Mad Doctor

Chapter 1267: Heavy information

After the passion passed, Linda showed a smile, as if she rushed to the sky, she was very satisfied. At this moment, she was very satisfied and very happy. If it was possible, I really hope that this will continue, even if she lives with Ye Wutian. She will not refuse. In the past few years, she has been busy and tired every day. If she has the opportunity to take a good rest, I believe it will be a good thing.

Ye Wutian walked to the computer, inserted the memory U disk into the computer, and clicked the mouse to the U disk, but it could not be opened. The U disk was set with a password.

He turned his head to look at Linda, and asked her for the password.

"I won't tell you the password," Linda said unexpectedly.

Ye Wutian is hard to believe, what does Linda mean? What are these thirty-eight wanting to do? Since he gave him a USB flash drive, he still had to put on a pretense, what kind of mystery was he playing?

He pulled out the USB flash drive and threw it at Linda, "If you want to play, just play by yourself, I don't have time to accompany you."

This time, it was Linda's turn to be stunned. She bent down and picked up the USB flash drive with a helpless expression, "Ye, you are not fun at all, you are not interesting."

Ye Wutian sneered: "So, don't use your tricks against me, I disdain."

Linda who picked up the USB flash drive walked naked in front of Ye Wutian and personally delivered the USB flash drive to Ye Wutian, "The password is your mobile phone number."

Brother Tian, ​​who took over the USB flash drive, couldn't help but scolded secretly, **** it! Use such a simple number as a password? It's an insult to his intelligence.

Plug the USB flash drive into the computer again, and enter a set of passwords according to Linda's request. Sure enough, after he entered the set of passwords, the USB flash drive was opened. To be precise, only one of the three folders was opened. folder.

Ye Wutian clicked on the folder, and after his inadvertent glance, he could no longer take his eyes off the computer screen.


At this moment, Brother Tian was absolutely shocked. The list of people on the USB flash drive was full of people, but they were not ordinary people, but people in the system. They had all the detailed records of the other party, including their positions, what they had committed, and which camp they belonged to. people, how much money is in the bank, what illegal things they have done, etc., everything.

Seriously, there are as many as twenty-six people on it. This is just one of the folders. How many people are in the other two folders?

Ye Wutian didn't dare to think about it, it's rotten, the system is about to rot, and many of the people above are great people who can shake three times with one stomping, and they are high and powerful, but who knows that they are such people secretly ?

Once, a brother from a key city in the south was arrested and 100 million cash was found from his home. It is ironic that the other party expressed his hatred for corruption in public before he was arrested. In that speech, he put Disguised as a bright fighter, let people sigh.

How did Linda get these things? This question made Ye Wutian curious and shocked.

"Ye, now you should believe that I didn't lie to you."

Putting away his thoughts, Ye Wutian raised his head: "How did you get these things?"

Linda smiled: "Ye, I won't say this, you just need to know that these things are true, that's enough."

Ye Wutian thought about it, and it seemed like that was the case, "What about the other two passwords?"

"I won't tell you for a while."

Brother Tian frowned when he heard the words: "You don't believe me?"

Linda didn't take it seriously, and didn't deny it: "Don't you also believe me?"

Ye Wutian was asked, speechless, not knowing how to answer.

Linda wrapped her around again, holding Ye Wutian's neck with both hands, and squeezed her plump onto Ye Wutian, making Brother Tian laugh, and this woman also has the potential to be a goblin.

"Ye, don't try to unlock the password, there is only one chance, if you can't unlock it, the USB flash drive will start the destruction program."

"The other two folders are also related to this information?" Ye Wutian changed the question.

Linda replied, "I can only tell you that the more you get to the end, the more pleasantly surprised you will be."

Ye Wutian said: "Now I'm more and more interested in your family, who deserves your blood?"

"So you agreed?"

"Hehe, I can promise, but I can't go to the high seas. I can't guarantee that you will wait for me in the submarine?"

"Ye, you know my other identity. I will go with you. Even if you die, I can't escape. Do you think I will sacrifice myself for you?"

Another question that Brother Tian couldn't answer, Linda's words made sense.

"Well, you can open another folder for me to take a look at."

Linda gave Ye Wutian a big glare, "Ye, you are really a greedy person, you always make me embarrassed, we have already done this, you have paid so much for you, you are not touched at all?"

"Stop." Ye Wutian raised his hand and interrupted, "Don't follow me, you should know that there is nothing for anyone in this matter, I am happy, and you are also happy, right? Besides, you guys have always been supportive. Open, everyone gets what they need.”

"I won't give you the password." Linda refused: "But I can tell you that the contents of the folder will definitely satisfy you."

"Okay, I'll trust you this time." Ye Wutian was shocked by the first folder alone, and he believed that the contents of the second and third files would not be too bad.

Linda smiled happily, with a bit of incoherence: "I...Thank you, Ye, thank you." After that, the girl kept sending her own kisses, and she didn't want money anyway.

Ye Wutian warned: "Linda, I hope you remember, don't lie to me, or you can't afford the consequences."

"No, no." Linda shook her head wildly, "Don't worry, I won't."


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the sudden sound shocked the two of them, and they intuitively told Ye Wutian that they were dangerous.

Just a moment after the loud noise, both of them jumped quickly, and then hid on the back of the sofa.

After the loud noise, thick smoke billowed, the door of the room was blasted open, and a few masked men rushed in, swept the room with a micro dash in hand.

In the face of the fierce firepower, Ye Wutian didn't dare to look up, both of them frowned, who are these people? Who is the target? Linda? Or him?

Ye Wutian glanced at the computer on the table, the screen had been smashed, just now in an emergency, he forgot to unplug the USB flash drive, the contents there are very important and must not be lost.

The worst thing is that the two of them will be naked, without any clothing to cover their bodies, and it is always unsafe to stay here, and they will be discovered sooner or later by those people.

Mana next door!

Traveling through the present, I have never been so embarrassed as I am now, what should I do? The firepower of those people is too fierce. If they rush out at this time, they will be beaten into a hornet's nest in minutes.

Horizontal is death, vertical is death, Rao is Tian Ge is extremely smart, I don't know what to do.

The more I think about it, the more speechless Ye Wutian scolded, what kind of high-end hotel is this called? It's bad, it's really bad, it makes the guests feel insecure.

Those people are getting closer and closer, but the firepower is still so fierce, so they can't let people live?

Linda and Ye Wutian thought differently. These people could rush in, indicating that her two subordinates outside might be killed.

"Think of a way." Linda whispered in a low voice.

Ye Wutian wants to scold his mother, what can he do? If there is, it will not wait until now.

"Don't shoot, I surrender." Linda shouted when Ye Wutian didn't speak.

Sure enough, her sound really worked, and the gunshots stopped.

Linda stretched out her hand slowly, and then stood up. When she stood, the eyes of the four masked men were straightened, and each of them radiated some kind of light, and the color of greed was revealed. There was no doubt that, Linda is a very attractive woman, how can it be surprising that she stands up naked now? Simply a pleasant surprise.

Ye Wutian scolded, this stinky woman, she is embarrassed, grandma's, she is so thick-skinned, she is embarrassed, is not afraid of shame?

With Linda standing like this, Ye Wutian knew that it was impossible for him to continue squatting, so he slowly raised his hands and stood up.

It was enough for Linda to stand up alone, and the four masked men on the other side were already shocked enough. Now that Ye Wutian was added, the four masked men were even more surprised, making them feel like they were caught in bed. The thought, this should be considered as ironclad proof, right?

The four masked men looked at Linda and Ye Wutian. They all showed a lot of envy and jealousy towards Ye Wutian. Look, Linda is a very good woman, and her figure is even hotter.

"Several, don't shoot." The clothes were peeled aside, myrrh was in hand, and Brother Tian didn't dare to move.

"Who are you?" Linda is more calm than Ye Wutian, and doesn't seem to care about her happiness. Ye Wutian admires this very much. Staring at it, no matter what, it is very awkward and uncomfortable.

"Several big brothers, can you let me put on my clothes first?" Ye Wutian wanted to go over and get his clothes.

The answer to Ye Wutian was that several bullets came flying, which scared him so quickly that he quickly retracted his hand.

Ye Wutian, who withdrew his hand, scolded secretly, scolding his grandmother, what do these **** mean? Don't let him wear clothes, and don't shoot, what do you want to do?

"Miss Linda, please come with me." A big masked man on the other side finally spoke, and when he spoke, Ye Wutian knew that this group of people was coming for Linda.

Ye Wutian didn't care about Linda's life or death, and he had nothing to lose anyway.

Of course, from the standpoint of a watching Linda kind of stunner Xiang Xiaoyuyu, I believe that few men would like to see it.

"Who are you?" Linda asked in a deep voice, "If you dare to catch me, you are not afraid?"

I thought the four masked men would be scared when they heard it, but only one of them sneered: "We are afraid, that's why we don't dare to see you with our masks on. We can't provoke the CIA."

"Do you know my identity?" Linda was shocked but couldn't help but wonder, who are these people? Knowing her identity and daring to arrest her, it shows that this group of people must have a lot of background.

"Your identity is not a secret."

Linda heard the words and did not refute any more. She pointed at Ye Wutian and said to the four big men: "Since you know who I am, do you know who he is?"

"Ye Wutian, chairman of Hongyan Group."

"If you know him, aren't you afraid? I'm his friend." Linda hoped to scare off this group of people, even at the expense of pulling Ye Wutian.

Fang Jiejie smiled strangely: "Mr. Ye, is she your friend?" ()

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