Mad Doctor

Chapter 1087: cousin

What caught the eye was a handsome, tall and sturdy handsome man with Armani all over his body.

He had to admit that the other party was born to be a clothes hanger. In addition, Ye Wutian had to admit that the other party was more handsome than him.

It's just that the other party is handsome, so why is Mao looking at him like this now? Did he offend him?

"Xiaorou, who is he?" The handsome man stepped forward and stared at Ye Wutian with a bad look.

Ye Wutian was able to find the strong jealousy in the handsome man's eyes, which made him realize that he had to leave, and it was not advisable to stay here for a long time.

"You talk." Ye Wutian was about to leave.

The other party saw that Ye Wutian didn't take him in his eyes at all, and his anger was even more intense at the moment, "Stop, what about you, didn't you hear?"

Ye Wutian's sweat! The other party is also considered to be the best of the best. When did he ask him? Besides, even if you ask him, is he obliged to answer? What is this all about? What the hell?

Interestingly, Wang Roosi didn't speak. Seeing her like that, she probably wanted to provoke a battle between the two.

The roots of troubles!

Ye Wutian can only describe it like this, Wang Roose's silence means her purpose.

"Sorry! Let's talk." Ye Wutian still didn't want to answer the other party's question, he didn't need it, and besides, the other party was definitely asking, how many people still didn't know his Ye Wutian's name? Over and over again pretending not to know each other, paralyzed, really take your heart as a piece of material?

When the handsome man saw that Ye Wutian was going to leave, he roared again: "I told you to stop, did you hear me?"

The clay figurines were full of anger. Ye Wutian, who heard this, finally couldn't help it. He looked at each other coldly and asked, "What if I don't stop?"

The handsome man was stopped and couldn't answer Ye Wutian's question for a while. If Ye Wutian didn't answer, he didn't seem to be able to do anything, maybe he could only stare blankly.

Wang Roosi still did not speak.

"Don't mess with me, no matter who you are, I'm not interested in knowing." When it comes to arrogance, Ye Wutian thinks that he is arrogant to his ancestors.

Ye Wutian didn't want to stay here anymore after he had cleaned up Wang Roosi fiercely, he always felt that he was out of place to stay here.

"Ye Wutian, I know you." The handsome man said.

Brother Tian was quite surprised. Of course, his surprise was intentional. The other party really knew him, but he just pretended not to know him before.

Someone who can know Wang Roosi, attend today's banquet, and call Wang Roosi Xiaorou intimately must have a certain status. How could such a person not know him?

I don't know each other, I can only say that the other party wants to pretend to be thirteen.

"Yo! So you know me?" Ye Wutian responded calmly, "I thought your eyes had grown to the sky."

"You..." The other party was choked by Ye Wutian's words.

Ye Wutian interrupted the other party: "Okay, I'm not interested in knowing any of your questions, don't bother me, we won't be able to pee in a pot."

It can be seen from the handsome man's eyes that the other party doesn't like him, so he doesn't need to make fun of himself.

"What's your relationship with Xiaorou?"

Ye Wutian was happy, and after making trouble for a long time, the other party was jealous.

"What do you think I have to do with her?" Ye Wutian suddenly became interested, Wang Roosi doesn't like men, so does this handsome man know about her situation? Hey, that's an interesting thing.

"I'm asking you now." The other party was even more angry when he saw Ye Wutian like this. Maybe he didn't expect Ye Wutian to be so arrogant.

"Well, I can also ask you now, who are you from her?" Ye Wutian said.

"I'm her cousin."


Hearing the handsome man's answer, for some reason, Ye Wutian couldn't help but want to laugh, he wanted to laugh out loud, cousin? This word is always so confusing.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing Ye Wutian smiling, the handsome man blushed and had a thick neck, thinking that Ye Wutian was laughing at him.

Ye Wutian tried his best to hold back, but the effect was not very good. He wanted to endure but couldn't help, and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, let alone laugh at you."

Even a fool wouldn't believe what Ye Wutian said, and so did the handsome man. He believed that Ye Wutian was just laughing at him, what happened to his cousin? He is Wang Roose's cousin, so what? What's wrong?

"I'm sorry, so what, cousin, you can talk slowly, I still have something to do, go first." Ye Wutian still kept smiling while holding his stomach, he really didn't want to laugh.

The more Ye Wutian laughed, the more Wang Roose's pretty face sank.

"Mr. Ye, the old lady, please come over." At this time, a housekeeper came and said.

The handsome man was angry when he saw his cousin, and just wanted to attack Ye Wutian, but now that he heard the housekeeper say this, he had no choice but to give up and put away his thoughts angrily.

Ye Wutian actually didn't want to see the old lady again, but after thinking about it, he finally decided to go.

"Little brother, sit here." Seeing the old lady Wang, she immediately waved to Ye Wutian.

The people around were all surprised, and the old lady looked at Ye Wutian differently.

Ye Wutian walked over with a smile: "Two old ladies, I hope it doesn't bother you."

Mrs. Wang laughed: "No no, little brother, thank you."

Ye Wutian didn't know where Mrs. Wang's thank you came from, it seemed to have multiple meanings.

Unable to understand the intention of the other party, Brother Tian could only smile to himself, as an answer to Mrs. Wang's question.

"Little brother, I am very happy that you can come to my banquet today. Don't be polite. You must eat well and get drunk, so that I will be happy."

"I will definitely." Ye Wutian nodded.

Mrs. Wang laughed, her wrinkled old face was full of smiles, and her smile was like telling everyone that she was in a good mood.

After chatting with the two old ladies for a long time, the banquet started. It is reasonable for Ye Wutian to sit at the same table with Mrs. Wang, but Mrs. Wang insisted that Ye Wutian sit next to her. God is helpless.

Not only Ye Wutian was very helpless, but even the Wang family felt helpless and expressed puzzlement about the old lady's behavior, but no one dared to object. In the Wang family, the old lady is the absolute authority.

Whether it was intentional or not, Wang Roosei was placed next to Ye Wutian by the old lady, and the two of them sat together like that, which was a bit like a golden boy and a girl.

The handsome man was dissatisfied with this arrangement. In terms of seniority, he couldn't sit at the same table with the old lady, but now he wanted to sit at the same table with the old lady again, to be precise, he wanted to sit at a table with Wang Roose.

Ye Wutian sat down generously, while Wang Roosi could only sit beside Ye Wutian honestly.

Wang Roosi did not want to sit with Ye Wutian from the bottom of her heart. She was still angry when Ye Wutian offended her just now.

The anger turned into anger, Wang Roose didn't even think of herself, she didn't seem to be so disgusting, and she wouldn't feel like vomiting like before.

"Grandma, I also want to sit at this table." Finally, the handsome man said.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was immediately stared at by many eyes, and the handsome man hurriedly swallowed the rest of the words, and turned away reluctantly.

Seeing his cousin being trained, Ye Wutian was very happy, but didn't say anything.

After a meal, everyone ate happily, although until now, Ye Wutian didn't know the old lady's intention, why did he have to pull an outsider like him to sit over.

The people who can sit at this table are all core members of the Wang family. An outsider like Ye Wutian is sitting here, no matter what.

"Brother, why didn't you bring your girlfriend?" After dinner, everyone sat and chatted around the old lady.

Ye Wutian smiled and said, "She is not free."

"Are you all free?" Mrs. Wang asked.

Ye Wutian's old face was slightly red, and he nodded: "It's all empty."

"Grandma, drink tea." The handsome man came out of nowhere.

While the handsome man was pouring tea for the old lady, out of the corner of his eyes, he was always looking at Ye Wutian, his eyes were vigilant.

"Grandma, I don't know if I should say something." The handsome man who finished pouring tea whispered.

"If you have anything, just say it."

The handsome man who was approved naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go, and said quickly, "I saw Ye Wutian bullying Xiaorou just now outside."

The handsome man spoke in a low voice, but everyone still heard it.

Ye Wutian is dumbfounded, come on! what happened? Why are you related to him again?

The handsome man is obviously trying to sow discord!

Brother Tian quickly wanted to understand the intention of the handsome man, and it was because of Wang Roose that he went around.

After wanting to understand the intention of the handsome man, Ye Wutian became angry, he had already surrendered, and the handsome man still did not let him go.

The old lady's face was calm, she couldn't see her emotions, she just looked at the handsome man lightly, her meaning was obvious, let the handsome man say it.

The handsome man was overjoyed when he saw this, and with all his excitement, he recounted everything he had just seen, and told it again with more fuel.

Hearing what the handsome man said, Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing and laughing. The fact that he kissed Wang Roose just now was discovered by the handsome man, so the other party would always try every means to get revenge.

Well-intentioned ah!

Brother Tian is very embarrassed, such a scene is what he wants to see.

"Little brother, is that so?" Mrs. Wang still looked calm.

Ye Wutian was not sure what the old lady meant. Faced with such a question, he could only nod his head to admit it.

"You are in love?" the old lady asked.

Ye Wutian shook his head and denied it.

Beside her, Wang Roosi stared gloomily at the handsome man. It was obvious that the handsome man's remarks caused her great dissatisfaction.

The handsome man seemed to be aware of his cousin's gloomy gaze and did not dare to look at his cousin.

The old lady asked, "Oh, what is that? Since it's not in love, can you tell me the reason?"

"Old lady, I don't have any explanation for this." After thinking about it, Ye Wutian couldn't find a reason to explain, yes, he and Wang Roose were not in a relationship, so what was the meaning of kissing?

The old lady frowned was obviously not satisfied with such an answer.

The atmosphere at the scene was very strange, and the atmosphere changed when the handsome man made such a fuss.

"Xiaorou, tell me." The old lady looked at Wang Roosei.

The handsome man didn't know whether he wanted to commit crimes or what was the matter, and said again and again, "Grandma, it's none of Xiaorou's business."

It was the old lady's cold eyes who answered the handsome man, which scared the handsome man to shut up quickly. At this moment, he realized that he was in trouble, and this matter should not be said at all. To get revenge on Ye Wutian, it should also be done in private.

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness. The handsome man thinks that he is playing this trick beautifully, but it is not the case.

Wang Roosi said, "Grandma, I don't have any explanation for this."

The old lady was startled, and she was somewhat surprised by her granddaughter's answer.

Ye Wutian was not used to being smeared by others. The handsome man's behavior made him unwilling and made him even more angry. He should be taught a lesson for this kind of person. ()

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