Mad Doctor

Chapter 1067: 1 false alarm

Ye Wutian went into the room where the old man Ma was, went in and took a look, sure enough, the spirit of the old man Ma was not as good as before.

"Little genius doctor, take a look and see if there is any problem." Mrs. Ma said to Ye Wutian with a very anxious expression.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first." Ye Wutian also wondered, the situation of old man Ma can be said to be abnormal, this is not normal.

Holding the old man Ma's wrist, Ye Wutian took the pulse seriously, first with his left hand, then with his right hand, until five minutes later, Ye Wutian stopped.

And as soon as he stopped, Mrs. Ma and others couldn't wait to look at Ye Wutian, looking forward to his answer.

Ye Wutian glanced at Mrs. Ma and the others, and said, "What did I tell you yesterday? Rest, let him rest, it's better now, you see, the old man is a manifestation of lack of rest." Ye Wutian said more and more loudly, saying In the end, it was almost roaring.

Madam Ma was yelled at. Instead of being unhappy, she laughed and felt relieved: "Little genius doctor, do you mean that the old man will be fine as long as he has enough rest?"

Ye Wutian hummed heavily: "He slept very late last night, didn't he?"

Madam Ma didn't know about this, so she could only look at the two little nurses in the end.

One of the nurses replied in a low voice, "The chief didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock last night. We repeatedly asked him to rest, but he didn't listen."

Wang Roose's beautiful eyes were like swords, staring at the two little nurses, "This is not an example."

Ye Wutian also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also afraid of what would happen. Fortunately, the old man Ma was sleep deprived, and nothing else mattered.

"Remember, in the future, you must ask the old man to sleep before ten o'clock every night, otherwise there will be an accident, don't blame me." Ye Wutian emphasized again.

"Don't worry, little genius doctor, if the dead old man is not obedient, I will kill him myself." The old lady was also angry, which made her worry for a while, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

Ye Wutian didn't say anything when he heard the words, the old lady has already said it for this sake, and what he said would be meaningless.

"Little genius doctor, do you still need any medicine?" the old lady asked.

"No, let him sleep, get him something to eat when he wakes up, and nothing else. Of course, the medicine I prescribed must be taken every day."

"Rest assured, I know what to do, and I promise that nothing like this will happen again."

Fortunately, it was only a false alarm. Even so, Mrs. Ma was too frightened. Old Man Ma was of great significance to the entire Ma family, and nothing happened.

After the confession, Ye Wutian walked out of the room, and Wang Roosi also came out behind. Now she can look at Ye Wutian with all eyes on her, and she also has a new understanding of Chinese medicine.

"Send me back to Dongcheng." Ye Wutian said.

Wang Roosi said coldly, "I'm not your servant."

"What's the matter? You think I'm useless now? You want to dump me?"

Wang Roosi sneered contemptuously: "Who do you think you are?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I still have a role in you now, so don't offend me." Ye Wutian replied.

"Ye Wutian, I also helped you a lot, please don't forget it."

"Hey, we just use each other, we can't talk about who helps whom."

"So don't bother me, don't think I dare not do anything to you."

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "You really don't dare to do anything to me now. As for the future, I don't know."

"The Xu Group has already started. I hope you can know what you are doing."

Ye Wutian asked: "Are you a warning or a reminder?"

"What do you say?"

Brother Tian shook his head and said he didn't know, "Wang Roosi, if I said I wanted to hug you now, would you agree?"

"What do you say?"

"I guess I won't agree." Ye Wutian shook his head again, "You definitely won't agree."

"Now that you know, do you need to ask more?"

Ye Wutian chuckled: "Isn't there a saying that says this? You won't die until you reach the Yellow River."

"Ye Wutian, look at how proud you are. I'm afraid there is something you don't know about, right? Your little **** is about to become a monk."

"Go out... become a monk?" Ye Wutian almost didn't get turned over by the thunder, his eyes widened, it was hard to believe, the first reaction was that it must be fake, how is this possible?

"It seems that you really don't know." Wang Roosi said, "Go and have a look."

Ye Wutian couldn't be happy. Facing Wang Roose's departure, he didn't stop him. He just stood there, Xu Shishi going to become a monk?

I can't accept this fact and I don't want to believe it.

Wanting to ask Wang Roosi, he found that the other party had long since disappeared, so he quickly took out the phone to find Xu Shishi's number and dialed it, but the call could not be connected.

Does Xu Shishi really want to become a monk?

Ye Wutian was worried about gain and loss. He didn't want to believe that kind of thing. Of course, the most urgent task was to find Xu Shishi and ask him clearly. So young, he should become a monk? No matter how you look at it, Xu Shishi is not like the kind of person who is disappointed with everything in the world. She should be full of enthusiasm for life at a young age.

"Tell me, where is Xu Shishi?" Ye Wutian went in and found Wang Roose.

Wang Roosi smiled sarcastically: "What? You care about her? I can't see that you are really amorous. It's just that you have fallen out with the Xu family, so why bother?"

"It's none of your business, you just need to tell me where she is."

"Why should I tell you? I owe you something?"

Ye Wutian couldn't care about this, "Sanba, you'd better tell me that it's not good for you to irritate me."

"Really? Then I'd like to see what happens to you."

"you sure?"

Wang Roosi did not speak, but her expression already explained everything, indicating that she did not take Ye Wutian's threat in her eyes at all.

"Okay, this is what you said." Ye Wutian rushed forward with a sneer, and when Wang Roose was unprepared, he rushed to Wang Roose and stretched out his hand to squeeze her neck.

How could Wang Roose know that Ye Wutian would suddenly be rough with her?

Wang Roose, who was pinched by Ye Wutian's neck, was very angry. No one had ever dared to treat her like this. Ye Wutian was definitely the first.

"Don't think that you are a woman and I dare not do anything to you. I will never pity Xiangxi."

"Ye Wutian, you will pay for what you did today." With Ye Wutian pinching her neck, Wang Roosi wanted to vomit and nausea.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Want to kill me? I'll wait, Wang Roosi, I believe that sooner or later, you will kill me, sir, I don't care, but you better cooperate with me now, otherwise, I promise you will immediately will regret."

Wang Roosi is not afraid, not afraid that Ye Wutian will kill her, "You want to kill me?"

"Kill you?" Ye Wutian sneered: "Of course not, I'm a good person and won't kill people, but I will kiss you, kiss you fiercely."

Wang Roosi was frightened, and sure enough, this threat scared her more than killing her.

"I count to three, don't tell me again, don't blame me, anyway, I've kissed you for a long time."

Wang Roosi stared at Ye Wutian, but there was nothing to do with Ye Wutian. After a long time, Wang Roose said, "Ye Wutian, remember today."


Ye Wutian reported the number directly, and did not take Wang Roose's threat in his eyes at all.


"Linshan Temple."


"Thirty kilometers from the suburbs, navigation can be found." Under Ye Wutian's lewd power, Wang Roosei had no other choice. The only thing she could do was to obey, unless she really wanted to be kissed.

If you hug her and let her wash for two hours, she can't imagine that if Ye Wutian really kisses her, she will vomit out the food she ate last year.

Ye Wutian let go of Wang Roose, and when he left with his right hand, this fellow uneasy and kindly touched Wang Roose's pretty face, "Remember, never challenge a man's bottom line, you can't afford it."

Wang Roosi only felt her stomach churn for a while, and she couldn't help it even if she wanted to endure it.

Ye Wutian couldn't understand why Wang Roose's misogyny was so serious. He could cure this disease, but he was too lazy to say whether Wang Roose was sick or not, and it had nothing to do with him, so he didn't need to help her.

It wasn't until Ye Wutian's figure completely disappeared that Wang Roosi, whose face was ashen, came back to her senses.

Ye Wutian found the Linshan Temple mentioned by Wang Roose, and saw Xu Shishi without any effort. Today, Xu Shishi is wearing a Taoist robe and is still practicing with hair for the time being.

"Shishi, why are you doing this?" Ye Wutian couldn't wait to meet him.

"No reason."

Ye Wutian was in a panic, that feeling made him very unaccustomed, and wanted to raise his head and yell, "Is it because of me?"

"Don't think too much, you didn't get that share."

"You are so young, you can see through the red dust, Shishi, this is not the life you want." Ye Wutian still can't accept the fact that he is young, beautiful, and has money at home, so he chose to step into the empty door without doing anything. What is it called?

Xu Shishi looked at Ye Wutian with a complicated look in his eyes.

Ye Wutian was seen feeling uncomfortable. Facing Xu Shishi's gaze, he had to bite the bullet and continue to stand there. That feeling, let alone how awkward it was.

I wanted to ask a few times, but I stopped talking, which was very uncomfortable.

"Shishi, if you are doing this for me, there is absolutely no need for it, I am not worth what you do." Ye Wutian said.

"Don't get me wrong, you're not that important."

"Why? There has to be a reason, right? Everyone has a reason for everything. What's your reason?"

"For what reason, I don't need to explain to you, who are you? Ye Wutian, who are you to me?"

Ye Wutian was asked, yes, who is he? What is the relationship with Xu Shishi? It doesn't seem to matter.

"If you are for me, there is absolutely no need to do this, no matter if you are cruel to me or what, you don't need to, hate me, you can hate me, I don't care about it, but please don't do this, as long as you can be happy Just fine."

"Don't come to me in the Master said that my six senses are not pure, I promise Master, within half a year, I will cut off everything, Ye Wutian, this is the right place for me."

Ye Wutian always felt that it was not like that, Xu Shishi was lying to him, but, knowing that she was lying to him, what should he say? Everyone has their own path to take, and the path is chosen by themselves.

"Do you really care about me?" Xu Shishi said after a long time.

Ye Wutian nodded madly, there is no doubt that he cares about Xu Shishi.

"I really care about me, let me go at an appropriate time." Xu Shishi turned around and left after leaving this sentence, and walked into the temple under Ye Wutian's gaze.

Xu Shishi's ordination must have something to do with him, but what should he do? Xiao Nizi is young and very determined. Once she decides, almost no one can make her change her decision.

Ye Wutian stood there alone for a long time. Regarding Xu Shishi's last request, he was both expected and unexpected.

What should I do in the face of Xu Shishi's plea? This is a headache. ()

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