Mad Doctor

Chapter 1555: smoke sister background

"Sister Yan, there is something else that needs your cooperation." Ye Wutian said, when he said this, Rao was a thick-skinned guy, so he couldn't help blushing.

Sister Yan was slightly startled. Although she was in a better mood, she was puzzled, but she didn't think deeply and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ye Wutian didn't know how to speak, it was really a difficult thing to tell people.

Ouyang Xingyue was also curious. Didn't he already say what he should say? Why did a new question pop up all of a sudden?

Looking at Ye Wutian's embarrassed appearance, the two women are both curious and wondering, what is going on?

"That's right, Sister Yan, you are bleeding constantly, I need to look at the wound." After hesitating for a long time, Ye Wutian finally said that since he decided to help her, this problem was inevitable.

The two girls finally understood what Ye Wutian was twisting, Ouyang Xingyue was okay, but Sister Yan could not wait to bury her head in the quilt.

How can she be embarrassed to let her appear in front of a man in that way? Even if Ye Wutian was a doctor, he was still a man after all.

"Otherwise, you can find a female doctor." Ye Wutian said, "Also, I need to see all your previous examination reports."

Ye Wutian felt very tired, even more tired than killing people.

Sister Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, that was the best way, otherwise she really couldn't muster the courage and would be extremely embarrassed.

"I need to know the situation clearly, and then prepare a potion for you to wash." Ye Wutian explained.

"Well, you are a doctor, you make the decision, and you have the final say on what you need to do."

"That's fine, you have a good rest, I'll go out and think about a plan." Ye Wutian said.

A smile rose on Sister Yan's face: "You have to work."

Ye Wutian nodded slightly, walked out of the room and sat on the sofa in the living room. Sitting on him, he quickly found that there were masters nearby, and two powerful Qi Qi locked him.

How can there be a master here? Are those people trying to protect Sister Yan? Who is this smoke lady? Judging from her words and deeds, she is definitely a lady, and if it doesn't work, she is still a genius.

After a while, Ouyang Xingyue also came out and sat beside Ye Wutian.

"Darling daughter-in-law, who is Sister Yan?" Ye Wutian put his arms around Ouyang Xingyue's waist, completely not treating this place as someone else's territory, but directly treating it as his own home.

Ouyang Xingyue blushed when she was hugged, she pushed her hard, and said with a blushing face, "Who is your daughter-in-law? Shameless, and also, pay attention to your image."

Ye Wutian didn't care, and once again hugged Ouyang Xingyue's waist cheekily: "You are my daughter-in-law, and you are my daughter-in-law in this life and this life."

Ouyang Xingyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and wanted to push the shameless guy away, but no matter how hard she tried, he wouldn't let go.

After struggling a few times in a row, she saw that the effect was not good. In desperation, she could only beg for mercy: "Let me go, this is not home."

"Are you my daughter-in-law?" Ye Wutian still held on to his arms, but asked.

Ouyang Xingyue knew that this was a condition, and this shameless guy wanted to force her to admit it.

"Are you going to let it go?" Ouyang Xingyue, who was extremely angry, asked in a deep voice. At this time, what she regretted most was sitting beside him just now.

"Darling daughter-in-law, it's useless for you to yell at me. Beating is love and scolding, I understand." Ye Wutian smiled hippily.

Ouyang Xingyue was about to cry. You really can't do anything to such a blushing and shameless bastard.

"Someone will come in, what kind of manner do you have?"

"I know." Ye Wutian said, "So hurry up and tell me, are you my daughter-in-law?"

Ouyang Xingyue became angry: "Is it important?"

"Very important."

Ouyang Xingyue: "..."

"Come on, tell me, whether you are my daughter-in-law." Ye Wutian said: "We have been together for so long, you don't seem to have told me whether it is my daughter-in-law or not."

"No." Ouyang Xingyue said coldly.

"I knew it." Ye Wutian showed a frustrated expression, and it was fleeting: "But it doesn't matter, I will try my best to turn you into my daughter-in-law, and I will work hard now."

After all, Ye Wutian was preparing to take further action, and his move scared Ouyang Xingyue quite a bit.

"Wait, wait first." Ouyang Xingyue didn't want to kiss Ye Wutian here, what if someone came in later?

"What's wrong? Afraid? Don't be afraid, everything has a first time, so what if someone sees it? We are legal, we can see it when we see it." Ye Wutian said indifferently.

"I'm your daughter-in-law, I'm your daughter-in-law." Ouyang Xingyue was frightened, this **** was very fat, he really dared to do anything.

Ye Wutian was happy, and said with a wicked smile: "What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly."

"That's enough, Ye Wutian, don't go too far." Ouyang Xingyue, who blushed, said.

"Darling daughter-in-law, call your husband to listen." Ye Wutian has been waiting for today's opportunity for a long time, Ouyang Xingyue on weekdays has always been sullen, treating everyone the same, as if someone owes her money, Brother Tian thinks, Women should be gentle, and when they should be passionate, they should be as passionate as the Situ Fairy. Only then can his great plan of sleeping with the quilt be realized.

Ouyang Xingyue: "..."

She couldn't say the word husband no matter what, especially in this scene, she never thought that she would call Ye Wutian that way. With this man, Ouyang Xingyue never regarded herself as the main room.

Cheng Kexin is the main room!

In this regard, she is very clear.

"Shout or not? If you don't, I have to take action." Ye Wutian raised the corner of his mouth and threatened in a low voice.

"Do you want to court death?" Ouyang Xingyue said angrily, her beautiful eyes widened, she was really angry.

"Give you three seconds to think about it." Ye Wutian directly ignored Ouyang Xingyue's threat.


Ouyang Xingyue was mad. For three seconds, she believed that he could really do it. After three seconds, he really dared to kiss her regardless of the occasion.

He can't afford to lose that old face, she can't.


Ye Wutian continued to count, with a smile on his face from the beginning to the end, the smile of the villain.


Seeing that their lips were about to touch, Ouyang Xingyue responded very quickly, she opened her mouth and shouted, if it was another half a second later, she would be kissed.

This bastard, didn't he say three seconds? Why don't you count? Three did not say, he took action?

A hero does not suffer immediate losses, and this sentence also applies to women.

Ye Wutian smiled and grinned, Ouyang Xingyue's husband made his heart almost melt, and he was very intoxicated.

Originally, I wanted to give this **** some color. Seeing him like this, Ouyang Xingyue didn't know what was going on. The anger in his heart disappeared instantly, and he couldn't get angry again.

When he saw it, he closed it, but Ye Wutian did not continue to make further progress. After releasing his hand, he pulled Ouyang Xingyue's right hand and forcibly clasped her fingers together: "Wife, we haven't eaten together for a long time."

How could Ouyang Xingyue not know what this **** was thinking? He said, "As long as you can cure Sister Yan's illness, I will accompany you to eat."

"Yo, there are still conditions?" Ye Wutian was surprised: "Now you should tell me the origin of that Sister Yan?"

"Healing her will be of great benefit to all of us." Ouyang Xingyue said.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Listening to what you said, I am even more curious about her identity. Who is she?"

However, Ouyang Xingyue played mysteriously: "Tell me honestly first, will she be able to conceive a child in the future?"

"This question is very important to us?" Ye Wutian asked.

"It's very important." Ouyang Xingyue nodded without hesitation, "It's very important."

Ye Wutian was shocked, it seemed that the sister Yan had a lot of background, so that Ouyang Xingyue said this, enough to explain the identity of the other party.

"It's hard to say, it depends on the effect of the treatment process. Of course, it shouldn't be a big problem." Ye Wutian said, no doctor dared to pat his chest to guarantee, even if the patient only had a small cold.

"No matter what method you use, help her to the best of your ability." Ouyang Xingyue reminded again that she had said this sentence once today, and every time it was so serious, Ye Wutian was not used to it.

"Wife, after talking for a long time, you still haven't told me who Sister Yan is." The more this is, the more curious Ye Wutian is, who is Sister Yan?

Ouyang Xingyue swept her beautiful eyes, looked left and right, and saw that there was no one around, she moved her mouth to Ye Wutian's ear, and lowered her voice: "Her father may reach the top in the next session."

Ye Wutian took a deep breath, although he had already guessed that Sister Yan's identity might not be simple, but he never thought that it would be so awesome.

Climbing to the top? Depend on! That's number one.

When did Ouyang Xingyue know such a number one person? No wonder she was so serious.

"Now you know why I made you serious." Ouyang Xingyue said.

"I understand." Ye Wutian said after returning to his senses, aside from this, even if Sister Yan was not in that kind of family, he would try his best to help her, and he would do what he promised.

"Sister Yan is extremely favored, and she also has the trust of her husband's family."

Ye Wutian thought that it would be a good thing to make such a family owe favor.

Now it is only less than a year away from the change of term. After a year, Sister Yan will be No. 1's daughter-in-law.

"Sister Yan hasn't given birth to a child for her husband until now. She finally got pregnant, and this happened again."

Ye Wutian nodded Ouyang Xingyue's overtone was that if you Ye Wutian can really help Sister Yan, it means that you will directly help the family. This kind of favor is not ordinary.

Ye Wutian never thought about gaining power, let alone hugging a big tree, but if there is such a chance, he will not refuse it. Wouldn't it be better to have one more friend?

All of Sister Yan's inspection results were sent to Ye Wutian. Ye Wutian read all the reports carefully, he already had a general idea in his heart, and at the same time he understood the reason of the whole thing more thoroughly.

Intuition tells Ye Wutian that Sister Yan's miscarriage is most likely artificial, considering her father-in-law's position, this is even more difficult to think of.

Of course, everything is just Ye Wutian's guess. Ye Wutian doesn't know what the inside story is. Sister Yan said that Shui Lao is not in the country, and he may be transferred away by some people.

That battlefield is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, but it is a cruel battlefield!



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