Mad Doctor

Chapter 1060: eye to eye

The three girls were all surprised by the sports car that Ye Wutian drove back, and when they heard him tell everything that happened, they were even more surprised.

That's how this supercar came about.

"Master! You are such a prodigal son, you have to ruin such a good car." Situ Wei said angrily.

Ye Wutian smiled and shook his head, he was a bit of a loser like this, but unfortunately it was too late to regret it.

Going to Wang's house, doing nothing, and earning a supercar worth tens of millions, even if it is a limited edition, this car is not something you can buy with money.

"Just do Xiu Xiu, whoever wants to open it, just take it." Ye Wutian said.

"I don't want to." Cheng Kexin said.

Ouyang Xingyue also used practical actions to tell everyone that she didn't want to, but she turned around and left.

Situ Wei smiled brightly, "Thank you, the first and second young mistresses."

"Being small also has the advantage of being small, hehe, it's very happy to be petted by someone." Situ Wei touched the supercar, "Such a sports car with such a flamboyant personality is suitable for me."

Ye Wutian was secretly fortunate, fortunately, God was not thin to him, so he was fortunate to have so few confidantes. With them, he was content in this life, and it was very rare that they would not be jealous.

"Mrs. Wang wants you to help Mr. Ma, why don't you agree?"

Ye Wutian asked back: "Why should I agree? What does the life and death of old man Ma have to do with me? Why should I help him?"

"If you don't help him, the Wang family will definitely be dissatisfied. Then all the sins will be blamed on you, what should I do?" Situ Wei asked.

Ye Wutian is funny: "I help them this time, and they won't let me go."

After thinking about it, Situ Wei seemed to be like that, so she said, "It doesn't matter, sir, I'll go and fix the car first." After that, Situ Wei gave Brother Tian a hot kiss on the spot, and she ignored the strange eyes of others.

Ye Wutian is still not used to it, every time he sews like this, he has a feeling of being fucked.

Fortunately, Cheng Kexin and Ouyang Xingyue have both left, otherwise, Ye Ye would probably find a **** to get in, how could he still face people?

In the distance, many people have seen the scene just now. Ye Wutian has already been envied by countless men. It is possible to have so many confidantes at the same time, and a few people will not be jealous. This is very rare. , is enough to make men in the world envy.

The next day, an earth-shattering news came that there was a big move in Vegas, and George called Ye Wutian as soon as he knew it, with an uncontrollable joy in his tone.

"Ye, we succeeded, we succeeded." George said loudly on the phone.

Ye Wutian just couldn't see what George looked like at this time. If he could see it, he would definitely find that George was shaking because of excitement, and his whole body was shaking.

George was excited.

Not to mention George, Ye Wutian also thought that Linda and the others would be so fast.

"Success is good, George, I'll leave it to you over there and manage it well." Ye Wutian didn't have much surprise. If he said yes, he just didn't expect things to come to an end so soon.

"Ye, don't you send someone over to participate in the management?" George asked.

"discuss later."

George didn't ask again after hearing this. In his heart, Ye Wutian was about to compare himself with God. Where is Vegas? How many people want to get their hands on there? But after all these years, who can do it? No one can succeed.

An apparently impossible miracle happened today. An outsider like Ye Wutian successfully broke the sturdy castle in Vegas and pushed the city wall away abruptly.

It is said that a strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snakes. Now it seems that there are no absolutes in the world, and Ye Wutian, the dragon crossing the river, is very brave.

George realized that the best way to get along with someone as fierce as Ye Wutian is to be friends, to be friends with him from the bottom of his heart, and no matter what, they cannot be enemies.

Ye Wutian's methods are too scary. George once asked himself more than once, if he and Ye Wutian are hostile, can he win Ye Wutian?

The answer is yes, if you can't win, most people really can't handle Ye Wutian's incredible methods.

George was not the only one who had such an idea. There were many people who also had such an idea. Many people thought that Ye Wutian could not succeed, but the truth was just the opposite. He succeeded. Just when everyone thought he would fail, He succeeded.

When Ye Wutian threatened to enter Vegas, most people thought he was bragging, wanting to complete an impossible task and enter Vegas? Is it true that the behind-the-scenes bosses of those casinos are all dead? Can you squeeze as much as you want?

Taking a step back, the behind-the-scenes bosses of those casinos are willing to let Ye Wutian get involved, and the authorities of M country cannot do that. It is impossible for an outsider like Ye Wutian to touch Vegas. It can be said that Vegas belongs to M country. A sign that the authorities will never allow outsiders to dominate Vegas.

Such difficult things were done by Ye Wutian. In this regard, most people realized that they would be afraid to treat Ye Wutian differently in the future.

You think that Ye Wutian was driven to the shelves by a duck. At the beginning, he threatened to get involved in Vegas, but he was completely forced to be helpless. Now, who else dares to say that he was forced to be helpless?


No one knows how Ye Wutian did it. Anyway, he did it. Now, all the casinos in Vegas, no matter how big or small, have his Ye Wutian shares.

After the news spread, it caused a sensation all over the world. From then on, the history of Vegas would be rewritten. From then on, Ye Wutian's name would be printed on the calendar of Vegas development.

Countless media went crazy and wanted to find Ye Wutian as a party, and they all wanted to interview first-hand information, but as a party, Ye Wutian was not idle at this time.

"Master, you're awesome." Situ Wei put down the documents in her hand, and in front of her were more than a dozen contracts, all of which were share transfer contracts that George faxed over and signed for him.

Cheng Kexin also smiled, and even Ouyang Xingyue, who was always not good at speaking, had a smile on her face. The three women knew what these documents meant. Signing these documents meant that there would be a lot of money coming in the future. .

"Hey, to be honest, I didn't expect to succeed so soon." Ye Wutian smiled.

Situ Wei smiled and said, "You are forcing them so hard, can they not agree?"

Ye Wutian blushed, and he did not deny that he was able to succeed this time through abnormal means.

"With the support of these casinos, Hongyan Island's funds should not be as tight as before." Ouyang Xingyue said.

"My third uncle has encountered a lot of trouble. I'm afraid there is no way to restore the cargo transportation for the time being." Situ Wei said.

Ye Wutian said: "This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, that is our main source."

"The Xu family won't let it go. I'm afraid this matter won't stop so easily." Cheng Kexin was worried that the Xu family was not an ordinary family, not to mention that there was a prince.

"It won't take long for them to take the pills." Situ Wei said, "The share price of Xu's Group is falling every day. I'm sure they are more anxious than us."

"Be careful with Xu Ying." Ye Wutian reminded that the only worry is that Xu Ying can become the prince of Poison Shadow Sect. She can't be simple, and she can't be as gentle as the surface.

"She won't do anything to us, the young lady should pay attention, as well as yourself," Situ Wei said.

Ye Wutian also realized that the security forces around Cheng Kexin were too weak, so he had to talk to Lion Head and let him send a few more experts to protect Cheng Kexin.

Compared to Cheng Kexin, Situ Wei has nothing to worry about. She is very skilled, and she is very good at dealing with ordinary people, even experts.

"Those medicines are ready, and it is estimated that country M will come to get them soon."

"It's ready, the first batch of 50,000 tablets." Cheng Kexin replied: "The second batch of 40,000 tablets will also be given to them in a few days."

As soon as Cheng Kexin finished speaking, Ye Wutian's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Linda who was calling.

Ye Wutian smiled, those people are afraid that they are too anxious, right?

"Linda, I have prepared the medicine you want for you. The second batch will be given to you in three days. I wonder if you have the money ready?"

"I'll be there soon."

Ye Wutian thought that it came quickly enough, which proved the other party's urgency.

More than ten minutes later, Linda appeared in front of Ye Wutian with someone, and she made a special trip to come over by a special plane.

The first batch of goods was handed over to Linda, and the other party also transferred the money to Hongyan Group's account.

"Don't look at it, there won't be any fakes." Ye Wutian smiled: "Don't worry, I can't harm you, don't forget, we are friends."

Hearing the word "friend" come out of Ye Wutian's mouth, Linda somehow felt nauseated, friend? Is she friends with Ye Wutian?

Ignoring at this time is the best choice, so Linda chose to remain silent.

Ye Wutian was arrogant, and handed Linda a white transparent bag in his hand.

Linda didn't reach out to pick it up immediately, but looked at the bag suspiciously. Because the bag was transparent, Linda could clearly see the contents in the bag. It was dark, I don't know what it was, and it looked disgusting. .

Seeing this, Ye Wutian explained: "The medicine for your hand apply them to your wrist, just like casting a plaster, understand?"

Linda still didn't reach out to pick it up, full of doubts: "Is this really possible?"

Ye Wutian began to be impatient: "Do you believe in Chinese medicine? If you don't believe it, you can leave me with these things."

Although these things don't look very good, they are definitely good things, and most people Ye Wutian will never give them.

Linda was asked, she didn't know how to answer, it was hard to believe it or not.

"No? Then I'll throw it away."

"Really useful?" Linda still couldn't believe that this thing could be useful. She had seen that kind of legendary dog ​​skin plaster. It was definitely not the case. She was afraid that Ye Wutian was deliberately playing tricks on her and making some unknown things for her to use. , This person, but dare to do anything.

Brother Tian didn't like this feeling very much, and he didn't like the taste of being untrusted. Seeing that Linda didn't believe it, Brother Tian was not polite, and just threw it away and threw the bag away. ()

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