Mad Doctor

Chapter 1360: Subtle aspects

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A terrifyingly large villa, an excessively large conference room, at this time, almost all the elites of the Anjia are sitting here.

This villa was built by the An family later, but the old lady didn't move in, she still lived in the old villa, where she felt happier because her memories were everywhere there.

Although everyone in the An family wanted the old lady to come to live in the villa, but she couldn't overcome her persistence, and in the end she had no choice but to give up, as long as she liked it.

The An family, like many families, regularly holds family meetings, but today is obviously not the time for family meetings. Everyone in the conference room is surprised by this. Of course, some people know the content of today's meeting.

Ye Wutian followed the old lady into the conference room. When he stepped into the conference room, he instantly became the focus of everyone. It must be known that outsiders are not allowed in the family meeting.

Everyone was surprised, family meeting, inviting such an outsider was enough to surprise them, and what surprised them even more was that the person who came was Ye Wutian, a world-famous young man, a very rich and mysterious young man. .

Ye Wutian's background has been investigated by countless people for a long time. From the playful child of the Ye family to now Ye Wutian, it is conceivable how much the change has been in the middle.

Many people present here can't help but think that Ye Wutian's purpose of coming here is for cooperation? If we can cooperate with Hongyan Group, it will be of great benefit to Anjia. At present, the development of Anshi Group is in a dilemma and needs to be supplemented by fresh blood. Undoubtedly, Hongyan Group is the best choice.

"It's all here." The old lady looked around for a week, but she didn't sit down immediately when she was standing at the main seat. "How much do you remember about An Family's ancestral training?"

Everyone present did not forget the ancestral motto of the An family, there were only two simple words, waiting.

The old lady's words caused a big wave of Xuanyuan, these people are not stupid, she let them think and let them guess what.

"Today, I want to tell you that our mission to settle down has been accomplished, and the person waiting has also appeared." The old lady was excited: "He is the young master we are looking for."


The scene was deadly silent, there was no applause or surprise, each one seemed to be frozen.

"I believe you know him too, then, now, let's all get to know his other identity, the young master of the An family." The old lady took Ye Wutian's arm and stepped forward.

Ye Wutian is a bit like being driven by a duck, and his eyes are swept away, and he can feel a few unfriendly eyes.

"Young master, say a few words." The old lady didn't seem to care much and continued her plan.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, and after arranging his thoughts, he said: "Hello everyone, my name is Ye Wutian, I think you all know me, I don't know how to explain the matter of the young master, because I just found out about it. ."

The old lady rushed to say that she was old, but not stupid, so she naturally knew what Ye Wutian meant, and it was because of this that she was more firm in her decision, "I have come to see the young master."

"Mom, is he really the young master?" The speaker was the chairman of the An Group, An Jinghao, a handsome and very tasteful old man.

An Jinghao's question is also everyone's question. Who doesn't want to figure it out?

The old lady smiled and looked at Ye Wutian: "Young Master, please prove it to them."

Ye Wutian didn't want to prove anything, but right now he has no better way, so he can only do it.

"The young master has Xuanyuan magic, which is the same as that of Xin'er." The old lady'? latest ^ explanation.

"Grandma, this alone cannot prove that he is the young master we are looking for." An Yin is asking questions, An Jinghao's eldest son, An Xin's father.

"Looking for the young master, Xuanyuan magic is the only proof, the young master knows Xuanyuan magic, and his internal strength is not weak, far more powerful than Xin'er, this is enough to prove everything."

"Grandma, it's not that we are suspicious, who can guarantee that there will be no second person who can master Xuanyuan magic?

The old lady stared at An Yinzheng, unhappy: "Can you find another one?"

An Yin was being questioned, but his grandmother couldn't answer. The An family had been guarding for so many years, and no one who knew Xuanyuan magic was found. Over time, the elites of the An family were about to forget about it and the An family's ancestral teachings.

"The An family did not dare to forget about Zu Xun, but we are also afraid of being deceived, so Mr. Ye, please forgive our doubts." The speaker was An Jifan, the second child of the An family and the vice president of An's Group.

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "Understood, in fact, it is normal for everyone to have doubts, to be honest, I don't want to be your young master, but the old lady insisted that I come over."

I thought that my words would move many people, but not only no one was moved, but Ye Wutian also saw someone showing Wu contempt. These guys obviously don't believe it, so good things will be pushed back? Thirteen also has to have a degree.

The reactions of these people made Ye Wutian understand that sometimes it is not suitable for telling the truth.

"Since you can't find another person who can master Xuanyuan magic, then he is our young master." The old lady's attitude was quite firm, and she believed that Ye Wutian was the young master of the An family.

Ye Wutian thought, how could these people go looking for the young master? Finding the young master means that the An family will lose a lot of things, so who will take the initiative to find the young master? I'm afraid no one wants to, of course, the old lady is an exception.

"As long as he is really the young master we are looking for, I am willing to admit it." An Kifan said.

An Jinghao's face was gloomy, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

An Jifan pretended not to see it, and turned to look at the other party: "Brother, what's your opinion?"

Ye Wutian is happy, it seems that it is the same wherever he goes, and Anjia is no exception. Where property interests are involved, there are struggles.

An Jinghao did not speak, sitting there silently.

"Okay, this is settled. From now on, Xiaotian is the young master of the An family. All the resources of the An family, the young master has the right to allocate, and no one can object." The old lady set the tone.

As soon as these words came out, many people in the conference room turned pale. They knew too well the meaning of the old lady's words of letting them adjust.

The Jiangshan that has been beaten down by hard work will be given away, and it will be uncomfortable for anyone else. For many people in the An family, Ye Wutian is just Cheng Yaojin who was killed halfway.

"According to Anjia's family motto, An Xin will also become the young master's person, and will accompany the young master all his life until the end of his life," said the old lady.

Many people looked at Anxin, sympathetic, and secretly happy, but Anxin herself stood there calmly and calmly. Now she has accepted it. This is her life. In life, there is no second way to go. With Ye Wutian, there will be no happiness at all. If not with this man, it will also be a dead end, no matter which way she thinks.

"The Anjia has been able to come to this day, all thanks to the help of Patriarch Xiaoyao back then. Without his old man, there would be no Anjia today, and similarly, there would be no you now." The old lady's eyes were sharp, and she went back and forth on everyone's faces: "I know what you are thinking, but I warn you, whoever dares to make trouble out of it, don't blame me for being rude. An Jia can't be a laughing stock, and I can't be An Jia's sinner."

The old lady is a warning, how could she not know what these people think? Knowing that she wants to achieve what she wants, it is not an easy task for the An family to sincerely regard Ye Wutian as the young master. Even so, she still has to do it.

"Calling you back today is to give you a mental preparation. Then I will choose another day to hold a ceremony, in front of the master and sect of the An family. In addition, after the ceremony of welcoming the young master, An Xin will also enter the board of directors of Anshi Group. , to replace the young master to take over the Anshi Group."

The old lady's words made many people anxious, "Mom, I'm afraid it's unrealistic to let Xin'er join the board of directors. She has no shares in her hands, so what will the shareholders think?" An Jinghao said, An Xin is his daughter , However, he did not want his daughter to enter the chairman.

"All my shares will be given to Xin'er," the old lady seemed to have long thought of saying this, "I don't have enough shares, you give up a little more. My requirement is that after recognizing the young master, Anxin's shares must take up the majority. This is a rule. ."

Ye Wutian thought to himself, darling, if An Xin was the largest shareholder, wouldn't he be able to be the chairman at any time? Top 500!

"Who else has a problem?" The old lady exuded an air of dominance, and she was not allowed to refuse.

I really didn't expect that the seemingly kind old lady would have such a majestic side.

"It's impossible." An Jinghao objected, "It's impossible to convince the public."

The old lady answered the question: "Jinghao, do you want to object?"

An Jinghao didn't know how to answer, did he object to it in his heart? That is inevitable.

"I agree." It was An Jifan who raised his hand, "Mom is right, our An family can't forget our ancestor's teachings, I agree to give some shares to Anxin."

The murderous intent flashed in An Jinghao's eyes was even stronger, and it was An Jifan again.

"Who else wants to object?" The old lady roared loudly, her voice was many decibels louder than before.

No one dared to challenge the authority of the old lady, and none of the people present dared to object. Of course, just because these people did not say anything or objected, it did not mean that they would be convinced in their hearts.

The old lady was very satisfied with the result, "It's settled like this, now, there is something you need to deal with." Then, the old lady said everything about the scientist, "Young master needs to find him, you will stop at all costs. This person found mother, according to the news, this person is strictly locked up, and it is impossible to bring him out of there." An Jinghao didn't know his mother, why did it change all of a sudden so big? All kind of incredible.

"The impossible will make him possible. This is the request of the young master, and it is also the first time he asked us to do. What An Jia has to do is not to say it is impossible, but to find a way to make it happen. It's what you should do."

"Mom, if we do this, we are fighting against the higher-ups above, and it will not be good for our family." An Jinghao said with a very helpless expression.

"And then?" the old lady asked. "What do you want to say?"

"I..." An Jinghao was depressed as if he had eaten fly droppings.

"Everyone, let me say a few words, that scientist, I am bound to win, I know what some of you are thinking, you can rest assured, as long as you help me this time, I will naturally know what to do." Ye Wutian opened his mouth.

The old lady stopped talking, as if she wanted to say something, but finally endured it again, some things couldn't be rushed. ()

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