Mad Doctor

Chapter 1339: solitary trial

Li Jun came to the door at this time. It is very likely that he has heard something. He came to say this on purpose today, and it is very likely that he wanted to inquire about information.

Ye Wutian has reason to believe that Li Jun is not as mentally retarded as he looks.

"Husband, don't take their parents' words to heart." Cheng Kexin sat beside Ye Wutian and put his arms around Ye Wutian's arms.

Ye Wutian looked down and was surprised by Cheng Kexin's behavior. This is the company, and she has never taken the initiative to reach out and put her arms around his arm like she does now.

Cheng Kexin blushed, knowing why Ye Wutian was surprised.

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva, his Kexin baby is so cute, the little fox's tail is showing by herself, she blushed, a fool knows what's going on.

Cheng Kexin is like a child who has done something wrong, her head is getting lower and lower, and she is extremely shy.

He hugged Cheng Kexin and said, "Baby, Mom and Dad, they are right."

Why doesn't Cheng Kexin know? It's just that the relationship between her and Ye Wutian is a bit complicated. At first, it was the relationship of his fiancée. Later, she broke off the marriage and she is no longer his fiancée.

She married him, what about Ouyang Xingyue and the others? Regardless of status or appearance, she is not comparable to her. She married Ye Wutian, which was unfair to them. Compared with her, they paid a lot for Ye Wutian.

"Give me some time, I promise you, I will give you the most grand wedding in the world." Ye Wutian, who hugged Cheng Kexin lightly, said.

Cheng Kexin was very moved. A woman is just like that. Just a few words can move her. Although she knows very well that this may be just a talk, and it will never be realized, she is still moved and satisfied.

Women are **** animals, but also emotional animals.

"Husband, don't say it lightly, marry me, what will they do?"

Ye Wutian was instantly stopped by the question, his smile froze on his face, this question was really difficult to answer.

"I don't know how to answer, right? I know you are hard-hearted and soft-hearted." Cheng Kexin was very resentful, why didn't she want to be like other women? Exclusively for a man?

Ye Wutian felt very guilty, "Baby, I'm sorry."

"Husband, will you not want me in the future?" Cheng Kexin is quite insecure, Ouyang Xingyue and the others are better than her. If this man does not want her in the future, she will not know how to live.

Ye Wutian smiled and stretched out his fingers to cover Cheng Kexin Xiaoyao's nose, "Will you get rid of me?"

"What do you say? I won't want you no matter what, never will." Cheng Kexin groaned.

"Then why not? Since you won't want me, I won't want you either. In this life, I will never dump you. Even if you want to dump me, I'll let you dump me. No, even if you dump me, I won't. I want to hold you so that you won't be let go."

Cheng Kexin was delighted by Ye Wutian's shameless words, and the trace of unhappiness just now disappeared without a trace, "Sweet tongue, who knows what you think?"

"Hey, baby, what do I think, you still don't know?" Ye Wutian smirked, and his hands began to be dishonest.

Cheng Kexin, who was scared and screamed, hurriedly bounced up and avoided, this guy is too bad, this is a company, if someone comes in here, how can it be good? She can't afford to lose that face.

Seeing Cheng Kexin fleeing in embarrassment, Ye Wutian burst out laughing.

After get off work, Ye Wutian returned home alone, looking at the empty home, feeling very uncomfortable, thinking that he should buy a villa, let txt, they all moved here, A few of his confidantes, the world thinks that he can enjoy the blessings of all the people, but who knows his difficulties? How about a few confidantes?

When I was bored, I looked at the house where Li Feifei lived, but this look made Ye Wutian's eyes unable to move, and it was completely fixed there. The house where Li Feifei lived was brightly lit. She came back and let Ye Wutian Tian was shocked that in addition to Li Feifei, there was another person in the house. That person was not Che Huishan, but a woman, a man Ye Wutian did not know.

Seeing that Li Feifei brought the man home, Ye Wutian had some pantothenic acid for some reason, and Li Feifei found a boyfriend.

While thinking wildly, suddenly, Ye Wutian saw Li Feifei arguing with that man, which made Ye Wutian even more curious, the dispute happened during the first love? This is not a good thing.

At this time, I saw that the man grabbed Li Feifei's arm hard, and Li Feifei was struggling desperately, trying to get out of the man, but, time and time again, it ended in failure.

Ye Wutian looked unhappy, who was that man? I was extremely disliked by him at first, but now treat Li Feifei the same way? Want to die?

In an instant, Ye Wutian pushed all the misses onto the man. Anyway, he also didn't like the man, and now seeing the other party grab Li Feifei's wrist again, it must be his fault, it must be so.

Unable to break free, Li Feifei spoke louder, and his emotions began to lose control. While scolding loudly, he wanted to struggle out of it.

The man didn't give up, but pushed Li Feifei with an inch, causing Li Feifei, who was unprepared, to stagger, step back, and then his **** hit the ground first, and he fell hard.

Fortunately, Li Feifei didn't wear high-heeled shoes, otherwise she would fall even worse. Even so, it was enough for her, and the pain brought tears to her eyes.

Ye Wutian looked distressed for a while, paralyzed, who is that man? He was not willing to treat Li Feifei like that, how dare the other party treat her so rudely?

Thinking of the injuries on Li Feifei's face today, Ye Wutian's heart sank, wondering if those injuries were the masterpiece of that man?

Do you want to rush over to clean up the man? Ye Wutian thought, after hesitating, he decided to endure it first and see the situation.

After pushing Li Feifei to the ground, the man was not satisfied, he glared at her fiercely, and he didn't know what he said in front of her, which made Li Feifei's face change greatly, then he obediently stood up from the ground and put on his shoes. Follow the man away.

After Li Feifei stood up, the man grinned wickedly and stretched out his arms to hug Li Feifei's waist, and at the same time he stretched his head over Li Feifei's jade neck and took a deep breath, his face full of intoxication.

Li Feifei wanted to struggle, but the man didn't know what to say in Li Feifei's ear, and let Li Feifei be honest.

The distance is too far, Ye Wutian really can't hear what the man said to Li Feifei, but it's definitely not normal, there must be a demon when things happen abnormally. And don't give in.

Ye Wutian decided to follow, worried that Li Feifei had an accident.

After Li Feifei and the man left home together, they went to a bar. Ye Wutian, who had been following behind the two, parked the car and followed in, but wanted to see what tricks the other party was playing.

The man took Li Feifei to a large private room, and there were more than ten people sitting in it, half male and half.

When Li Feifei came in for a moment, everyone's eyes turned to her, especially the men present, who showed that kind of strange gaze.

There is no doubt that Li Feifei is the most beautiful of the few women in the private room. With a little makeup, she will compare these bar princesses who make a living by selling laughter, especially now that she is still wearing professional clothes and the skirt is in her pair. The tall, slender and sleek body is slightly shorter against the backdrop.

Usually in the company, Li Feifei's clothing style has always been bold, even if the satyr boss always looked at her with squinting eyes, she didn't care, but now, she is afraid, regretting that she came over in a skirt, and didn't look at those people. I can feel the eyes of these people in front of me wanting to eat her.


Li Feifei was deeply afraid, these people are not good birds, but she had to come.

"Come here." The bald man sitting in the middle of the sofa motioned to the woman next to him to sit away, then patted the sofa lightly, signaling Li Feifei to sit over.

Li Feifei stood still, she didn't want to sit over, and if she did, the consequence would be to be taken advantage of by the other party.

The bald man was not angry, and continued to pat the sofa: "Come here."

"I want to get my things back, the price is up to you." Li Feifei said, still standing still.

The bald man laughed, "Miss Li, I have a lot of money, and I don't care about money. If you want to get something back, you must satisfy me tonight. I'm happy, I don't want a penny, and I will give you what belongs to you with both hands, but , you want to take your things, you can't do it without any sincerity, this is a bar, why should you have two drinks?"

"Multiple friends, multiple paths." Li Feifei didn't want to sit there: "I just want to get my things back."

The bald man stopped patting the sofa, and the smile slowly disappeared from the face that was not handsome, "Isn't it shameful to give a face?"

"I just want to get back what belongs to me." Facing the abuse, Li Feifei still stood still.

"Last chance, come and sit." The bald man sneered: "Miss Li, don't you want those things flying all over the sky?"

Li Feifei's face was pale, and she was most afraid of this. If those things were flying all over the sky, her own death would not be enough to apologize. In any case, no matter how much it cost, she must get those things back.

Gritting her teeth, Li Feifei walked towards the other party according to her words. At this moment, she had no choice. Currently, she could only take one step at a time and act according to chance.

Li Feifei She is now equivalent to sending sheep into the wolf's den, and here, she has no choice at all.

The bald man was very satisfied with Li Feifei's cooperation. Before Li Feifei sat down, he hurriedly stretched out his arms to hug others. His heart was already ready to move, and he wished to immediately put this stunner under him and enjoy it. Today, he earned it.

Li Feifei felt nauseated, "Let me go."

The bald man didn't care: "What? Huluu won't die. I said do you still want to get your things back? If you don't want to get them back, you can leave now, and no one will force you."

Li Feifei was so angry that she was maddened inside, but at this time, she could only choose silence.

This trick has been tried and tested, and the bald man is very proud, "Miss Li, drink this wine, let's talk about other things, let's see your sincerity first."

Li Feifei picked up the wine glass, an overly large wine glass filled with wine, she would definitely be finished tonight after drinking this glass.

"Bang!" Just as Li Feifei was holding the cup in his hand, Liu Shen was helpless, there was a loud bang, and the private room door was forcibly kicked open. ()

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