Mad Doctor

Chapter 1104: Beat the Reservoir Dog

Song Daqiao himself had a dream. Now that he woke up, he felt sick. In that dream, the mysterious beauty he was holding became the goddess in his dream at one moment, another beauty he didn't know, and another time. Shen Changmin.

The first half of the dream is a beautiful dream, and it is also a dream that all men are willing to dream, but the second half of the dream is a dream that all men are unwilling to do. Such a person will only make people vomit, and it is obviously a beautiful dream. How could it be like that?

After regaining consciousness, Song Daqiao felt a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, it was just a dream, not real. Otherwise, he would have even thought of death.

Slowly opening his eyes, Song Daqiao felt pain in himself, somewhere on his body, and at the same time, he also felt someone in his arms.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes immediately, but when he opened his eyes, he was instantly stunned.

At the same time that Song Daqiao opened his eyes, Shen Changmin also opened his eyes. The two of them screamed at almost the same time. The two of them shouted when they saw what they looked like at this time.

"Both of you, are all awake? Have a good dream?" Ye Wutian's voice sounded beside him.

Song Daqiao and the two were taken aback by surprise. Unexpectedly, there were still people beside them, so they turned around and looked around, only to see Ye Wutian smiling at them.

"I didn't expect the two of you to have such a hobby, I really admire it." Ye Wutian was complimenting on the surface, but he was actually sarcastic.

Almost at the same time, Song Daqiao and Shen Changmin quickly got up, turned around, and finally vomited wildly. It was so miserable that they wanted to spit out the food they ate yesterday.

Ye Wutian swept his hand in front of his nose, and then left struttingly. This scene, he was afraid that he would vomit if he watched too much. After all, Song Daqiao and the others are not beautiful women. They don't want to watch it, of course, there are exceptions.

Song Daqiao and the two who vomited their legs weak will finally realize their strangeness, and pick up their own clothes and put them on at the same time. However, the two of them are a little weird because of pain or something.

After they put it on at a very fast speed, they found that the mobile phone was on the side, and the mobile phone was playing. Song Daqiao picked it up and looked at it, and his scalp was numb. The first reaction was that it was over.

Shen Changmin also saw the video. Compared with Song Daqiao, he was not much better, his face was frighteningly pale, and after finally vomiting, he felt something gushing out of his stomach, and turned around again and vomited wildly.

Song Daqiao didn't have enough courage to finish watching the video, trembling when he saw Shen Changmin squatting there, he didn't know where the anger came from, so he rushed over to Shen Changmin and kicked him wildly.

Poor Shen Changmin hadn't finished vomiting, and there was a huge pain in his back. He didn't expect that he would be beaten for no reason. He was also a victim, so why beat him? Both of them are victims, why did Song Daqiao beat him?

The clay figurine was full of anger, and Shen Changmin, who was beaten, was also suffocated. He couldn't care less about vomiting. He stood up, turned around, and waved his fist at Song Daqiao.

The two of you punched me and kicked each other and scuffled together. Both of them were killing each other. Seeing that, they both wanted to kill each other, and both wanted to take their anger on each other.

In the end, both of them were bruised and tired. They glanced at each other gasping for breath, and stopped tacitly and stopped fighting.

Both of them were bruised and bruised.

After the scuffle, Song Daqiao's anger disappeared. In fact, the two knew from the beginning that they were victims. Even so, they still couldn't control their emotions.

"What should I do?" Song Daqiao opened his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, the wound on his face made him gasp for a while, and he grinned in pain.

"I want the video back." Shen Changmin said, those things don't come back, both of them are dead.

The two got up and limped out of the embassy.

When they left the embassy, ​​the two pretended not to hear the ambassador's shouts. They were so confused that they just wanted to find Ye Wutian as soon as possible, and then get the video back.

When the two appeared in front of Ye Wutian, Brother Tian was surprised, "You two, what's the matter? How did you get hurt like this?"

Song Daqiao's faces were twitching incessantly. They couldn't find any suitable words to describe their hatred for Ye Wutian. At this moment, the two of them had the same idea, and they wanted to tear Ye Wutian alive. , Only in this way can they relieve their anger, and it is best to occupy all Ye Wutian's property, including his few confidantes.

"Give it back to us." Song Daqiao said.

Ye Wutian sneered: "What tone did you use to speak to me? Pay attention to your attitude."

"Give it back to us." Shen Changmin also said.

"Kneel down!" Ye Wutian suddenly ordered to drink.

Song Daqiao didn't move, of course they wouldn't listen to Ye Wutian's wishes.

"You don't have a choice, you better listen to me, otherwise, I'm afraid it's you who will regret it. Do you want those things to spread?"

The two were shocked, and after some weighing, they both knelt down according to their words. As Ye Wutian said, they had no choice.

"It's almost the same, tell me everything you've done." Ye Wutian turned on a dv machine.

Song Daqiao struggled inwardly, trying to explain the sophistry, "We didn't do anything."

Ye Wutian is not in a hurry, it should not be him who should be worried now, but Song Daqiao and the two, "It seems that you will not give up until the Yellow River. Since you have to do this, you can't blame me."

"I said, will you give me everything you have?" asked Shen Changmin, who hesitated for a while.

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "You should know that my original intention is not to cause trouble."

"I hope you can do it." Shen Changmin had no choice. "Yes, we do everything. The purpose is to hope that you will not attend the medical battle between the two countries."

"Where's Jiang Yu? Does she know?" Ye Wutian wanted to know this question.

"She doesn't know." Shen Changmin replied.

For some reason, hearing Shen Changmin's answer, Ye Wutian couldn't help but relax, and the pressure he was holding disappeared.

"Where is she now?"

"Sent back home by us."

"In order to deal with me, you used her like that, even at the expense of destroying her. Have you considered her feelings?" At the end, Ye Wutian kicked Song Daqiao directly.

Song Daqiao was kicked to the ground, and he reluctantly stood up in pain, daring not to refute, let alone fight back.

"Ye Wutian, I have already said what I should say, can you return the things to us?" Shen Changmin asked.

Ye Wutian said: "You have hurt me so badly and damaged my reputation, so you want me to let you go? I said you are idiots?"

"What else do you want?"

"There are a large number of reporters outside. You should know what to do. I'm satisfied, you can get those things back."

Shen Changmin was shocked: "We can't go to the reporters."

Ye Wutian raised the machine in his hand, "Then you want to see the police?"

"Ye Wutian, you can't treat us like this."

Hearing this, Brother Tian was very angry, he was paralyzed, he dared to say this at this time, **** it, so Brother Tian kicked over again and kicked Song Daqiao down again.

Song Daqiao was very depressed, he didn't understand why Ye Wutian always kicked him? Shen Changmin is also there, why does he always kick him alone?

It's not fair!

"Can I treat you like this now?" asked Tian Ge, who had kicked a lot of people.

Whether it was Song Daqiao or Shen Changmin, neither of them dared to speak, for fear that Ye Wutian would kick them again, it would be painful, even though they had a lot of dissatisfaction, they did not dare to make any complaints.

"Are you going to return those videos to us when we meet the reporters?" The two of Shen Changmin now know very well that the situation is very unfavorable to them. If they don't obey Ye Wutian's intentions, they can't get the videos back at all.

Even if they obey Ye Wutian's wishes, they can't guarantee that they can get the video back smoothly. In this case, in any case, they have already lost their wife and lost their soldiers.

"We can meet the reporters, but you must return the things to us, otherwise we will die at best." Shen Changmin said.

Ye Wutian was funny, "You tell me, what kind of breaking the law? Now tell me about it, if it spreads out, who can bear me? But you are different, first of all you have to spend three years in the Huaxia prison. Five years, and secondly, I am afraid that your current job will also be lost? Finally, I can tell you responsibly, uncle, as long as you go in, I promise that you will not come out again, I still have this ability. "

Song Daqiao shivered, both of them were frightened, and there was no doubt that Ye Wutian really had the strength in this regard.

"Even then, we have to get the video back, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense what we did."

"Okay, as long as you meet the reporter, I will give it to you."

Shen Changmin breathed a sigh of relief, "It's a deal, Ye Wutian, I hope you don't lie to us."

"If you can't do it, you two scumbags deserve me to lie to you?"

Ye Wutian was clearly sarcastic, but Song Daqiao and Song Daqiao were not angry when they heard it, but were actually very happy.

"Boss satyr, you are really yin." Li Feifei said to Ye Wutian after watching Song Daqiao and the two leave.

"Hey, Feifei, do you also want me to be yin and yin? I'm very good at this."

Li Feifei without saying anything, she turned around and walked out of the office.

At the gate of Hongyan Group Company, when Song Daqiao and the two walked to the gate of the company, sure enough, a large number of reporters and media gathered there, all of them with long guns and short guns hanging there.

As soon as Song Daqiao appeared, the reporters immediately began to press frantically.

With the flashing light of lightning, Song Daqiao, as a representative, told everything that happened, including how they framed Ye Wutian in the hotel.

As Song Daqiao's words came out, the reporters were in an uproar, and they were extremely surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that Ye Wutian had an inside story.

The reporters finally understood that it turned out that Ye Wutian was framed by someone, but there were still people who thought that even if Ye Wutian was framed by someone, he couldn't erase what he did to a girl's family, let alone change the facts.

The way he treats other girls' homes is completely different from being photographed secretly by others. Doing something inferior to other girls' homes is a matter of his character, and being secretly photographed by others can only be regarded as a matter of his luck. ()

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