Mad Doctor

Chapter 1296: Threat countdown

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Ye Wutian has no other choice. One hour is too short. To solve the problem, it takes time to solve it, but many things cannot be solved in one hour.

Many people's hearts are unpredictable, and things that they think they are confident in are often unexpected.

Ye Wutian never thought that Situ Jingsi would reject his request, and in the face of Situ Jingsi's direct rejection, Ye Wutian was stunned and didn't come back to his senses.

Originally, Ye Wutian wanted the Bahu Gang to do a favor, a small favor, but Situ Jingsi refused. The reason for the other party's refusal was still just and aboveboard. The Bahu Gang would not casually get involved in other people's affairs.

Is he Ye Wutian someone else? He has helped the Bahu Gang so much, but in the end he is unwilling to help with such trivial matters. It was not because of him that Ye Wutian took care of him. Without him, there would still be today's Bahu Gang? It has long been destroyed by the Tenglong Gang.

Ye Wutian had clearly told himself that the Bahu Gang had nothing to do with him, and since he handed over the Bahu Gang, he would no longer have anything to do with him.

I think so, but when he was rejected, Ye Wutian still felt a little sad, even a little angry, Situ Jingsi didn't say anything. Hand in hand, he is not grateful at all? If it was someone else, out of love, he would also help, but Situ Jingsi refused.

Putting down the phone, Ye Wutian is helpless, the other party refuses, he can't do anything to the other party, he can't talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality, right? That kind of words can only be used by teachers in schools to teach elementary students.

Situ Jingsi is not a primary school student!

It seems that he has to think of another way. Ye Wutian has no time to be depressed. Now is not the time to be depressed. There are more important things waiting for him to deal with. If Situ Jingsi does not help, he has to think of another way.

The Situ Group issued a warning to the Yue Kingdom, and regardless of what the Yue Kingdom thought, the Hongyan Group's warning clearly stated that several warships near Hongyan Island must be transferred away, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked and everyone was stunned. The Hongyan Group was going to go to war with the Yue Kingdom.

How much chance does a company have to win against a country? No matter how good it is, it is always a company, how can it fight against a country?

But one thing people know, this war, even if the Hongyan Group can't win, it is also difficult for the Yue Kingdom to win. Perhaps, from the beginning, this is a lose-lose situation.

While the world was shocked, they began to look forward to the response of the Vietnam National Assembly. Will the warships near Hongyan Island be transferred away? Once the battleship is transferred, it is equivalent to admit defeat to the Hongyan Group. Most people will not believe that kind of thing, thinking that it is impossible.

Aside from the fact that the Vietnam National Assembly will not transfer the warships, will people take the initiative to admit that the warships near Hongyan Island are not their Vietnamese nationals? Since people have the intention to disguise the warships, it means that they must be early in the morning. Premeditated.

Ye Wutian was not idle, and after finishing the call with Situ Jingsi, he called Lionhead again and told him the truth, "Master, if two missiles really come, how sure are we?"

"Zero Cheng." Lionhead said seriously.

Ye Wutian laughed dumbly, the answer of Lion Head is too shocking, zero percent? Even if the lion head says 20%, or even 10%, at least there is still a glimmer of chance and hope.

"Missile defense is our next plan, and there is no way out." Lionhead said.

"Then what should I do? I can't do nothing." Ye Wutian had never been in the army, and for a while, he couldn't find any effective way to stop it.

"The only way is to stop them before they launch," advises Lionhead.

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he heard this, saying this suggestion is the same as not saying it, who doesn't know? Elementary students know this.

He was extremely dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to get angry at Lionhead. From another point of view, Lionhead was not an immortal, and he couldn't do many things.

"You can't do it?" Lionhead asked back.

"Master, even you can't do anything about it."

"Boy, do you mean you're not as good as me?" Lionhead asked, looking very unhappy.

Ye Wutian thought, if I can be better than you, do I still need to worship you as a teacher? joke.

It's just that Ye Wutian didn't dare to say these words, "Master, what is your plan?"

"Don't ask me, ask me everything, what if I die one day, what will you do? Remember, you can only rely on yourself a lot in life." Lionhead roared.

Ye Wutian's contempt is not what the lion head said at all. The old man must be busy dating his wife, and he has no intention of paying attention to Hongyan Island's affairs. He has to say the reason so magnificently and contemptuously. To be severely despised.

"I want to showdown with the Ma family." Ye Wutian suddenly said, this idea, he has been thinking about it for a long time, thinking that it is time.

Lionhead was silent for a while, "Just do it after you think about it, many things always need to be resolved."

Ye Wutian said it casually, thinking that Lion Head would refuse, but he agreed.

Hanging up the phone, it was only half an hour away from what the mysterious man stipulated, and half an hour had passed. Ye Wutian, who never thought time would pass too fast, today thinks time passed too fast, half an hour had passed. , it's over in the blink of an eye, too fast.

Just after finishing the call with Lion Head, Linda's call came in. Her call made Ye Wutian see a glimmer of light, and the call was timely.

"Dear Linda, I hope you can bring me good news."

Linda said, "Ye, I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

The smile froze on Ye Wutian's face, he didn't like to hear these words, "Linda, your old man refuses?"

"Actually, you should have guessed." Linda didn't answer and asked: "Submarine technology is absolutely impossible to leak out, every country is the same."

Ye Wutian interrupted Linda, "I don't want to hear this, I just want to know the result."

"Ye, I'm sorry, I really can't help you. My father can't decide many things alone."

Brother Tian interrupted loudly again: "Listen, Hongyan Island is now pointed at by two missiles, and in half an hour, the missiles will be launched, Linda, let me tell you, if my Hongyan Island is hit by missiles, I will Swear, all of you will regret it, including you, and your country."

Up to now, Ye Wutian no longer cares about his demeanor. In order to solve the problem as soon as possible, he has no choice and will consider using any means.

How could Linda not be able to hear what Ye Wutian meant? There is a threat inside and outside the words. At the same time, she believes that Ye Wutian did not lie to her. If that is the case, Linda has reason to believe that many countries will suffer an unprecedented disaster.

Of course, if that's the case, Linda would suggest that Ye Wutian be assassinated and use all his strength. As long as he can successfully assassinate Ye Wutian, everything is worth it, otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Ye, you can't do this." Linda had a headache, it's hard to laugh when you meet such an opponent.

"Why can't I do this? If you want to play, I will play with you."

Linda was helpless, "It's not that we mess with you, it has nothing to do with us."

"It's not my ally, it's my enemy." Ye Wutian said solemnly: "Linda, you don't need to say anything, there are still twenty minutes."

"You can't do this." Linda was threatened. She was the only one who threatened others, but in front of Ye Wutian, she was threatened again and again. This feeling, this feeling, made her very dislike. .

"Three-eight, you can also come and kill me, but you only have one chance. If you don't succeed, I promise you will be happier, happy."

Linda shuddered, the happiness Ye Wutian said was definitely not that kind of happiness.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Ye Wutian said again: "My requirements are not high, as long as you can kill the few super-national warships near Hongyan Island, we can say everything, otherwise, I am worried that a plague will break out in your country, It's more powerful than last time, March 8, last time you only broke out in the military camp, you said what would happen if it broke out in the most densely populated area of ​​yours this time? It must be very interesting, right?"

Linda didn't even have the strength to speak. Ye Wutian has already said it for this sake, and the words just now are more proof that the plague that broke out in country M last time was definitely related to Ye Wutian.

"M country is not your slave." Linda roared coldly.


It was Ye Wutian who answered Linda and hung up the phone directly.

Linda is stunned, hang up? Ye Wutian actually hung up her phone? bastard.

Ye Wutian is gambling. In order to kill the warships in the Yue Kingdom, he has not hesitated to expose himself as the culprit of the last plague in the M country. He did so just to tell Linda that he could do it again at any time if he was disobedient.

Three minutes passed, Linda didn't call, Gongshi, Ye Wutian himself was also nervous, what if Linda didn't take his set.

"Master, Situ Jingsi rejects you?" Ye Wutian just returned to Dongcheng when Situ Wei came over with a bad expression on his face.

Ye Wutian was stunned, this matter was not told to anyone, how did it spread? "How do you know?"

"It's been spread that you wanted to ask the Bahu Gang for help, but it was rejected," Situ Wei replied.

Ye Wutian's face was long, and he didn't say anything on his own side. There was only one answer, and that was Situ Jingsi.

"There is such a thing." Ye Wutian said, being rejected by Situ Jingsi, he was still depressed and not angry, but now, he is angry, Situ Jingsi spread the matter, what did he want to express? Do you want to sweep his Ye Wutian's face?

After Situ Wei got the answer, she didn't say a word, and immediately turned around and left. How could Ye Wutian, who is sharp-eyed and quick-witted, not know what this goblin wants to do? He must have wanted to go to Situ Jingsi to settle accounts.

This time, Ye Wutian is afraid that she will suffer a loss, and now is not the time to deal with this matter, "This matter will be discussed later."

Situ Wei didn't insist, and she knew that cleaning up Situ Jingsi was nothing compared to Hongyan Island.

As time gets closer and closer, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Hongyan Island, wondering if the missile will fly towards Hongyan Island in the end, and also want to know how Ye Wutian will react to the threat. ()

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