Mad Doctor

Chapter 1252: spokesperson

"Little Tian, ​​save your aunt, please." Ye Hengcai looked anxious, his family had been hit hard, and he could no longer bear the pain.

Ye Hengdong and his wife also came over. They all know that Ye Wutian is very skilled in medicine. If Ye Wutian is willing to help, he will definitely be saved.

"Xiaotian, if you can, please help." It was He Weirong who spoke.

Ye Wutian nodded slightly. Since he can come today, he is ready to take action. It is not the same as before to the Ye family. Now, he has forgiven these people, fighting back and forth, not much fun.

Just treat it as a repayment, he owes the former Ye Wutian, and now treat it as helping him.

Guan Yuanli was shot in the chest, and she has not died yet. It is a miracle that she did not die, which means that the bullet missed the key point.

After entering the operating room, the doctors were busy and orderly operating on Guan Yuanli.

When Ye Wutian came in, the busy doctors were not surprised. They all knew that Ye Wutian was coming and were already mentally prepared.

After making eye contact with several doctors, Ye Wutian looked at Guan Yuanli. Although the bullet didn't kill her for a while, it was also dangerous. If the bullet missed even one centimeter, Guan Yuanli would definitely not be able to survive until now. .

Guan Yuanli's injury is very serious, and she may die at any time, and her vital signs are very weak.

Ye Wutian held Guan Yuanli's hand and used Xuanyuan True Qi to penetrate into the opponent's body.

Outside, Ye Hengcai was walking back and forth, worried and nervous, looking at the emergency room from time to time, hoping that the door would be opened, but at the same time he was afraid that the door would be opened and he would hear something he didn't want to hear.

Ye Zhejing was also beside him. At this time, he was sitting silently in the wheelchair, but he was very calm and could not see his emotions.

"Brother, sister-in-law will be fine, when Xiaotian comes, he will definitely find a way." Ye Hengdong comforted.

"Yeah, big brother, sister-in-law Jiren has her own good looks, so she will be fine, don't worry too much." He Weirong also followed and comforted.

The comfort of the two did not make Ye Hengcai calm down, and he couldn't calm down until he got the result.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after a long wait, Ye Wutian had been in for more than two hours, but he still did not come out until now.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with Auntie?" Ye Feiqiao, who heard the news, also put down her work and made a special trip.

"It's still inside." He Weirong pointed.

Not long after Ye Feiqiao arrived, many branches of the Ye family also came. The arrival of these people made Ye Hengdong and others puzzled. In the past, when the Ye family group was at its most brilliant, they would come over from time to time to say hello. Many people also rely on They lived with Ye's group, but then Ye's group went bankrupt, and those people changed their faces immediately, and they didn't even come when the old man died.

Now it's good, but these people have appeared, such as the three aunts, seven aunts, and some so-called relatives who can't even meet in eight lifetimes.

A large group of people ran over to ask for warmth, and the scene grew, making Ye Hengdong and others overwhelmed.

When these people came, Ye Hengdong and the others could still guess. After all, it was just for the sake of profit. They might see that the Ye family was about to come back to life.

The Ye family has Ye Wutian's help. It won't take long for the Ye family to take off. Therefore, for those smart people, this is the best time to come over to greet them and fill the relationship.

"Everyone, can you be quiet for a while? It's not suitable for too much noise here." Ye Hengdong couldn't help but talk about these people.

There is no doubt that Ye Hengdong's words played a role, and they did a good job.

Who knows that Ye Hengdong is Ye Wutian's father? Sons are promising, and fatherhood naturally rises.

The appearance of Xu Yuanhua shocked the Ye family. The director of Tangtang, came over in person for this case. Of course, it was for Ye Wutian's face.

"Xiao Ye, please rest assured, we will solve the case as soon as possible." Xu Yuanhua held Ye Hengcai's hand, "We have established a task force, and I will notify you as soon as there is any latest progress."

Ye Hengcai nodded gratefully: "Thank you."

The door that everyone had been waiting for was finally opened. Ye Wutian came out from the inside with a tired face. In order to save Guan Yuanli, he spent a lot of energy. Fortunately, he came, otherwise, Guan Yuanli's life would not be saved.

"How... how?" Ye Hengcai responded the fastest, and rushed over to ask Ye Wutian at the first time.

Regardless of whether Ye Wutian likes this uncle or not, the other party still has nothing to say to his wife, and can feel that he really cares, not pretending.

"Very successful." Ye Wutian said.

The three simple words came like a fairy sound, making Finance Minister Ye Heng heave a long sigh of relief. This was the result he wanted.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief and came over to say congratulations immediately.

Ye Wutian looked at Ye Feiqiao, obviously he was also puzzled, how come so many people came? Some of them have not been seen in a long time.

Ye Feiqiao didn't know how to explain, so she could only shrug at Ye Wutian, even if it was an answer.

"Xu Bureau, this matter will trouble you." In front of outsiders, Ye Wutian had to give Xu Yuanhua face.

Xu Yuanhua said: "We have set up a task force."

Ye Wutian didn't say anything after hearing the words, Xu Yuanhua said it for this sake, and he couldn't say anything else.

Xu Yuanhua didn't stay for a long time. He made a special trip to express his stance to some people. Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need for him to stay any longer. Many things are waiting for him to deal with.

Ye Wutian returned to Ye Family Villa. It has been a long time since he came back here last time, and he has no feelings for this place.

"Tell me about it." Ye Wutian aimed his gaze at Ye Hengcai.

"We don't know what's going on either. You went out with your aunt, and when you were walking, she was shot and fell. We don't know anything else." Ye Hengcai recounted that until now, this matter still seems like a dream .

"Have you offended anyone?" Ye Wutian asked again.

Ye Hengcai blushed, not knowing how to answer the question.

Brother Tian didn't ask any further questions. From Ye Hengcai's reaction, it was not difficult to see that not only did the other party offend others, but there were also quite a few people who might offend him.

"Uncle, we will find out this matter as soon as possible. You don't need to worry too much about the aunt's injury. If Wutian said she is fine, she will be fine." Cheng Kexin, who rarely spoke, said.

"Thank you!" When Ye Hengcai thanked him, he felt very guilty. In the past, he was in trouble for Cheng Kexin, and he even tried everything possible to make Cheng Kexin's previous trading company go bankrupt. Now, they don't hold any grudges.

"Did you go out without a bodyguard?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"Since the company collapsed, we haven't had bodyguards." The answer was Ye Hengdong, the company has collapsed, and it is unrealistic to have bodyguards, it will only make people laugh.

"Husband, why don't we transfer a batch over here?" Cheng Kexin asked.

"Well, you arrange." Ye Wutian doesn't like these people, but he can't deny the relationship between these people and him. If these people die, he Ye Wutian will also make others laugh.

Ye Hengdong and others secretly rejoiced, this is another gratifying progress, Ye Wutian agreed to send bodyguards over, indicating that he has completely accepted them and this family.

"Xiaotian, Sangu has something to say or not." Ye Dongxuan hesitated, but finally she couldn't help but speak.

"Sangu, if you have anything to say, it's all your own." Cheng Kexin answered first.

"Xiaotian, Kexin, we were wrong, we were wrong before." Ye Dongxuan said.

Cheng Kexin was slightly startled, she didn't expect the other party to say this, hesitated for a long time, just to apologize?

"It's all over, don't mention those."

Ye Dongxuan's eyes were flushed, guilt, deep guilt poured out.

"Xiaotian, Kexin, I have a suggestion. Let's ignore the people who came today."

Cheng Kexin said: "You can handle this matter, we will not participate."

"How is the company?" Ye Wutian looked at Ye Hengdong, since he decided to help the Ye family, Ye Wutian will help to the end, and if he wants to do it, he must do his best.

Ye Hengdong squeaked and couldn't answer.

"No, the company's operation is very bad." He Weirong looked at Ye Wutian: "Xiaotian, we don't have any competitive products at present. It is difficult to start with the previous technologies."

Ye Wutian remained silent. He didn't think about this issue. Without technical support, it was not easy to think about starting again.

The scene was silent for a while, and everyone's eyes turned to Ye Wutian. After a long time, he raised his head and looked at everyone: "From now on, you will do your best to do the rebirth tea project, and put all your energy and financial resources into it."

Ye Hengdong was overjoyed, and even Ye Hengcai's eyes lit up. If they could manage Hongyan Group's products, Ye's Group would soon develop, but unfortunately, no one of them dared to speak.

Now that Ye Wutian took the initiative to speak, how could they be unhappy?

"Isn't Chongsheng Tea run by the Ouyang family?" Cheng Kexin asked, which was a reminder.

"They can't eat that big piece of cake."

Seeing this, Cheng Kehuan knew that Ye Wutian had thought about it carefully, so he no longer objected.

"Is there a problem?" Ye Wutian looked at the Ye Hengdong brothers, "But there is one thing, you must do it seriously, this is my request, the only request."

The operation method of Chongsheng Ye Hengdong brothers already know, they think this method is very good, once it is successful, there will be a lot of money.

"There's no problem with this, but, Xiaotian, at your scale, we can't come up with that much money." To build a super five-star health hotel according to Ye Wutian's method, it would cost a lot of money.

"How much can you take out?"

Ye Hengdong replied, "With all my funds combined, I can only take out about 1.2 billion, including many properties."

"I am one billion." Ye Hengcai gritted his teeth, "1.5 billion, I will cash out all the property stocks, and I should be able to come up with 1.5 billion."

"2.7 billion." Ye Wutian murmured: "Dongcheng will be managed by you."

Ye Hengdong secretly rejoiced, Dongcheng can be regarded as the base camp of the Hongyan Group, and also the base camp of the Ye family.

Cheng Kexin vaguely understood that Ye Wutian wanted to train the Ye family as a spokesperson. He had mentioned this idea to her. one()

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