Mad Doctor

Chapter 1047: Benefit mankind

"It's you, may I ask, do you have any way to prove it against the Xu Group?" Ye Wutian asked.

Xu Zhongwen was asked dumb again, if he had evidence, he still needed to be so polite? He had already dealt with Ye Wutian through the relationship of the Xu family.

"Look, there's no evidence, right? How dare you ask me in this situation?"

"So you're not going to let go?"

Ye Wutian stood up with a sneer and looked at Xu Zhongwen with contempt: "You threaten me?"

"It's all my own, sit down and talk." At the critical moment, Zhu Longjun spoke again to play his role as a peacemaker.

"Okay, Uncle Zhu, I'll give you face." Ye Wutian sat down: "But I won't give up on the pirates, unless I pay compensation."

"Haha, everything can be negotiated, what conditions do you need?" When asked this question, Zhu Longjun looked at Xu Zhongwen, obviously asking for him.

"My requirements are not too high, just 10% of the shares of the Xu Group."


Xu Zhongwen, who heard such a request, ran wild in an instant, let alone Xu Zhongwen, even Zhu Longjun and Zheng Zhongren felt that Ye Wutian's request was too much.

Directly asking for 10% of the Xu Group's shares? Wouldn't that just kill people? Who can agree to such outrageous and absurd conditions? I'm afraid who will agree.

"Joke, haha, what a big joke. Excuse me, who are you?" Xu Zhongwen laughed wildly.

Facing Xu Zhongwen's ridicule and sarcasm, Ye Wutian sat there comfortably, not only not angry, but smiling the whole time, with that expression, others thought he was mocking others, not others mocking him. .

"You should feel lucky. If it wasn't for Uncle Zhu's face today, I would not only ask for ten percent." Ye Wutian said.

Xu Zhongwen didn't even feel in the mood to ridicule Ye Wutian, he sneered: "Do you know what ten percent is?"

"I don't know, there may be a lot, so what? That's what I should get." Ye Wutian was ashamed, unaware that he was the same as a bandit.

"Hmph! Don't say ten percent, even one percent won't work." The Xu family would never be able to give up the company's equity, nor would it be possible.

No one can threaten the Xu family, neither can Ye Wutian, who gave so many shares to Ye Wutian for no reason, how would others view the Xu Group?

That old face, the Xu Group can't afford to lose it!

"Can't talk? Mr. Xu, there is no sincerity, what are you doing here? Thinking that I will give you face if you come here? I tell you, there is no door." Ye Wutian stood up again and was about to leave, but he couldn't talk. It's boring to talk about it any more, let alone.

"Stop producing Sendzi Pills." Xu Zhongwen snapped.

"Stop? It's a joke. Not only will I not stop production, but I will also mass-produce it and sell it at the lowest price. It's really not good. If I give it away, it can be regarded as a benefit to mankind and a contribution to society."

Zhu Longjun was almost not laughed at, for the benefit of mankind? This sentence is really interesting to answer, for the benefit of mankind? For some reason, these words came out of Ye Wutian's mouth and always felt very strange, and he couldn't tell what it felt like.

Zheng Zhongren even turned around to avoid the corners of his twitching mouth being discovered.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Wutian looked at Xu Zhongwen: "Send you a word, I want to apologize, your sincerity is not enough, understand, if you don't expect it, go back and think about it."

"Do you really think the Xu family will be afraid of you?" Xu Zhongwen was already ferocious. When he brought Zhu Longjun this time, he hoped that Ye Wutian would give some face, so everyone would be happy. Now it seems that it is not like that. The face is not given.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Zhu Longjun next to him, and saw that he had a calm face, without the slightest displeasure. Zhu Longjun knew very well that the purpose of his invitation today was to be a peacemaker. Now that he was rejected by Ye Wutian, he did not have the slightest bit of displeasure. unhappy.

Xu Zhongwen suddenly found out that he spent all his efforts to invite Zhu Longjun, but it didn't work. This made Xu Zhongwen very annoyed. Of course, no matter how much he was aggrieved, he could only hold back and couldn't do anything with Zhu Longjun.

Perhaps from the beginning, Zhu Longjun knew that he was just going through the motions today.

It is not difficult to see from this incident that the relationship between the Zhu family and Ye Wutian is quite deep!

In the end, Xu Zhongwen left unhappy, spending such a big price, but not achieving any results, it seems that Ye Wutian is preparing a way to go to the dark.

Xu Zhongwen left, but Zhu Longjun stayed. After Xu Zhongwen left, Zheng Zhongren also made a striking avoidance, leaving Ye Wutian and Zhu Longjun in the room.

Ye Wutian knew that Zhu Longjun must have something to tell him, "Uncle Zhu, I'm sorry! There is no way to reconcile me and the Xu family."

Zhu Longjun nodded sensible: "I understand, you know what to do yourself."

"I know."

"That's good."

"By the way, Uncle Zhu, why did you promise the Xu family to come over?"

"Hehe, a lot of things are hard to describe in words. You can also see that when I come, it's just a passing scene."

Ye Wutian is so embarrassed, in a sense, he is also cutting Zhu Longjun's face today.

"The Xu family will give you ten percent of the shares, will you agree?" Zhu Longjun suddenly thought of this very interesting question.

Ye Wutian thought for a while and replied, "Haha, the question is, will they agree?"

Zhu Longjun was stunned for a moment, only to realize that it was a fundamentally impossible problem. This problem could not be assumed or established. How could the Xu family give away so many shares?

Money is a trivial matter, a matter of face.

"You have to be careful yourself, the Xu family is not easy to deal with."

"Don't worry, I know how to do it, few enemies can get a bargain in my hands."

Zhu Longjun found that Ye Wutian was always so calm, so calm, and of course, he was arrogant. From knowing him until now, in my impression, this kid has never kept a low profile. No matter who you are, he will provoke him. touch one touch.

Seeing that Ye Wutian was so confident, Zhu Longjun didn't say anything.

"As for Ning Peng, the old man is trying to find a way, but don't have high expectations." Zhu Longjun said.

Ye Wutian said: "Those people treat Ning Peng like this because of me?"

"We didn't expect this. People from several factions joined together and moved very quickly."

"The means are ruthless, so I thought I would be afraid?" Ye Wutian said, "Uncle Zhu, what I want to do most now is to say something to those people, it's so **** naive. Can a small trick scare me?"

Zhu Longjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You kid, I really don't know what you think."

"I only want to be happy, and I will never be soft-handed when dealing with the enemy."

"Okay, you know what to do, I'll go first." Zhu Longjun stood up with a smile.

"Leaving so soon? It's hard to come here, just stay for a day, let me do my best as a landlord, and find two things for you by the way."

Zhu Longjun sweated wildly, glared at Ye Wutian fiercely, and left.

Ye Wutian was thinking that it would be interesting to adjust the elder occasionally.

"Brother, I obey you, I really obey you." Zheng Zhongren came in with a smile and gave Ye Wutian a thumbs up. The scene just now was really speechless. If it were him, he would definitely not be like Ye Wutian. Wutian is so arrogant, and directly wants 10% of Xu Group's shares.

"Many people say this." Ye Wutian said without shyness.

Zheng Zhongren took two steps forward: "Are you really going to benefit mankind?"

Ye Wutian looked at Zheng Zhongren coldly for a while: "What? Do you have a hidden illness in that area? Need to send Ziwan to help you?"

Zheng Zhongren jumped up like he was being stepped on his tail, "I don't have it, don't talk nonsense."

"Virtue, look at you, you don't have it if you don't have it. As for it? Besides, what if you have it? What's the embarrassment to admit? I'm a doctor."

Zheng Zhongren smiled bitterly. The more he explained, the more unclear it was. If he continued to explain, even if it was okay, it would be considered as something.

"You really don't want to benefit mankind, do you?"

Ye Wutian asked with a smile: "You just want to know this question? Director Zheng, when did you become so gossipy? This is not your character."

"Ask whatever you want."

"can I go now?"

Zheng Zhongren nodded: "Of course."

Ye Wutian walked out of Guoan with a smile. When he walked out of the room, he turned around and said to Zheng Zhongren, "Tell you, I'm a good person, a great person. With me, anything can happen."

Zheng Zhongren wouldn't believe Ye Wutian's nonsense, so that kid is also considered a good person? Bullshit.

After leaving Guoan, Ye Wutian drove back to the company, but as soon as he left, he was acutely aware of the danger. He hurriedly looked left and right, and finally fixed his gaze on the two ordinary commercial vehicles behind him through the rear mirror.

The dangerous atmosphere made Ye Wutian grin, "Want to play? I will accompany you."

The two black commercial vehicles that followed may have known that their whereabouts had been leaked, so they accelerated to catch up.

Ye Wutian started a chasing battle with the two commercial vehicles behind him like a cat playing a mouse. He accelerated and slowed down for a while, and he played with each other for nearly ten minutes.

After the Just when Ye Wutian wanted to stop the car to clean up the two commercial vehicles behind him, he suddenly stepped on the brakes heavily and looked forward with an unbelievable face. His first reaction was stunned. Think, come on! Is this going to be a war?

At this time, the two commercial vehicles that were following behind also stopped, and after opening the doors, eight people, eight different guys, came out from the two vehicles.

What's more, Ye Wutian also found out that there were no cars on the main road where cars came and went, and only his car was parked on the wide road.

Seeing such a large lineup in the front and back, Ye Wutian shook his head and smiled bitterly. He still underestimated the madness of these people. They are not afraid of such a large formation in the country?

Ye Wutian knew that now was not the time to discuss these matters, so he quickly took out the phone and wanted to rescue the soldiers. The scene in front of him would be difficult to deal with by himself. He would not dare to care about such a scene, even if he had Xuanyuan. Infuriating body protection is no joke.

When he took out the phone, he found that the mobile phone had no signal.

Don't ask, they will definitely be blocked, these people come prepared! ()

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