Mad Doctor

Chapter 1285: Are you happy now?

This glass of wine, Li Jun drank quite hard, and paused several times in the middle. This glass of wine was the worst wine he had ever drunk, and it was also the one he least wanted to drink.

Before the wine was finished, Li Jun just couldn't hold on and stopped, his eyes were red, and his feet were floating.

Li Jun only felt the rivers and seas in his stomach, and he felt very uncomfortable. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn't spit it out. He had only drank half of the wine in the cup, and he couldn't hold it anymore. is difficult.

Some people began to worry about Li Jun, and also thought that Ye Wutian was too much. No matter whether Li Jun could finish drinking, his sincerity was already there. Ye Wutian should accept it as soon as he saw it, and should not continue to embarrass Li Jun.

Ye Wutian kept smiling from beginning to end. He thought he was the most handsome smile. In his opinion, Li Jun was a person who was so idle. What was the pursuit of results in this kind of thing? Even if he finds the result, so what? Go back and pull Wang Roosi to the Civil Affairs Bureau to change the books? Does he have the guts? As Wang Roosi said at the wedding, the two were together purely out of interest, and there was no love between the two, not to mention that they made it very clear that no one could control the affairs before marriage.

"Li Shao, that's enough, you won't be able to hold it any longer." Li Jun's companion wanted to stop him.

Li Jun pushed hard, endured the tumult in his stomach, panted and stared at Ye Wutian like a cow, raised his head again and continued to drink.

Ye Wutian was amused by his obsession with problems, but at the same time he felt helpless. Li Jun's behavior would only make his life more difficult, so why bother? Why care too much? You, Li Jun, are not even first-time boys, so you can still ask other people's women to be yellow-flowered girls? There is no such thing in the world.

"Bang!" Finally, Li Jun finished drinking, and the glass was smashed to the ground by him, full of pride: "I'm finished."

Ye Wutian looked at Li Jun, who was soaking wet all over his body, and thought to himself, are you drinking too much? How much have you wasted? Even his clothes got wet. Of course, Brother Tian thought he was a tolerant person, so he didn't bother to bother with Li Jun.

"Take off." Li Jun endured it, but it was already the limit. With him, he could get drunk at any time.

On the left and right sides, there were people supporting Li Jun. Xiao was like this, and Li Jun was also unsteady.

Ye Wutian stood up slowly and glanced around, "Everyone, do you want to see me take off?"

This remark caused everyone to laugh. The interesting thing is that no one left, and even many women in the crowd opened their eyes one by one, looking forward to what happened next.

Ye Wutian was speechless, looking at the expressions of these people, he should not leave, no matter what, just look at it, just treat yourself in the pool.

"Come on." As soon as he spoke, Li Jun felt a fire rushing upwards and he couldn't control it. Fortunately, someone had prepared in advance and had already put a bucket in front of Li Jun.

Li Jun's vomit made the onlookers take a few steps back, but no one left. Brother Tian couldn't help laughing and crying.

"Everyone, let's see, I have a point, don't take pictures, and at the same time I hope you can give me a testimony." During the speech, Ye Wutian had already unbuttoned his trousers.

This fellow is also generous, neither ashamed nor ashamed, and took off his trousers generously.

"Li Jun, look, are you satisfied now? I said, Wang Roosi is lying to you, I don't like monkeys, I like tigers..." Ye Wutian said triumphantly, but when he raised his head and shifted his gaze to Li Jun Jun's face was already drunk, and his head was tilted on his companion's shoulder.

Depend on!

Li Jun is drunk? What's going on now? Did he see it? Ye Wutian was not interested in doing this kind of thing a second time. After pulling up his pants, he said to Li Jun's companion, "Tell him."

Some young women saw Ye Wutian put on his pants so quickly, and they couldn't help being disappointed. If possible, they hoped that he would not take it off so quickly, and at the same time, they hoped that he could continue to take it off, just like in a song, take it off. Take it off, take it off, take off the top, take off the panties...

"Why?" Ye Wutian sighed and felt sympathy for Li Jun. He had reason to believe that in the future, Li Jun might not be happy unless he could change his current state of mind.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!

Of course, that is someone else's business, and from now on, it has nothing to do with him.



"Ha ha……"

"Ah ha ha……"

After Zhu Jian knew what happened last night, he was in a bad mood, but he laughed, laughed so hard that tears came out, it was funny, it was really funny, while laughing, he hated himself for missing the wonderful scene last night.

Ye Wutian took off his pants in front of so many people in public? Such news is absolutely explosive.

The more Zhu Jian laughed, the more depressed Ye Wutian became. He didn't understand what was funny. In his opinion, it was really not funny, but Zhu Jian laughed so exaggeratedly.

Of course, Zhu Jian can laugh, Ye Wutian is very happy, it's good if he can laugh.

From last night to now, Ye Wutian's phone calls have not stopped, and people keep calling, including the goblin Situ Wei, who is smiling happily on the other end of the phone.

"You shouldn't change the cup." After laughing, Zhu Jian said.

Ye Wutian said: "Give Commander Li a face."

"Well, your consideration is also correct. I believe that the Li family won't say anything. The face has been given, so what they think is their business." Zhu Jian agreed: "But you are really bad enough, that kind of disgusting tricks can be used. Can you think of it, put booger in the wine?" Zhu Jian shuddered: "Don't tell people that you know me in the future."

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he heard it, crap, he wanted to kick Zhu Jian, "I would be more disgusting than Li Jun's tricks? That kid doesn't know what to think, a big guy wants to see another man. Underpants? What hobby is this? I can't help shivering thinking about it now."

Zhu Jian laughed again: "Brother, other people's orientation is wrong, and it has nothing to do with us. Are you normal in this regard?"

"Go away." Ye Wutian cursed angrily.

Zhu Jian couldn't help but smile, "If it's normal, why would you agree to take it off for him?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

"By the way, did you stay with Wang Roosi last night?" Zhu Jian smirked, this guy's mood at this moment did not show any loss and pain.

"It's very important?" Ye Wutian asked back, with a disdainful expression: "Don't forget, that was before marriage. Who is with whom and what does it have to do with whom? Can you manage it?"

Zhu Jian heard the words and gave a thumbs up: "Strong, you are really strong, I admire it." Ye Wutian didn't answer directly, but Zhu Jian also understood. He has every reason to believe that Ye Wutian must have stayed with Wang Roose last night. , The two stayed overnight. As for what to do, you can guess with your toes, it must be that aspect.

No wonder Li Jun is going crazy and sympathizes deeply.

Ye Wutian thinks of Xu Ying, aside from anything else, this time, Xu Ying helped him and decided to wear the clothes Xu Ying bought. Wutian was afraid that the incident would happen again, so he decided to listen to Xu Ying once. I didn't expect that, Wang Roosi, that crazy woman, would do such an outrageous thing at the wedding. If she wanted to resist or reject this marriage, there were many ways. , why not? Do you have to make everyone unable to step down to be reconciled? Is that interesting?

It's really hard to guess a woman's mind!

"It's good to be happy." Ye Wutian comforted.

Zhu Jian put away his smile and looked into the distance: "Bingbing definitely doesn't want to see me in pain, she definitely wants me to live happily."

Ye Wutian didn't persuade him any more, he reached out and patted Zhu Jian's shoulder, it seemed that Zhu Jian had come out of it.

"I can be happy, but revenge must be avenged." Zhu Jian's eyes burst into sparks of anger, "Bingbing can't die in vain."

"It's natural, don't worry, Bingbing won't die in vain, the revenge that should be avenged must be avenged."

The two chatted, but Li Jun roared in a tertiary hospital in the capital. Last night, he was sent to the hospital, and he drank so much spirits at the same time. Iron Man couldn't stand it and was sent over as soon as possible. gastric lavage.

Li Jun roared, his voice was not loud and hoarse. He didn't want to believe that someone had already told him about his drunkenness last night, but for some reason, he couldn't convince himself to believe the answer. Are you asking for trouble, suffering so much yourself, in exchange for such an answer?

Li Jun neither wanted the result to be as he thought, but also hoped that the result would be as he thought. The inner contradiction was so extreme that he couldn't even figure out himself.

At this moment, Li Jun felt that he had punched cotton. How could this happen? Why isn't there a monkey on Ye Wutian's underwear? But a tiger? Shouldn't, really shouldn't.

Could it be that, as Ye Wutian said, he was tricked by Wang Roosi?

Outside, there was the sound of high-heeled shoes, and with the crisp sound of high-heeled shoes, Wang Roosei appeared in front of Li Jun.

On the occasion of the wedding, Li Jun, who was the groom's official, could only lie here. He was so depressed about this.

"Are you satisfied?" Wang Roose, who came in, folded her arms in her Mei Mu couldn't see the slightest concern at all, but more of a mockery.

It was as if Li Jun had been smashed with a heavy hammer, and it was extremely uncomfortable. Now that Wang Roosi was his wife, she could not get her attention.

"If you're not satisfied, you can continue to investigate." Wang Roose ignored Li Jun's anger: "Until you are satisfied, go to trouble Ye Wutian? How many people in the world have taken advantage of him?"

Seeing Wang Roose say this, Li Jun was even more angry, and a strong jealousy poured out. Wang Roose was his wife, but now she respects another man so much, which is unacceptable to Li Jun.

"What do you mean?" Li Jun asked in a hoarse voice.

Wang Roose said indifferently: "It's not interesting, I just want to tell you, don't forget about our relationship, if you want to court death, don't drag me down." After speaking, Wang Roose turned and left, ignoring Li Jun on the hospital bed.


Li Jun was full of anger and could not vent, "Sanba, you wait, one day I will make you kneel in front of me and beg me for mercy." One ()

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