Mad Doctor

Chapter 1089: traitor

Ye Wutian didn't take the events at Mrs. Wang's banquet to heart, and this fellow quickly forgot about it. For him, it was just an episode.

The next day, Ye Wutian was sitting in his office, while his counterpart was Fairy Feng who had not appeared for a long time. Brother Tian had an uncontrollable feeling towards this woman.

Although Fairy Feng has moved her company to the Hongyan Group Building, she has not been seen all day long, which makes our brother Tian very helpless. At first, we tried every means to get Fairy Feng to move to the Hongyan Group. Moved in, but disappeared all day, and I don't know what she was busy with.

Ye Wutian did not deny that he had some kind of meaning for Fairy Feng, although he knew that he was quite shameless and thought about the pot even after eating, but he just couldn't control this feeling.

But Fairy Feng is not an ordinary person. Even if she has that kind of meaning to her, he doesn't dare to mess around. Fairy Feng is different from anyone else. She is cool, noble, and doesn't eat fireworks. .

"Sister Fairy, what have you been busy with?" Ye Wutian said, "When are you going to move your company to Hongyan Island?"

Fairy Feng said, "I'm not planning to move the company here for the time being."

This answer surprised Ye Wutian, maybe he didn't expect Fairy Feng to answer like this.

"There are still many people in Miaomiaomen. They need to survive. It is inconvenient to move the company to Hongyan Island." Fairy Feng explained the reason.

Ye Wutian naturally knew that what Fairy Feng said was reasonable, but it was still somewhat difficult to accept.

"Don't move the company, it's for Miaomiaomen. Don't worry, if the company doesn't move, it doesn't mean I will leave, I will still assist you."

"How to assist?" Ye Wutian asked: "Is it like this now? No one is seen all day, how can we talk about assisting?"

Fairy Feng suddenly smiled lightly: "Why do you look like a little daughter-in-law who has been wronged?"

Brother Tian's face was flushed and sweating! In fact, he did feel a little wronged, and Fairy Feng kept saying that he would help him, but what happened? That doesn't seem to be the case.

"Give me a little more time, and when I have everything arranged, I will put everything down and assist you."

When Fairy Feng said this, Ye Wutian felt a little embarrassed. In his heart, he really wanted to ask, when do you want it? When will Fairy Feng come over to assist him as she said.

In the end, the question was never asked.

"Sister Fairy, do you have anything to do with me today?"

Fairy Feng said: "Although we are different masters, we are also equal to the same master. I believe that the ancestors will agree with them, so don't call me fairy sister, just call me senior sister."

Ye Wutian wanted to ask, who was the elder, she could also call him senior brother, why did he have to call her senior sister?

However, Brother Tian immediately thought that if the seniority was counted, Fairy Feng could throw him off eight streets, far beyond what he could compare.

Fairy Feng grew up in Miaomiaomen since she was a child, how could he compare?

"Okay." Ye Wutian couldn't possibly refute, and he couldn't refute either, this fellow thought in his dirty heart that when the two of them were doing something in the future, he 'accorded' while calling out to Senior Sister, he should also be very supportive. Cool.

Luckily, Fairy Feng didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise, I was afraid that she could not help rushing up to give him a slap, thinking about all those messes.

"I got the news that the person who delivers the medicine to you can be the person next to the prince." Fairy Feng said.

Ye Wutian suddenly became nervous, he had been trying to figure out who gave him the antidote.

"who is it?"

"Zhang Jing."

Ye Wutian is stupid, Zhang Jing? How could it be Zhang Jing? Could it be that Sanba gave him the antidote?

It's hard to believe, and it's hard to accept. Ye Wutian thought about a lot of people, and even Xu Ying guessed it. Although he thought it was unlikely, how could it be Xu Ying?

Guessing and guessing, but Zhang Jing was the only one who didn't guess.

"The news is accurate?" Ye Wutian didn't know whether to believe it or not. Anyway, he thought it was quite a nonsense, and it wasn't always true.

Fairy Feng replied, "It shouldn't be bad."

Ye Wutian suddenly thought of a key question: "Do you have someone in Poison Shadow Sect?"

Fairy Feng nodded lightly, "They can place people at Miaomiaomen, and I can also place a few people at them."

Ye Wutian was happy, he didn't expect Fairy Feng to have such a skill, which was beyond his expectations.

But, is it really Zhang Jing? What's her reason for doing this?

At this moment, Ye Wutian really wanted to figure out this problem, figure out the reason, and wanted to find Zhang Jing immediately and ask for it.

"The news that came back said that Zhang Jing has been brought under control." Fairy Feng paused for a while, then said, "She is in a very bad situation and may be severely punished."

"Why did she do that?" Ye Wutian racked his brains and couldn't figure out what was the reason for Zhang Jing to do this, no reason? Isn't she Xu Ying's left and right arms?

"I don't know. My people don't dare to ask too much, and their identity will be exposed."

Ye Wutian didn't continue to ask questions, he really couldn't ask in depth, it would cause the suspicion of Poison Shadow Sect.

"If there is a chance, let your people ask." Ye Wutian said, if this matter is not clear, he will always be unwilling.

The person who delivered the antidote would be Zhang Jing, unexpectedly! Absolutely unexpected!

"There is one more thing." Fairy Feng said again, "Elder Bai is not dead."

Ye Wutian, who heard this, was shocked again. He was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth. His first reaction was that he had heard it wrong. Zhang Jing was that mysterious person, which was enough to surprise him. die?

Impossible, he clearly saw Elder Bai die that day.

Brother Tian quickly thought that he was deceived by the old thing, and he must have been suspended for death at the beginning. When he understood this, Ye Wutian was so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall, careless!

Ye Wutian believed that Elder Bai didn't die, and there was no way it could be fake.


Ye Wutian said a foul language, quite helpless, the two news brought by Fairy Feng were not good news, and both news made Wutian depressed.

It would be good to have known that I had personally killed Elder Bai that day, so careless! He is undoubtedly letting the tiger return to the mountain, and it will definitely be difficult to kill Elder Bai in the future.

However, there are also places that make Ye Wutian happy. Fairy Feng has placed someone in the Poison Shadow Sect. This is something to be happy about, and dealing with the Poison Shadow Sect will definitely be of great benefit in the future.

Fairy Feng didn't stay long and left, rejecting Ye Wutian's kindness to invite her to dinner.

Ye Wutian, who was alone, still couldn't understand why it was Zhang Jing? And why is the life of Elder Bai so big?

Will Zhang Jing be okay? She became a traitor of the Poison Shadow Sect, and she was bound to be severely punished by the Poison Shadow Sect. Ye Wutian didn't know what was going on, but he was so worried about Zhang Jing's safety.

Aside from why Zhang Jing did that, why did she secretly send him the antidote, but she helped him, this is an iron-clad fact, without her secretly delivering the antidote, it is unknown whether Ye Hengcai and the others could survive now.

Shit, things are getting more complicated.

There is one more thing Ye Wutian wants to know, why did Xu Ying miss the appointment that day? It is clear that after negotiating, the antidote will be sent.

A series of questions are puzzling, Ye Wutian couldn't come up with it after thinking for a long time. If he wants to understand the reason, he may have to go to Xu Ying to find out.

He picked up the phone and found Xu Ying's number, but Ye Wutian couldn't press it. Call her, will she answer it? Even if they are connected, the two have nothing to say.

In the end, Ye Wutian gave up the idea and threw the phone aside, but just as he put down the phone, it rang.

"Young Master Ye, I'm in Dongcheng. I'm here to kill the local tyrants. Come and pick me up." After connecting the phone, Zhu Jian's voice was like a broken gong, which was deafening.

Ye Wutian, whose eardrums were so shaken that he couldn't stand it, quickly took the phone away, "I said what's wrong with you kid? You don't need to be so happy about being a father, right?"

Zhu Jian on the other end of the phone laughed: "I'm happy, I'm just happy, you don't know, I'm having a hard time during this time, I'm being controlled all day, I don't have freedom, and I finally have the opportunity to come out, I'm definitely happy." Zhu Jian said: "Don't talk about this, come out to meet me, I can count on you, the landlord, to comfort me."

Ye Wutian, who was dumbfounded, asked: "How to comfort? Do you want me to find two beauties for you?"

Zhu Jian grinned wickedly: "It's good to be brave."

"Go away." Ye Wutian laughed and scolded. After asking for the address, Ye Wutian hung up the phone and drove to the hotel where Zhu Jian was.

On the way, Ye Wutian guessed that Zhu Jian would never come to Dongcheng for nothing.

After seeing Zhu Jian, the other party asked again, "Young Master Ye, how are you going to entertain me?"

Ye Wutian didn't call one place, took out his mobile phone and prepared to dial, and when Zhu Jian saw this, he immediately felt bad, and quickly blocked Ye Wutian and prevented him from calling.

"Who are you calling?"

Ye Wutian replied: "Call your family, or call the old man."

Zhu Jian was instantly dumbfounded, and said with a sad face: "Don't, don't, don't, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, can't I do it? It's all my fault."

"Do you still want beautiful women?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Zhu Jiankuang shook his head: "No, absolutely no, I am very specific to our family Bingbing, and I don't like other women except her."

Ye Wutian couldn't help but sigh, shameless! This kid Zhu Jian is so shameless.

"Hey, I know him, Young Master Ye, let me go."

Ye Wutian who put away the phone said with a smile: "Okay, look at you like that, tell me, is there something wrong with coming to Dongcheng?"

Zhu Jian also put away his joking heart, "Well, I just received a message not long ago about the Ma family."

"Say Ma Feng is very likely not dead." Zhu Jian said.

"What?" The surprised Ye Wutian bounced off the sofa. This was the third time he was frightened today.

Zhu Jian seems to be very satisfied with Ye Wutian's reaction, "Most of this is not fake."

"How is that possible?" Ye Wutian always thought this was too absurd. It was more absurd than Zhang Jing being a traitor, and even more absurd than Elder Bai's death. Ma Feng was not dead? At the beginning, he saw old man Ma shoot Ma Feng with his own eyes, and he was not the only one who saw him. Many people saw Ma Feng fall in a pool of blood.

Zhu Jian took out a stack of photos from the bag and handed it to Ye Wutian, and Ye Wutian who took the photos saw that the person in the photo was Ma Feng, although the photos were not clear and blurred, but Ye Wutian I still recognized at a glance that one of the people in the photo was Ma Feng.

Ma Feng in the photo is wearing a peaked cap and a pair of big sunglasses, and his behavior is very low-key.

Is Ma Feng really dead? what happened? ()

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