Mad Doctor

Chapter 1062: company auction

With the phone in his hand, Xu Shoucheng was in a dilemma. He couldn't move in, and he didn't know what to do.

"Do you still fight? If you don't fight, it's a waste of my time." What Ye Wutian hates most is that others threaten him.

"Ye Wutian, don't deceive people too much."

Ye Wutian took a step forward: "What's the matter with bullying you? You bite me? Do you want to move Xu Ying out again?"

"Threat me? Revocation of the military restricted zone? Damn it, I really think I caught my sore foot? Can you use this to threaten me?"

Ye Wutian wanted to move the company away for a long time, and now, at most, the schedule is only advanced. The main building of the company on Hongyan Island has been almost completed, and it should not be a problem to move it now.

Therefore, Xu Shoucheng came to threaten him with this matter, it was really not the right time, and he didn't pick a good time.

Xu Shoucheng is a guy whose vision determines his butt, and his **** determines his thinking. I don't know how he did it, and he was able to make the Hongyan Group's military restricted area be revoked.

Ye Wutian no longer paid attention to the other party, got into the car and left. As for whether Xu Shoucheng would make a phone call, Ye Wutian didn't care. After getting in the car, he called Chen Binwei and asked him about the progress on Hongyan Island.

The answer given by Chen Binwei is that the access control installation of the company building is almost complete, and it can be completed within three or two days. Ye Wutian is very satisfied with this, and even decides to move the company to Hongyan Island a week later.

Although Ye Wutian knows that after moving the company to Hongyan Island, it will not be easy, and the security aspect will definitely be more difficult than now. The unpredictable guy will definitely try his best to go to the island, hoping to steal the confidential information of the Hongyan Group.

Everything is up to you.

Xu Shoucheng finally made that call, and about an hour after he called, the person above informed Hongyan Group that the company's military restricted zone would be cancelled.

This news shocked countless people. The Hongyan Group is so important, why did the above suddenly make such a decision? Incredible.

Such a news made many people puzzled. The decision made above will undoubtedly increase the pressure on Hongyan Group. In terms of security work, Hongyan Group needs to invest more.

After the news came out, many reporters surrounded the door of the Hongyan Group. For the reporters, it was too long to wait for such a day, and they wanted to go inside the Hongyan Group to find out.

A large number of black-clothed men are guarding the company gate. Those people even wear big sunglasses and have communication equipment hanging from their ears. What's more exaggerated is that these black-clothed men have bulging waists.

No one would doubt that the things on the waists of these men in black would be stones.

With such a large number of men in black guarding, the reporters did not dare to mess around, so they could only try their best to shoot inside with cameras.

After a frenzy of shooting, just when media reporters thought it was impossible to get important news today, a few young girls came out of the company.

Seeing those beauties trotting gently, each and every one of them came, in the crowd, some male reporters forgot to press the camera in their hands, thinking only that the Hongyan Group is really a cloud of beauties, if they can enter the company to work, they will It's a very happy thing. There is a saying that you can get the moon first. Even if you can't successfully hold a beautiful woman, at least it can be eye-catching, right?

Several beauties arrived, and the one standing in the front first glanced at the reporters with good-looking eyes before opening his mouth: "Hello, friends from reporters, I'm the company's public relations manager, Shen Manli, everyone must know why they are here. Come, before that, let me say one thing first, after the company's research and decision, this Hongyan Group building will be auctioned now, anyone who is interested can come to negotiate, and the reserve price is one billion."

Shen Manli took the lead and succeeded in diverting the attraction of reporters. As an experienced public relations manager, she knew very well what to do and how to control the scene.

Sure enough, the reporters were all clamoring. For them, this was another big news. Is the Hongyan Group going to sell it?

"Manager Shen, if your company wants to sell the building, do you want to move the company to Hongyan Island?" a reporter asked.

Shen Manli said: "Yes, the company will move to Hongyan Island."

The reporters thought, as expected, the Hongyan Group really wants to move out, but, even if it wants to move out, why not remove this military restricted area after moving out?

This is very confusing, I don't know why.

"Why didn't we remove this restricted area until the company moved out?" Another reporter asked.

Shen Manli said: "A lot of things are not up to us to decide."

The reporters present realized that Shen Manli's words were full of deep meaning, and there must be something inside.

She wanted to ask again, but Shen Manli didn't give the reporters a chance, and turned and left with her assistant.

In just one hour, two shocking news aroused the nerves of the world. Hongyan Group was about to move, and it moved hastily.

At the same time, an announcement appeared on the official website of Hongyan Group, stating that Hongyan Group will move out of Dongcheng in a week, and the building it is currently using will also be auctioned.

In addition to being surprised, many people were also very interested in the building of Hongyan Group, and they approached Hongyan Group to discuss.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Ye Wutian was still chatting with two patients at Dongcheng Hospital, and left two prescriptions. The patient's condition was not too serious, at least for Ye Wutian. Relying on drugs, at most half a year, both of them can recover.

After arranging the work, Wu Qunsheng called Ye Wutian to the office. The matter between Ye Wutian and his granddaughter was not resolved, and Wu Qunsheng was uneasy.

"Mr. Wu, it's just lunch time. Let's go out and find a place to eat and chat while eating."

Wu Qunsheng did not object, he also wanted to have a good talk with Ye Wutian.

"I'll call Xiaoyi and let her go with me."

"No, just the two of us." Wu Qunsheng stopped him. With his granddaughter, it was impossible to talk about anything. No matter what his grandfather said, his stupid granddaughter would help this kid.

Girls go out! This made Wu Qunsheng very depressed.

Ye Wutian did not insist, and walked out of the hospital with Wu Qunsheng, but when they walked out of the gate, they were surrounded by a large group of reporters.

This scene surprised Ye Wutian, so many reporters?

In addition to these reporters, there are many people, those who are estimated to be patients, because none of those people's faces are normal, all of them are pale and sick.

Sometimes, Ye Wutian couldn't bear to reject these patients, they were not easy, and to put it bluntly, they were just trying to survive.

"Mr. Ye, what do you think of the company's removal of the military restricted zone?" the reporters who came around asked first.

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "I don't have any opinions, it's normal, and it's nothing to make a fuss about."

"In a few days, Hongyan Group will move to Hongyan Island. Why don't you wait until then to cancel it? Cancel it now, not afraid of leaking the company's confidential information?"

"What are you afraid of? Those who should come will still come." Ye Wutian said: "In your eyes, is the Hongyan Group really that bad? You don't even have the ability to protect yourself?"

"Mr. Ye, your company made such a decision so suddenly, is there a conflict between your company and the above?" a reporter asked.

Ye Wutian laughed and said: "This problem is nothing to say, it is not a problem at all, what they want to do, I can't control them."

"So you admit that you are in conflict with the above?" Another reporter asked.

Ye Wutian stared at the reporter: "My friend, your question is very interesting. I would like to ask you. If I say yes, what will happen to you? If I say no, what will happen to you?"

"I'm just looking for the truth."

"The truth?" Ye Wutian sneered: "It's not that I look down on you. When you know who my opponent is, I'm afraid that you won't even have the courage to ask. I'm in a good mood today. I advise you not to ask questions all day long. It doesn’t matter what the problem is, you can’t take that kind of responsibility.”

Ye Wutian's words can be said to be a threat or a warning.

The reporter was blushing and didn't know how to react.

"Thank you for your concern, Hongyan Group will move to Hongyan Island, it will be a matter of time, now Hongyan Island can make the company operate normally, so the company decided to move there, there is nothing else to say, that's it, sorry! Everyone, I have something else to do, please let me go."

After a pause, Ye Wutian looked at the surrounding patients again, and said again: "Everyone, the medical base on Hongyan Island will also be put into use soon. When the time comes, friends can go there, and it should be able to help everyone."

There was a glimmer of light in the desperate eyes of these patients. They wanted Ye Wutian to help them, but Ye Wutian's actions made many people speechless. He was a master who fell into the eyes of Don't expect him to help you if you have no money, and don't expect him to help you even if you are not super rich.

The putting into use of the medical base on Hongyan Island is, in a sense, a great boon for the patients.

After saying a few words, Ye Wutian and Wu Qunsheng left together. The two found a quiet restaurant, asked for a private room, and ordered a few exquisite stir-fries.

Wu Qunsheng's mind was not on eating at all, on the contrary, Ye Wutian was eating with relish.

Seeing Wu Qunsheng like that, Ye Wutian also had no taste, so he put down his chopsticks and told everything between him and Wu Yi, focusing on the more than ten days they spent on the deserted island.

"Father, my life was saved by Xiaoyi. It was Xiaoyi who fed me with her mouth to let me survive. Otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am now." Ye Wutian recalled that time and endured it. I couldn't stop sighing, as if it was just yesterday, "In those days, I might not have survived without Xiaoyi's help. Similarly, Xiaoyi might not have survived without me."

Wu Qunsheng was silent, and he said after a while: "You can't forget that past event, but you are now, is it fair to Xiaoyi? What can you give her?" ()

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