Mad Doctor

Chapter 1107: suicide

Chapter 12: Seeking Death

Ye Wutian and Ouyang Hao can ignore each other directly, but old man Ouyang can't. Seeing that his grandson greeted him, they will go through the living room and return to the room.

"Xiaohao." Old man Ouyang shouted.

Ouyang Hao, who stopped, asked, "Grandpa, are you calling me something?"

"Didn't you see any guests coming?"

When Ouyang Hao heard the words, he reluctantly greeted Ye Wutian, "Hello, Mr. Ye."

At home, the grandfather is the absolute authority, and no one in the Ouyang family dares to ignore the grandfather's orders.

Ye Wutian just nodded slightly. It was considered a greeting to Ouyang Hao. The two of them could never become friends. Looking back now, the relationship with Ouyang Hao is also very funny. All kinds of contradictions have led to the current situation, perhaps all of this is God's will.

"Sit down." Mr. Ouyang obviously still didn't intend to let his grandson off.

Ouyang Hao didn't dare to disobey the old man's wishes, so he could only sit down obediently.

"Grandpa, what other orders do you have?" asked Ouyang Hao, who sat down.

"Tell me what you've been doing all this time."

Ye Wutian smiled slightly in his heart, and the battle in front of Mr. Ouyang's eyes was considered to be well-intentioned. "Father, you talk, I'll go first if I have nothing to do."

"No, Xiaotian, you are not an outsider, it's okay to listen." Old man Ouyang kept Ye Wutian.

Brother Tian smiled wryly. It seems that after today, the hatred between him and Ouyang Hao will be deeper, but he doesn't care about it either.

Ouyang Hao looked as usual, but his heart was already full of anger. Grandpa asked him like this in front of outsiders, which obviously means that in grandpa's eyes, his grandson is not as important as an outsider.

Ouyang Hao felt that he was one level lower than Ye Wutian, which Ouyang Hao didn't want to see.

Older gingers are more spicy! Ye Wutian knew very well that the old man put on this show in front of him, which was considered to be well-intentioned.

"I haven't done anything, I've been busy with the company." No matter how unhappy he was, Ouyang still had to answer his grandfather's question. Would he dare to refuse? dare not!

"I heard that you are very close to the Chaoqun Group?"

Ouyang Hao was very surprised. He probably didn't expect his grandfather to suddenly ask such a question. After glancing at his grandfather, Ouyang Hao looked at Ye Wutian out of the corner of his eyes. Grandpa would never ask this question without any reason.

Mostly because of Ye Wutian! Ouyang Hao knew many things.

"It's an understanding. A branch of our company has business dealings with Chaoqun Group." Ouyang Hao explained: "Grandpa, Chaoqun Group is a state-owned group, and their qualifications will never be a problem."

"Of course there is no problem with qualifications, but there may be problems with the character of some people."

Ouyang Hao was stunned. Grandpa's words obviously meant something else.

"Grandpa, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"How much do you know about Lin Qitao? How well do you know him?"

Ouyang Hao replied, "I've met a few times and eaten a few times, but I don't know much about it. Grandpa, why do you ask this?"

"Lin Qitao is going to start with Xiaotian's fund, I heard that you are also involved in it?" The old man Ouyang who said this has a completely calm face.

Ouyang Hao was really afraid of the old man's expression, "Nothing, grandpa, where did you hear about it?"

"I hope you don't, otherwise, you'll be looking for a dead end." When the old man Ouyang said at the end, he slapped his right hand on the sofa with a thud, making Ouyang Hao jump.

Ouyang Hao didn't speak, and he didn't know if he was frightened or what, and his face was not very good-looking.

"do you know?"

Ouyang Hao nodded: "Yes, grandpa, I know."

Mr. Ouyang did not continue to embarrass Ouyang Hao, and let him leave after a few words. In this regard, Ouyang Hao was relieved and left quickly.

"Xiaotian, if there is anything wrong with that **** in the future, you must tell me in time." Old Man Ouyang said earnestly.

Ye Wutian smiled and said, "I know."

"Xiaohao is not bad in nature, it's because we didn't teach it well."

"Father, it's not that serious." Ye Wutian didn't want to talk about this topic again, so he changed the subject and said, "Father, are those people still putting pressure on you?"

Old man Ouyang nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I can handle it. It's not so easy for them to deal with me."

"Do you need any help?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Don't need it for the time being. Come out and help me when I really can't handle it."

Ye Wutian couldn't say anything else after seeing this. Next, the two discussed a lot about Hongyan Island. During this period, the old man gave a lot of constructive things, which benefited Ye Wutian greatly.

After eating at Ouyang's house, Ye Wutian left. From the beginning to the end, the old man did not mention Ouyang Xingyue. In fact, he was very afraid that the other party would ask him when he would marry Ouyang Xingyue.

What also makes Ye Wutian fortunate is that the old man also did not ask about his indecent assault on Jiang Yu, which also relieved him. Although he did not know why the old man did not ask, he was very grateful.

Some things are really hard to answer!

Walking out of the gate of Ouyang's house, Ye Wutian saw Ouyang Hao standing there with his back against the wall.

"Ye Wutian, you are really kind." Ouyang Hao made a special trip to wait for Ye Wutian, and when they met, he couldn't help sneering and sarcastic that Ye Wutian would only come to his grandfather to complain.

Ye Wutian took out the car key and pressed it, "Ouyang Hao, you are a smart person. You should know that some things cannot be touched. I can come today, but I don't want to attack you one day in the future."

"You think I'll be afraid? Think I'll be grateful to you? Save it, Ye Wutian, I'll tell you, your trick is useless to me."

Ye Wutian said: "So you are going to continue to do your own thing?"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs."

"I really don't want to be someone else. Ouyang Hao, you are not a fool. You should know what is good or bad, and what is enemy and not friend. I don't want to treat you as an enemy in the future."

"So what? Come on, we've never been friends, not now, and not in the future."

Ye Wutian sneered: "I don't care if you treat me as a friend, what about the old man? Are you planning to go against the grain? Continue to be with Lin Qitao?"

"This is my own business. It's not your turn to care about it, and you don't need to care about it. I don't care about pretending to be there."

Ye Wutian shrugged, knowing that everything he said just now was in vain, and Ouyang Hao couldn't listen to it at all. He didn't bother to say that, Ouyang Hao wanted to kill himself, what could he do? The road is chosen by others, Ouyang Hao is an adult and has his own thoughts.

After getting in the car, the police station called and said that Song Daqiao and Shen Changmin wanted to see him. Ye Wutian refused this request on the spot and did not want to see each other again.

After returning to the company, Li Feifei appeared, "Boss, I was about to call you, and the ambassador of country H is here."

Brother Tian thought he heard it wrong, and pointed at himself: "Look for me?"

Li Feifei nodded: "In the conference room."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Haha, it's interesting, the ambassador of country H actually came to my company."

Walking into the conference room, Ye Wutian saw the other party, Quan Xiangsheng, the ambassador of country H, who came to his company today.

"Mr. Ambassador, hello, welcome." Ye Wutian smiled and stretched out his hand. He could guess some of the other party's intentions. Most of them had something to do with Song Daqiao and the others, right?

Quan Xiangsheng also stretched out his hand, "Mr. Ye, I have been looking forward to you for a long time."

Ye Wutian secretly cursed, "Fuck you, if your kid is fine, will you come to the door in person?"

"Hehe, I don't know if you patronize Dajia, what's the matter?"

Quan Xiangsheng also directly entered the theme: "I'm here today for Song Daqiao and the others, Ye Wutian, as far as I know, there is a little misunderstanding between them and you."

"Is the ambassador here for them? Also, I don't understand what you mean by a small misunderstanding. For me, can that be considered a small misunderstanding?"

"Mr. Ye, you've embarrassed them too. Everyone is even. What do you think?"

"This matter can't be evened out, Mr. Ambassador, I personally welcome you to visit our company, but I'm sorry about Song Daqiao! I don't want to mention it again, and you shouldn't come here if you want to get them out. I should go directly to the police station."

"I wonder how Mr. Ye needs to let them go?"

"They treated me like that, and nothing can make up for the damage they've done to me."

"Mr. Ye, I came here today and I am very sincere."

"Hehe, I don't doubt the sincerity of the ambassador, but sincerity and truth are two different things, Mr. Ambassador, do you think so? I can't pretend that nothing happened because of the sincerity alone. I must be the ambassador. Sir, you also understand that I am a celebrity now, how much Song Daqiao has done to me? Have you ever thought about it? If you want to compensate me, how much will you have to pay me?"

"I don't deny that this matter has brought losses to Mr. But as I said just now, you also mean to ruin their reputation."

"Stop, where's the evidence? Mr. Ambassador, do you have any evidence? You keep saying that you framed them and retaliate against them. Do you have any evidence? I confessed it myself? Shouldn't there be?" Ye Wutian interrupted the other party's words.

Brother Tian insisted that the other party had no evidence, otherwise he could still talk like this now? Can you still ask for the door?

Even if the other party comes to the door, it is not in this way, but will bring someone with evidence, and then use the relationship to arrest him, not in this way.

Although the other party's identity is extraordinary, Ye Wutian doesn't want to give the other party face, what does he think he is? Who do you think you are?

"There is no evidence, Mr. Ambassador, please don't talk nonsense, understand?"

"Mr. Ye, aren't you going to discuss it?"

Ye Wutian nodded, "I don't think there is anything to discuss between us, the law will punish them, not to mention Mr. Ambassador, I can't help you much now, the next thing is the police, the court, follow me It doesn't matter much.()

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