Mad Doctor

Chapter 1111: Masujumaru

Not only Ye Wutian was surprised, but Ouyang Xingyue next to them also couldn't believe it. It was unbelievable that Old Man Ma was older than Old Man Zhu. According to custom, elders would not attend the birthday banquet of the younger generation unless their status was inferior. The younger generation, but the status of the old man Ma is by no means lower than that of the old man Zhu.

That's how it can still come, strange things, big strange things!

Ye Wutian, who came back to his senses, greeted Old Man Ma and the others with his eyes, and then walked up to Mr. Zhu, "Father, I wish you a long life like Nanshan, happiness like the East Sea, and always be happy and healthy."

Mr. Zhu laughed, and it seemed that he was very happy today, "It's all my own, you don't need to be polite, Xiaotian, greet yourself by yourself, just treat this place as your own home."

"I will, don't worry, old man, I will treat this place as my own home."

"That's good, that's good, don't take offense if there is something wrong with greetings."

"Don't worry, old man, I'm not that kind of person."

At this time, Ouyang Xingyue and Situ Wei also sent their blessings to Mr. Zhu and said a lot of good things.

Old Man Ouyang and Old Man Situ are also here today. They are sitting on the other side of Mr. Zhu and chatting with Mr. Zhu from time to time.

It is not difficult for anyone with a heart to find that the old man Ouyang and the old man Situ can sit next to the old man Zhu, which is enough to explain their relationship.

When you reach a certain position, everything you do is not simple, and everything has its meaning.

Although he did not greet the two old men, Ye Wutian could still feel the gazes of the two old men.

"Xiaotian, when are you going to get married?" Mr. Zhu suddenly asked.

All the people present were stunned, and they were interested in the question of Mr. Zhu, but for those outsiders, for Ye Wutian, it was completely uncomfortable.

This is a troublesome question. It is reasonable for Mr. Zhu to not know about him. For so long, Ye Wutian has been avoiding this kind of question. No matter how he answers, it will hurt the other one. Several of them married together, but, is that possible?

It's not that Ye Wutian never thought of holding such a wedding on Hongyan Island, he himself is willing, he is just afraid that they won't.

Old Master Zhu knew his situation but he still asked, there must be his reasons, Ye Wutian thought about it again and again, but couldn't understand.

"It's almost time." Ye Wutian replied, while the two women next to Ouyang Xingyue were blushing. Both of them were confused by the question of Mr. Zhu. A bold woman like Situ Wei would endure it. I couldn't help blushing. After all, there were so many outsiders at the scene.

Everyone at the scene envied Ye Wutian, no matter whether they accepted Ye Wutian or not, they couldn't help but envy Ye Wutian, whether it was Situ Wei or Ouyang Xingyue, both of them were the arrogant daughters of heaven, they were all chosen in a thousand miles to marry. To any of them, it can be regarded as the ancestor burning high incense, not to mention that Ye Wutian is planning to marry the two together?

"Haha, then hurry up, I'm just waiting to drink this glass of wine." Old Man Zhu said with a smile.

Everyone gasped again, and Mr. Zhu took the initiative to drink Ye Wutian's wedding wine. What's the matter?

"Of course, thank you old man."

"Then let's do it quickly, but I can't wait. I don't know when I'm going to leave at my age," said Mr. Zhu.

Ye Wutian smiled and said: "The old man must live a hundred years, and his longevity will definitely break the world record."

Old Man Zhu laughed. Ye Wutian said something very ordinary, but he liked to hear it. Who doesn't want to live longer? For a family like theirs, being able to live longer is the greatest contribution to the family. As long as they are still alive, they are the Dinghaishenzhen in the family, and most people will give him face.

"You kid, just pick some nice ones." Mr. Zhu said he didn't believe it and didn't mean to blame.

Ye Wutian did not explain, but took out the gift that had been prepared. From the outside, it was just a very ordinary box. Everyone did not understand why Ye Wutian had to bring it here in person. The gifts are registered, and the guests send their gifts there.

"Master, this thing is very important, I didn't dare to give it to the outside just now." Ye Wutian who took out the gift said.

"Oh, what is it?" Mr. Zhu was very curious, and at the same time blamed: "Didn't you come empty-handed? Do you want me to drive you out?"

"Master, if you drive me out, I will also send it. In order to ensure that the master can attend my wedding banquet in the future, don't say you drive me away. Even if you shoot me now, I will send it."

Ye Wutian deliberately showed off, which made everyone present curious and wanted to know what the gift Ye Wutian said was.

Can it be worth what Ye Wutian said, it is definitely not jewelry antiques, those things are not worthy of such attention, is it Qingcheng pill? Probably not. Qingcheng Pills are hard to find for ordinary people, but not difficult for the Zhu family.

"Hehe, old man, this thing is worthless. I know that you have nothing to lose, and I don't dare to give you valuable things."

"So I'm curious, okay, I'll take it."

"Little brother, you said it so conspicuously, we are very curious about what it is, can you open it for us to see?" Mrs. Wang said.

Others also have this intention, but because they are not easy to speak, when they see Mrs. Wang speak at this time, they can't help but secretly give a thumbs up.

"Of course, but the old man must dismantle it himself."

"Okay, I'll unpack it, but I'll see if your kid's gift is really that attractive."

Under everyone's attention, Mr. Zhu opened the box himself and saw a small jade bottle inside.


People wonder.

Mr. Zhu picked up the little jade bottle and shook it gently. Hearing a sound, he opened the little jade bottle again. When he unscrewed the bottle cap, the old man first smelled a burst of aroma, and the good smell made him unable to bear it. Take an extra puff.

Mr. Zhu, who smelled the aroma, was refreshed, Lingtai was generous, more awake and comfortable than ever.

Old Man Ma who was sitting next to them all smelled the fragrance, and their first reaction was something good.

Mr. Zhu didn't close the bottle cap immediately, but looked at Ye Wutian suspiciously, his eyes were puzzled, and he obviously needed Ye Wutian's explanation.

"I named this pill the Longevity Pill." Ye Wutian said.

Longevity pills? What is the main effect?

After giving everyone a certain amount of time to digest, Ye Wutian said: "Zengshou Pill, as the name suggests, is to increase life expectancy. Today is your birthday, old man. As a junior, I hope you can live a long life and continue to guide our young people. , don't let us take so many detours."

"Does it really have this effect?" Someone asked with doubts, Ye Wutian's words just now sounded like a fairy tale to many people, and it is often played like this on TV. Once an elixir is put down, it will immediately be reborn.

Ye Wutian's pill also has that kind of effect?

"Father, this pill can only help you increase your lifespan by five years." Ye Wutian said.

People gasped incessantly, no one was not frightened by Ye Wutian's words, five years? What does five years mean? How much can you do in five years?

Now, everyone is beginning to understand that this longevity pill is indeed not simple, and it is also worthy of attention. It is too crazy.

Ye Wutian said that this thing is worthless, if it is true, it really has the effect as he said, who would dare to say that this longevity pill is worthless?


You can't buy it with money.

Although it sounds surprising, absurd, and incredible, there are still people who believe in Ye Wutian, and believe that the longevity pill is real.

Who is Ye Wutian? This does not need to be explained any more. Which product launched by Hongyan Group is not a product against the sky? It is also normal for this to launch a longevity pill.

"Thank you!" Old Master Zhu even trembled slightly when he spoke, this thing is too useful.

"This is what I should do when I am a junior, old man, you may take it, but it must be in the morning of the first day of the new year. When taking it at the same time, drink a little more water, which will make you feel thirsty. Of course, you can also temporarily Don't take it, just pay attention to seal it well."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhu seemed to realize that he had not closed the bottle cap, so he quickly closed it.

This is the best present he has received this birthday.

The people next to him were extremely envious of Mr. Zhu. Even though their faces were calm, they were full of envy in their hearts.

Few of the present are elderly people, such as old man Ma and the others. They are already old, and their life expectancy has increased by five years. What does it mean to them?

"Xiaotian, is this your company's new product?" The old man Situ asked, this question was also asked for everyone, because what Ye Wutian just brought out was too scary.


"It can be said that it is, but due to the limitation of materials, it cannot be mass-produced."

Hearing Ye Wutian's answer, everyone envied Mr. Zhu even more, and he couldn't mass-produce it, which meant that it was difficult to get it.

"It's a pity for such a good thing." Old man Ouyang said.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Don't worry, old man, I have found other materials to replace it, but the effect is not good." After a pause, he said: "I also prepared a high-quality one for each of the two old men, and I will take it back and give it to me. you."

No one can have it. Old Man Ouyang and Old Man Situ must have it. They don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, not to mention the two old men help him a lot.

The two old men showed gratified smiles. This was a long light on their faces, and they were happy. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The two daughters of Ouyang Xingyue, who had been standing beside Ye Wutian, also said to themselves, "You know each other."

Today, except for the birthday star of Mr. Zhu, the identity of the old man is the most special. It is reasonable that Ye Wutian should give Mr. Ma a pill, at least many people think so, but after waiting for a long time, he did not see Ye Wutian speak. the meaning of.

If Ye Wutian wanted to send this prayer to the Ma family, the Ma family didn't even have the courage to refuse, but Ye Wutian didn't even mean to speak.

This kid is so ignorant!

After waiting and waiting, Ye Wutian didn't mean to speak. At this time, everyone knew that Ye Wutian didn't mean to speak at all.

It doesn't look like it's going to be delivered.

He Ye Wutian gave it to Mr. Zhu, which makes sense. After all, he is a birthday star, but he gave it to Old Man Ouyang. What does that mean? Is it obvious that Mr. Ma is not as important as Mr. Ouyang?

This is to offend people. ()

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