Mad Doctor

Chapter 1117: You can go this time

Ye Wutian, who put down the phone, pondered for a small meeting, and finally decided to go there. The other party said that Zhang Jing must be someone from Poison Shadow Sect. to go.

Never liked to owe others, especially when the other party was once his enemy.

The other party left an address on the outskirts of the city. Ye Wutian took a lot of effort to find that address. When he looked up, the neighborhood was desolate and sparsely populated.

Such a place is simply a good place for killing people and stealing goods. No wonder the other party will date here.

"I've already come, are you still unwilling to show up?" Ye Wutian glanced around and shouted loudly.

"Come in." A voice sounded from an abandoned building in front.

Ye Wutian didn't want to go in. He didn't know what was going on inside, but what was certain was that there was definitely a lot of danger inside.

"What? Don't you dare to come in? You, Ye Wutian, have this bit of courage?" At this time, someone inside asked, the one who spoke with him on the phone just now.

Ye Wutian looked to the left, then slowly walked inside.

Stepping into the door, sure enough, there were at least twenty guns pointed at him inside, and these might not include the people hiding in the dark.

It seems that there is bound to be a fierce battle today!

There was a person sitting on the chair in the middle. When Ye Wutian saw that person, he was very surprised, "Is it you?"

"I didn't expect it?" The other party smiled strangely. Since Ye Wutian came in, the other party's eyes full of hatred never left Ye Wutian. There was no doubt that he wanted to tear Ye Wutian apart and divide his body into five horses.

"You didn't die?" Ye Wutian couldn't believe it, this old thing sitting there wasn't Elder Bai from Poison Shadow Sect?

A person who is obviously dead, and now he is alive again, this makes it difficult for Brother Tian to accept, rely on! what happened?

"You really want me to die?" Elder Bai sneered: "Boy, we have to settle the account today."

Ye Wutian looked around, stretched out his hand and pointed lazily: "It's just you people?"

"You can't control this, as long as you can die." Elder Bai said.

"Where's Zhang Jing? What happened to Zhang Jing just now? Where is she?"

Elder Bai said, "You really want to save her, don't you?"

"Just wanted to figure out one thing."

"Find out if she is the mysterious person who sent you information?"

Ye Wutian was stunned and said in surprise: "Old thing, you know quite a lot."

Elder Bai laughed wildly again, and Ye Wutian disliked his laughter very much. I believe that few people would like the other party's laughter.

"Why didn't you die?"

"Boy, fight with me, you are still a little tender." Elder Bai's eyes showed a smug look, and he seemed very satisfied with his secrets that day.

In the right corner, a person was **** by Wu Hua Da, with a sack on his body. He couldn't see clearly, and he could only confirm that the other party was a woman through the other party's shoes.

Zhang Jing?

Ye Wutian questioned, he didn't know what kind of injury the other party's body was like, just looking at those feet was already scarred, not an inch of flesh is good.

"What? Does it hurt?"

"Is she Zhang Jing?" Ye Wutian asked. At present, it is impossible to confirm whether the other party is Zhang Jing, and it is impossible to confirm with a pair of shoes.

"Take the sack, I'm afraid you will go mad." Elder Bai explained that his words were also an indirect answer to Ye Wutian, that person was Zhang Jing.

"Zhang Jing, San Ba, is that you?" Ye Wutian shouted.

"She won't answer you. To traitors, Poison Shadow Sect will never be polite, and there will always be only one fate for traitors."

"In that case, why didn't you kill her? What do you mean by bringing her here?"

"Because you will save her, do whatever it takes to save her."

"The reason? Old man, why did you say I would save her?"

Elder Bai didn't explain, just said: "Will you know for yourself, boy, you don't need to pretend like that."

"Okay, let's get down to business, what's the matter with me? Don't tell me you miss me, I'll get nauseated, and what about Xu Ying? Why doesn't she dare to see me?"

Ye Wutian had no doubt that Elder Bai wanted to kill him, but from the time he entered the door to the present, Elder Bai did not let anyone shoot him.

"Boy, we'll settle things later. Now I'm going to tell you that I want to save Zhang Jing and come up with the formula of Longevity Pills."

Ye Wutian laughed and laughed until he was out of breath, perhaps in his opinion nothing made him more funny than this.

Elder Bai's gloomy expression sank even more, "What are you laughing at? Don't you want to save her?"

After laughing wildly, Ye Wutian snapped his fingers, and suddenly, the people who were standing on both sides of Elder Bai kept falling down, swords, lights, swords, and broken arms and legs all over the place.

In the blink of an eye, Elder Bai realized that several of the people he had brought had fallen.

"Shoot." Elder Bai didn't hesitate, and issued an order in an instant.

In addition to issuing the order, Elder Bai did not forget to look at the side where Ye Wutian was standing, and when he saw it, he was immediately stunned, because Ye Wutian was gone.

The disappearance of Ye Wutian made Elder Bai realize that it was not good. That kid is really a tough guy. He never played cards according to common sense, and he came prepared today.

Thinking of this, Elder Bai suddenly began to regret that he still underestimated the enemy.

While ordering people to shoot, while holding the poison in both hands, as soon as Ye Wutian appeared, he would immediately attack Ye Wutian with the poison in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

After several shots in a row, Elder Bai found that it was his man who fell.


Not the most ruthless, only more ruthless, Elder Bai thought that his plan today was quite good, but now compared with Ye Wutian, it is more than a little bit worse.

In order to deal with him, Ye Wutian even brought snipers over, underestimating the enemy!

Every second of time passed, Elder Bai felt sad and realized that he was afraid of being in a bad way today.

Elder Bai wants to leave, wants to leave here.

The subordinates on his side fired violently, holding the gun for a long time, without even hitting a hair, let alone a person.

One by one his subordinates fell one by one, Elder Bai was so anxious, he opened his mouth and said loudly: "Ye Wutian, come out for me."

No one answered, as if Ye Wutian had never appeared.

"Come out, come out for me." The unwilling elder Bai said again.

Still no one answered him this time.

"Shoot, shoot me." Elder Bai shouted in a hurry. However, no one fired this time. He turned his head and saw that all the people he had brought had fallen to the ground, blood in a river.

All were resolved, seeing the men he brought on the ground, Elder Bai thought of a word, slaughter! Circle kill! So many subordinates were solved in just a short amount of time. At this moment, Elder Bai wanted to go crazy!

The gunshots stopped. At this time, Ye Wutian came out without Elder Bai shouting. The difference from just now was that this time he held a gun in his hand, and beside him were two muscular men.

Life is always full of variables. Just now, he was at an advantage in numbers, and now he is at a disadvantage. He is the only one who can stand.

Elder Bai's face is gloomy and uncertain. Maybe he still can't figure out why Ye Wutian would start the fight without saying a word. He knew this, he just ordered the shooting when Ye Wutian entered the door, so at least not up to now.

late! It's too late!

With a gun in his hand, Ye Wutian grinned at Elder Ma and smiled: "Old man, now you are smiling at me, where is the complacency just now? Continue to smack me."

Elder Bai was trembling with anger, and after a long time he said, "You are cruel."

Ye Wutian slowly raised the gun in his hand: "Do you have anything to say?"

"You dare to kill me?"

It was Ye Wutian who answered him with a shot, hitting Elder Bai on the left abdomen.

Elder Bai covered the wound with his hand, and it was not until the blood flowed out that he realized that it was true, Ye Wutian really dared to shoot him.

"Remember, old man, I never negotiate conditions with the enemy. I have always believed that only fists are the last word." Ye Wutian put away his smile, "You didn't die like that last time, this time you can still be like that. Are you lucky?"

Elder Bai, who was covering the wound with his hand, was in great pain. Now he found that it was so difficult to even speak a word, and the poison in his hand had no chance to spread out to Ye Wutian.

Elder Bai's throat twitched a few times, as if he had something to say, but in the end he didn't say it, because Brother Tian shot the other's eyebrows again.

Looking at Elder Bai who fell to the ground, Ye Wutian sneered, fearing that even Daluo Jinxian would not be able to save him this time.

Elder Bai died, and he was unwilling to die. If he had known this would happen, he would not have come to Ye Wutian if he killed him.

The formula for Zeng Shou Pill was not found, but instead he took his own life on it.

There is no regret medicine in the world. Elder Bai wants to regret it, but it is too late. If he wants to regret it, he has only the next life.

Before Ye Wutian came, he didn't intend to let the other party go. He was just a person from the Poison Shadow Sect, so this fellow didn't plan to let it go, not to mention that the other party wanted to hit him with Zeng Shou Wan, so he couldn't let it go.

No one can threaten him, not anyone.

Killing Elder Ye Wutian was not as excited as he imagined, and looked at the corpse on the ground indifferently. Fortunately, he came prepared today.

Walking in front of the person who was bound by the five flowers, Ye Wutian didn't use his hands to pull the sack, and found a broken piece of wood from the ground to open the sack. The person who was tied was not Zhang Jing, someone Ye Wutian didn't know. Strange woman.

It was indeed a trap.

Fortunately, he never negotiated conditions with the enemy, and was not in a hurry to save Zhang Jing, otherwise he might fall into the trap of the opponent.

Being able to kill Elder Bai today was beyond Ye Wutian's expectations. The dignified Elder Bai of Poison Shadow Sect was so vulnerable. Unexpectedly, he killed the opponent effortlessly. That was Poison Shadow Sect's. Great elder.

Going out of the house, Ye Wutian ignored the scene and left with Xue Ying, thinking about what to do next? He had promised Xu Shishi that he would not move Xu's house for half a year. Now that Poison Shadow Sect is taking the initiative to ask for trouble, should he endure it?

Xu Ying, are we really going to reach that day? Ye Wutian slowly closed his eyes, in his heart, he did not hope that there would be such a day, but the two sides had different positions, and it seemed that most of them could not change the situation. ()

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