Mad Doctor

Chapter 1407: the rhythm of life

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Ye Wutian laughed and was very interested in Wang Roose's words. This woman's description of him made his eyes shine.

"Are you complimenting me?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

Wang Roose rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Is this a compliment? You are so shameless."

Ye Wutian didn't care: "It doesn't matter, I'll just treat you like me."

"As you wish." Wang Roosi was speechless, obviously not wanting to continue entangled with Ye Wutian on this issue, "Do you know what you do?"

"Hehe, what do you want to ask?" Ye Wutian asked knowingly.

Wang Roosi knew that Ye Wutian was deliberately pretending not to know, but in fact, this guy knows everything, and he is as skilled as a monkey, would he not know? There is only one reason, and that is to pretend to be crazy!

"Do you know what you do?" Wang Roose asked again.

Ye Wutian said: "That's why you came to me?"

Wang Roosi did not deny it, but nodded truthfully.

"Interesting." Ye Wutian said: "Tell me, what am I hindering you?"

"This is very important?"

"Isn't it important? It doesn't matter. Will you come?"

"Don't you allow me to want to see you?"

Ye Wutian was startled, Wang Roosi's answer sounded so fresh, but, should he believe this woman's words?

"I don't believe it." Ye Wutian replied.

There was a hint of disappointment in Wang Roosi's beautiful eyes, "Why don't you believe it? I'm so unworthy of your belief?"

Ye Wutian chose to be silent, and it was best to be silent at this time.

Wang Xiaolin next to her was sullen, she didn't come to see these two flirting, she came today to have more important things, not to flirt.

"Ye Wutian, what's my proposal? Are you willing to cooperate?" Wang Xiaolin asked, and if they continue like this, I don't know when Ye Wutian and the two will be involved.

Wang Xiaolin felt that as long as she stayed in front of Ye Wutian, she felt uncomfortable, and felt uncomfortable every minute she stayed, so she wanted to leave immediately.

"Dear, you haven't answered my question, why do you do this?" Wang Roose asked.

Ye Wutian smiled and replied: "It's very simple, others don't want to make me feel better, and I also won't make others feel better, this is my attitude."

"So you're taking your life?" Wang Roose asked.

Ye Wutian denies it with a smile: "Sorry! I don't think I'm taking my life, of course, you can also put it another way, I'm taking revenge."

Wang Roosi said angrily, "Retaliation? In my opinion, you want to die together."

Ye Wutian laughed, "What? Ma Feng is in a hurry?"

The two women didn't answer his question. It's not hard to imagine that Ma Feng must be in a hurry. It's no wonder that he is not in a hurry. Ye Wutian's way is to die together, so how can Ma Feng not be in a hurry?

In order to retaliate against Ma Feng, Ye Wutian went out of his way this time, and used a lot of financial and material resources to attack Ma Feng and their interest group. Various methods emerged one after another, including the use of hacking methods.

The exposure platform is still exposing. The difference this time is that the people exposed above are all direct or collateral relatives of the Ma family. What kind of family is the Ma family? Even if old man Ma is not there, his strength should not be underestimated. Now that such a family has been exposed to various scandals, it is conceivable how influential and how bad it is. In just an hour, the group company controlled by the family is All of the stock prices fell, and the decline was unprecedented.

A lot of the content on the exposure stage is about how the Ma family uses family power to benefit themselves, and often these content are the most likely to cause public anger.

The world is the world of the people, not the world of some people.

For a while, various remarks appeared on the Internet, one after another targeting and accusing the Ma family of being wrong, and scolding the Ma family so thoroughly that the Ma family was like a lost dog, and everyone was scolded.

"What's your relationship with the H Guoan family?" Wang Xiaolin asked.

"Yo ho, it's not easy, it's all found there."

Ye Wutian's tone is undoubtedly telling others that he really has a relationship with the An family in country H, or at least some kind of cooperative relationship.

As soon as Wang Xiaolin heard it, it was true. Ye Wutian had a relationship with An Guo in country H. An Guo is a very low-key family. However, no matter it is country H or other places, as long as it is people in the business field, no one dares to underestimate An Jia. , they are a low-key family, but also a powerful family, with strong strength.

"Where's Ma Feng? Why didn't he come out?" Ye Wutian was waiting for Ma Feng, and now he really knew that Ma Feng was still alive.

Wang Xiaolin answered the question: "Would you like to accept my proposal?"

"I don't want to." Ye Wutian refused directly.

The other party was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Wutian to refuse so directly, so directly that she was not used to it, so he blurted out: "Why?"

Ye Wutian sneered: "No reason, because I don't like it."

"Ye, do you really think we're afraid of you? It's not good for anyone if you make a big fuss." Wang Xiaolin said in a deep voice.

"Haha, what can you do? It's nothing more than trying to find a way to seal my branch in Dongcheng. It doesn't matter, you can seal it. I don't care, young master." Ye Wutian waved his hand generously, showing a pair of inaction. appearance.

"Did you think this would happen long ago?" Looking at Ye Wutian's calm expression, Wang Xiaolin wondered, who is scheming against whom?

"No way, I've known Master Ma for so long, when did he make a new move? Every time the move is the same, he will only use the power in his hands." Ye Wutian said: "Wang Xiaolin, just like Ma Feng, if He was not born in the Ma family, and he is not supported by the Ma family, he is not even a dog, what is his strength? He is not worthy of the name of the first young master."

Wang Xiaolin was very angry. Seeing Ye Wutian insulting Ma Feng like this, she immediately retorted: "He can't, can you? What qualifications do you have to insult him?"

"I can, I'm not bragging. No matter what, I'm better than him. I believe I don't need to prove this point? Especially in some aspects, you just saw it, am I right?"

Wang Xiaolin's face was red and her ears were red, and she was shy, Ye Wutian always mentioned it from time to time, making her sad and angry, and making her want to kill.

Wang Roose next to him also sighed that Ye Wutian was shameless and kept bringing up those things to attack others. This guy is really bad. However, Wang Roose will not stop her. On the contrary, she is very happy to see this, very happy to see My sister was hit.

"Ma Feng is not suitable for you, I didn't lie to you, he has heard that recording." Ye Wutian said.

"Shut up, I didn't come to tell you this, now you just need to tell me, do you have to make both sides lose before you can be content?" Wang Xiaolin roared and didn't let Ye Wutian continue talking, otherwise, she was afraid that she would be firm. Her heart will be shaken, that's not what she wants to see.

"War, if you die or I live, if I stop, will Ma Feng let me go?" Ye Wutian didn't plan to stop, Hongyan Group has relocated to Hongyan Island, Ye Wutian already has the capital and Ma Feng is one Compete with each other, no worries.

From Ye Wutian's point of view, Ma Feng is not terrible, not a problem, but the Ma family behind him, and the interest group that is more troublesome and difficult to deal with.

No matter what, Ye Wutian knew that it was time for him to fully fight back.

"Dear, what about your company in Dongcheng?" Wang Roosi asked, the implication being that she told Ye Wutian that if you don't stop, Hongyan Group's branch in Dongcheng will not continue.

"It doesn't matter, let them close it." Ye Wutian doesn't care, the Dongcheng branch is just an empty shell, and it has been kept because it is convenient for work. big impact.

"Your company doesn't matter, what about Situ Group? What about Ouyang Group? Can you ignore it?" Wang Xiaolin asked.

Ye Wutian grinned and sneered: "Idiot."


Wang Xiaolin jumped with anger, her eyes spitting fire.

Ye Wutian ignored Wang Xiaolin's anger and continued: "Who do you really think Ma Feng is? You can deal with whoever you want to deal with? I said that when he leaves Ma's house, Ma Feng is worse than a dog."

"Ye Wutian, don't go too far."

"I'm tired, please." Ye Wutian immediately closed his eyes and issued an order to evict guests, completely forgetting that this was not his place.

"Okay, my good sister, you can also see that my task is completed, and he doesn't listen at all." Wang Roosi stood up, stretched her arms, and was charming and charming.

Ye Wutian swallowed, this woman, after his development, became more and more watery, more and more sexy, this is not a good thing or a bad thing for him.

After stretching, Wang Roose walked in front of Ye Wutian, put both hands on Ye Wutian's neck, and at the same time did not forget to squeeze her proud and proud body into Ye Wutian's arms.

Ye Wutian was a little uncomfortable. Wang Roosi did this in front of her sister. Has she considered other people's feelings?

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Wang Xiaolin, and saw her face gloomy, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wang Roosi didn't care what others thought at all, and kissed Ye Wutian like a dragonfly.

Ye Wutian was stunned, **** it! What does this woman want to do? Afraid that the world will not be in chaos?

When Wang Roose came over today, it is very likely that she was forced, and there are not many people who can force her.

"Okay, take care of yourself, don't be careless, someone wants to kill you." Wang Roosi tidied up Ye Wutian's collar, "I, Wang Roose, fell in love with a man after a long time, you can't die prematurely, I'm still waiting. You married me."

Ye Wutian couldn't laugh or cry, Wang Roose's transformation made him unacceptable. In contrast, he would rather Wang Roose be like before.

"You don't like girls? Has your orientation changed?" Ye Wutian couldn't help but ask.

Wang Roosi threw Ye Wutian a roll of eyes in a charming manner, and said angrily: "Is there someone like you? Asking so People find you better now, can't they?"

Ye Wutian shuddered, Wang Roosi's change was so great that he didn't know what to say.

"Sister, do you think we are born with such a fate?" Wang Roosi asked with a smile.

Wang Xiaolin was puzzled and looked at the other party suspiciously.

"We are sisters, sisters who have a bad relationship. Now, the men we are looking for are enemies of each other. Haha, it's really interesting to think about it."

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded!

Wang Xiaolin's face was even more unpleasant, she was a little gloomy and looked a little scary.

Ye Wutian wondered, when did he promise to be her Wang Roosei's man? Is this woman's face too thick?

The door of the detention was pushed open again, and the person who came in couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when they saw the Wang family sisters here, "Yo, what a coincidence?"

This book was first published in Reading

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