Mad Doctor

Chapter 1552: ambition

The old man Ouyang made Ye Wutian decide to see him. On the phone, the old man Ouyang said that he could exchange conditions.

Old Ouyang has only one purpose, to protect his grandson.

Sitting opposite the old man Ouyang, Ye Wutian sighed infinitely, he used to respect this old man very much, because the old man always helped him, but unfortunately, who is right now, time will never pass.

"Xiaotian, Xiaohao is being used." Old man Ouyang said, "You should know what he is like, and it is impossible to do those things."

Ye Wutian smiled: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me, right?"

The old man Ouyang ignored it and wanted to get his grandson out. Ye Wutian was a key figure.

"Only you can help him."

Ye Wutian chuckled: "Is it too flattering to say that? I'm not as powerful as you think."

"Xiaotian, please help me with this." The old man Ouyang said, "No matter what, Xiaohao is also a part of the Ouyang family."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, asked, "What does this have to do with me?"

"If you don't read it on my face, please look at it for Xingyue's sake."

Ye Wutian was silent, there is no doubt that this old man is very good at doing other people's ideological work, and he mentioned it all at once.

So far, he still doesn't know what Ouyang Xingyue thinks. Although Ouyang Xingyue beat Ouyang Hao violently, the beating and life are completely different things. God knows what Ouyang Xingyue will think?

"Xiaotian, that girl Xingyue still cares about the family. You've known her for so long, so you should know that she is a cold-hearted person. She doesn't care on the surface, but she really doesn't care, and she won't agree to manage Ouyang Group again. "Ouyang old man saw Ye Wutian's hesitation and knew that there was a drama. As long as Ye Wutian hesitated, it showed that he still cared about Ouyang Xingyue's feelings.

How could the old man Ouyang not see it?

Ye Wutian, who was stunned, asked: "She promised to manage Ouyang Group? When did it happen?"

"The time I was injured."

Ye Wutian said: "Old man, don't blame me for not reminding you that Ouyang Hao has done so many things to you. Are you sure you want to help him? You almost died at his hands."

Old man Ouyang twitched at the corners of his mouth. When he mentioned this matter, he was disgraced. This was a shame for the Ouyang family.

"Everything is done by my unfilial son. Xiaohao is not the main culprit. In fact, Xiaohao's heart is still good."

For this, Ye Wutian expressed disdain and scorn. It's okay to deceive children, but to deceive adults, it's a bit unreasonable.

Will Ouyang Hao still be a good person? Whatever the reason he did, what he did was unforgivable.

"Xiaotian, as long as you promise to help me, in return, I can tell you one thing about the Zhu family."

Ye Wutian frowned and looked at each other coldly.

"About Zhu Jian." The old man Ouyang said again: "Xiao Tian, ​​I suspect that Zhu Jian may be bad for you."

"Bullshit." Ye Wutian filled the eagle with righteous indignation and roared: "Old man, are you in a hurry? You talk nonsense."

Ye Wutian still believes others, but Zhu Jian, he will not believe it anyway, the reason is very simple, he can't have any hatred with Zhu Jian, on the contrary, he also helped Zhu Jian a lot, or in a vain They gave Zhu Jian a lot of money and gave him the company's shares for nothing. Just like this, Zhu Jian is still dissatisfied? To kill him? How can it be?

The old man Ouyang smiled bitterly, and he didn't take it seriously when he was scolded: "Xiao Tian, ​​people are separated from each other, what do you think others think?"

Ye Wutian was instantly stopped. Indeed, the question of Old Man Ouyang was indeed a problem. No one knew what Zhu Jian would think in his heart.

"What do you know?" Ye Wutian asked in a deep voice, the old man Ouyang must know something, otherwise he would definitely not say this because of his relationship with the Zhu family.

"Everyone knows that you helped him, but as far as I know, he is very close to the Ma family," said the old man Ouyang.

Ye Wutian is not sure whether he should believe it or not. Looking at the serious expression of the old man Ouyang, it doesn't seem like he is lying. Is it true?

"Is there evidence?" Everything is based on evidence, not just empty words can be heard.

Old man Ouyang shook his head.

Seeing this, Ye Wutian was immediately unhappy, and sneered: "Old man, you are also a person with a head and face, don't you know the consequences of doing this? There is no evidence, you dare to speak nonsense like this."

"Xiaotian, I know that you won't agree to anything you say now. It doesn't matter. You just need to remember what I said today, save some snacks in the future, and don't capsize in the gutter."

"Enough." Ye Wutian couldn't listen anymore. If it wasn't for this old man having something to do with Ouyang Xingyue, Ye Wutian would want to kick him. It's too outrageous to dare to talk nonsense without any evidence.

"Xiaotian, please help with Xiaohao's matter."

Ye Wutian sneered: "Is this the condition you said?" If that is the case, Ye Wutian regrets it. If he had known this, he should not have come.

"Wait." Seeing that Ye Wutian was leaving, the old man Ouyang said immediately: "Xiaotian, if you want to listen to Xingyue's opinion, I can call her right away."

Ye Wutian stood still, "Yes, if she wants me to help, I will help, but I can't guarantee whether I can help."

The old man Ouyang was delighted, and immediately took out his phone and called Ouyang Xingyue. Originally, with his status, it was not difficult to get his grandson out, but this time it was not easy. Those half-human beings are the key to this case. , Besides, the old man Ouyang also learned through his own connections that someone secretly promoted the case behind his back, in other words, someone wanted to kill Ouyang Hao, or the Ouyang family.

After getting this tip, the old man Ouyang couldn't calm down, so he thought of finding Ye Wutian for help.

After the call, the old man Ouyang said a few words to the phone, and then handed the phone to Ye Wutian.

"If it's convenient, please help." These are the words of Ouyang Xingyue.

Ye Wutian sighed secretly, it seemed that old man Ouyang knew Xingyue quite well, and knew that she still cared about Ouyang's family.

"Okay." Ye Wutian didn't refuse, Ouyang Xingyue beat Ouyang Hao, in addition to being angry at him, maybe it was for others to see.

Beating is scolding is love, even if Ouyang Xingyue is angry, he still cares about this family.

Seeing that Ye Wutian agreed to help, the old man Ouyang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Ye Wutian could agree to help, the matter would be half done.

After returning the phone to the old man Ouyang, Ye Wutian didn't say anything, he turned around and left, and when he approached the door, the old man Ouyang behind him said loudly: "Xiaotian, remember what I said just now, it is essential to be on guard against others. "

Ye Wutian stopped, did not turn around, stopped after a few seconds and left.

Old man Ouyang knew that Ye Wutian listened to his words, and the few seconds he paused just now was just thinking and analyzing.

Ye Wutian was about to find old man Zhuo, but he didn't know that the other party came to the door, and he came so fast.

"Zhuo Ju, are you trying to scold people?" Ye Wutian asked.

The old man Zhuo glared angrily, "Cursing? I still want to beat people and kill people."

Ye Wutian was sweating, he couldn't see that this old man was so angry, thinking that he didn't provoke anyone, was it worth his anger?

"Boy, you are so majestic now, a **** press conference can make things so big, are you satisfied?"

Indeed it is!

"I can explain this matter, goodbye, you can't blame me, is that what I thought?" When it came to this, Ye Wutian felt that he was the most aggrieved. He didn't want a good product launch to be so abruptly done. .

"Zhuo Ju, let's talk about business, you always come for a biochemical person?" Ye Wutian opened the topic.

Mentioning the biochemical man, the old man Zhuo's expression became more solemn and asked, "What did you find?"

Ye Wutian shook his head: "No, I didn't find anything, it's not my business, isn't it still you? You can go and find out."

The old man Zhuo obviously didn't believe it, with a puzzled expression: "How can you talk so easily?"

"Zhuo Ju, don't give a shit, tell me about those biochemical people."

"You're curious? That's not your style."

Ye Wutian looked serious: "Can I not care? Those monsters are coming at me, do you think I can not care?"

The old man Zhuo didn't embarrass Ye Wutian anymore, and this reason was justifiable.

"Those are only half-human beings. If they encounter full-bodied people, it is estimated that more than a few people will die."

Ye Wutian understood the meaning of old man Zhuo, "What did you find? This kind of monster is not allowed to be studied, and even if it is to be studied, special departments have to come forward."

"According to the intelligence, those biochemical people are most likely related to the Ma family." Old Man Zhuo hesitated for a while, but finally said it.

"Ma's family?" Ye Wutian was shocked, why did he get involved with the Ma's family?

"Is there evidence?" This was the second time Ye Wutian asked today. Whether it was Old Man Ouyang or Old Man Zhuo, what he said shocked him.

"The Ma family is very secretive." The old man Zhuo said, "Ma Feng should know."

"So Ma Shan is also clear?" Ye Wutian asked.

"Not Ye Wutian is about to be confused, now that Ma Shancai is the future successor of the Ma family, he should know many secrets.

Regardless of whether Ma Shan knew it or not, the Ma family's move was illegal in itself. They didn't have the right to study cyborgs. Once that kind of monster was successfully studied, it was hard to say what would happen, but it would definitely be devastating.

"I suspect that Ma Shan is just a puppet, a ghost." Old Man Zhuo said.

Ye Wutian believes that the old man Zhuo must know something, Guoan may have found something, at least have some clues, not what the old man Zhuo said, there is no clue, who would believe it? Guoan is so powerful, there is nothing they can't find out.

If Ma Shan is really just a puppet, then everything the Ma family said and did before was just acting, not real, it was made for outsiders to see.

Thinking of what the old man Ouyang had said to him, could it be that Zhu Jianzhen was very close to the Ma family?



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