Mad Doctor

Chapter 1044: This is also a warning

Ye Wutian rushed to Ning's house, the whole Ning's house seemed to be covered by a layer at this time, the atmosphere was very strange and could not be expressed in words.

When she arrived at the gate of Ning's house, Ning Siqi was already standing at the gate, and her pretty face became more worried.

Ye Wutian deliberately wanted to adjust the atmosphere, so he pretended to be relaxed: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry about your face, do you want me to fall deeper?"

Ning Siqi didn't expect that Ye Wutian was still in the mood to joke now, but she wondered what Ye Wutian meant by this, and what did she have to do with him when she was in a bad mood? Why let him fall deeper.

Ye Wutian knew that Yu'er had already taken the bait, and Ning Siqi was successfully attracted by his words, so she said: "You think, you are already very beautiful, and you are too beautiful, and if you worry about your face, won't you be even more beautiful? More beautiful than anything? Wouldn't that make me like you more? I've been trying to restrain myself."

The blushing Ning Siqi scolded ****, then paused and asked, "What are you trying to restrain?"

Brother Tian is funny, no wonder there are always people who say that curiosity killed the cat. This is true. Ning Siqi is also curious and interesting.

"Restrain me not to love you. In my eyes, you will always be like an unreachable goddess, so I only dare to look from afar, not close, so daughter-in-law, it is for me, don't worry anymore Face, if you do this again, I will lose control and I will not help but continue to love you."

Ning Siqi knew that she was being tricked, and made such a big circle, she just wanted to enlighten her not to be sad.

Turning to leave, Ning Siqi was not angry for the first time. What Brother Tian didn't see was that when she turned around, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised with a beautiful curve.

"Daughter-in-law, what do you mean? No matter what, you have to make a statement." Ye Wutian followed up, following Ning Siqi like a follower.

I haven't seen each other for a while. Brother Tian found that Ning Siqi looks more slick, and her whole body looks like a ripe apple, which makes people have the urge to go forward and take a bite.

Secretly licking his tongue, Brother Tian can only temporarily keep this idea in his heart.

Under the leadership of Ning Siqi, Ye Wutian met Mr. Ning, and when he passed the living room just now, he also saw many relatives of Ning Si, all of whom had a sad face.

"Old man." In the study, Ye Wutian saw Ning Peng, not knowing what the illusion was, the other party looked very old.

Ning Peng raised his head: "Come on, sit down and talk."

Ye Wutian sat opposite Ning Peng, while Ning Siqi sat next to Ning Peng.

As soon as he sat down, Ning Yijun also came in, but he was standing next to him. The scene was very interesting. His daughter was sitting, but he, the father, was standing.

"You already know everything. I'm calling you here for no other purpose. I just want to tell you that the Ning family will be able to help you less and less in the future." Ning Peng said, his words were full of melancholy, but they were all silent. with unwillingness.

"Old man, you have helped me enough." Ye Wutian knows who is good to him and who is not good to him. The Ning family has always been good to him, and Ye Wutian remembers this deeply.

"Oh! I'm getting old." Ning Peng sighed.

He suddenly received a notice from above, asking him to retire. The news caught the Ning family by surprise, and there was no mental preparation at all. When the notice came, he was completely stunned.

"Is there no room to turn back?" Ye Wutian asked: "So suddenly, is there any way to solve it?"

Ning Peng hesitated, he wanted to say, there is a way, but...

In the end, I didn't say that I didn't make any mistakes. Even if I didn't make great achievements, it was still considered a great contribution to the country, and I was not old enough. According to the regulations, I can pass three more times. Years to step back to the second line.

He didn't make a mistake and didn't offend anyone, and he was suddenly notified to retire when he was not old enough. Ning Peng, who was old and mature, also had doubts, but he quickly figured out that the crux of the problem was not in him, but in Ye Wutian. .

As we all know, the Ning family and Ye Wutian are very close, this is the key to the problem, and yesterday, he also verified his guess through the mouth of an old chief who reminded him vaguely.

This is suppressing! To put it in a more ugly word, it is to eliminate Ye Wutian's help.

Old man Ning didn't say it because he didn't want Ye Wutian to think that the Ning family wanted to take credit for him. Ning Peng knew that in the past, the Ning family and Ye Wutian were on the same boat. In the future, the relationship between the two sides will be more intimate, and in the future, the Ning family will be on the same boat. In many aspects, it is possible to rely on Ye Wutian.

So, he can't say.

"Because of me?" Ye Wutian suddenly asked, Ning Peng is smart, and he is not stupid. It's definitely not easy to call him today. After a little thought, Ye Wutian can think of how many things have something to do with him. Of course, he also Just guessing.

Ning Peng was stunned, Ye Wutian's question caught him off guard, should he answer him?

Seeing Ning Peng's expression, Ye Wutian was even more certain that he guessed right, that the other party's retreat was really related to him.

"Really for me?" Ye Wutian asked again.

This time, Ning Peng nodded slightly, Ye Wutian had already asked this, and it would be meaningless for him to hide it.

"Depend on!"

After getting the answer, Ye Wutian couldn't help but utter a foul language. He couldn't help it, and his heart was very heavy. Ning Peng's retreat really had something to do with him, and that feeling was unpleasant.

"What do you want up there?" Ye Wutian asked with a cold face.

"do not know."

Ye Wutian was full of anger, "The wishful thinking is really loud enough."


Ye Wutian, who had finished scolding, punched the table and made a loud noise.

"Calm down, the more you are like this, the happier someone is," Ning Peng said.

"Xiaotian, you should also know why they did this. We won't say anything, just want you to be careful." Ning Yijun said.

"Well, I know, thank you Uncle Ning." Ye Wutian doesn't care, he just hates others to attack relatives and friends around him, what is that? dog day.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Ye Wutian asked again, he never liked to owe others favors.

Ning Peng smiled and said, "Don't have any psychological burden, you just need to know about it. I didn't want to tell you originally."

Ye Wutian thought about what Situ Zong said to him just now, the Ouyang family was also under pressure, and now the Ning family is like this, what do those people want to do? Do you think this will put pressure on him? Can you make him obedient? childish!

Ye Wutian is extremely disdainful and contemptuous of this opponent's approach.

"I don't need to do anything. I'm getting old anyway. If I don't retire this time, I have to retire after three years. There will be a day when I will retire. It doesn't matter."

Ning Peng said so, but everyone could hear his unwillingness.

When Ye Wutian knew it was his own statement, Ning Peng came to him today, probably because he wanted to hear his statement, thinking of this, Ye Wutian said: "Master, today I will make a statement to you, and in the future I will make a statement. As long as the Ning family needs me, I will definitely help and never turn away."

Ning Peng nodded, and hearing Ye Wutian's words made him feel a lot better. With Ye Wutian's words, his own retreat this time is not completely meaningless, at least he can get Ye Wutian. God this word.

Ye Wutian is a very affectionate person. If you treat him well, he will treat you well. From the beginning, Ning Peng knew this, so he carefully managed the friendship with Ye Wutian.

"Xiaotian, don't forget your heart." Ning Yijun said.

Ye Wutian looked at Ning Yijun and asked, "Uncle Ning, will you be affected?"

Ning Yijun shook his head: "Not yet, I am different from the old man, his position is important."

"Sooner or later." Ning Peng said.

Ning Yijun was silent. He really had nothing to do with this matter. If those people wanted to deal with the Ning family like this, he could only be sullen, what else could he do? It doesn't seem to be able to do anything.

"Negotiate more with your allies," Ning Peng said.

It was already two hours after leaving the Ning family. Ye Wutian stayed for dinner and talked a lot with the old man Ning. Now that the old man has retreated, Ye Wutian knows that he has one less help, and the whole Ning family is completely dependent on it. The old man supported him, and if he retire, the strength of the Ning family would be greatly weakened.

After leaving Ning's house, Ye Wutian went directly to Yu's house and helped Yu's family so much that they couldn't be allowed to sit.

When rushing to Yu's house, Yu Qicheng happened to be at home too. Seeing Ye Wutian coming, his face sank and he wanted to drive Ye Wutian out. Until now, Yu Qicheng has not recovered from that incident. , There is a shadow in his mind. When he saw Ye Wutian, he couldn't help but think of the last time he was at the wedding scene by Ye Wutian.

All in all, Yu Qicheng blamed Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian is very sympathetic to Qicheng. Speaking of Yu Qicheng, it is not wrong. The mistake is that he should not know Xu Ying. Now, Ye Wutian can be sure that Xu Ying pretended to marry Yu Qicheng last time. It's just a trick. With Xu Ying's status, how could she look up to Qicheng?

However, Ye Wutian didn't know what to say, and he didn't bother to say it, it had nothing to do with him.

" you're here." Yu Taitao was the most happy, Ye Wutian was able to come, which means that he can still remember this patient in his heart, which is very important.

Ye Wutian, who nodded lightly, glanced at Yu Taitao, "You look good, how do you feel?"

"It's not bad, but I don't know what the effect will be." What Yu Taitao cares about most is whether his illness can be cured or not, and the rest is not important.

"Don't worry, I said that if I'm sure, I'll be able to heal you."

"Well, I believe it." Yu Taitao is full of confidence in Ye Wutian, and believes everything Ye Wutian said. Physician.

After taking the pulse for Yu Taitao, Ye Wutian said: "The recovery is good, and the second blood exchange can be done in two days, but before that, you have to help me with something."

"What's the matter?" Yu Taitao, who retracted his arm, asked. His intuition told him that Ye Wutian's purpose in coming today was not simple. Even so, he had to ask patiently.

Ye Wutian didn't answer directly, but looked around and said, "Where's the old man?" ()

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