Mad Doctor

Chapter 1069: The end of the strong bow

The matter of Wang Lin must have been caused by the Xu family, but Ye Wutian didn't understand, why did the Xu family want to deal with him? If you want to deal with him, you can use many methods, why do you want to attack Wang Lin? Let Wang Lin step down, what effect can it play? In this regard, Brother Tian was puzzled.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Situ Wei asked. It could be seen that Ye Wutian was very angry at this time, but he didn't know whether he was angry because of the Xu family or because of the reporter Wang just now.

"How to do it? What I want to do most now is to slap the Xu family hard."

"Including Xu Ying?"

Ye Wutian could not laugh or cry, "I have nothing to do with her now, and if necessary, I will do that too."

Situ Wei just smiled, but didn't say anything.

Ye Wutian didn't know what Situ Wei was smiling at, but he always felt that the Situ Fairy's smile was malicious.

"At the end of the strong bow, you still dare to be arrogant." The Xu family is no longer the Xu family it used to be, nor the Xu family group of the past. With the current strength of the Xu family group, can it be squeezed into the four major families? Still an unknown.

"The rotten boat still has three pounds of nails, sir, but Qiancheng can't underestimate them."

Ye Wutian nodded: "Of course I know, don't worry, they should be worried."

The news of Wang Lin being ousted caused a great sensation, and it was unknown where the news came from, saying that Wang Lin's ouster had something to do with Ye Wutian, and it was Ye Wutian's reason that caused Wang Lin to be unable to sit firmly in his seat.

Ye Wutian has made a decision about this humiliation.

For several days in a row, there was a lot of rumors outside, and many people speculated in private, wondering what Ye Wutian would do next. After all, what happened to Wang Lin was because of him, Ye Wutian, and Ye Wutian didn't help. , I'm afraid it can't be said.

But everyone waited to see through the autumn water, but they didn't see Ye Wutian's intention to act. It's been a few days, why is there no movement from Ye Wutian? Therefore, some people began to speculate that Ye Wutian would ignore Wang Lin, or that Ye Wutian had no ability at all.

The relocation work of Hongyan Group is in full swing, among which the workers of the production workshop are arranged to Hongyan Island, and a large number of equipments in the company are also moved to Hongyan Island.

To everyone's surprise, when the Hongyan Group did this, no one stood up to stop it. This matter surprised many people and couldn't understand why no one stood up.

The Hongyan Group moved away and slapped some people in the face. The Xu family was one of them. The burning pain was because they cancelled the Hongyan Group's military restricted area through their relationship. Now the Hongyan Group has proved with actions that they don't care about the military restricted area. .

"Brother, what's wrong?" Xu family, Xu Shuque was so anxious that his forehead was sweating. If it goes on like this, the Xu Group will be in a state of doom.

These days, Xu Shoucheng seems to be many years older, and the hair that he just dyed turned white again. The huge pressure made him unbearable. The company is now like this. However, he knew that was impossible.

With a sigh, Xu Shoucheng didn't know what to do. If he had a way, would he still be here now? You have long thought of a way to lead the company out of the current predicament, how could this be so?

"Our opponent is not only Ye Wutian." After sighing, Xu Shoucheng opened his mouth.

"Why did the Ma family get involved?" Xu Shuque couldn't understand why the Ma family and the Wang family would attack the Xu family together? This puzzled him.

"Because Ye Wutian." Xu Shoucheng replied.

Xu Shuque was stunned and asked in astonishment, "How do you know?"

"Not long after I found out, the old man of the Ma family was unwell. Please ask Ye Wutian to go there. After that, the Ma family and the Wang family started."

Xu Shuque was so shocked that he didn't even realize it, and he couldn't stop shaking when he spoke. What kind of family are the Wang family and the Ma family? Especially the Ma family. Thinking of this, Xu Shuque couldn't help but be afraid for a while. Just a Wang family, Xu's group would not be very afraid. With the Ma family, the Xu family would not have much ability to fight back. The Hongyan Group.

Besieged on all sides!

The elder brother's explanation has made Xu Shuque very clear, there must be some agreement between Ye Wutian and the Ma family. Thinking of this, Xu Shuque couldn't help but want to scold his mother, and even more wanted to kill.

Now, he began to doubt whether it was the right thing to set up Ye Wutian as an opponent. Originally, the Xu Group could become friends with Ye Wutian, but now it has become an enemy. An enemy who wants to kill the opponent.

Sorry, it's too late.

"Big brother, think of a way." Xu Shuque, who came from a big family, knows too well the seriousness of the matter, and what kind of family the Ma family is, especially the old man of the Ma family.

It is not a wise thing to fight with such a person.

Xu Shoucheng took his eyes away from the window and said, "Help me go to Shishina and say I want to see her."

Xu Shuque was dumbfounded. Although she was her own daughter, she asked him, the uncle, to find him. What was he thinking?

"Brother, why don't you go by yourself?"

"Shishi doesn't want to see me."

Xu Shuque: "..."

If you don't want to see him, it's useless for him to go.

Seeing this, Xu Shoucheng explained: "If you go, she may agree."

"Do you want Shishi to find Ye Wutian?" Xu Shuque began to understand.

Xu Shoucheng seemed to be in pain, and the struggle and despair in his eyes were unbearable. At this moment, Xu Shuque suddenly realized that the eldest brother was working very hard and paid too much for the Xu Group.

Being forced to come this far, the eldest brother had no choice, Shishi suddenly became a monk, disrupting the family's plans and life.

"Big brother, why don't you forget it?" Xu Shuque said, the second brother's death made him realize the importance of unity. The Xu family used to be like this because they were not united enough.

If the Xu Group wants to get out of the current predicament, it must be united. This is the only way out. There will never be a chance to win if the brothers are not of the same mind.

Xu Shoucheng didn't speak. He knew too well that it was impossible to go to the Ma family to discuss with the Wang family. The only possibility was to let Ye Wutian stop, and only Ye Wutian could make the Ma family stop.

Xu Shoucheng knew a little about the matter between Shishi and Ye Wutian. He had asked Shishi faintly, but he was rejected. The more he did, the more he believed that there was something between Shishi and Ye Wutian.

Thinking of what his two daughters have with Ye Wutian, Xu Shoucheng wanted to go crazy, wishing he had a heavy machine gun in his hand, and then....

"Let Xiaoying take action. We have no other choice. If Xiaoying takes action, we will still have a chance." Xu Shuque said.

"No, Xiaoying is the last trump card of our family. You can't use it unless you have to."

"Isn't it a last resort now?" Xu Shuque felt puzzled.

"Not yet, the real storm hasn't come yet." After a pause, Xu Shoucheng was full of arrogance, "Do you think the Xu family is so easy to bully? Even if I die, I will pull you all together."

"You can't scare anyone with these words." Behind him, Xu Ying's voice sounded.

Xu Shoucheng and the others turned their heads one after another, and when they saw Xu Ying coming in, they immediately asked, "Xiao Ying, do you have a solution?"

Xu Ying answered the question: "If this goes on, the Xu Group will have nothing."

"Otherwise what? We can't let others bully us. I just want to tell those people that the Xu Group is not easy to mess with."

Xu Ying glanced at his father: "You should be clear that the current Xu Group has become the end of the strong bow, and it is no longer the former Xu Group."

"Xiaoying, why are you talking like this? Who are you helping?" Xu Shoucheng looked at Xu Ying in surprise. This is his daughter, why do you speak so strangely?

"Tell the truth, can't you hear it?" Xu Ying did not make any concessions, and the tone of his speech was still very cold.

"Xiaoying, what are you trying to say?" Xu Shuque asked, always feeling strange.

Xu Ying said: "I want to tell you that the Xu Group is no longer the Xu Group of the past, so don't take that high stance at every turn."

Xu Shoucheng didn't understand what it meant, but felt strange and inconceivable that Xiaoying, who had always thought about his family, would say such a thing.

"If you want the Xu Group to live, let's give up some of the group's businesses and keep the core business."

"No, I can't give up." Xu Shoucheng means what that means, once he gives up, it means admitting that the Xu family's strength has regressed.

In fact, Xu Shoucheng is just unwilling to admit it. The fact is, whether he admits it or not, and is willing to give up some business, the Xu Group is not the former Xu Group. This is an iron-clad fact.

"If you don't throw it away, it will only make the Xu Group die faster. Which one do you choose?" Xu Ying was very displeased.

"Xiaoying, big brother, don't do this, you are all your own people. What we have to do now is to solve the problem. Our own people must not mess up the camp. By the way, Xiaoying, you can't do anything about it?"

"The Poison Shadow Sect can help the Xu Group, but I told you that if you want to use the power of the Poison Shadow Sect, the price is very high, and it will be even bigger than If you win, it will be a tragic victory. Do you want to choose?"

The two Xu Shoucheng brothers were asked, and they knew about it.

"As a member of the Xu family, I don't recommend doing that, so it would be the best choice to give up some business now and keep the overall strength of the Xu Group."

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want Poison Shadow Gate to help and use the strength of those old monsters, the Xu family will pay a great price. Should they do that? I don't know, Xu Shoucheng doesn't know, neither does Xu Shuque.

If the Xu family were to become an accessory of the Poison Shadow Sect and become a slave, how many people would choose such a choice? As Xu Ying said, even if you win, it will be a tragic victory, and the ending will not be happy.

"It seems that you all know how to choose. The only way out is to give up some unimportant business. If you don't give up, once you are dragged down, you will not be able to turn around the funds, and you will only be more passive."

Xu Ying didn't say any more. She couldn't do anything about many things. She wanted to help the Xu family, but she was more than enough. The opponents of the Xu family were the Wang family and the Ma family. Using the power of the Poison Shadow Sect, but she didn't dare, and couldn't. ()

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