Mad Doctor

Chapter 1077: life on the line

Ye Wutian shook his head very directly, such a ridiculous request, of course he couldn't agree, it was a fool to agree.

Suddenly, he shot, the action was very fast, and he didn't even say hello, his scrawny fists went towards Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was taken aback by surprise, how could he think that the other party would do it when he said he would do it? Leave him unprepared.

Although Ye Wutian took precautions, it was still too late. The other party's Sùdù was too fast. It was the first time that Ye Wutian met someone who was so fast. Compared with the four envoys, he did not know how many times faster. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"Bang!" The two fists collided.

Ye Wutian only felt that a wave of air was coming, turning the river into the sea, his throat was sweet, paralyzed, and he was injured.

With Xuanyuan Zhenqi protecting his body, he was still injured, one can imagine the strength of the opponent's strength.

He swallowed the mouth of blood forcibly, looking at the other party, his eyes were also slightly surprised, Kěnéng did not expect Ye Wutian to be so powerful.

Wiping off the blood on the corner of his mouth, Ye Wutian knew what he was careless about. He thought that the people from Poison Shadow Sect must be the most powerful with poison, but he didn't expect them to be so good.

Brother Tian knew that he was careless, and it was considered a capsize in the gutter.

"Bùcuò, pick me up again." The old monster sitting opposite looked at Ye Wutian with interest, and suddenly punched Ye Wutian again.

Ye Wutian wants to scold her mother, do these **** only play sneak attacks? Can't you just say something before you start? Depend on!

This time, in the face of the attack, Ye Wutian was prepared, and used the fastest Sùdù to transport Xuanyuan True Qi to meet him.

The two fists met again and collided.

Ye Wutian wondered, the other party was as thin as a tree, but his explosive power was quite astonishing.

With preparations, Ye Wutian transported Xuanyuan Zhenqi to the limit. Since they are all fighting together, it is either you die or I live, do you still need to be polite?

After the two fists were separated, Ye Wutian's feeling of overturning the river was stronger, and he was injured more seriously. However, the other party did not get any benefits, and it was estimated that he was also injured.

Ye Wutian, who was not seriously injured, didn't care about any gentleman. He didn't wait for the other party to come back to his senses, so he just sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder, and wanted to kill the other party directly.

In the face of Ye Wutian's attack, the old monster moved as fast as a cat and ran out of the car.

Ye Wutian was stunned, the other party's movements from opening the car door to going out, the whole series of actions were like flowing clouds and flowing water, very fast.

Seeing the other party get out, Ye Wutian couldn't help but think, how could he be able to have such a fast Sùdù?

The answer is no, certainly not so fast.

I really can't see it, it's unbelievable that such an old monster can move so quickly.

The old monster rushed out of the car and stood far away. Even if he was a master of art, he didn't dare to fight with Ye Wutian, and he couldn't afford it. He fled away because he was afraid that Ye Wutian would die together.

Being a lot older doesn't mean that he wants to die. On the contrary, regardless of his age, he can live happily in Poison Shadow Sect.

Seeing the other party running away, Ye Wutian didn't even bother to despise it, what the **** is an elder? Depend on.

Ye Wutian, who had come to his senses, was also ready to get off the bus, and then, just as he was about to get off the bus, there was a loud bang in his ears, followed by a heat wave that surrounded him.


The high temperature and the sound shook Ye Wutian's blood and anger. He realized this trap. Who would have thought that, with the status of the other party, he would make such a sinister move?

Ye Wutian found that he overestimated the other party and underestimated the insidiousness of the other party. The Poison Shadow Sect was a sect after all, and he would still do such insidious and sinister things.

Now, Ye Wutian finally understands that a dog is a dog, and it can never change its nature of eating shit. A crooked way is a crooked way. How can you expect them to do things like a gentleman? Not Kěnéng.

Enduring the huge pain, Ye Wutian told himself that he couldn't faint no matter what, if he fainted, he was really afraid that it would end.

At the moment of the explosion, Ye Wutian gritted his teeth and rushed out of the car after transporting Xuanyuan Zhenqi to the limit.

Until he stood on the ground, Ye Wutian Zhīdào, his life is big, and he is not dead. At this moment, he wanted to raise his head and laugh, and that feeling made him very happy.

Fortunately, I have Xuanyuan Zhenqi to protect my body. In the scene just now, I was replaced by an ordinary person, I am afraid that I am destined to say hello to God and his old man.

so close!

So Yǒushì love happened too fast, after today's events, Ye Wutian told himself that he couldn't just trust anyone.

It's nice to be alive.

In today's battle, Ye Wutian was seriously injured, and it also gave him a painful one.

Looking down at myself, I can no longer describe it as embarrassed, full of wounds.

Seeing that he was so embarrassed, Ye Wutian was angry and raised his head to see that the old monster was still standing in the distance, so he immediately stretched out his hand and pointed at the other party, and then walked towards the other party.

Seeing that Ye Wutian is still not dead, the old monster is very strange, and he can't help but sigh about Ye Wutian's luck. Of course, he also has strength.

Seeing Ye Wutian walking towards him, he turned around and got into another car.

As soon as the old monster left, Ye Wutian couldn't help but want to scold his mother. He was about to go over and kill the other party, so he left? What the **** is this called?

"Poison Shadow Gate, I swear to you." The mad Ye Wutian raised his head and roared.

"Master, you are injured." The explosion just now attracted the attention of the people around, and also attracted the attention of Situ Wei.

"I'm fine." Ye Wuli shot out a raging anger and suffered such a big loss on his own land, which was definitely the first time.

Situ Wei looked at Ye Wutian from top to bottom, and she breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the injury was not serious. Even so, she was still not at ease. She dragged Ye Wutian to go to the hospital.

Ye Wutian said: "No, I am a doctor."

Only then did Situ Wei remember that the uncle of her family was a doctor, and he was also a different doctor.

"Are you sure you're all right?" The worried Situ Wei asked again.

"It's okay." Ye Wutian's heart was warm, and Situ Wei was caring about him: "It's from the Poison Shadow Sect, and it's an elder. During this time, you should be careful yourself and have more people around you."

"What did I say to you?"

Ye Wutian said: "The Xu family should return to the Poison Shadow Sect. Today, the old immortal is to stand up for the Xu family. In addition, he wants me to return to the Poison Shadow Sect."

"What are you going to do?" Situ Wei was not impulsive, the Poison Shadow Sect was difficult to deal with, and even the headquarters of the Poison Shadow Sect could not be found anywhere. She had guessed that the headquarters of the Poison Shadow Sect should not be in the secular world.

"Beat him." A strong murderous aura burst out from Ye Wutian, this time the loss can't be ignored, and this place must be retrieved.

The Ye Wutian incident quickly spread, and Hongyan Group did not make any statement about it.

After the incident, Ye Wutian's phone calls came one after another, until the battery died, those people stopped, and the world was quiet.

Ye Wutian's attack caused many tensions and concerns. Situ Zong specially rushed to Dongcheng to visit Ye Wutian. Today's Ye Wutian is very important. Anyone can Yǒushì, he can't have it.

"Old man, I really have nothing to do." Ye Wutian's injury was neither serious nor light. After Xuanyuan Zhenqi conditioning, the internal injury was basically the same, but the trauma made him very helpless. At this time, he was wrapped in gauze all over his body.

Situ Zong said with a calm face: "You can't be careless. Your matter involves many people. Next time, you should pay attention to yourself, and don't believe anyone."

These words made Ye Wutian blushed, this time it was indeed his fault, and it was too easy to trust others.

"I'm Zhīdào, I'll be careful in the future." Ye Wutian could only agree, and he happened to be not around and was sent to protect Cheng Kexin, but even if she was there, she couldn't help much this time.

"Old man, you have to be careful, the other party will release harsh words to me, as long as they are my relatives and friends, they will not let them go." Ye Wutian was not worried about himself, but worried about the people around him.

The dignified Poison Shadow Sect elders can do such shameless and despicable things, what else is there to dare to do?

You have to re-evaluate the Poison Shadow Gate yourself.

"Don't worry about us, their main target is you, everyone is Zhīdào, you were launched by us, we can only be us if we destroy you." Situ Zong said.

"Master, help me find out all the information about the Poison Shadow Sect, including where they have branch offices." This is not the first time Ye Wutian has said this. He almost said this sentence in every phone call. Now, Ye Wutian has only one thought, to destroy the Poison Shadow Sect before any big loss on his side. Although he knows that this is not realistic, he still wants to do it and try his best to find out. All the forces of the Poison Shadow Gate were destroyed.

"I'll let you know if I have any news." Situ Zong did this, which means he has promised. Ye Wutian will do it if he doesn't say it. Anyone who threatens Ye Wutian's safety is also threatening the Situ family.

The Situ family and Ye Wutian were already on the same warship, and there was no way to change them.

There is another thing that Situ Zong did not tell Ye Wutian, the Situ Group has not had a good The company is under pressure from all sides, which has greatly reduced the company's performance. Fortunately, the core business of Situ Group It is still strong, but it is still far from the income of weight loss pills.

Situ Zong didn't stay long and left. In the room, Situ Wei accompanied Ye Wutian. The two chatted and laughed, and Ye Wutian took advantage from time to time.

According to Ye Wutian's vision, the Poison Shadow Sect should be the last one to deal with. Now it seems that the plan is not as fast as the change, and many things are simply too tired to decide on their own.

There are poisonous shadows here, and there are them there. Suddenly, Ye Wutian found that he had quite a few enemies, and his opponents were still very powerful, each one was stronger than the other, such an opponent, one is enough to let go People have a headache, let alone two at once.

Whether it's Poison Shadow Sect or Wang Roosei's interest group, it's enough to give Ye Wutian a headache, and neither one is easy to deal with.

Situ Wei ended the kiss with Ye Wutian, took Ye Wutian's ringing phone and handed it to him.

Ye Wutian, who took the call, frowned slightly when he saw the number above, he didn't want to answer, but after hesitating for a while, he pressed the connect button.

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