Mad Doctor

Chapter 1544: Here comes the provocation (Part 1)

After so little skill, three groups of people came, which made Ye Wutian very annoyed, especially when these people saw that it was obvious that they were not good people.

What angered Ye Wutian the most was that the guy who entered at the end was an acquaintance he knew.

Ouyang Hao!

I never thought that Ouyang Hao would appear, and it would appear in this way. What is this way? Appearing openly and aboveboard with a coquettish woman in her arms? Afraid that others will not know that he is a dummy?

Ouyang Hao seemed very happy. After looking around, he immediately stretched out his hand and squeezed the buttocks of the coquettish woman beside him, causing the other party to suffer for a while. What is the situation? Public teasing? Even if that is his female companion, there is no need to exaggerate so much, right? Public teasing? No, it should be said that it is molesting in front of the whole world? Hundreds of cameras are placed here, plus so many cameras, are they all vegetarians? Has Ouyang Hao's brain flooded? Have to do this? What's in it for him?

"I hate it, Master Hao, you are hurting people, you have to compensate them." A coquettish woman is also a talent. Faced with this kind of scene, she is quick to enter the scene, and she doesn't take this scene seriously at all. Only Ouyang Hao was there.

Ouyang Hao laughed and pinched the bewitching girl's **** again: "No problem, as long as you serve me comfortably, everything can be discussed."

"Thank you, Young Master Hao." The coquettish girl sent a sweet kiss when she was happy and served others. That was her specialty. How simple is it? The pink sports car she liked has already come out, and she has been in love with it for a long time. If she can buy it, she will wake up laughing when she dreams.

Looking at the conversation between the two, Ye Wutian's forehead was full of black lines, and Ouyang Hao's head was kicked by a donkey? Inspired by what? Because of Ouyang Zhengren?

"Ouyang Hao, do you want to make trouble?" Ye Wutian asked in a deep voice, today is a good day, he doesn't want to make trouble.

"What? Are you afraid?" Ouyang Hao sneered, with a bit of a hideous smile: "You shouldn't be afraid."

Ye Wutian was enraged, what was he afraid of? Afraid of hairy? What kind of scene, what kind of experience have not tried? Afraid? There is no word of fear in his Ye Wutian's life dictionary.

"Friends from the reporters, I have an idea to report to you. I believe everyone will be very interested." Ouyang Hao said loudly.

Sure enough, all the eyes of the reporters were successfully attracted to the past. Although the situation is sudden, as reporters, they are very happy to see it. Only in this way can they be stimulated and major news can appear.

Ye Wutian knew that no matter what Ouyang Hao wanted to say next, it would not be good for Hongyan Group. In other words, maybe it had something to do with him or with Hongyan Group, and Ouyang Hao was very likely to smear Hongyan Group today.

"Ouyang Hao, I warn you once again, don't blame me for being rude if you make trouble again." Ye Wutian glared at the other party, and at this moment, he had murderous intentions.

Ouyang Hao was startled in his heart. The fear in his bones made him take two steps back. At the same time, all those tall and muscular men surrounded Ouyang Hao tightly, turned their backs to him, and held Ouyang Hao with their backs to him. protected inside.

Ye Wutian only realized at this moment that these strong men are the bodyguards, but what's the point of Ouyang Hao doing this? Do you really think these people can protect him?

The more you live, the more you go back.

"Ye Wutian, don't get mad at me, it's not me, but my little brother." Ouyang Hao pointed at the little **** who had dyed his hair colorful.

Ye Wutian secretly despised Ouyang Hao, this guy really has no seeds, just being frightened, he becomes such a bird?

"Yes, it's me, it's me who wants to expose the news." The little gangster seemed to remember his role and said quickly.

Ye Wutian angered: "Dude, do you know who I am?"

"I know, of course I know, I don't know if I'm not here yet, aren't you the unconscionable Ye Wutian? There are so many confidantes around you, and you still have to do things that are sorry for them. As a man, as an outsider, I will do it for you. They feel injustice and sympathize with them even more when they meet someone like you with no conscience."

Ye Wutian was stunned for a moment, quite surprised. I really didn't expect that this little **** was quite eloquent, and he was able to speak out into chapters, as if he was very cultural.

Since the other party knows who he is, he still dares to come here, which in itself is very telling. This kid is not born with courage, or he has received money from others.

No matter how you look at it, looking at it horizontally and vertically, the other party doesn't seem to be the type who likes to fight injustice and is willing to help others.

"Friends from the journalists, do you want to know who she is?" The little gangster pointed at Wang Roosei and asked loudly.

Wang Roosi was stunned. She never thought that the war would spread to her head. From just now to now, she has not said a word.

"Her name is Wang Roose, but apart from this identity, do you know another identity of her?"

The reporters asked questions one after another. As reporters and media, they naturally cared about Wang Roose's identity and wanted to know who she was.

"She is Ye Wutian's lover." The gangster said loudly.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the little gangster's words were undoubtedly like picking up a small stone and throwing it at a calm lake, causing a commotion and a lot of discussion in the audience, all of whom were shocked by the little gangster's words.

Ye Wutian called a few security guards, so he couldn't let this little gangster continue talking.

As soon as the security guard appeared, the strong men who were protecting Ouyang Hao immediately stopped him. After a few rounds, the security guard Ye Wutian called was unexpectedly inferior to those strong men.

This is Ye Wutian's second surprise today. It was the first time that Ouyang Hao appeared in this way, and now it's the second time. I didn't expect these strong men to be so skilled that they brought down the security guard in a few rounds.

Those security guards are not the elites of the Ye Family Army, but they are definitely not comparable to ordinary security guards. All of them are retired from the special forces, but now they have been brought down in a few rounds. What is the situation?

His eyes were fixed on the strong men brought by Ouyang Hao, and he looked at them inside and out. He didn't think there was any difference between these people, except that they were taller. Of course, they looked cooler on the surface. , can even pretend to be thirteen, other than that, there is no difference, the skill is so good, it really surprises Ye Wutian.

"Ouyang Hao, you impress me today." Ye Wutian said lightly, not angry because the security guard was knocked down, but at this time he calmed down.

Obviously, Ouyang Hao came prepared.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Wang, is the truth of the matter what this gentleman said? Is there really that kind of relationship between the two of you?" A reporter asked loudly after Quan Wuxing.

Ye Wutian did not answer, but threw the question back to those reporters: "What do you think?"

"Of course he didn't dare to say it. You think, if the two of you are okay, why would you want to sell Zenggao tea to her? Who knows that this is a cash cow? Hongyan Group doesn't know it. She sells, which itself is very telling." The little gangster started to analyze with his self-confidence.

It has to be said that the other party's analysis is not all wrong. Ye Wutian sold Zeng Gao Tea to Wang Roose not only because of his sympathy for her, but also because he has that kind of relationship with her. Of course, he doesn't admit it.

Ye Wutian stood up, walked around the table and walked down the stage, towards the gangster.

Seeing this, the little gangster immediately doubled the pressure and quickly took a few steps back, trying to keep a safe distance from Ye Wutian.

It seems that this little gangster not only knows Ye Wutian, but also knows Ye Wutian very well. He may also know that Ye Wutian has violent tendencies, so he is so protective of Ye Wutian now.

"Do you have evidence?" Wang Roose said, this was her first sentence.

"Yes, of course, there is no evidence, I dare to come?" said the little gangster.

"How much did he give you?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Who... who gave me the money? What nonsense are you talking about?" A trace of panic crossed the little gangster's face.

Ye Wutian successfully captured the panic on the other side's face, which made it even more certain that this little gangster was instructed.

"Dude, you'd better shut up now, today is my product launch, don't blame me for being rude to you if you don't know what to do, since you know how I am, you should also know how I do things and treat me Enemy, I will never be soft-hearted."

"Threat, this is a threat from Chi Guoguo, fellow reporters, have you all seen it? Have you heard it all? Who does Ye Wutian think he is? How dare he threaten others in such a large public eye, I hope you can put the The scene just now was recorded and sent out, so that people all over the world would know how arrogant he is, Ye Wutian."

Ouyang Hao did this because he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Hearing Ouyang Hao's words that added fuel to the fire, Ye Wutian smiled, grinned, and pointed at Ouyang Hao, without saying anything.

Ouyang Hao was not afraid, UUkanshu turned his head to the **** and said, "This little brother, if you have any evidence, please show it. I believe that there are so many journalist friends here, and they are also very concerned about your evidence. "

"Oh." After being reminded, the little gangster woke up like a dream, and immediately took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, held it in his hand and threatened: "This is the evidence, Ye Wutian, it records what you committed. For all the crimes committed, I will fight for Miss Cheng and the others."

Not to mention the reporters and media present, even Ye Wutian himself was curious about what the evidence was in the hands of the other party.

Hearing that there is real evidence, many reporters naturally want to know, and they can't wait to take the U disk and see what information is in it.

"Ye Wutian, do you dare to let me disclose these things?" the little gangster asked.

Ye Wutian was really stopped by this question. To be honest, he was not sure what was in the USB flash drive. He was worried that it was the unseen videos, the videos of him and Chu Qian in the car. , However, the little gangster also said that it was related to Wang Roose, which confused Ye Wutian.



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