Mad Doctor

Chapter 1546: Here comes the provocation (below)

No one expected that Wang Roosi would use such a self-deprecating way to help Ye Wutian. She is just a woman, but to help a man in this way, it is unbelievable to say it out loud.

Everyone in the audience was deeply attracted by Wang Roosi's words, and wanted to know how she seduced Ye Wutian.

Wang Roosi swept her eyes to the stage and was very satisfied with the effect. After a charming smile, she said, "In order to tempt him, I stripped myself before him. Do you know how he handled it?"

Many people in the audience were short of breath, stripped naked? This word is easy to confuse people, and anyone who hears this sentence can't help it.

Such a beautiful beauty strips herself naked, what kind of scene is that? Many people are curious, and they can't help but think about it randomly, what kind of scene is it?

Therefore, everyone used their imaginations one after another. If such a young and beautiful girl appeared in front of him in such a way, would he be able to refuse? After thinking about it, most people come to only one conclusion, which is unlikely.

Among the many reporters, many are young people. Because of Wang Roosi's words, they have thought a lot and thought far.

"The result is what you didn't expect. I appeared like that, and for him, he finally refused." Speaking of this, Wang Roose looked at Ye Wutian with resentment.

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly to himself, this goblin, he has never done that kind of thing, no wonder someone said that women are born to be masters of acting, and now it seems that it is true.

Many male reporters began to be filled with righteous indignation, began to fight injustice, and began to scold Ye Wutian, such a beautiful beauty took the initiative to send to the door, he Ye Wutian still refuses sex? What do you want to express? Do you want to explain his Ye Wutianqing Festival? Or do you want to express how dedicated he is?

Whether it is the Qing Gaoliang Festival or the single-mindedness, it has nothing to do with him, Ye Wutian, what to wear? This bastard, just standing and talking without back pain, I don't know the suffering of many other boys, and many boys can't even find a girlfriend.

"I don't understand this question until now." Wang Roosi looked at the reporters: "Can you tell me? Why is this?"

How can the reporters answer why? This question can only be answered by Ye Wutian himself, no one else can answer it.

Ye Wutian found out that he was a villain in Chengdu. Some people in the crowd who stepped down from the stage turned against him from time to time. This made him very helpless. If this story had another ending, he would surely offend people. Will scold him for being fussy and so on.

Of course, Ye Wutian didn't care what these people thought.

Ouyang Hao and the gangster were stunned, things didn't seem to be going in the direction they expected and set.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it." Ouyang Hao said loudly: "My friends, do you believe it? Such a beautiful beauty, stripped her naked and gave it to him, he doesn't want it, is he Ye Wutian single-minded? Bah! The word single-mindedness has nothing to do with him, if he was single-minded, he wouldn't have so many confidantes."

Ye Wutian's brows sank, Ouyang Hao jumped out again and again to mess with his good deeds, making Ye Wutian's tolerance to the limit, this kind of person should be damned.

"I'm sure it's a scam." Ouyang Hao said loudly.

In fact, Ouyang Hao didn't say or remind, and many reporters expressed doubts. The reason is very simple. Ye Wutian has nothing to do with Zhuanyi. This guy is very romantic. The appearance of romantic news again and again shows that he has nothing to do with Zhuanyi. It doesn't matter, if Wang Roose really did that and gave him the bare skin, would he refuse? Ghost letter.

"Yes, I think so too. I don't believe it doesn't matter if I kill them." The little gangster also agreed, expressing that he didn't believe it.

"It's up to you to believe it or not, I'm telling the truth." Wang Roosi said slowly, not in a hurry because of others' disbelief, "Everyone knows how good Ye Wutian is, beautiful women love heroes, this sentence you guys Everyone should have heard of it and should understand that it is not strange that I fell in love with him."

Wang Roose's words made people unable to refute, not only her, Cheng Kexin, Ouyang Xingyue, Situ Wei, which one is not excellent? Which one is not the daughter of heaven? Aren't they all related to Ye Wutian?

"Let me tell you a secret. Before I met him, I liked women." Wang Roosi said.


There was an uproar in the audience, again frightened by Wang Roose's words, and also shocked by Wang Roose's words, she likes women?

"Do you think I would be so selfish to help him?" Wang Roosi smiled: "I don't care what others think of me, anyway, in my eyes, Ye Wutian is the best man."

Ye Wutian's forehead is full of sweat, darling, why is Wang Roose working so hard? She is the rhythm of giving up.

"Chairman, she deserves your treasure." Next to her, Shen Manli whispered.

Ye Wutian turned his head and looked at Shen Manli in surprise. The usual Shen Manli was extremely cold. Under her **** appearance, she had a cold heart and a strange expression.

As a public relations manager, she is also considered an alternative. Which public relations manager does not have a smile on his face? Only she, Shen Manli, was an exception.

Ye Wutian was surprised that Shen Manli would say such words, which surprised him very much.

Shen Manli blushed slightly, "I'll tell the truth."

"You don't think I'm fascinated?" Ye Wutian asked.

Shen Manli didn't answer directly, but said, "I agree with what Miss Wang said."

Ye Wutian: "..."

There is a saying that goes well, don't guess a woman's mind, you can't even guess it!

He is already like this, he already has so many confidantes, Shen Manli also asked him to cherish Wang Roose, what is this woman thinking?

don't know!

Ye Wutian did not understand and understand Shen Manli's thoughts and thoughts. At this time, he didn't have much time to think about this issue. The top priority was to prevent this farce from continuing.

"Two people, your performances are over. Now, should you tell me who asked you to do this?" When he said this, Ye Wutian's eyes mainly focused on Ouyang Hao's face.

Ouyang Hao didn't dare to look at Ye Wutian's eyes because of his guilty conscience or something.

"What acting? Ye Wutian, what nonsense are you talking about? This is the truth, you have a relationship, some kind of shameful relationship." Ouyang Hao said.

Thinking of his father's tragic death, Ouyang Hao couldn't control his anger, and wished to smash Ye Wutian's bones into ashes and smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces.

"What about the facts? Ouyang Hao, do you have a problem with your brain? Do you think this will make me sad? Does anyone have anything to do with me? Does it have a lot to do with you? Crap." Ye Wutian came to the fire and cursed. With Ouyang Hao.

"Look, look, I'll say it's fake and say they're related." The little gangster also cooperated.

Wang Roosi blamed Ye Wutian. She had been performing for a long time, but she was stunned by his words. He couldn't bear it any longer, and did he think it wasn't big enough?

Wang Roosi still underestimated Ye Wutian's boldness and madness, and saw that Ye Wutian walked up to Wang Roose in front of everyone's eyes and forcibly kissed her without her consent.

Wang Roosi only felt a bang in her head explode.

"Now, do you have anything else to ask?" The kiss didn't last long, Ye Wutian didn't want Prince Roose, just wanted to use this to prove what he wanted to do and who he wanted to be with. Nothing to do with outsiders.

Ye Wutian's hand completely shocked everyone. His bold confession made Ouyang Hao and the gangster a little heroic and useless. Everyone is like that, what else can you say? What more do you want to say?

"Who else wants to say something?" Ye Wutian asked loudly again, after a while, when no one spoke, including the little gangster and Ouyang Hao, Ye Wutian walked up to the little gangster, "Now, you answer my question, who made you do this?"

"No... no one asked me to do this, it's all my own actions, just to tear down the cloak of your hypocrite."

Ye Wutian grinned and sneered, rushed forward to the little gangster, stretched out his hand to pull out the other party, and then slapped the other party in a hurry.


The little gangster was stunned by the beating, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a while, and he never dreamed that he would be beaten.

"Tell me, who told you to do this?" Ye Wutian asked coldly, his patience has reached the limit, watching these two perform like clowns for most of the day, Ye Wutian has long wanted to watch it any longer.

"You... you dare to hit me?" The little **** covered the half of his face that was beaten, in disbelief.


The answer to him was another slap. There is no doubt that this slap was naturally hit by Ye Wutian, and it was the same half of the face that was hit just now.

The little gangster was frightened by the aura emanating from Ye Wutian, which made his whole person soften, and he no longer had the aura he had just now.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he kept glancing at Ouyang Hao, as if asking for help.

"Let's not talk about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to take the next slap." Ye Wutian said coldly: "Are you sure you want to help others make a muzzle? Some money you earn with your life doesn't necessarily have to be spent. Killing is for me, It's not difficult."

The little **** sucked in a breath of cold air.


Really crazy!

Ye Wutian dared to say murder in front of so many media, is he crazy? I don't know what the consequences will be?

"Ye Wutian, you'd better let him go right away." Ouyang Haozhi had to stand up at this time and put aside everything The little gangster come with him, if you can't help him, these What will the journalists think? Besides, there are other reasons.

"Clap clap clap!"

Ye Wutian didn't let go, grabbed the little gangster's collar and opened the bow for a while, slapped him down a few times, and hit the little gangster until he was dizzy. Three teeth.

At this moment, it is better to die than a little gangster. I thought this life was easy today, but now I know that this money is really hard to earn.

"Go over." Ouyang Hao, who had a livid face, instructed the two bodyguards beside him, ordering them to rescue the gangster.

After receiving the order, the two bodyguards walked towards Ye Wutian, and the atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense. As the distance between the two sides got closer, everyone's breath began to hold.

"Yo! It's so lively? It seems that I came at the right time, and it was lively to watch." Outside the door, a few people walked in, and the guy at the head was also an old acquaintance of Ye Wutian.



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