Mad Doctor

Chapter 1425: Ma Feng's conspiracy

When she arrived at the airport, Ouyang Xingyue was already there. Today, for some unknown reason, she came with a group of men, and looking at the bodyguard's bulging waist, there should be a cold weapon.

When we got to the airport, the plane had not landed.

"What happened? Guan Zijie is not on the plane?" Ye Wutian sat on the seat opposite Ouyang Xingyue.

Ouyang Xingyue put down the cup and licked her **** red lips, "Yes."

Ye Wutian looked at it for a while, and couldn't help swallowing saliva, thinking that he hadn't eaten with her for a long time, it seemed that he had to buy the villa as soon as possible, and then he could make further plans.

The next step can only be implemented by buying a villa first. What makes Ye Wutian a headache is that Cheng Kexin doesn't know how to speak. Although she is now acquiescing, Ye Wutian still can't speak. As for Situ Wei's goblin, Brother Tian believes that Not a big problem.

"Can you be serious?" Ouyang Xingyue must have thought of something good when she noticed the evil smile on Ye Wutian's face.

Ye Wutian's old face was embarrassed for a while, he quickly scratched his head and smiled: "Hey, I have always been serious, tell me quickly, what happened?"

"Guan Zijie is dead." Ouyang Xingyue said.

The smile froze on Ye Wutian's face. He was surprised and incredulous. He even raised a few decibels in his tone of voice, "Dead? How did he die?"

"I don't know at the moment, I won't know until the plane lands." Ouyang Xingyue took a document and handed it to Ye Wutian: "You'd better take a look at this."

Confused Ye Wutian took over the document, which was full of names, several sheets of paper with hundreds of names.

Ye Wutian, who was holding the list, looked up at Ouyang Xingyue, he needed to explain.

"Look at the shield first." Ouyang Xingyue guessed what Ye Wutian was thinking, "This is the flight list where Guan Zijie is."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian understood why Ouyang Xingyue asked him to read the list, so it was.

According to his temperament, he lowered his head and looked carefully, and found Guan Zijie's name on the first page, but Ye Wutian didn't stop, knowing that Ouyang Xingyue couldn't let him see it just because there was Guan Zijie's name on it.

Looking at those names one by one, when he saw the last page, Ye Wutian fixed his eyes on one of the names, it was a name he was familiar with, a name that surprised him.

Ye Zhejing!

I've been looking for him for days, but I didn't expect him to be on this flight.

Seeing Ye Zhejing's name, Ye Wutian had a bold guess, and quickly raised his head and asked Ouyang Xingyue: "Do you suspect that Guan Zijie's death has something to do with Ye Zhejing?"

"There is no evidence yet."

Ye Wutian fell into contemplation, is it such a coincidence? Are they both on the same plane? Also, do the two know each other? All of this is still a mystery.

More than ten minutes later, the plane slowly landed at the airport. Under the leadership of Ouyang Xingyue, Ye Wutian went directly to the exit of the apron to watch every passenger who came out of the plane.

Almost every passenger who came out had a look of panic on their faces. Some female passengers were even pale, and the children were crying.

Until all the passengers left, Ye Wutian didn't see Ye Zhejing, let alone the dead Guan Zijie.

"You stay here, watch carefully, and don't allow anyone to leave." Ouyang Xingyue instructed her subordinates.

Ye Wutian stepped into the boarding gate and walked towards the inside of the plane. When he entered the cabin, his sharp eyes suddenly saw Guan Zijie, who had collapsed on the seat, his mouth was bubbling, staring at the pair until With his eyes still closed, it is conceivable that Guan Zijie should have struggled before he died.

"Possible poisoning." After careful observation, Ye Wutian came to the conclusion that from Guan Zijie's various signs, he could guess that the other party might have died of poisoning. As for how he was poisoned, it is still unknown.

Ouyang Xingyue did not speak, this is not her strength, Ye Wutian is an expert in this regard.

"Over there." Ouyang Xingyue said, reaching out and pointing in the direction of the rear cabin.

Looking in the direction Ouyang Xingyue pointed, Ye Wutian couldn't help frowning. Ye Zhejing sat there, motionless, with his eyes closed. At first glance, he looked like he was asleep.

Ye Wutian glanced at Ouyang Xingyue, then walked in front of him first and walked towards Ye Zhejing.

Behind him, Ouyang Xingyue followed, and when the two of them approached Ye Zhejing, they both found that something was wrong with Ye Zhejing in front of them.

The two looked at each other, and then Ye Wutian stretched out his finger to the front of Ye Zhejing's nose.

"Dead." Ye Wutian, who withdrew his hand, said.

Ye Zhejing, who was sitting there still, was lifeless, his whole body was cold and temperatureless, and he should have died for a while.

The scene in front of them made the two of them stunned, what's going on? Guan Zijie and Ye Zhejing were on the same plane.

Ye Wutian pulled Ye Zhejing's square collar, and saw that Ye Zhejing's back was wet, it was not water, but blood. In addition, there was a murder weapon like a large steel needle inserted in his back. It was Ye Zhejing's fatal injury. The whole steel needle disappeared. If it weren't for the blood flow, it would not have been easy to find.

Who killed Ye Zhejing?

Ye Wutian and Ouyang Xingyue both had a question in their minds, what happened on the plane? What a wicked sect, one was poisoned and the other was killed. Could it be that there is a third person on the plane?

The deaths of the two interrupted Ye Wutian's clues, which made Ye Wutian extremely unwilling. He finally found such a clue, but now it has been interrupted.

Depend on!

Ye Wutian couldn't help but scolded, causing Ouyang Xingyue's eyebrows to stand upright next to her. It could be seen that she didn't like Ye Wutian's foul language very much.

"There is a third person." Ye Wutian said the analysis.

Ouyang Xingyue did not refute, she obviously agreed with Ye Wutian's point of view, if Guan Zijie was killed by Ye Zhejing, then who killed Ye Zhejing?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Guan Zijie kills Ye Zhejing, and then solves himself by himself, but, is this possible? Guan Zijie wanted to die, so why bothered to board the plane to M country?

Either one is possible, neither is possible, Ye Wutian is confused.

The police came soon. When such a serious incident happened, Xu Yuanhua personally led the team. Recently, Dongcheng was not peaceful, which made him sad.

"Brother Ye, what did you find?" Xu Yuanhua only hoped that the case could be solved as soon as possible. Although only two people died in this case today, the plane can be returned. This is a major event. Fortunately, the murder happened in the air, and it has nothing to do with Dongcheng. How much does it matter.

"I didn't find it, Bureau Xu, I suggest you check all the passengers on this flight immediately and check them carefully."

Xu Yuanhua shook his head gently: "I'm afraid it will be difficult." Before he came, Xu Yuanhua had already obtained all the passenger lists for this flight, and there were 297 passengers. It was a complicated task in itself to find out. This is nothing, but what gave him a headache was that the passengers on this flight were not all from Dongcheng, but from all over the world. This was an international flight. It was easier said than done to find out?

Ye Wutian also understands the difficulty. Even so, he still has to investigate. There is no other way. If there is no better way, he can only do this.

Er's phone rang, the upset Ye Wutian didn't want to answer, but he still had to take out the phone, "Which one?"

"Ye Wutian, are you disappointed?" Ma Feng's voice came from the phone.

"Ma Feng?" Ye Wutian blurted out, "Is it your masterpiece?"

Ma Feng on the other side of the phone did not deny it, but just laughed, and he could tell that he was very happy.

The other party is happy, but Ye Wutian is extremely unhappy, paralyzed, what is it?

"Did you find anything on the plane?" Ma Feng asked.

Now, Ye Wutian knows that both Guan Zijie and Ye Zhejing are the masterpieces of Ma Feng. Now Ye Wutian is curious about how Ma Feng did it.

"This game, you played beautifully." Ye Wutian's words came from his heart.

Ma Feng laughed even more happily when he heard this, "Are you going to admit defeat?"

This time, it was Ye Wutian's turn to laugh, "Admit defeat? I never admit defeat in Ye Wutian's life dictionary. You won this game. It's still unknown who will win and who will lose in the next game, isn't it? Ma? Young and old."

"Ye Wutian, just now, you let the murderer go, and they swaggered away from you, I tell you, there are more than one."

Ye Wutian was calm on the surface, but he wanted to scold his mother in his heart. He was paralyzed. Sure enough, there was a third group of people on the plane.

Even if you want to regret it now, it is impossible.

"Young Master Ma, hide with your little tail, remember, don't let me find you, otherwise, Young Master Ma will definitely regret it."

Ma Feng didn't care, he didn't take Ye Wutian's threat at all, "Why do you regret it? Is it like treating Linda?"

Ye Wutian was shocked, Ma Feng also knew about this?

"It seems that you know a lot." Ye Wutian grinned and sneered, "Doing such a sneaky thing is really your Ma's strength."

"Haha, I'll take this as you compliment me." Ma Feng said proudly: "But brother Ye, you are clenching your fist now, you must be very angry?"

Ye Wutian was shocked, he was clenching his fist, but how could Ma Feng know? Thinking of this, Ye Wutian immediately looked around, but did not see anything unusual.

"Don't look, you can't find me." Ma Feng was proud, "Brother Ye, we are also old rivals, how about we play a game today?"

Ye Wutian sneered and refused directly: "I'm sorry, I don't have that interest."

Ma Feng didn't care: "I'm afraid it's up to you."

"Oh, listen to you, I still have to play?"

"Brother Ye, I want to kill you, I want you to die, but I don't want you to die so fast, I want to see you die You said, is it very contradictory for me?"

Ye Wutian cursed secretly.

"There is a c4 on the plane, the power is enough to tear you apart. The most important thing is that it will explode in twenty seconds. Run quickly. I like to see your expression of running away."

Ye Wutian didn't dare to hesitate, let alone doubt. In twenty seconds, he didn't dare to hesitate for a second, that is, when he hung up the phone, he yelled at Xu Yuanhua and the others: "Run, run, everyone, there are bombs, more than ten seconds."

Just after shouting, the phone in his hand rang again, Ye Wutian thought it was Ma Feng again, "Ma Feng, I'll take care of your grandma."

"Ye, are you angry?" It wasn't Ma Feng who spoke on the phone, which made Ye Wutian stunned on the spot.

"Why do you have a phone call?" Linda called. It shouldn't be. Where did she get the call? The only explanation is that she is free.

After Ye Wutian's roar passed, more than a dozen people all ran outside, using the fastest speed in their lives.

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