Mad Doctor

Chapter 1091: concession

Ye Wutian couldn't guess the intentions of the Wang family, knowing that he had more than one girlfriend, and even betrothed his granddaughter to him under this circumstance, there must be some kind of secret.

The Wang family has a great career and has excellent conditions in itself. Under such circumstances, they also took the initiative to ask, what do they want to do?

"Little brother, your reason for refusing is really bad, it sucks."

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Old lady, I think it depends on both parties. It's better if you love me." When he said this, Ye Wutian couldn't help looking at Wang Roose, he knew that Wang Roose didn't like men.

Logically, the first one to jump out should be Wang Roosi, but she didn't. Instead, she looked cute, she shouldn't! Could it be that she no longer rejects boys?

Ye Wutian wanted to know this question very much, but it seems that this occasion is not suitable to ask, some questions should not be pierced by him.

"You really won't reject people, little brother, just answer directly and tell me what you think in your heart." Mrs. Wang asked.

"Hehe, old lady, this is also the question I want to ask. What do you think?" Up to now, Ye Wutian doesn't care about anything.

"It's very simple, because you are excellent." Madam Wang's answer was straightforward: "As you said, my granddaughter is excellent, not me crazy. There are very few people in the world who can match my granddaughter, and these few Among the young talents, I am most optimistic about you."

"Thank you for looking down on me so much." Ye Wutian didn't expect that he would have such a high evaluation in Mrs. Wang's heart, but even so, he still didn't quite believe it, the Wang family must have another meaning in doing so.

"Do you agree?" Mrs. Wang said again.

Ye Wutian smiled and turned around and asked Wang Roose: "Do you agree?"

Wang Roose was dumbfounded.

Just when Brother Tian thought that Wang Roose would object, he was surprised by the situation, and she said, "I have no opinion."

"Do you like me?" Ye Wutian wanted to ask Wang Roosi if he liked men, but he swallowed the words when he reached his lips?

Without answering, Wang Roose asked, "Do you like me?"

"In terms of appearance, I like it, you are such a beautiful person, I don't think any man would refuse."

"What about the heart?"

Ye Wutian shook his head lightly, expressing that he did not like it.

"It doesn't matter at the beginning, you can take it slowly, and the relationship can be cultivated." Mrs. Wang is quite optimistic.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, thinking that he had gone off topic, "Old lady, your reason is not enough to convince me."

"Little brother, you are a smart person, and you naturally know what I'm doing. No family is immune to vulgarity, and it is the kingly way to join forces."

"I'm sorry, I don't agree with such a joint effort." Ye Wutian refused.

"Why? What's your reason for refusing? Brother, I really don't understand what reason you have for refusing." Ye Wutian's refusal surprised Boss Wang.

"Before answering your question, let me ask you a question. Do you agree to let your precious granddaughter be a child? You won't get any title." Ye Wutian asked.

Mrs. Wang shook her head: "No."

"So, this is the problem. What you want to achieve, I can't give it, and what I think, you also won't agree."

Mrs. Wang was silent, as if thinking.

Ye Wutian didn't disturb Mrs. Wang, and the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

"You don't like me?" Wang Roosi asked, probably in her opinion, the feeling of being rejected is not good.

"Do you like me?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, no doubt, Wang Roosi absolutely despised him, even if she finally agreed, it was entirely for the benefit of the family.

"Everyone gets what they want, and there's nothing they don't like." Wang Roosi gave an unexpected answer.

"Hehe, okay, we really don't need to discuss this kind of issue anymore."

"I'm not pretty?" asked Wang Roose, who did not give up.

Ye Wutian was helpless when asked, and looking at this situation, the Ganqing Wang family did not want to discuss with him, but wanted to force him to marry. "You like men?"

"I will work hard." Wang Roosi knew what Ye Wutian said, and she glared at Ye Wutian with gnashing teeth.

Facing Wang Roose's eyes that wanted to eat people, Ye Wutian had no fear and looked directly at Wang Roose, "You can't do it."

"Brother, how about this, I won't force you, give you time to think about it, what do you think?" Mrs. Wang asked.

"Don't think about it, this is really impossible, I won't agree."

Boss Wang said with a smile: "Don't rush to answer first, there's nothing wrong with thinking about it."

Ye Wutian still wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed the words, okay, just think about it, if the two old ladies insisted on doing this, he wouldn't force it, he just hoped that they wouldn't be disappointed in the end.

It didn't take long for Ye Wutian to find a reason to leave, but Mrs. Wang did not refuse. When she left, Wang Roosei sent Ye Wutian out.

After walking out of the hall, Wang Roose said, "Ye Wutian, think about it carefully."

Ye Wutian was happy and asked with a smile: "I'm curious, what do you think, as far as I know, you don't like boys, don't tell me that you have changed your taste now."

Wang Roosi said coldly: "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you, it has nothing to do with you, you will get what you want, and I will give it."

"Hehe, what do I want? Do you know what I want?" Ye Wutian looked at Wang Roosi aggressively: "Can you really give it to me? Willing to do it?"

Wang Roosi almost wanted to bite her silver teeth into pieces, "Yes."

Brother Tian sighed lightly: "Why? Why do you want to be so cheap on yourself? It's not worth it, Wang Roosi, I don't know what you think, but I want to tell you that paying so much for the benefit of the family is not worth it."

"Whether it's worth it is my business, I don't need you to care."

"Okay, then tell me, what does your Wang family want from me?"

"Let the management of Qingcheng Pills be handed over to the Wang family. Of course, the formula is yours."

Ye Wutian laughed, and after a long fuss, he finally understood the intention of the Wang family. There is no free lunch in the world. This is true at all. The Wang family came to Qingchengwan.

With Wang Roosei's reminder, Ye Wutian instantly understood that the Wang family wanted to take over the management rights of Qingcheng Pills, probably a large part of the reason was to help the Ma family continue to consolidate their position in the military.

Good abacus!

After figuring out the real intentions of the Wang family, Ye Wutian didn't want to continue being polite, "Have you ever thought about it? With so much money, what kind of beauties I can't find? No matter what the top star jade girl, which one is not for me to choose? Why should I? to choose you?"

"A sense of conquest." Wang Roosi replied, "You don't think you have a sense of conquest when you have me? My status is enough to make any man feel a sense of conquest."

Ye Wutian's sweat! Thinking about it, I seem to find that Wang Roosi has a point. Owning her is indeed a sense of conquest. She is really right about this.

"In addition to this, what else can I get? Let's be fair, everyone, give me 30% of the shares of Wang's Group, I'm not asking too much?" Ye Wutian made an offer.

"Should I give it all to you?" Wang Roosi tried her best to hold back her anger.

"It's good to dare, but you won't agree, so let's forget it, I'm easy to be content with."

"Go away!" Wang Roose no longer wanted to chat with such a person.

Ye Wutian suddenly asked: "Wang Roosi, how is your relationship with Ma Feng?"

Wang Roosi was startled, afraid that Ye Wutian would ask this question, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, smiled: "No other meaning, just suddenly curious and wanted to ask."

"Talking about a dead person, is that your style?"

Facing Wang Roosi's sarcasm, Brother Tian's face did not blushed and his heart skipped a beat: "Yeah! It's a pity to die! Such a young talent just died like this."

Wang Roosi stared at Ye Wutian, as if trying to see something from Ye Wutian's face.

"Do you know? I have always felt that Ma Feng is not dead, and I don't know if it was an illusion or something."

Wang Roosi was surprised again.

"Hehe, to be honest, I used to have a lot of conflicts with Ma Feng, but I respect him, he is a respectable opponent, the number one young master in the capital, and he deserves such a reputation."

"People are dead, there is nothing to say."

Ye Wutian asked: "Do you believe he is not dead?"

"This hypothetical question doesn't hold."

"I believe."

"Then what?" Wang Roose's two lines of willow brows got closer and closer.

"There is no more, the interview is finished." Ye Wutian turned around and left.

Turning around for a moment, Ye Wutian's entire face was instantly pulled down. Just now, he pretended to ask Wang Roose this question casually, and wanted to test it.

Wang Roosi was very calm on the surface, but Ye Wutian still caught a trace of panic in her eyes, and that was enough.

Ma family, Wang family, really have you!

Watching Ye Wutian leave, Wang Roosi immediately turned around and went back to the house, walking in a hurry.

The next day, Ye Wutian went to treat Yu Taitao.

Ye Wutian, who washed his hands, was very satisfied with his masterpiece, "General Yu, the effect is good, you don't have to be mentally burdened, take a good rest, and after half a month, if there is nothing unusual, you don't need any further treatment."

Yu Taitao didn't know whether he was nervous or excited, his lips were shaking, " mean I'm all right?"

Yu Zhengyu next to him is also quite nervous. Yu Taitao is a middle-level force in the Yu family. If he can really recover, it will be of great significance to the family.

"What? Don't believe my strength?" Ye Wutian asked Yu Taitao shook his head again and again, he just couldn't believe the facts in front of him, it came too suddenly and too fast.

"Xiaotian, do you need to pay attention?" Yu Zhengyu asked.

Ye Wutian replied: "Don't be too tired for the time being, take a good rest."

"are these all?"

"Yu Lao, don't be nervous, since I promised you, I will do my best." Ye Wutian is very confident in his own strength.

With Ye Wutian's comfort, Yu Zhengyu breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Wutian's medical skills were indeed impeccable and unmatched.

"Thank you!" This time, Yu Zhengyu was also excited. If it was like that, there was hope for the Yu family. In other words, the family could last for a long time.

Ye Wutian took out his mobile phone with a smile, connected it, and after a while, his face sank: "Damn, I have already made concessions, still want to come?" ()

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