Mad Doctor

Chapter 1096: you are so cruel

"What? You want to play spy wars again?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, Jiang Yu was very interesting.

On the other hand, Ye Wutian actually admires Xiaobangzi. At least they are united and have a strong sense of honor. Unlike other places, they are self-righteous and selfish.

The matter of medical fighting has nothing to do with Jiang Yu, even if she is a doctor, because of this, she is more aware of where the origin of traditional Chinese medicine is.

"Tell me, what conditions did they offer you?" Jiang Yu asked again reluctantly.

"Okay, what do you want? ****, what if I said it? You can do it?"

Jiang Yu replied: "If you don't say it, I will definitely not be able to do it."

"A dispute over the origin of medicine, does it make sense?" Ye Wutian said: "You are also from a medical family, you should know what's going on, don't you know?"

Jiang Yu's face was slightly red, as if she was very embarrassed.

"Traditional Chinese medicine originated from my country. You know this, you know this, but you still have to fight with us. I really don't know what your intentions are. In my opinion, you are more hateful than little devils, at least not like others. You are like that."

Jiang Yu realized that he was off topic and couldn't continue to talk to Ye Wutian like this. This **** is best at talking nonsense.

"Tell me the result, have you agreed?"

"Such a good condition, I have no reason not to agree. You send beautiful women, and they send them too. It's pure natural, unlike you, Jing will send me some artificial ones." Speaking of this, Ye Wutian looked at it with good intentions. Jiang Yuxiaohui said, "unless it's you."

How could Jiang Yu think that Ye Wutian would say this? His face was even redder, and he was angry.

"Hey! What? Are you trying to tear me apart? No way, you have to ask yourself, how can you blame me?" This **** has to be tricked, let her know that men are not easy to mess with.

Jiang Yu wanted to tear Ye Wutian apart? I just want to blow Ye Wutian's bones into ashes and directly make Ye Wutian disappear from this world.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you can stay slowly." Ye Wutian bypassed Jiang Yu and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Jiang Yu stopped Ye Wutian, "Is it true?"

The inexplicable brother Tian asked: "What is true?"

"Don't pretend to me, will you join our team after I promise you?"

God's mad sweat! I finally understood, and dared Jiang Yu to agree, Khan! Waterfall sweat!

"****, are you sure what you're thinking?"

The blushing Jiang Yu was very embarrassed and wanted to turn around and run away, but she still tried her best to endure it, "This is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

"Well, do you really decide?"


"No regrets?"

Jiang Yu yelled, staring at Ye Wutian extremely dissatisfied: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Do you agree?"

"Waiter, open a room for me, it needs to be big and luxurious." Ye Wutian turned his head and shouted at the front desk in the hall.

In the next instant, everyone in the lobby looked at the two of them, guessing who these two were? It is so high-profile to open a room in a hotel, for fear that others will not know.

At this moment, Jiang Yu wanted to dig a hole and bury herself, but she was so ashamed that she couldn't.

Jiang Yu was shy, but someone didn't realize his excesses at all, and shouted again: "Money is not a problem, as long as it is comfortable."

Even an idiot could hear what Ye Wutian meant, not to mention that there was a woman standing beside him, and it was impossible for others to think about it.

In the face of so many doubts and contemptuous eyes, Brother Tian took it all seriously, his face was not red or his heart was beating, and he was quite calm.

Jiang Yu was uncomfortable standing there, neither standing nor walking, but if he didn't leave, what would he do later? Are you going to follow this guy?

Even if she was mentally prepared, she still felt that it was too fast and too sudden for her to accept. At least she had to give her time to buffer, but he didn't.

"Let's go, let's go up and talk." Ye Wutian reached out and hugged Jiang Yu's waist.

Jiang Yu immediately pushed Ye Wutian's hand away like an electric shock, but soon, Ye Wutian put his hand up again.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Yumei's eyes widened, ready to push Ye Wutian's hand away again.

"Haha, the demo, it's all like this, what's there to be embarrassed about? You'll be at my mercy after you go up, so what's the point of hugging now?"

Ye Wutian's words made Jiang Yu quite uncomfortable. Why did he sound so awkward? What does it mean to let him be at his mercy?

"Would you like to go?" Ye Wutian said, and he had to squeeze Jiang Yu's waist lightly. This squeeze almost made Jiang Yu stand unsteady, as if a kind of electric current hit her, making her numb, then It's a strange feeling, shy and also strangely comfortable.

How could this be?

Jiang Yu didn't know why this happened, except that she blushed and even started to breathe quickly.

Ye Wutian was also quite surprised, Jiang Yu's change made Ye Wutian wonder whether to laugh or cry, just squeezed it so lightly, and it became like this? Too exaggerated, right?

"Give... give me some time." Jiang Yu said.

"Hey, baby, it's okay, don't be nervous, I can't eat people, we can open a bottle of red wine after going up, and adjust the atmosphere. They say that wine can strengthen your courage, and you won't be nervous after drinking."

Ye Wutian said while holding back his smile: "Why do you feel like a big bad wolf? Think of Jiang Yu as a little sheep?

Jiang Yu needs time, how can there be enough time for a bottle of red wine? Besides, hurry up to drink a bottle of red wine, how many minutes does it take?

"Give me a few days." Jiang Yu said.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian let go of his hands, but when his hands left, he suddenly patted Jiang Yu's **** pink buttocks, causing Jiang Yu to scream and turn pale in shock!

This is simply **** style.

Many people around see Ye Wutian **** Jiang Yu, and many people are envious and jealous. Jiang Yu is very beautiful, and the men naturally wish that the slap just now was taken by them.

"****, remember, don't gamble with yourself in the future, you can't afford to gamble." Brother Tian, ​​who had beaten his pink buttocks, still didn't give up, and went to his little face again.

Jiang Yu finally understood that he was being tricked. From the very beginning, Ye Wutian knew that he was intimidating her, knowing that she could not do it, so he scared her like this.

Thinking of being tricked, Jiang Yu was extremely angry, and her mood changed from shyness just now to anger now.

I don't know where she got the courage, maybe anger can really ignore everything.

Jiang Yu put both hands on Ye Wutian's shoulders, and just when Brother Tian was stunned and couldn't guess Jiang Yu's intentions, she saw her raise her legs, raise her knees, clench her teeth, and slammed towards Ye Wutian's most vulnerable body. hit the place.

Many people saw Jiang Yu's actions, and there was a lot of fright, all of them were frightened.

How could the unsuspecting Ye Wutian think that Jiang Yu would play a surprise attack? The old face was flushed, not because of shyness, nor because of anything else, but because it could hurt, yes, it hurt, and that kind of pain made him unable to keep calm.

Clinging his hands tightly, tears came down from the pain, Brother Tian slowly squatted down, just now, Jiang Yu was killing him, beating him to death.

Overjoyed and sad!

I teased Jiang Yu fiercely just now, but now they turn around and give you this.

pain! Brother Tian really felt the pain, he was gasping for breath, the feeling could not be described in words at all.

While Ye Wutian was covering his hands, he was still thinking, it's over, and I don't know if it exploded, can it still be used in the future?

Seeing Ye Wutian squatting on the ground, Jiang Yu let out a vicious anger, this **** was too hateful just now, "Do you still want to open a room?"

Brother Tian was so angry that he wanted to immediately press Jiang Yu on the sofa, yes, on the sofa in the lobby, and then clean up her directly in front of everyone in the most primitive way.

pity! This idea can only be thought about, it is impossible to do it. At this moment, when he moves a little, it will hurt, but if he doesn't move, it's fine. When he moves, the pain is heartbreaking and unbearable.

The men next to him who were still envious and jealous of Ye Wutian just now will finally balance their minds. They secretly applauded each and everyone, thinking in their hearts, beautiful women are not so easy to bully, if you want to **** others, bring them to the hotel , If you want to achieve the filthy purpose in your heart, at least you can't make it public, shouting so loudly in the hotel, how can you make a beautiful woman feel bad?

Jiang Yu left, threw Ye Wutian here and left, walking very decisively.

Ye Wutian reluctantly bent over and walked to the sofa in the lobby to sit down, covering the place with both hands the whole time.

From time to time, there are glances from the vicinity to this side, which makes Brother Tian, ​​who is already unhappy, furious: "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen an egg hurt?"

The ferocious Ye Wutian really frightened everyone, and they turned around and pretended to be nothing, not daring to look at Ye Wutian. At this time, no one wanted to touch Ye Wutian's bad head.

"Jiang Yu, I'm not finished with you." Ye Wutian raised his head and shouted in great pain, "Don't let me see you."

At this moment, what he wants to do most is to kill Jiang Yu on the ground, but is his own stuff still useful? Paralyzed, today is really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Do you want to go to the hospital? Although he is also a doctor, he is already a little uncertain about this meeting. It is related to his lifelong happiness, and Brother Tian does not dare to be careless.

"Does it hurt?" A voice sounded.

Ye Wutian looked up, but saw Wang Roosi appearing in front of her. Her appearance made Brother Tian forget the pain and sat there dumbfounded.

Why is Wang Roose here? Depend on! Did she see it just now?

"I don't want to watch it, it's because your actions are too extreme that I have to watch Wang Roosi's explanation.

Ye Wutian asked: "Why are you here?"

Wang Roosi replied with a smile, "This is a hotel, why can't I come?"

"Stay where it's cool." Ye Wutian was not in the mood to chat with Wang Roose.

"It's cool here."

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Does it hurt? Can it still be used?" Instead of leaving, Wang Roose took a few steps forward, "Can it still be used?"

Ye Wutian went mad and secretly greeted Wang Roose's family, could he have a half-money relationship with her? It wouldn't be used on her anyway.

"It doesn't matter if you can't use it, I won't dislike it."

Ye Wutian: "..."

Hateful woman, terrible woman! This is the sigh of Brother Tian at this time! ()

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