Mad Doctor

Chapter 1421: suspect

The two gunshots were beyond everyone's expectations, and no one thought that someone would be ambushed here, and the target was directed at Ye Wutian. The two shots just now were directed at Ye Wutian.

Ning Siqi also rushed to Ye Wutian for the first time, and used her own body to block Ye Wutian, spread her arms, and helped Ye Wutian block bullets like this.

Ye Wutian was moved instantly, he believed that she did it subconsciously, not acting.

"Mr. Ye, we have to leave." Chen Yang looked around cautiously and did not even turn his head back when he spoke. If bullets came flying again, he believed that he had no choice and would definitely block the bullets with his body and be Ye Ye Godless human shield.

Ye Wutian looked down at his injured left arm and said with a smile, "I'm fine."

How do you see it, Ye Wutian's smile is not normal, his smile is very far-fetched, no one will be happy when he encounters this, and he is shot cold for no reason, can you be happy for you?

"Leave immediately." Ning Siqi also agreed that staying here is dangerous, and no one can guarantee that there will be other gunmen lurking here.

"Ye, are you okay?" Linda also stepped forward to express her concern.

Ye Wutian didn't answer. Today's matter is very problematic. The gunman seems to be lurking here early in the morning and waiting for him. It shouldn't be. He came here, and no other outsiders know. Coming to Yewang Mountain to compete is completely accidental. It's all planned out, so, who notified the shooters?

After much deliberation, Ye Wutian could only give up in the end. He thought that too many people died, and he had too many enemies. It seemed that every one of them was possible, and he didn't know which one it was.

Could it be Sun Xiaoqian?

Ye Wutian suddenly thought that it was Sun Xiaoqian who proposed the Yewangshan competition. The most suspicious person was her. Could it really be her?

"You doubt her?" Ning Siqi's seven clever and exquisite hearts, seeing Ye Wutian's gaze, she knew what Ye Wutian was thinking.

"Control her." Ye Wutian said.

Both Ning Siqi and Chen Yang's expressions changed when they heard the words. Controlling Sun Xiaoqian was equivalent to offending the Sun family, which they didn't want to see.

Just now, Ning Siqi beat Sun Xiaoqian, and also offended the Sun family invisibly, but now, after hearing that Ye Wutian still wants to control Sun Xiaoqian, even if he can't get it right, he will use punishment. Same.

"Why do you control me?" Sun Xiaoqian shouted, fearing Ye Wutian, this person is a devil, she can't wait to leave here immediately, leave him, and stay far away.

Ye Wutian didn't say a word, he stepped forward and waved his right palm directly, turning his palm into a knife and slashing at Sun Xiaoqian's back neck, knocking her out.

"Get it to the car." Ye Wutian ordered.

Over there, Chen Yang was on the phone. Seeing that Ye Wutian was so crazy, he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. Today, I'm afraid it won't end. If we don't handle it well, the Chen family will definitely bear the anger of the Sun family. After all, Sun Xiaoqian came out with him today. I have to give the Sun family an explanation.

Fortunately, after the two shots, there was no third shot. I don’t know if the gunman lurking in the dark was scared or what was going on, and he didn’t fire a third shot for a long time.

"Mr. Ye, this..." Chen Yang was very embarrassed, even if Sun Xiaoqian was suspected, he should not use such extreme methods.

"I'll take care of it alone." Ye Wutian's voice was cold, he was always the only one who bullied others, but today he was bullied by others and turned around. No matter what, he couldn't swallow this bad breath.

Seeing Ye Wutian say this, Chen Yang can only give up, and now he can only take one step at a time.

Ning Siqi also called back to tell her grandfather what happened here as soon as possible. After learning that Ye Wutian was attacked, Mr. Ning was furious and immediately ordered Ning Siqi to protect Ye Wutian at all costs.

Ye Wutian is related to the interests of many people. Many people can die, but he cannot.

"Ye, it seems that your interpersonal relationship is not very good. So many people want you to die." Linda said, "Is there anything I can help? If not, I will go first."

Ye Wutian said in a deep voice: "Go? Did I let you go?"

Linda was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"No one wants to leave without my permission."

Linda asked, "Ye, do you know what you do?"

Ye Wutian roared in annoyance: "Don't use your **** status to oppress me, I said, no one is allowed to leave without my permission."

Ouyang Hao couldn't listen anymore and said sarcastically, "Ye Wutian, who do you think you are?"

"Whoever doesn't listen, die!"

When he said this, Taotian's murderous aura permeated from Ye Wutian, because of his words, no one dared to doubt the authenticity of his words, and no one dared to challenge him.

Everyone was silent, these people once again saw Ye Wutian's madness, how easy it is to knock out Sun Xiaoqian?

Ouyang Hao was so angry that the top of his head smoked, Ye Wutian's arrogance made him angry and helpless, there was no doubt that Ye Wutian really dared to do that, really dared to kill.

The arrival of the police was unexpected to Ye Wutian again. No one called the police at the scene, but the police came. In addition, Guoan also came.

It's so weird today, and the weirder it is, the more problematic it is.

No one called the police, and the police came. Obviously, some people were ready early in the morning. That is to say, among these people today, one of them must be a traitor.

"Who called the police?" Ye Wutian asked Chang Xiaomei directly.

Chang Xiaomei first checked Ye Wutian's injury and confirmed that there was nothing serious before answering: "I received a mysterious call saying that there is a shooting case here, and the target is you."

Ye Wutian's brows furrowed tightly when he heard it. The enemy's tactics were not very clever. However, it was undeniable that this trick was tried and tested.

"Look for that number immediately." Ye Wutian said.

Chang Xiaomei shook her head: "It's useless, public phone, I can't find any clues."

Ye Wutian was not disappointed, since he had already prepared, it was definitely impossible to call him with his real-name registered number.

"Director Zheng, what's the matter with you?" Ye Wutian asked.

Zheng Zhongren answered the question: "Take care of your injury first."

"My injury doesn't matter."

Zheng Zhongren said, "You should know that we have our intelligence department."

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more questions. If he guessed correctly, it must be someone who deliberately leaked information to the national security intelligence department.


When things are challenging, it's fun to play.

"Comrade police, I was beaten. You guys came just in time, hurry up and arrest him." The appearance of the police gave Sun Xiaoqian, who had just woken up, hope. Today, this revenge must be avenged.

Ye Wutian is happy, this woman is also one of those people who forgets the pain when the scar is healed. It seems that she has completely forgotten what happened just now, thinking that the police can save her when the police come. Should be more forceful, it should cut her neck directly.

"Who hit you?" Chang Xiaomei was helpless. At this time, she didn't want to take care of this mess, but when someone came to her door, she couldn't ignore it. Now Chang Xiaomei is devoted to Ye Wutian's case, thinking about it. To help Ye Wutian find the murderer quickly, those murderers will not be eliminated for a day, and Ye Wutian's danger still exists.

"She." Sun Xiaoqian reached out and pointed at Ning Siqi, "She hit me." At the end, she pointed at Ye Wutian: "And him."

Chang Xiaomei said, "Tell us back to the police station to record your statement."

"You won't arrest them?" Sun Xiaoqian originally thought that the police would put Ye Wutian and Ning Siqi in handcuffs, instead of just casually dealing with it now.

"Miss, what are we going to do with the police? It's not your turn to point fingers. All have to go back with us today."

How could Sun Xiaoqian hear such an explanation? Angrily, she said a few good words in a row, and then took out the phone and didn't know who to call. After the call was connected, Lihua said everything just now with tears in her eyes, adding fuel to it.

Shortly after Sun Xiaoqian hung up the phone, Chang Xiaomei's phone rang, "Officer Xu."

While answering the phone, Chang Xiaomei's eyebrows became tighter and tighter, looking at Sun Xiaoqian from time to time, "I know."

Sun Xiaoqian stood there with a proud face, like a proud little hen showing off her power there, as if she was telling others, who dares to underestimate Miss Ben? This lady makes you look good.

Chang Xiaomei who hung up the phone said to Ye Wutian, "You have to go back with me."

"Because of her?" Ye Wutian asked.

Chang Xiaomei didn't answer, and it was considered Ye Wutian's question by default.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian bypassed Chang Xiaomei and walked in front of Sun Xiaoqian. Without saying a word, he threw his hand and gave Sun Xiaoqian a slap. The power of this slap was quite astonishing, making the unsuspecting Sun Xiaoqian come to the spot 360 degrees. spun, and finally fell to the ground with a thud.

With this slap, Ye Wutian shot with hatred.

Everyone is stupid, who would have thought that Ye Wutian would hit someone without saying a word? When I reacted, I thought to stop it.

After the slap, Ye Wutian was not relieved, and kicked Sun Xiaoqian's abdomen heavily, causing Sun Xiaoqian to faint in pain, and the whole figure popped out like a cannonball.

"Remember, my name is Ye Wutian." Ye Wutian roared loudly at Sun Xiaoqian after finishing the fight. At this time, even if he wanted to kick a second kick, it was impossible. Chen Yang, Chang Xiaomei and others who reacted to the hold him.

For Ye Wutian, he doesn't care about the Sun family, Wang family, Li family, even the Ma family, so what else is there to be afraid of? Provoking one enemy is provoking, and provoking ten enemies is provoking, there is no difference, he doesn't care.

"Are you crazy?" Chang Xiaomei, who was holding Ye Wutian, was so angry that this hooligan did this, obviously trying to embarrass her. The other end had just received a call, and this Ye Wutian immediately started beating her. How should I deal with it?

Zheng Zhongren's reaction is more normal, he knows who Ye Wutian is, and he can guarantee that no matter how Ye Wutian causes trouble, it will be fine in the end, let alone this trivial matter?

No one dares to underestimate the helmsman of the Hongyan Group. The Hongyan Group is also inextricably linked with the country. Therefore, it is not easy to think that Ye Wutian will die. At least Zheng Zhongren has known Ye Wutian for so long. I have never seen anyone successfully get rid of him, even a powerful family like the Ma family is difficult to kill Ye Wutian, one can imagine.

So, what does hitting someone mean to Ye Wutian? This kid has killed so many people, his hands are covered with blood, and he can still live well.

Soon after, a large number of police officers returned to report, but nothing was found nearby.

"I don't want to go back with you." Ye Wutian has more important things to do, he can't go back to the police station with Chang Xiaomei.

Chang Xiaomei is displeased, always like This **** asks her to wipe his **** for him every time he gets into trouble, can't he think about it for her? Is this worthy of her?

Ye Wutian would ignore Chang Xiaomei's unhappiness, "Be optimistic about them, today's matter, I suspect that one of them is an internal response."

"Where are you going?" Chang Xiaomei asked. According to common sense, he should go back with her, or at least record a confession.

Ye Wutian answered the question, and directly glanced at Linda: "You better hope that he is still there."

Chang Xiaomei and Zheng Zhongren couldn't understand Ye Wutian's meaning, and the two of them were confused.

"Ye, what do you mean, if you can't find him, you'll kill me?" Linda asked, judging from her expression, she wasn't nervous.

"Bastard, we can't tell you when you leave." Chang Xiaomei was anxious, but halfway through her words, Zheng Zhongren stopped her and motioned her to stop talking.

So, in the end, I could only watch Ye Wutian leave with Linda, and Chen Yang left with him.

Ben Wang()

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