Mad Doctor

Chapter 1051: 1 will be dead

The old man Zhuo stretched out his finger and said to Ye Wutian: "It's just because of one thing, because usually the villains can endure, the time is not right, they can endure until the time is right."

Ye Wutian asked vaguely, "Do you want to say that I'm not as good as those villains?",

"In some ways, you are indeed inferior to them."

Ye Wutian was madly sweating, and he really let him guess, Old Man Zhuo compared him with the villain.

"Today's events are too much."

Ye Wutian answered the question: "I don't know what position you stand on to ask me this, what I can tell you is that I don't regret it."

The old man Zhuo smiled bitterly, realizing that what he said just now was probably in vain, and people would not listen at all.

"One will eventually become ten thousand bones withered. This sentence is used to describe the ancient battlefield. In fact, the current battlefield is also applicable. Anyone who wants to achieve a great cause must step on many people and clean up a lot of people. My opponent, I was attacked in Dongcheng. I believe you are very clear. If it wasn't for my car, or Zheng Zhongren's arrival in time, you have no chance to talk to me now. Therefore, the kindness towards the enemy is the cruelty towards yourself. Do you know how dangling it was that day? More than a dozen rocket launchers were aimed at me."

Speaking of what happened that day, Ye Wutian was still full of murderous aura. He always believed that if he only needed to live according to his own ideas, it would be better than anything else. As for what others would say, let others say, who cares?

"Your methods are very extreme, which will control your mind, Xiaotian, this is a very dangerous thing."

"Ju Zhuo, take the risk of asking, do you want me to call the police and wait for the result?"

"You can find out who the real murderer is through your means."

Ye Wutian shook his head: "It's not that easy. If others want to harm you, how can it be so easy to find evidence? If you find it, others won't admit it."

The old man Zhuo knew what Ye Wutian wanted to express. If Xu Shoucheng bought and murdered Ye Wutian, he could only find out about Xu's family, and he would never find out what phone number Xu Shoucheng made or what money he sent to the murderer. There are many such things. People will do it, which is why many murderers are still alive until now, and those who are caught are often small characters, some scapegoats.

"One look, half a sentence to wake up, what clues can you find? If you really have to wait to find the clues, I'm afraid that the money will be cold." Ye Wutian said.

"Looks like I just said it for nothing."

"Thank you for your kindness, I know what I do, Zhuo Ju, I don't know if you really want to help me or if you want to trick me, it doesn't matter, I won't tell you anything, or I can only use the words that bad guys often say : "If you want to prove my guilt, bring the evidence. As long as there is evidence, I promise not to say anything, and I will immediately confess my guilt. "

Anyone with discernment knows that the bombing of the Xu Group must be related to Ye Wutian, including Xu Zhongwen.

"You can do what you know. The impact of things is too big. You can do it yourself."

"What's the worst possible outcome?"

The old man Zhuo said with a smile: "Afraid? You should know that the worst outcome, I'm afraid you will have to sit in prison."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian was not nervous, "Do you want to do a wrongful case?"

"Are you wronged?"

Ye Wutian asked back: "Do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, I will be wronged. Don't all cases rely on evidence?"

"Stay well." The old man Zhuo went out.

Only Ye Wutian was left in the room, and his freedom was temporarily restricted. Fortunately, his mobile phone was not taken away.

The Xu Group headquarters was bombed, and the news of Xu Zhongwen's bizarre death was spread outside, and the news spread, and in the end, it became more and more mysterious. However, after passing on, one thing remained unchanged. day related.

Many people even inquired that Ye Wutian was taken away at the airport, and his whereabouts are now unknown. People speculate that it is very likely that he was arrested.

What surprised people was that the Xu Group was bombed with zero casualties, which means that there was no one in the building when the incident occurred.

On the day that the Xu Group headquarters was bombed, the building still had that mysterious stench. Therefore, when the building was empty, it was impossible for anyone to stay here. Who could stand the stench?

With a mobile phone around, Ye Wutian knew how much the outside discussion was going on, and there were too many people who would tell him.

Ye Wutian's arrogance, madness, and intimidation. If you mess with him, I'm afraid that it will not end well in the end. In the eyes of many people, today's Ye Wutian is a devil, a devil with ability and strength.

Don't mess with such a person!

A guy who is lawless, kills when he says kill, and kills in endless ways, if he messes with him, he may die somehow.

This time, others are only suspicious, just guessing that Ye Wutian is the murderer, but Zheng Zhongren can prove 100% that Ye Wutian is the murderer.

At that time, Ye Wutian said that he was going to kill someone, but Zheng Zhongren thought he was joking. Now, it seems that people are not joking, but are really playing.

Sitting alone in the room, Ye Wutian analyzed his future path. Now, there is no turning back, all he can do is to go to the dark.

After half a day, the door of the room was finally pushed open, Ye Wutian turned around, and unexpectedly found that the person who came was Song Yuhe, who had not seen him for a long time.

"Sister Yuhe, how could it be you?" Ye Wutian stood up and walked towards Song Yuhe.

Song Yuhe walked over with all kinds of style, and said angrily, "What? Don't want to see my sister?"

"No, how is it possible?" Ye Wutian shook his head wildly: "I don't know how much I want to see my sister, hehe, I haven't seen you for a while, sister, you have become beautiful again."

"Smooth tongue." Song Yuhe slapped Ye Wutian lightly, until Ye Wutian's heart was itchy, what did she mean? Gently tapping, what does it imply?

Thinking of this, Brother Tian swallowed his saliva even more. For beautiful women, especially mature royal sisters, Brother Tian couldn't resist ****.

"What do you think?"

Ye Wutian blushed and smiled awkwardly: "Sister Yuhe, are you alright?"

"You want me to be okay, boy?"

"How could it be? I hope you, Sister Yuhe, are safe and sound, happy every day, and always beautiful and young."

Song Yuhe laughed and scolded: "It's alright, it's not my birthday, don't pick anything nice."

"Hey, thank you for your friend last time abroad, you helped me a lot."

"Do you remember? Okay, how are you going to repay me?"

Ye Wutian looked down at himself and asked, "Do you think my body is good? If I can, I'll leave it to you."

"Let's go." Song Yuhe blushed, this kid dared to **** her, "If you want to make a promise, I have to see it."

"Didn't I ask you? You can take it anytime you want."

"Boy, do you know that you got into a big disaster?" Song Yuhe changed the topic.

Ye Wutian knew that when Song Yuhe appeared here, he must have been instructed, "Old Zhuo asked you to come here?"

"Don't be so harsh, he's not what you think he is."

"Well, I understand." Ye Wutian admitted: "You can still recover your freedom, this makes me look at him differently, Sister Yuhe, I'm sorry."

"Guilty? Why don't you feel guilty about Xiaoling, she is very worried about you."

"How is she? I haven't seen her for a long time, she's always haunted, what are you fighting for? Sister Yuhe, why don't you help me persuade her? Let her stop doing this, it's too tiring and unsafe, in case it happens again. What do you think I should do next time? Can I get there in time?"

"I won't talk about this, I have to say it yourself."

"Okay, I'll find a chance to tell her another day, Sister Yuhe, do you have anything to do with me today?"

Song Yuhe said, "You have caused a big disaster."

Ye Wutian didn't take it seriously: "So what? I cause trouble every day. In the eyes of many people, I am a disobedient child. Those people want to clean me up for a long time."

Song Yuhe smiled and asked, "Do you still know that you heard it right?"

"Khan! Sister Yuhe, don't you just want to tell me this?"

"Cooperation, don't make it difficult for us, okay?"

Ye Wutian was stunned: "Okay, let's talk, how do you want me to cooperate? Make a statement in advance that I won't be able to plead guilty."

"I can make you plead guilty, why do I need to be so annoying?"

"Okay, I'll cooperate."

The contented Song Yuhe smiled like a flower: "It's almost the same, it's not in vain that I love you."

"Sister, can you give me a hug? Why don't you be moved by paying so much for you?"

"Go away!" After scolding, Song Yuhe couldn't help laughing out loud, and went back to this kid, who obviously wanted to see her joke on purpose.

"You are so beautiful." Ye Wutian praised: "Especially when you are angry, you are even more beautiful."

Song Yuhe was too lazy to take care of Ye Wutian, turned around and left with her **** little ass.

Ye Wutian was left alone in the room. The appearance of Song Yuhe made Ye Wutian amused. Thinking about it, it was enough to make old man Zhuo embarrassed. Just cooperate with him. It seems that old man Zhuo is not bad.

Ye Wutian was imprisoned, Dongcheng, the Hongyan Group was making big moves, launching wave after wave of attacks against the Xu Group, causing the Xu Group's stock price to drop to a historical low, and the Hongyan Group's actions were quite a bit of a beating. Reservoir dog meaning.

If it falls like this, the share price of Xu's Group will definitely become waste paper. Now, Hongyan Group owns 13% of Xu's share price. It can be said that Hongyan Group is already a major shareholder of Xu's Group.

"Young Mistress, Master is not here, you can make up your mind, do you need to go to the capital?" Situ Wei asked.

Until now, Cheng Kexin is very unsuitable for Situ Wei's name for her, what kind of big young milk? Not used to it.

Ouyang Xingyue didn't speak, just looked at Cheng Kexin, afraid that she meant the same thing as Situ Wei.

"You don't have to go to he does things, I can rest assured. Besides, it's useless for us to go, and we can't help. All we can do is teach the Xu Group a lesson." Cheng Kexin replied.

"It seems to be the same. Our father's bad things will never be found."

Cheng Kexin picked up the mobile phone on the table. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she didn't think much about it, and answered, "Which one?"

"It's me, Xu Ying, come out and talk, I'm in the cafe across from your company." Xu Ying's voice came from the phone.

Cheng Kexin didn't expect Xu Ying to call her, thought about it, and said, "We have nothing to say."

"Miss Cheng, you are a smart person." Xu Ying hung up the phone after saying this.

Cheng Kexin, who put down the phone, said, "Xu Ying is looking for me."

"She wants to see you?" Situ Wei asked.

Cheng Kexin nodded slightly.

Situ Wei was silent for a little while, "I'll accompany you." ()

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