Mad Doctor

Chapter 1101: promise to attend

"Half a year.

In such a short period of time, Mrs. Ma has a new love? What is she too? In contrast, Ye Wutian liked Mrs. Wang more, and his impression of Mrs. Ma fell to the bottom.

Ye Wutian also thought of one thing, "Why did Ma Guosheng call you the eldest brother?"

"He always shouted like this. I brought him out back then, and I taught him every step of the way."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian was very sympathetic to Lionhead, who was dug into a corner, and ended up in such an end.

"and after?"

"There is no later, you are not fit to know about those things later."

Ye Wutian couldn't help but want to raise his **** and give it to the lion head, paralyzed, what is it? It's like when you and a beautiful woman are in a relationship, and when you suddenly say no, it will make people hate you for the rest of your life.

However, Brother Tian suddenly thought that he seemed to do that often.

Lionhead didn't want to talk about it, and Ye Wutian didn't dare to force it, although he was very curious.

"By the way, what interesting thing did you say happened at the Wang family?" asked Lionhead, who came back to his senses.

"Old lady Wang wants me to marry her granddaughter." Ye Wutian didn't think there was anything to hide about this.

"Oh, it's interesting, let's hear it, do you agree?"

Ye Wutian said: "Of course it is impossible to agree, Master, aside from the fact that I have a few confidantes, there is still a problem with the orientation of Mrs. Wang's granddaughter. She doesn't like men. Besides, do you think the Wang family knows me well? There are a few girlfriends who take the initiative to bring this up. What is the purpose? It’s definitely not easy. It’s all for the benefit of talking. Do you think I can agree?”

"It's acceptable to have an abnormal orientation in that respect, just because she likes other boys, not you."

Ye Wutian: "..."

I really didn't expect Lion Head to be so unrestrained in this regard, and it's still acceptable. I really can't stand him.

"Boy, if you don't get it right, you can buy one get one free, and you can also get the other half of that girl from the Wang family, isn't it?"

Ye Wutian was about to cry, and asked with a bitter face: "Master, are you still my master?"

"Why not your master? Don't I care about you?"

"Then why didn't you accept Mrs. Wang back then? She's pretty good. Besides, I haven't been in love for half a year. I can only say that you're useless, Master. You should jump on it as soon as possible, at least even if it changes in the end. If it doesn't work out, it won't be such a loss, right?"

The lion head answered Ye Wutian with a stir-fried ding, and Ye Wutian screamed in pain and kept rubbing his head. It's not fair, it's not fair at all, why can he say it, but he can't?

"You think I'm as dirty as you? Your master, I'm a pure person."

Ye Wutian despised the lion head, "Master, the purity is worthless these days, your previous set is no longer suitable."

"That's better than you are now."

"Hey, Master, I don't think there is anything wrong with me now. Look at me, dare to accept it. Isn't it a good life now? I am quite satisfied with my current life."

If he did not dare to accept anything like Lion Head did, maybe he would be left alone now.

"Then why don't you accept that girl from the Quanwang family? She's pretty too."

Ye Wutian said: "That's different, she is here for my interests, so naturally I can't agree, not to mention her personal orientation problem, I can't agree, marrying her, I can only get her people at most, and can't What's the use of someone like that to get her heart?"

Thinking of the scene in the hotel yesterday, Ye Wutian couldn't help laughing. He was teasing Wang Roose fiercely yesterday, and it was considered a bad temper.

"The Wang family's family business is not small, they can play your ideas, you can play their ideas, the world is fair."

Ye Wutian already didn't know what to say, how could he feel that the lion head had bad intentions? "Master, if I really do that, Mrs. Wang will definitely come to you. What will you do then? Could it be that you just want me to do this? So that you and Mrs. Wang have a chance to meet?"

Apart from this reason, Ye Wutian really couldn't think of why Lionhead wanted him to do this.

"Go, don't you owe a beating?" Lionhead's eyes widened in anger, as if he was very upset with Ye Wutian.

The extremely aggrieved Brother Tian said: "Master, you are not fair to me."

In terms of fighting, he can't be the opponent of Lionhead. If he really fights, he can only be abused.

"There is no fairness in this world."

"But just now, Master, you just said that this world is fair, and now you say it's unfair, don't you think it's very inconsistent?" Ye Wutian asked.

"That's for some people, they want the world to be fair, but is the world really fair?"

Ye Wutian was scorched inside and out by the thunder, **** it! Let Lionhead say everything, he is a man, he is a ghost, I really don't know what he wants to do.

"Don't be depressed, kid, let me ask you, what are you going to do with the doctor in country H?"

Ye Wutian was happy and asked with a smile, "Do you know about this, Master?"

"If you want to know, I'll know."

"Master, do you want me to participate?"

Lionhead answered the question: "Glory is above all else."

The other party's answer is also equivalent to telling Ye Wutian to let him participate.

"I know, if they need me to participate, I will go, but I have to ask for something, and I can't let them get everything."

"This exchange meeting involves many aspects. We must do our best. No matter which side wins, we can get a lot of things. We can't lose."

"Master, someone is looking for you?" Ye Wutian asked, Lion Head would never bring this up for no reason.

The lion head nodded slightly.

Ye Wutian was curious, who would find the lion's head?

Ye Wutian really wanted to know about this question, but seeing the lion head didn't mean to explain it, Ye Wutian didn't want to ask any further.

Ye Wutian knew that Lion Skull still loves the motherland in his bones, although he hates some people.

If you can talk about the lion's head, the identity will not be simple, who will it be?

After staying on Hongyan Island for two days, Lionhead introduced the security on the island to Ye Wutian. Now the security on the island is in place. Compared with before, the level is more than a few levels higher.

Two days later, Ye Wutian took his special plane back to Dongcheng. As soon as the plane landed, Zhou Huaichang couldn't wait to come. It was Wang Lin who came with him.

The appearance of Wang Lin made Ye Wutian realize that he was likely to be reused again.

Sure enough, when Wang Lin saw Ye Wutian, he was so excited that he held Ye Wutian's hand tightly. sky!

"Hehe, Uncle Wang's face is good, there should be something good, right?" Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Wang Lin said, "Ha Won City, mayor."

Although he was demoted, Wang Lin was satisfied. This was a signal that he would be reused. This time, he was the No. 1 general of the provincial Party committee. Otherwise, how could he be reused? I'm afraid I'll be taken to the CPPCC to sit.

Wang Lin believes that from now on, as long as he does not make any big mistakes, there will be no problem. It will be a matter of time before he ascends, and all of this is given by Ye Wutian.

"Minister Zhou, why bother you to come to pick up the plane in person? The boy is frightened!"

Zhou Huaichang laughed, "It should be."

After the last meeting, this time, the two sides were more direct. Ye Wutian knew that Zhou Huaichang should come with good news now.

"Two people, please sit down." Ye Wutian brought the two of them back to the company and asked them to sit down. It was still a little early for dinner.

Zhou Huaichang looked around and said, "Xiaoye, the company is empty now, I'm not used to it."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Yeah, I wasn't used to it at first, but it's better now."

"How is the construction of Hongyan Island? It should be almost the same, right?"

"Thank you Minister Zhou for your concern, everything is normal, and Minister Zhou is welcome to visit and guide the work when you have time."

Zhou Huaichang said: "I don't dare to be a guide, but I really want to go and have a look."

"welcome any time."

"Hehe, then thank you. After I've been busy for a while, I'll go there." The construction of Hongyan Island is just a mystery to countless people. Everyone is curious, and Zhou Huaichang is no exception. I want to know The condition of Hongyan Island.

"Minister Zhou, find me today, is there any good news?"

"You boy, is there only profit?"

Ye Wutian didn't think he was at fault and said, "I'm a businessman."

This sentence, Ye Wutian has heard too much, and is a little tired of hearing it, this guy uses this as a shield every time.

"I came here under an order, Xiaoye, I was asked to talk to you above, tax-free for six years, all over the country."

Ye Wutian thought that it must be a lion head. At this moment, Ye Wutian was even more curious, who can talk about a lion head?

"Okay, six years is six years." This number does not satisfy Brother Tian, ​​and the face of the lion head must be given.

Zhou Huaichang was overjoyed and even a little excited: "Then it's settled."

Ye Wutian smiled and agreed, in addition to the reason for the lion's head, there was also a part of the reason because Wang Lin had already reactivated him.

Zhou Huaichang was in a good mood to solve the problem. With Ye Wutian participating in the battle, the chance of winning was even greater. The invisible pressure suddenly decreased, making Zhou Huaichang feel that the sky was extraordinarily blue.

At noon, after the three of them ate together, Zhou Huaichang and the other two left, and just after they left, Wang Fansi appeared, and she looked at Ye Wutian with a complicated expression.

Usually in the face of beautiful women, Brother Tian will have different expressions: "Hey, what are you looking at? Do you want to make a special trip to thank me?"

Wang Fansi heard the words and immediately forgot his gratitude to Ye Wutian, "No one told you to do this."

Brother Tian burst into laughter, but who came to ask him for help? We won't admit it in a blink of an eye? Duplicitous woman.

"Okay, reporter Wang Da, what are you trying to do today?"

"Thank you!" Unexpectedly, Wang Fan said thanks.

"Haha, it's okay, who made you a beauty?" Brother Tian waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't matter.

Wang Fansi said, "You helped my dad because of me?"

"Well, because you are beautiful, I decided to help you."

Knowing that what Ye Wutian said was a joke, Wang Fansi still liked to listen to it for some reason. Women, who were praised as beautiful by others, probably didn't like it.

"Look at this, someone brought it to me." Wang Fansi took a few photos, but when he saw those photos, his expression became unnatural. ()

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