Mad Doctor

Chapter 1026: Those who obey me are prosperous (Part 1)

When he appeared in Vegas again, Ye Wutian had a lot of feelings. This place is not a feng shui treasure, and he didn't want to come. Now the result is that he has no choice but to give up Vega. This piece of fat, I want to be laughed at.

There are many people behind him waiting to see his jokes, whether for money or face, Ye Wutian can only bite the bullet and continue to rush forward without retreating.

Seeing Ye Wutian coming over, George breathed a sigh of relief, as if a miraculous help suddenly added to him, making him refreshed and making him no longer afraid, but George didn't understand why Ye Wutian only brought a few over.

According to George's vision, Ye Wutian should bring at least one thousand and several hundred people here, so as to have a better chance of winning.

In addition to Ye Wutian, there were less than ten people. Such a team was a big blow to George.

"Mr. Ye, you are finally here." George held Ye Wutian's hand tightly, and he was very grateful to Ye Wutian. If it wasn't for Ye Wutian, this little life would have been ruined long ago.

"Mr. George, talk about the current situation." Ye Wutian didn't come to talk nonsense with George, and he was not a beautiful woman.

"It's very bad. Many of my sites have been taken away, and my strength has been greatly affected. Ye, you must help me."

Ye Wutian said, "Why are you hesitating when someone robs you of your site? Just rush over to grab it, why are you hesitating? How do they deal with you, you will double it back to others."

George thought, too. Is it possible? His strength has not reached that level.

George is not afraid to deal with any gang, but now his opponent is not only one person, not one gang, but several gangs, that is not a joke.

"Tell me about the casino business." Ye Wutian was not in the mood to care about those, he only cared about his cash cow. "Is your casino affected?"

"Yes, there are always people doing things on purpose." George replied.

"How do you deal with it?"

"Get them out."

"that's all?"

"that's all."

"Damn it! I said why are you like a bear like that boy Situ Chu? If people make trouble, you will drive them out. I said you are afraid of Mao Mao? Just kill them and show some domineering."

George: "..."

Ye Wutian took a document bag from his assistant and handed it to George: "Sign it."

George took the file bag suspiciously, which contained a contract.

Seeing this contract, George has a crazy urge to ask for 50% of his casino shares? Or for nothing?

what is this? Is it too deceiving?

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Only in this way can I find an opportunity to start, and have a suitable reason. I become a shareholder of your casino, and it will only benefit you."

George resisted the urge to scold his mother and continued to watch. At the end, George, who was originally frowning, began to stretch his brows. It was stated in the contract that after ruling other casinos in the future, he would still receive % of the profits. Fifth, Ye Wutian accounted for forty-five percent.

No one dares to underestimate this five percent, which is a huge sum of money.

If it succeeds, the biggest winner will be Ye Wutian. George knows this, but George knows that he is at a disadvantage, so he can't do anything to Ye Wutian. If he wants to get through this stage, he must have Ye Wutian's help to succeed.

"Will fifty percent be too much? Mr. Ye, it's not fair to me."

Ye Wutian said: "Mr. George, don't tell me I'm talking about you, you only care about it? Anyway, I also saved your life."

George: "..."

"That's it, I don't like people who are mothers-in-law, you can decide quickly."

"Let me think about it."

"Two hours at most." Ye Wutian stretched out two fingers, "I won't wait until it expires."

George has always wanted to ask Ye Wutian a question, but at this time he finally couldn't help but ask: "What are your plans? Is it just a few of you?"

"The soldiers are not many, but the essence."

George doesn't believe this nonsense, so what? No amount of talent can change the fact that there are only a few people, so there is no threat of such a few people standing there.

In less than two hours, George appeared in front of Ye Wutian with the signed contract, as well as a series of related documents such as the casino's shareholding book.

Without cooperating with Ye Wutian, there is a dead end. George knows very well that he has no way out, and only chooses to cooperate with Ye Wutian.

After taking the documents and related documents, Ye Wutian smiled, grinning and showing a bright smile to George. Now, in order to make money, he has already started to do whatever he can. Ye Wutian has never discovered that he also has the potential to be a profiteer.

"George, from now on, we are brothers in the same trench, and we are happy to work together."

George smiled bitterly. He paid such a high price, and he didn't know what the result would be, whether it would disappoint people.

"Mr. Ye, what are you going to do next?" George wanted to know this the most.

After receiving the documents, Ye Wutian said: "This is simpler, you send someone to send these to those casinos, I have already thought about the content."

George couldn't help laughing when he saw the above content. The above content was saying that all casinos in Vegas should submit to George and accept George's unified management. In addition, each casino must hand in 5% of the net profit every month. Ten to George, or do it at your own risk.

George, who was dumbfounded, wanted to tell Ye Wutian, who are you trying to scare? Who is afraid of you? Do you want to scare others with this? is it possible? It would be different if he, Ye Wutian, could bring thousands or hundreds of people here.

"Are you sure?" George couldn't believe it.

Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "What? You don't believe my decision?"

"No, it's just too incredible, will they accept it?"

"Smart people will accept it, and it's up to them how smart they are."

"What if they don't agree?"

"It doesn't matter, this is just a gauntlet. In our case, if we want to challenge the opponent, we must submit a gauntlet."

"I understand, Gauntlet, is it the one who obeys me?" George felt that his blood was slowly heating up, and he didn't even dare to dream. If the other casinos were unified, what kind of prestige would it be?

Ye Wutian gave George a thumbs up, not expecting this foreign devil to understand it well.

"Will the government agree?" Moving so many casinos in Vegas will surely arouse the dissatisfaction of many people and involve the interests of many people. Those people will give up?

"Don't worry about this, I can do it myself."

George also wanted to ask Ye Wutian what he could do. The two are already in a cooperative relationship. What else can Ye Wutian say?

It is not difficult to imagine how much a sensation it will cause after such news is spread? It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is shaking.

As George said, after receiving this notice, other casinos laughed and even beat the messenger. Everyone knows that George has become a bird with a startled bird, a tortoise with a shrinking head, and so on. Under the circumstances, he dared to give such a thing, he wanted to die?

In just one day, the news spread more and more intensely, not only the entire Vegas, but even the entire M country knew, however, the madness was far more than that, the news spread like wings, and somehow it reached domestic.

Ordinary people don't know that Ye Wutian has partnered with George, but this cannot be hidden from everyone. Many well-informed people know that Ye Wutian has cooperated with George. It is with Ye Wutian's support that George dares to be so arrogant. What notice to send to other casinos in the past.

There is only one day left before Ye Wutian's stipulation, no casino takes this seriously, at most it is just a joke.

These two days, George has been under tremendous pressure. How many people are outside watching him laugh? He, George, is also a respectable figure in country M, but now he dances like a clown.

The higher you jump, the harder you fall!

George is a little regretful, regretting that he just agreed, even if he wants to make trouble, he can't make him famous, and Ye Wutian should be famous to do it.

"Mr. Ye, those people haven't moved at all, what should we do next?" George said, "it's not the way to wait like this."

"Don't worry, isn't there another day? Just wait." Ye Wutian was not in a hurry at all. From the very beginning, he knew that people would not agree, it would be strange if they would agree, and only those whose foreheads were caught would agree.

George didn't understand how Ye Wutian could calm down, he couldn't calm down anyway.

Another half day has passed, and in the past half a day, those casinos still haven't made any movement, what should they do, how should they do it, how should they smash George's site or how to smash George's site.

Ye Wutian did not wait for the replies from those casinos, but waited for a few helpers, a few powerful assistants.

Interestingly, these people were introduced to him by Song Yuhe.

He didn't expect that Song Yuhe would take the initiative to introduce these people to him, and it was his own caring.

These people were introduced by Song Yuhe, indicating that Song Yuhe had nothing to do, and he was relieved.

"Several, thank you for your help, I am very grateful." Ye Wutian issued a check and handed it over: "Just a little thought, take it to the brothers to drink tea."

The other party glanced at the check with a hint of admiration, "Thanks."

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, what will those casinos do next? Will you finally agree?

The next Many interested people found that the flow of people in Vegas increased significantly, and many tourists poured in in just one day. These people all came to watch the fun and wanted to see Ye Wutian and George meet What to do, what to do with those casinos.

In addition, in addition to these people, there are many unidentified people, and the number of police officers on the street is obviously much larger than usual, and there is a momentum of storm.

"Mr. Ye, what should I do now?"

Ye Wutian looked at the time, it was time out from the time he stipulated, those casinos still didn't respond, and they didn't reply till now.

"It's all like this, what else can you do? Of course, it's looking for trouble." If they don't give you face, do you still want to give them face?

George's eyes flashed, and he had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. At this moment, George didn't know what language to use to describe it, let alone what kind of mood he was in. It was complicated, contradictory, excited, excited, and scared.

The exciting time has finally come, maybe after today, the situation here will be changed, and he will be named George forever. ()

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