directly into the room and sat down, with both hands pointing at the keyboard like flying.

"How? Is this person a good one?" Zhu Jian asked Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian glanced at the person in the room: "So far, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary."

Since there are so many computers in the other party's room, it must be related to computers.

"Hey, you'll know later, this person is not simple." Zhu Jian smiled.

Ye Wutian is thinking, even if this is not easy, what does it have to do with him?

Seeing this, Zhu Jian didn't elaborate any further, just said, "Don't talk about it, go in and have a look."

After the two entered, they stood beside each other and watched each other typing on the keyboard.

Seeing the other party's ten flexible fingers tapping on the keyboard, Ye Wutian remembered a word, a word to describe the dancer, dancing spirits, at this time the other party's ten flexible fingers also danced like ten spirits.

The other party didn't need to look at the keyboard at all, his eyes just stared at the screen, that pile of codes that Ye Wutian couldn't understand.


Ye Wutian guessed that this guy is a computer expert, otherwise how can he get into Zhu Jianfa's eyes?

A few minutes later, after the other party wrote a large program that Ye Wutian couldn't understand, he tapped the Enter key, and at the same time, he was relieved.

As the Enter key was hit, the computer screen that was originally full of codes suddenly changed, the screen became a road, a road with people coming and going, but after a few seconds, the screen flashed again, and there was nothing on the screen. , only snowflakes.

Ye Wutian recognized at a glance that the road was the one he killed, Zhongmin Avenue.

"The strap was manipulated, and I restored the strap," the other party said.

Zhu Jian asked, "Is this the restored tape?"

"Yeah, they're using new tapes, and that's all it's restored."

The belt was manipulated, Ye Wutian knew early in the morning, and when Zhu Jian said that, he thought he could see a miracle, but now he is afraid that he is overestimating.

"There is no way?" Zhu Jian was not reconciled, he didn't want to hear these words.

The other party pointed at the tape: "There's no way around this, it can only be like this." Speaking of which, he changed his words: "However, this thing is not difficult for me, look at this."

After a burst of banging on the keyboard on the other computer, another screen appeared on the other screen, and the scene inside was exactly what happened yesterday, including the dump truck rushing out of the side alley, and then including the mud truck The head car rampaged, staged a scene of a road killer.

Ye Wutian was overjoyed, "Where does this thing come from?"

"That's right, where did you get it?" Zhu Jian was also surprised and curious.

"I left a back door in the traffic bureau and hacked into their backup to find it." The other party said, understatement, as if in his opinion it was just a small matter.

Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, and suddenly thought that such a person can be used for himself, and it is very useful to use.

"Good job, Binwei, hard work." Looking at the video on the screen, Zhu Jian also felt that he had a lot of face. This person was brought by him to introduce to Ye Wutian. Really bad to deal with.

"Small things."

"His name is Chen Binwei, and his nickname is Daofeng." Zhu Jian pointed at Chen Binwei and said to Ye Wutian.


"Three years ago, he successfully invaded the CIA in country m. There are countless agencies, big and small, and he is unrivaled. His legend has never been broken, and country m has also not found who is there. deal with them."

Ye Wutian was stunned when he heard it, "So good?"

Chen Binwei seemed a little embarrassed to be praised, "It's all over."

"Three years ago, the CIA made a big fuss, and the CIA suffered heavy losses. Until now, he is still the CIA's number one arrest target." Zhu Jian said, it is rare to see Ye Wutian so surprised, and he also has a feeling in his heart. An unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

"How did you know each other?" Ye Wutian realized that this Chen Binwei is a treasure, and such a person must be drawn over no matter what.

"Zhu Shao rescued me. I was in some trouble at the time, and he helped me." Chen Binwei said in an understatement how the two met.

Ye Wutian first thought of Hongyan Island, Chen Binwei is so powerful, can he be invited to maintain the network on Hongyan Island in the future?

Over there, Chen Binwei was already typing on the keyboard. After a while, a person appeared on the screen. He pointed to the person and asked Ye Wutian, "Is this the person?"

Ye Wutian nodded: "Yes, it is the dump truck he drives."

Chen Binwei didn't say a word, but cracked again, "Here's all his information. Before the incident, there was an extra sum of money in his account, five million, which was transferred to him by a person named Zheng Shuinan through online banking."

Ye Wutian was shocked, "How did you get this information?" To get this information, you have to go to two places, one is the police station, and the other is the bank. There is no doubt that A Binwei mostly did that.

At this moment, Ye Wutian was even more certain that he would draw Chen Binwei over no matter what.

"It's not difficult."

"Is there a way to retrieve this Zheng Shuinan's information?"

"Yes." Chen Binwei was already ready, and he quickly called up all the information about Zheng Shuinan. According to the information, the other party was the owner of a small company, an orphan, who had just been married not long ago, but his wife had immigrated overseas half a year ago. There are no relatives in the country.

Ye Wutian frowned, as soon as he got married, his wife immigrated overseas? It's too weird, very few people do that.

Looking at Zheng Shuinan's photo, Ye Wutian can be quite sure that he doesn't know this person named Zheng Shuinan, he has never met, let alone any hatred between the two, the only explanation is that the other party must also belong to someone Puppets are just chess pieces being used!

Anyway, this Zheng Shuinan is a clue, and he must be found as soon as possible.

"Is there anything else?" Zhu Jian asked. In fact, it was beyond Zhu Jian's expectations that he could get so much information. He was already very satisfied, but how could people be satisfied? Want more.

"Yes, Zheng Shuinan died five hours ago." Chen Binwei called up another set of photos, which were internal police information, or were found by Zheng Shuinan. In the photos, the deceased was Zheng Shuinan, and the cause of death was written as food. poisoning.


When Zheng Shuinan died, it meant that the clues had been cut off, which somewhat surprised Ye Wutian.

Of course, Zheng Shuinan thought it was normal again. To put it bluntly, Zheng Shuinan was just a used puppet, a pitiful worm.

"An overseas bearer account transferred a sum of 50 million to Zheng Shuinan's account two days ago." Chen Binwei said.

"Can it be traced?"

"Yes, but it's not very useful. That bank is anonymous. You can't find it with only the password. And it's not necessary. I don't want to touch it."

"Forget it, with all this information, it's already pretty good." Ye Wutian didn't force it, he was already satisfied with this, "Binwei, what are your plans in the future?"

Chen Binwei didn't talk much, but he didn't mean that he was stupid. He immediately understood what Ye Wutian meant: "Do you want me to work in your company?"

Ye Wutian nodded: "Accurately speaking, I want to invite you to work on Hongyan Island and be your strongest."

Chen Binwei didn't speak, but looked at Zhu Jian, it seemed that Zhu Jian's opinion was very important.

"Binwei, you are not an ordinary person. You should do something great. With your strength, you are fully capable of doing it. Besides, Young Master Ye is good to his own people and will not treat you badly." Zhu Jian said.

Ye Wutian looked expectant, even a little nervous. He could see that Chen Binwei was not doing well at present, and he should not be satisfied with his current life.

"It's fine for me to go. Before answering you, I want to ask you, what level do you need to achieve on Hongyan Island?" Chen Binwei thought, if it was a little trouble, he didn't need to go, even though he also believed in Ye No day will treat him badly.


Chen Binwei's eyes lit up, this sentence is solid, but it's not a petty fight, it's definitely a big move.

"I only have one requirement, security, which is safer than the CIA." Today is the Internet age, and security is very important. In the future, Hongyan Island's security still needs to rely on this high-tech in many aspects.

"How much are you going to invest to reach that level?" Undoubtedly, Chen Binwei was already tempted.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Before answering your question, I also want to ask you, are you sure you can do it? If not, it's pointless for us to talk about it."

"Yes." Chen Binwei answered decisively, without hesitation, if he hadn't had absolute confidence in his skills, he wouldn't have dared to say so.

"Very good, I like to hear this, Binwei, come and help me, the conditions are open to you, as long as you can ensure the network security of Hongyan Island, I will give you all the work.

"Five billion." Chen Binwei reported a number, "If you want to reach the level you require, you have to prepare at least this amount of money. Of course, such a large sum of money is not a one-time investment, but can be installed in installments, as long as I need what I need. You can satisfy me, that's all."

Ye Wutian was startled, **** it! The first reaction is that it is too exaggerated, so much money?

"Hongyan Island is not small, and it is a deserted island. It is definitely a big project to meet your requirements."

"Welcome to join the Hongyan Ye Wutian stretched out his hand.

Chen Binwei was stunned, and then knew that Ye Wutian agreed to his request and invested such a large sum of money, Ye Wutian just didn't even frown, his courage, this person's courage is not small.

Chen Binwei also reached out and shook hands with Ye Wutian, "I won't let you down."

"How much do you need me to pay you?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Chen Binwei scratched his head: "This, you can figure it out."

Ye Wutian is madly sweating, darling, what is this? What's the point? Let him figure it out for himself?

"Let's talk about this, Binwei, now there is something, you can put this video on the major stations, and put it all on the headlines." Zhu Jian said.

Chen Binwei did not refuse: "No problem, does the TV station need it?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

The speechless Ye Wutian thought of a sentence, technology, starting from the otaku! ()

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