Mad Doctor

Chapter 1384: Wang Xiaolin

Ye Wutian turned around and saw a strange woman standing in front of him. The other party's appearance was somewhat similar to Wang Roose's, and they were both great beauties.

Presumably this person is Wang Xiaolin in Zhang Jing's mouth.

While looking at the other party, Ye Wutian was also curious and didn't understand the purpose of the other party's initiative to show up, or as Zhang Jing said? Is this a Longtan Tiger Den today?

"Who are you?" Although Ye Wutian had already guessed the identity of the other party, he did not take the initiative to point it out.

The person who came was Wang Xiaolin, Ma Feng's girlfriend. Of course, very few people knew about the relationship between her and Ma Feng. Even in the Wang family, many people didn't know, but only a few knew the same, which was quite mysterious.

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Wang Xiaolin, the owner here." Wang Xiaolin said, but the way she introduced it seemed very special, with a kind of arrogance and domineering.

"Hello, Miss Wang." Ye Wutian smiled and stretched out his hand, "I didn't expect Miss Wang to be so powerful at such a young age, which made me look at it differently."

Wang Xiaolin giggled: "Mr. Ye, are you complimenting me?"

Ye Wutian smiled but did not answer, but thought in his heart, it is estimated that the relationship between Wang Xiaolin and Wang Roose is not very good. If the two sisters have a good relationship, Wang Roose would not have betrayed Ma Feng for herself at the beginning. Of course, Ye Wutian will only know today. Ma Feng is Wang Roose's younger sister's boyfriend. Could it be another trap? Wang Roose deliberately told him Ma Feng's whereabouts.

Before the investigation is clear, Ye Wutian dare not make any guarantees, dare not make a decision!

"Mr. Ye, you praise me so much, then your ability and your achievements, I can't find any words to describe you?" Wang Xiaolin said with a smile.

Ye Wutian smiled secretly, this is not the same thing at all, "Hehe, I just had better luck, it's not worth mentioning."

"Mr. Ye, your presence today makes me so bright. No wonder the magpie outside the window stood on the branch singing when I woke up this morning."

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "It's rare to come to the capital. I have long heard that there is such a place. I've always wanted to come and see it, but I haven't had time. No, I finally found time to come here."

"Welcome." Wang Xiaolin replied with a smile.

"You're welcome, Miss Wang doesn't have to greet me specially, I'll just take a look at it myself."

Wang Xiaolin casually looked at Zhang Jing who was standing next to Ye Wutian and asked, "Who is this?"

"Zhang Jing." Zhang Jing said.

"Zhang Jing is as beautiful as the person's name." Wang Xiaolin praised.


Wang Xiaolin didn't talk too much with Zhang Jing, and turned her eyes to Ye Wutian's face again: "Mr. Ye, can you give me a face? Let me treat you to a meal?"

The conditions put forward by the other party made Ye Wutian wonder for a while, thinking about the other party's intentions, he and the other party have not reached this stage, not to mention that he and Wang Xiaolin are meeting for the first time today, and the other party said that they want to invite him to dinner, why? Careful?

Of course, Ye Wutian would not refuse. Zhengchou couldn't find the opportunity to test the other party. The purpose of coming here is to find Ma Feng. Even if he can get a little useful information in Wang Xiaolin's mouth, it will be worth it.

"Then why are you embarrassed? Let me invite Miss Wang to dinner." Ye Wutian said with a smile, can you eat with Wang Xiaolin?

Wang Xiaolin smiled charmingly, quite a bit of a taste of upside-down living beings, seeing Ye Wutian in a daze, a woman who can be seen by Ma Feng, must not be too bad.

"Mr. Ye is joking, this is the capital, and the position you are standing in is mine, so naturally you can't treat me. If it spreads out, what will others think of me? Although I am a female, I can afford this. A meal, if you are embarrassed, Mr. Ye, then wait for me to go to Dongcheng in the future, and you will do your best as a landlord, how about it?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, this Wang Xiaolin has such a sharp mouth, she deserves to be the woman that Ma Feng likes: "Haha, Miss Wang, you have said this for the sake of it. If I don't agree with it, I'm afraid you will never finish with me."

There was a hint of playfulness in Wang Xiaolin's charm, and she was full of pride: "It's almost the same, but I'm merciless." After saying that, Wang Xiaolin aimed her gaze at Zhang Jing. It's not hard to imagine that what happened next must have something to do with her.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaolin said, "Mr. Ye, I want to have this meal with you alone."

Wang Xiaolin's words couldn't be more obvious, she asked Ye Wutian, not Zhang Jing.

To a certain extent, this is also a face slap, a real face slap.

Ye Wutian looked embarrassed, and at the same time felt helpless. It was Zhang Jing who brought him here. If he wanted to leave Zhang Jing aside now, he really couldn't do it. What's more, his intuition told Ye Wutian that Wang Xiaolin was a dangerous woman. It is also safer to be with Zhang Jing than to be with Wang Linlin.

"It doesn't matter, I can leave." Zhang Jing seemed very generous and prepared to leave.

Wang Xiaolin held Zhang Jing apologetically: "Miss Zhang, I'm sorry, if I have time in the future, I will invite Miss Zhang to dinner alone, which is considered an apology to Miss Zhang."

Zhang Jing smiled and didn't care. After making eye contact with Ye Wutian, he turned around and left, but Ye Wutian didn't stop him, just said something to Zhang Jing's back: "I'll call you after I'm done. "

After Zhang Jing left, Wang Xiaolin took Ye Wutian to a private seat and ordered a few delicious side dishes.

Wang Xiaolin personally filled a glass of wine for Ye Wutian, "Come on, let's have a drink first, and use this glass of wine to apologize to you, Mr. Ye, and drive your female companion away. I know this is very inauthentic."

Ye Wutian smiled: "It's a small matter, presumably Miss Wang has something important to discuss with me."

Wang Xiaolin giggled and laughed, and the branches trembled, she was very happy.

This woman has some money! No matter her figure or appearance, she is unmatched. Compared with Wang Roosi, she is on a par with each other, each with its own characteristics.

"You know that Miss Zhang very well?" Wang Xiaolin said inexplicably.

Ye Wutian smiled and replied: "It's okay." His answer was vague, and he couldn't understand the intention of the other party.

"Does Mr. Ye have a favorite beauty here? I can make a connection for you."

Looking at Wang Xiaolin's wink at him, Ye Wutian thought to himself, I'm only interested in you, I wonder if you can agree, even if you were dealt with by Ma Feng, I don't care, young master, besides, anyway, your sister's The taste has already been tried by me. If your sister can let me try it, it will be very cool, and even if you can have sister flowers, it will definitely be more cool.

Ye Wutian didn't dare to say anything about the dirty thoughts in his heart, otherwise, he didn't know how he would be despised. He really couldn't afford to be ashamed.

"Thank you, Miss Wang, let's get down to business." Ye Wutian didn't believe that the other party was looking for him just to invite him to dinner. He must have another purpose. Besides, she must also know about the festival between him and Ma Feng.

"Mr. Ye, can you tell me why you came here?" Wang Xiaolin went straight in.

Ye Wutian smiled and said: "I think so, for the sake of fairness, let's take turns answering the questions, what do you think?"

Wang Xiaolin looked at Ye Wutian with her beautiful eyes, and for a long time, she nodded.

"Very well, I'll answer your question first. I'm here because it's different."

Wang Xiaolin was stunned: "Which aspect?"

"This is the second question, Miss Wang, you don't know? With your cleverness, you should know why I came."

Wang Xiaolin answered the question: "If I say Mr. Ye, you won't get anything you want here, will you be satisfied?"

"Miss Wang, how is your relationship with your sister?" Ye Wutian asked suddenly.

The other party was startled, and he didn't answer for a while.

"Presumably Miss Wang, you know my relationship with your sister." Ye Wutian asked.

Wang Xiaolin's face was not so good-looking at first, she stared at Ye Wutian, "What do you want to say?"

Ye Wutian said: "I want to say, we can actually be friends."

"We are friends now." Wang Xiaolin replied.

"Oh, it's interesting, then, can you tell me something I want to know?" Ye Wutian asked.

"First of all, I don't know what you want to know. Second, I don't know what you know about me. So, Mr. Ye, how should I answer your question?"

"Okay, then let me ask. It is rumored that you are Ma Feng's woman. I wonder if this is the case?"

Wang Xiaolin's beautiful eyes were half-closed, her expression tightened, and she was somewhat frightened by Ye Wutian, "Who did you listen to?"

Ye Wutian said with a smile: "Who said it doesn't matter anymore."

"It seems that you have investigated me, and I don't know whether to be happy or sad if you are interested in Mr. Ye."

Ye Wutian pretended not to hear, and directly ignored Wang Xiaolin's previous words: "So I'm right."

"That's all in the past." Wang Xiaolin smiled bitterly, with a bit of sadness in her smile, "It's all in the past, what's the point of bringing it up now?"

"I didn't expect it, I was just surprised. It seems that the rumors from the outside world are true."

"Wang Roosi told you about this? It's all in the past. Very few people know about it. If you don't mention it, I'll almost forget it."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Sorry! I won't Is this the purpose of your visit today?"

"No, I'm here today, and I didn't think I'd get anything from you at all. I just want to tell him two things through you. It's not a problem to hide. Sooner or later, there will be a meeting between me and him. At that point, he would only be more embarrassed."

Wang Xiaolin's pretty face sank: "Mr. Ye, what do you mean?"

Ye Wutian continued: "Miss Wang, I'll give you a piece of advice. The most important thing in being a person is your vision, and you don't have your sister's vision. In this regard, you really have to learn from her."

"Mr. Ye, don't you think this is too much? What I do, that's my business, it has nothing to do with you, right? It's not up to you to point fingers." Wang Xiaolin was already on the verge of running wild.

"That's right, let's just leave it like this. It's not interesting to talk too much. Miss Wang, take care. Remember, there are many smart people in this world, and I am one of them."

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