Mad Doctor

Chapter 1028: you are not safe here

The gunshots startled the two of them, especially Linda. Unprepared, she reacted quickly and immediately hid behind the sofa.

Ye Wutian was okay, he was already mentally prepared, and knew that someone would come to trouble him tonight.

Ye Wutian, who was still sitting on the sofa, turned his head and said, "Miss Linda, it seems that your country is not very safe."

Linda blushed, Ye Wutian's words were full of irony.

"You admit it? You dare to openly kill you in broad daylight, Miss Linda. This is not a good thing. You must explain this to me."

Linda scolded secretly, is the big night also considered broad daylight? Full of nonsense.

However, Linda is not in the mood to talk to this guy now, she has to deal with the people outside.

"You said, are we in a common misfortune now?" Ye Wutian said again, ignoring the loud gunshots outside.

Linda also ignored Ye Wutian and took out the phone to make a quick call.

The sound of gunfire outside was getting louder and louder. Judging from the sound of fierce gunfire, there should be a lot of people coming.

Hu Shi and Zhou Jian are both outside, so they should be able to support them for a while, not to mention that Linda is here now, so it won't be long before people from the CIA will come too.

Sometimes Ye Wutian thinks that God is helping him, and Linda took the initiative to send it to the door at this time. What is it that is not helping him? This woman has a special status. If something happens to her, it's not a joke, and many people will be unlucky.

After the phone call, Linda saw Ye Wutian smiling and asked, "Are you happy?"

"To be honest, I'm very happy. I'm really happy to have you as my companion."

Linda couldn't understand the man and asked suspiciously, "What are you happy about?"

"It's also a kind of fate that we can deal with the enemy together, isn't it?"

Linda: "…"

"You have to protect me, this is your territory, and I am a guest, your honorable guest, if something happens to me in your country, how will you deal with it? How can you live up to it in terms of face? A person with such a powerful strength, how could such a thing happen? Many violent incidents, spread out, your country will definitely only ridicule."

"If you don't become a lawyer, it's really a big loss for the legal profession." Linda, who was looking at Ye Wutian, said for a long time.

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, "Are you praising me or hurting me? How do you feel that you are hurting me?"

Linda ignored Ye Wutian and paid attention to what was going on outside.

After more than ten minutes, the sound of gunfire outside became less and less. At this time, Hu Shi came in and said, "Master, it has been solved."

Ye Wutian said: "Very good, not injured."

"No, those few are good hands."

Ye Wutian knew who Hu Shi was talking about, he was referring to a few helpers introduced by Song Yuhe.

How did Song Yuhe know those people? Even if she is an agent, she is afraid and not an ordinary agent, right?

Suddenly, Ye Wutian was very interested in Song Yuhe's true identity. He could feel it. Those few respected Song Yuhe in tone and expression.

Linda also stood up straight, and at this time, someone from the CIA also entered the room and gave Linda a wink, presumably indicating that the situation outside had been resolved.

"When are you leaving?" Linda's eyes stayed on Hu Shi's face for a long time, knowing that these people were not good people.

Ye Wutian asked: "Want to drive me away? I advise you not to do that. I'm going crazy and I don't know what will happen."

Linda knew that this was Ye Wutian suggesting her, or it could be said to be warning her.

"You threaten me?"

"Advice, of course, if you have to think it's a threat, I can't do anything about it. If you say yes, that's it."

"You must leave." Linda knew that Ye Wutian and the others had to leave no matter what, otherwise he didn't know how the chaos would go on and what would the chaos look like.

"I'm not going, as a tourist, there is nothing wrong with me."

"You have no choice."

Ye Wutian smiled, his smile full of weirdness: "Really? I have no choice?"

Linda panicked inexplicably, "I warn you not to mess around, it won't do you any good."

"Miss Linda, what if an epidemic broke out somewhere in your country after I left, such as a military camp? Such news must be sensational, right?"

"You want to go back to the CIA for tea with me?"

"Well, when I didn't say it, are you finished? I'm going to bed, can you go? You can accompany me if you don't go, I won't mind."

"After dawn tomorrow, I'll have someone take you to the airport." Vegas has become the focus of the world, and many people are waiting to see the jokes of country M. Linda doesn't allow that to happen.

After Linda left, Hu Shi asked in a low voice, "Boss, are we really leaving?"

"Why do you want to leave? Just a word from her?"

Hu Shi didn't want to leave either, but no matter what, they were people from the CIA, and they really had the power to drive people out of their land.

Ye Wutian called George and asked him to find a way to change his place and still live in the hotel. Maybe someone would kill him again in the middle of the night. He didn't want to be disturbed when he was sleeping.

George arranged Ye Wutian to a safe place, Ye Wutian slept soundly, and swept the major casinos in one day. This was a physical and tiring job.

At noon the next day, Ye Wutian appeared at the gate of the casino on time. There are still many people at the gate of the casino today. As soon as those people saw Ye Wutian's appearance, they called one after another, and they didn't know who to notify.

Ye Wutian estimates that the media in every country are the same, cooperating together and sharing resources at some point. For example, now, many reporters work together, trying to make people guard at the gates of major casinos, as long as Ye Wutian appears , immediately notify other reporters.

Ye Wutian appeared, and people from the CIA appeared at the same time.

"Mr. Ye, will you sweep the major casinos today like yesterday?" a reporter asked.

Ye Wutian who waved his hands again and again laughed and shook his head: "This reporter friend's words are too exaggerated, sweeping? No, of course not, I just went in and played a few games, far less exaggerated than you think."

Those reporters don't know what to say, if Ye Wutian is only playing a few games, they don't know how to be considered a big game, how can they be so thick-skinned?

The appearance of Ye Wutian immediately made the people in the casino very nervous. In the assassination mission last night, all of them did not expect that the CIA people would be there, which led to the failure of the assassination.

"Follow me." Linda came to Ye Wutian and must not let Ye Wutian enter.

Ye Wutian grabbed Linda and said loudly to many reporters: "Dear reporters, do you know who she is? About this lady's true identity."

Linda was mad, thinking that Ye Wutian was going to reveal her identity, and was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.

"I tell you, she's not an ordinary person, she's from the CIA. She came today to drive me away, to expel me from the country. I don't understand, I didn't steal, I didn't rob, what right do they have to drive me out? Is it a guest from afar, just because I won money in the casino?"

The reporters frantically pressed the camera shutter.

Linda couldn't care so much anymore, she motioned her accomplices to come and take Ye Wutian away, and staying there would only make the scene more and more chaotic and uncontrollable.

"Can I not leave?" Ye Wutian asked.

Linda shook her head and signaled her companion again to force Ye Wutian away.

"Wait." Ye Wutian said after breaking free, "Can I make a phone call?"

Linda refused, "You can call in the car."

"This is what you call a democratic country, bah." Ye Wutian sneered.

Linda had been numb with irony.

"Didn't you hear my phone ringing? Go away." Ye Wutian roared at the man who pulled his arm, murderous and very scary.

After breaking free from the other party, Ye Wutian took out his mobile phone, and Linda signaled her companion to act.

Ye Wutian pointed at Linda and scolded: "Three-eight, don't be ashamed of your mother's face."

The people around were speechless. This man was bold enough to scold anyone. He was too arrogant.

Being yelled at by Ye Wutian, Linda was really yelled.

"Take it away." Linda, who came back to her senses, gave another order.

Ye Wutian smiled. After hearing Linda's order, he smiled grimly. He didn't wait for the CIA people to come forward. .

After getting rid of those few people, Ye Wutian was not relieved and kicked a few times.

When Linda saw this, she immediately pointed her gun at Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian slowly turned his head, "Do you think that if you point a gun at me, I will be afraid? Do you think that I will be afraid if you are in your land?"

"Hands up." Linda roared, or I'd shoot.

As if Ye Wutian didn't hear it, he connected the still ringing phone. "Which one?"

"Ye Wutian, is it cool to make a fuss about Vegas?" A female voice came from the phone.

A very familiar voice, Ye Wutian raised his brows, "Wang Roose?"

Wang Roosi said, "I have a good memory and can still remember me."

Ye Wutian laughed loudly: "I can remember you, not because you are a woman, nor because you are beautiful, but because of your special hobby."

"Are you mocking me?"

Across the phone, Ye Wutian could also feel the anger from Wang Roose on the other side of the phone.

"Don't dare, don't talk nonsense, is there something?"

Beside, Linda saw that Ye Wutian completely ignored her warning, after some weighing, she decided to shoot.


Linda, who was about to shoot, first felt a cold light flash in front of her eyes, and then she found that her hands were broken from her wrists and both fell to the ground. Finally, she felt pain.

Linda's hands were broken at the wrists, and the hand that fell to the ground was still holding the gun.

It happened so fast that many people didn't react. In such a blink of an eye, Linda broke both hands. What kind of strength is this? too scary.

Ye Wutian glanced at Linda indifferently, and sighed that Xue Ying was cruel, such a beautiful person, Xue Ying couldn't treat her well?

In Xue Ying's heart, there is no distinction between men and women. As long as someone is unfavorable to Ye Wutian, she will do it. Who cares who the other party is?

Regarding this issue, Ye Wutian once explained to Xue Ying more than once, let her take it easy, especially when the opponent is a beautiful woman, don't be too ruthless, now it seems that she didn't listen to him at all, what should I do? How to do it.

In the face of Linda's injury, Ye Wutian did not stop talking on the phone, and said to Wang Roose on the other side of the phone, "You want to stop me from entering the casino?"

"Will you still come in?" Wang Roosi answered nonchalantly.

Ye Wutian knew that he guessed right, and Wang Roosi just wanted to prevent him from entering the casino.

I don't know what happened, Ye Wutian found that no matter what he did, someone would stand up and stop him. Is his character really that bad?

"What if I'm going in? What about you?"

"Ye Wutian, UU Reading You are a smart person."

"If I don't agree, are you going to stop my company from selling again?"


Ye Wutian smiled bitterly and let him guess right, sometimes being too smart is really not a good thing.

"Aren't you guys going to come up with some new tricks? You always come up with this kind of trick every time, is it annoying?"

Wang Rou smiled tenderly: "I'm not afraid of getting old, I just care about whether it's useful or not."

"Wang Roosi, every time you threaten me, today, I also tell you, don't take yourself too seriously. If you think you are a threat, I will be afraid? Damn it."

After Ye Wutian finished speaking, he directly hung up the phone. He couldn't stop Wang Roose what he wanted to do, let alone fear. The Vegas incident was just an excuse at most. Ye Wutian believed that even if today's incident did not happen, Wang Roosi will also stop the sales of Hongyan Group.

Just stop it, Ye Wutian doesn't care! ()

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