Mad Doctor

Chapter 1064: Excessive conditions

Wang Roosi frowned, obviously he didn't expect Ye Wutian to put forward conditions, and the conditions were still too much.

"You agree to my conditions, let's talk." Ye Wutian said.

From Wang Roosi's point of view, Ye Wutian was already taking an inch, but she still endured, "Speak."

"I admit that you are so beautiful today. I believe that any man who sees you like this will have only one idea to hold you in his arms."

Hearing this, Wang Roosi was even more displeased, and murderous intent burst out from her cold eyes.

"I want to hug you." Brother Tian ignored Wang Roose's anger and went straight to the point.

Of course, Brother Tian put forward this condition on purpose. Don't you Wang Roose hate the opposite sex? Well, I have to disgust you.

"This condition is very embarrassing for you?" Ye Wutian asked knowingly.

"Impossible, don't disgust me."

"How can you say it's disgusting? In foreign countries, this is a very common etiquette. Even in China, it's not too much to ask for, isn't it just a hug?"

"You want to die?" Wang Roosi stared at Ye Wutian, with a strong killing intent.

Ye Wutian, who was not frightened, shrugged his shoulders handsomely: "Every day people want me to die, so am I still alive? You want me to die, I'm afraid it won't be that easy, not to mention, I'm dead, old man Ma's Who can help?"

"Do you have a solution?"

"Haha, you all came to me, can I do anything? I don't dare to say anything else. I still have the confidence to keep him alive for another year."

"My grandma asked you that day, why didn't you agree?" Wang Roosei was very angry, Ye Wutian did it on purpose.

Ye Wutian said: "It's funny, I have to agree for Mao? You give me a reason for me to agree."

Wang Roosi was asked.

"If you don't let me hug, I won't agree, it's that simple."

Wang Roosi was silent, Ye Wutian dared to say such ruthless words, indicating that he must have a way, what should I do? Ye Wutian's words made her in a dilemma.

"I'm not in a hurry, you can go back and think about it, and tell me when you think about it."

"Change the conditions."

"No, there is no negotiation. If you want me to take action, I have to hug you. It doesn't take long, five minutes. However, you have to make sure that you can't resist within these five minutes. Of course, I won't touch you."

Wang Roose: "…"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, old man Ma can live an extra year, which is also of great benefit to your Wang family. Don't forget what your main business is." Ye Wutian said yin and yang strangely.

Knowing that Ye Wutian was doing it on purpose, Wang Roosi found that she had no choice, threats, ****, all of which would not work.

"In another condition, I ordered two limited edition supercars for you, plus the one that day, Cheng Kexin and the three of them happened to have one for each."

Ye Wutian admires this woman very much. She is generous and has a great personality. She would rather lose a lot of money than be taken advantage of.

Not to mention, Wang Roose's conditions are a bit tempting. Two limited edition supercars will cost a lot of money. However, Wang Roose's idea does not attract Ye Wutian's interest. Money, he doesn't care, he just wants to be good. Qi Qi Wang Roose.

"I'll give you two cars, you let me hold them for a few minutes?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Wang Roosi was asked again, and just realized that Ye Wutian is also a good money owner.

"Do you have to do this?" Wang Roosi was almost unable to restrain herself, and was about to run wild. Since she took control of the Wang Group, she has rarely been so angry with her opponents.

"Yes, it must be so."

Ye Wutian couldn't understand why the Wang family was willing to help him deal with the Xu family. Of course, these were not what he should worry about.

Wang Roosi hesitated, she wanted to turn around and leave, but held back, Ye Wutian's words that could save old man Ma's life for a year were too attractive to her. It's been an extraordinary year. Both families can do a lot of things in one year. In layman's terms, the benefits they can get are immeasurable.

"Don't worry, I have time to wait." Ye Wutian said deliberately.

"If you meet your conditions, you can guarantee that you will do it?"

"You can guarantee that you won't resist when you let me hold you?" Ye Wutian asked: "So I can't answer your question at all."

Ye Wutian knew that if Wang Roosi could say this, she must be tempted. In fact, she had no other choice, unless she didn't care about the life and death of old man Ma.

Judging from Mrs. Wang's reaction that day, she cared about Mrs. Ma, her brother-in-law, and would never let her die.

The relationship between these big families is really complicated enough, so complicated that it makes people speechless, and they join forces.

After some hesitation, Wang Roosi realized that she had no option to retreat, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I hope you can do what you say."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Do you agree?"

With such a condition, he wanted to embarrass Wang Roose on purpose, but she didn't care at all, and he couldn't embarrass her.

"Come on." After Wang Roose finished speaking, she closed her eyes and stood there posing as if she was letting you pick.

Now, Brother Tian doesn't know what to do, really want to hug him? When things got to this point, he began to be afraid.

After seeing Ye Wutian in action for a long time, Wang Roosi couldn't help but open her eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Ye Wutian scratched his head awkwardly: "Will I take advantage of others' danger?"

Wang Roose: "…"

"You can't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame you for being too beautiful. It makes me helpless!"

"You play with me?" Wang Roosi didn't want to have a romantic relationship with Ye Wutian here, she was still standing here, and she was trying her best to endure the nausea.

She didn't know how long she could support it and how long she could endure it.

Ye Wutian did not speak, but directly used practical actions to hold Wang Roosei tightly in his arms.

Wang Roose's first reaction was to push Ye Wutian away, the nausea from her heart made her want to feel nauseated.

"It's really fragrant." How could Ye Wutian let Wang Roosi break free? It's hard to have such an opportunity to damage the opponent, and it must not be missed.

"Don't move." Ye Wutian warned: "Five minutes."

Wang Roose, who heard the words, froze in place instantly, no longer resisting.

"You are really fragrant, I like this smell very much." Ye Wutian muttered to himself, the smell emanating from Wang Roose's body didn't smell like perfume, it smelled very good.

Wang Roosi has already started to vomit, she is going to vomit, and today is the first time since she was a child.

Just holding it, how could Brother Tian be satisfied? This guy's hands began to be dishonest, and he began to caress gently.

Brother Tian was thinking, today is an opportunity given to him by God. Isn't Wang Roosi dressed like this today, giving him a chance to take advantage?

Wang Roose's whole body was like an electric shock, her beautiful eyes were wide open, Ye Wutian actually treated her like this.

At this moment, she wanted to smash Ye Wutian into ten thousand pieces.

At the same time of anger, she also thought of a sentence, a man can be trusted, and a sow will go up to a tree.

Just as he was about to struggle, Ye Wutian's voice rang in Wang Roosi's ears again, "Don't move, it's less than five minutes."

Wang Roosi repeatedly told herself, don't care about this person, for the sake of purpose, be patient. "Get your dirty hands off."

Brother Tian put his face against Wang Roose's pretty face, and whispered in her ear: "You are so interesting, let go of your hands, how can I hug?"

"Take it away." This time, Wang Roosi was louder and deeper.

"Okay, you let me take it away, then I'll take it away, don't let me touch the top, I'll hug the bottom." After that, Brother Tian put his hands and hands on Wang Roose's **** pink buttocks.

Wang Roose couldn't care about being angry, her throat was sore, something rushed out, she quickly pushed Ye Wutian away, then turned around and crouched down and vomited wildly.

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! What about this woman? So exaggerated? Depend on!

Hug and vomit? What the **** is this? Rejected like this? speechless.

Ye Wutian really didn't know what to say. Dare to love Wang Roose was not pretending, but rejecting the opposite **** from the bottom of his heart.

Wang Roose, who was squatting on the ground, didn't vomit anything.

"Are you alright?" Ye Wutian asked himself if he was too cruel, it seemed immoral to treat a woman like this, and then he thought that Wang Roose was not an ordinary person, so why should he sympathize with her?

It took a long time for Wang Roosi, who was vomiting wildly, to stand up. Her little face was like a blank piece of paper. When she stood up, she stared at Ye Wutian: "Go."

"Where?" Ye Wutian asked knowingly.

"Do you want to go back on it?" Wang Roosei secretly swore that if Ye Wutian dared to go back on it, she would kill him at all costs.

Ye Wutian said: "What do I regret? What do I have to regret? Did you do what I asked for? Did it take five minutes just now? It's only one minute, fifty-seven seconds to be exact, you just want me Help you? Wang Roosi, when I am a three-year-old child? Can you lie to me?"

"Do you still want to continue?" Wang Roosi's scalp was numb, and she had no temper at all.

"Of course, the welfare belongs to me, why not?" Ye Wutian said: "However, you can also disagree. I will adjust the one-year period for Old Man Ma to two months."

"You threaten me?" asked the murderous Wang Roose.

"Will you give me a hug?" Ye Wutian directly ignored Wang Roose's anger, "Don't say I won't give you a chance, choose yourself."

Wang Roosi swore that she would kill this **** in the future and kill him herself.

"Count to three and leave if you don't give it to me."

"Ye Wutian, are you not afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid, UU reading is afraid every day, but, I still have to do some things even if I'm afraid."

Wang Roosi hesitated, not knowing what to do, she really didn't want Ye Wutian to touch her again.

Ye Wutian didn't want to wait for Wang Roose to hesitate, so he stepped forward and hugged Wang Roose, "You'd better stay still, four minutes, and hold back no matter what."

Ye Wutian, who forcibly hugged Wang Roose, continued to make further progress, fumbling with both hands, it was too cool, and it was estimated that Wang Roose was tossed enough today.

It was already an hour later when Ye Wutian appeared in front of Mrs. Wang with Wang Roosei again. Wang Roosei was drifting while walking. Back home.

"Old lady, we meet again." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Mrs. Wang looked at her granddaughter's back suspiciously and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Wutian was in a pretty good mood, but what happened between him and Wang Roose couldn't tell the old lady, otherwise he was afraid that the old lady would rush into the kitchen and chase him with a kitchen knife. ()

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