Mad Doctor

Chapter 1434: 4 conditions

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Zhu Jian couldn't answer Ye Wutian's question, and he didn't even understand the true meaning of Ye Wutian's words, so he could only look at Ye Wutian with puzzled eyes, waiting for Ye Wutian's next explanation.

Ye Wutian didn't intend to explain, just raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

"I said, can you not be so inscrutable, you will make me feel stupid." Zhu Jian said.

"Is there any explanation from the old man?" Ye Wutian asked.

Zhu Jian replied: "What can I say? You are so angry that you can't speak for a long time."

Ye Wutian chuckled, with a heartless look: "Go back and thank him for me."

"You decided not to take this opportunity?" Zhu Jian asked.

"They let you come?"

Zhu Jian answered the question, but he didn't see anything unusual on his face: "I'm just curious, you have no reason to miss such a good opportunity."

Ye Wutian looked back, thinking of what Wang Xiaolin said to him, Ye Wutian couldn't help but look at Zhu Jian again, and then shook his head gently, how is this possible?

Zhu Jian left after half an hour. Not long after he left, the iron gate was opened again, which made Ye Wutian couldn't help but sigh, when did this broken place become lively? How long did it take? So many people came to the door.

Of course, no matter what the purpose of these people is, Ye Wutian also welcomes them. After all, staying here is too boring. No matter who they are, as long as they can come and chat with him, he will be very happy.

"What? They asked you to come?" Ye Wutian glanced at Wang Roosei.

Wang Roosi didn't answer, her beautiful eyes looked from side to side, and then her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was quite dissatisfied with the environment here.

"You already knew?" Wang Roose asked after looking around.

"What do I know?" Ye Wutian asked, "I don't know anything."

Wang Roosi didn't believe it, everything was within this guy's expectations and within his grasp.

"They asked me to ask you, would you like to reconcile?" Wang Roose asked.

Ye Wutian stood up from the ground and stretched comfortably, "What? Can't hold it anymore? What happened?"

"Grandma Ma is ill." Wang Roosi said, although she knew that Ye Wutian absolutely knew about it, she still decided to say it.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Ye Wutian was shocked, "Isn't her old man alright? Why did she suddenly get sick? Could it be that she was angry with me?"

Wang Roosi wanted to laugh, this guy is really bad, he always talks so funny, so far, there is no evidence to prove that this matter is related to Ye Wutian, but everyone suspects him.

Not long after Ye Wutian was arrested, the old lady Ma started to have a fever, and then she vomited and diarrhoea. No matter what method she used, she couldn't stop it. The best medicine had already been used, but the effect was unsatisfactory. , has no effect.

How long can a person of his age withstand the toss? Not to mention her age, even a young and strong young man can't stand such a toss.

Compared with ordinary people, Mrs. Ma's life is much more precious. When this happened to her, she immediately jumped, making the entire Ma family feel restless, even those who were attached to the towering tree in the Ma family. The Venerable Master also secretly sweated for her, worried that what would happen to her, and if she died just like this, one thing is certain, that is, the strength of the Ma family will be greatly reduced from now on, and its strength will not be as strong as before. do not want to see.

"Hey! The old man, why don't you pay attention to your body? She runs around like a young man all day. Is she embarrassed?" Ye Wutian sighed.

Wang Roosi secretly scolded shameless, obviously it is this guy's masterpiece, and he still has to act like this, can he be any more shameless?

"Stop pretending." Wang Roose scolded.

Ye Wutian said: "What's wrong? Pretend? Look at what you mean, are you suspicious of me?"

Wang Roosi didn't say anything, but the meaning in those eyes couldn't be more obvious. That's it, she just doubted him.

"Khan, do you really doubt me? Heaven and earth conscience, but I didn't do anything." Ye Wutian explained.

"Propose your conditions." Wang Roosi said.

"What conditions? What conditions do you want me to mention?" Ye Wutian pretended to be crazy.

Wang Roosi didn't like Ye Wutian's rogue appearance: "If you want to make trouble like this, it's meaningless."

"Hehe, her life is worth more than mine?" Ye Wutian suddenly said.

"Do you think so? She's dead, can you get out of here? No one can save you. It's a fact that you murdered."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, did not object: "You are right, I killed people, and I also know that it is difficult to get out of here, so what? Eighteen years later, I am a hero again."

Wang Roosi rolled her eyes and scolded, "Do you think you are a hero in Liangshan? Eighteen years and another hundred years, and you won't be a hero."

Being satirized by Wang Roosi, Ye Wutian was not angry, showing a smiling face that made people want to flatter him, "If I die, the Hongyan Group will continue, she is dead, hehe, Ma Feng will still be what he is now. Ma Feng? When the old woman died, many people had to jump off the building."

"That's why you're not worried?" Wang Roosi was helpless, and Ye Wutian's explanation made her angry and funny, "Don't forget, she's older than you, even if she doesn't die this time, she won't have many years to live. What about you? There are so many confidantes around you, young and promising, and if you die, what will they do? If you die, what will the confidante group do?"

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded and stopped when he was asked. He didn't think about these questions, but he firmly believed that he would not die.

"I won't die." Ye Wutian replied.

Wang Roosi looked at Ye Wutian like a monster, wondering if this guy just came out of the deep mountains? After thinking about it, he said, "Do you know where this place is?"

Ye Wutian smiled: "What does it matter if you know? These are not important, right?"

"Say your terms, so I can go back and do business."

"Three billion compensation." Ye Wutian stretched out three fingers and swayed in front of Wang Roose.

As soon as he heard this unreasonable request, Wang Roousi didn't get angry: "Would you like to give you 30 billion directly?"

Ye Wutian lowered his face: "Are you sincere? If not, we don't need to talk about it, you can go back."

Wang Roosi held back her anger: "Go on."

"Second, hand over Ma Feng."

Wang Roosi even forgot to be angry. The conditions put forward by this guy are more shameless, how can the Ma family agree?

"Third, after this incident, the Ma family can no longer trouble me."

"Is there a fourth?" Wang Roosi asked with resentment.

"Hey! How do you know?" Ye Wutian was surprised.

Wang Roose: "..."

"Fourth, hand over the murderer who killed Wang Xiaolin."

Wang Roosi was stunned and was quite surprised by this condition that Ye Wutian put forward. Will Ye Wutian offend the Ma family for Wang Xiaolin's discomfort? It's incredible to think about.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, even though I'm handsome." Ye Wutian said smugly.

"Why?" Wang Roose asked.

"Want to know the real reason?" Ye Wutian asked back.

Wang Roosi thought, isn't this nonsense? Of course, I want to know the inside story, I want to know the real reason.

"Help her, breathe a sigh of relief for her."

Wang Roosi sneered: "When did Ye Wutian become a good person?"

Ye Wutian laughed, and soon after, Wang Roosi left with Ye Wutian's condition, no matter whether it can be completed or not, let alone the final result, anyway, her current task has been completed.

Mrs. Ma's condition is still not under effective control. Whether it's the doctors from Dongcheng or the expert group from the capital, they are all helpless. After most of the tossing and tossing, Mrs. Ma is very weak at this time. It made the experts even more helpless. Madam Ma was like this, they did not dare to prescribe medicine at will, worried that she would not be able to withstand the crusade of the medicine.

Western medicine couldn’t do anything, so the Ma family set their sights on the Chinese medicine, and used their connections to invite a few experts in Chinese medicine. The last pulse was taken, and the result was greatly unexpected. The Ma family almost beat them to death, all because of After taking the pulse, the experts in Chinese medicine said that Mrs. Ma was fine and that all functions were normal.

Do normal people vomit like this?

In the end, the Ma family also invited Gu Hezi, the main gate of the hermit sect, and after taking a pulse, he withdrew his hand.

At this time, all eyes were on Gu Hezi, and they pinned all their hopes on Gu Hezi, hoping that he could have a way to reverse this situation.

Gu Hezi sighed softly. His sigh made the Ma family's heart drop to the bottom in an instant. When it was over, Gu Hezi sighed, the situation was not good.

"In the case of the old lady, I am afraid that only one person can do it." Gu Hezi said.

Many people present guessed who that person was, but they couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?"

"Ye Wutian." Gu Hezi said.

Sure enough, it was Ye Wutian.

"The main gate of the valley, is there any other way besides this?" someone asked.

"Of course there will be a way, but the old lady is old, and in her current situation, she can't stand the wait."

These words slammed into the hearts of everyone present like a heavy hammer. How could they not understand that the longer the old lady dragged on, the worse the situation became.

Really want that? Are you really going to ask Ye Wutian? In any case, this is what the Ma family does not want to see.

Another two hours passed. During this period Mrs. Ma went up to nine times, and it reached nine times in just two hours. What is the concept?

At this time, she was already in a state of anger, and she might hang up at any time. After the Ma family's high-level meetings were held one after another, some people agreed to go to Ye Wutian, while others disagreed, but there were still many supporters.

Just when the Ma family was at a loss, a woman appeared in the Ma family's sight, "I can help the old lady."

The person who spoke was Xu Ying. The Ma family did not dare to believe her appearance. Many people knew who Xu Ying was. The prince of the Poison Shadow Gate, and the Poison Shadow Gate was good at using poison.

"How sure are you?" a middle-aged man asked.

"Sixty percent, maybe more." Xu Ying replied.

There is no free lunch in the world, Xu Ying must have her reasons for coming to her door at this time.

"I can't completely unravel the poison of the old lady, but I can suppress the poison in her body and buy more time for you."

This book was first published on Kanshurim

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