Mad Doctor

Chapter 1560: real murderer

Seeing that Ye Wutian was silent, the old lady Ma thought that Ye Wutian was tempted, and couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. She thought of a sentence, betrayal, not because people are loyal, but because your price is not enough.

The old lady Ma believes in this sentence, and she acts according to this sentence all her life. Money is not everything, but it is absolutely impossible without it. Money is not everything, but it can solve most things. This is the charm of money.

"Little genius doctor, you might as well think about it, there is no loss to you."

It is undeniable that Ye Wutian was a little disrupted and a little overwhelmed. The other party suddenly threw a temptation, a huge temptation, so that Ye Wutian couldn't help but refuse.

One thing is more certain, the old woman doesn't want to see the Su family in the top position, or that she stands on the opposite side of the Su family.

What is the purpose of the old lady Ma to prevent the Su family from ascending in such a way, it is already obvious that the superior of the Su family must harm the interests of the Ma family, or the interests of that interest group.

"Think about it," said the old lady Ma. At this moment, she patted her hands a few times, and after a while, a woman walked out of the inner hall.

When he saw the other party, Ye Wutian's eyes instantly widened, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Why is Xu Ying here?

The person who came out of the inner hall was Xu Ying, Ye Wutian couldn't understand why Xu Ying appeared here?

" know each other?" Half-¢, ww↑w., Ye Wutian asked, only after he finished asking did he realize that he had asked a very stupid question, the two didn't know each other, how could Xu Ying appear here ?

"I didn't expect that we would meet here." Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian was still confused, why did Xu Ying appear here again? Looking at the relationship between the two, they should have known each other very early.

"I did the affairs of the embassy of country m." Xu Ying admitted voluntarily.

"Why?" Ye Wutian asked in a deep voice, he didn't care who did it, but after Xu Ying finished, everyone in the outside world thought it was Ye Wutian's poisonous hand, because of this, he got dirty on his back for no reason. Name, the taste of being splashed with dirty water is not good.

"Wutian, you just need to know that I did it, the rest is not important." Xu Ying said lightly.


Out of breath, Ye Wutian suddenly started and slapped Xu Ying directly.

After the slap, Xu Ying's pretty face that could be broken by bullets had a few more marks. The slap just now was not light.

Xu Ying didn't dodge, didn't even feel the pain, stood there and said, "Relieve your anger and continue fighting."


The answer to Xu Ying was another slap, Ye Wutian was angry, angry, disappointed, once, he hated Xu Ying, but as time went on, he gradually forgave her, but she did something to disappoint him again and again , knowing that he was misunderstood, she didn't stand up to explain, and let the misunderstanding continue to happen.

What is the state of mind of this woman?

After the two slaps, Xu Ying's whole face became red and swollen. Despite this, she still stood still, still unable to fight back or scold.

"Tell me, why?" Ye Wutian roared like a lion, becoming more and more disappointed with this woman, why did she do that?

When he first met her, she was the eldest miss of the Xu family. At that time, the two of them had a lot of things together, and many things that were worthy of happiness and memories. Later, he knew that she was the prince of the Poison Shadow Sect. Now, this woman It seems that there is another layer of identity, she is so close to the Ma family.

Those half-human beings, there is information that they are related to the Ma family, so, will they be related to Xu Ying?

"Relieve your anger?" Xu Ying answered nonchalantly, as still as still water.

"Tell me, why?" Ye Wutian wanted to know the reason.

Xu Ying smiled, so bitter and helpless: "Can you still believe what I say now?"

Ye Wutian was asked, indeed, if she said it was because of him, he would not believe it anyway.

But people are like that. It's one thing not to believe it, and it's another thing to want to hear it. He still wants to know and find out why.

"Damn them." Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian is dumb, gone? Just like that? Is this the explanation? What kind of explanation is this?

"Little genius doctor, let's talk slowly." The old lady Ma turned and left. After walking a few steps, she stopped again, turned her head and said, "No one will disturb you."

Ye Wutian did not stop the old lady Ma from leaving, and stared at Xu Ying: "Xu Ying, I am very disappointed in you."

Xu Ying laughed, laughing wildly in the sky, in a state of madness, making people puzzled.

Ye Wutian noticed that there were tears in Xu Ying's smile, two tears cruelly cut through her pretty face.

After laughing wildly, Xu Ying's heart was ashes, and she couldn't see any expression on her face, "You should hate me."

"Why do you want to get involved with the Ma family?" Ye Wutian once tried very hard to forget this hateful and hateful woman, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it, Xu Ying's appearance was like being portrayed In his mind, it was branded there, so that he would never forget her appearance no matter what.

There have been a lot of memorable and romantic things between the two of them. For those things, it seems like it happened yesterday.

People can deceive others, but they can't deceive themselves. He can tolerate Xu Ying again and again, and hope she can change again and again, because he still has so little illusions about her.

"Because I have to get involved with the Ma family." Xu Ying replied.

Ye Wutian frowned and expressed his confusion. As the prince of the Poison Shadow Sect, Xu Ying had great power in her own right, so why did she have to be involved with the Ma family?

"Aren't you worried that the Ma family will use you?" Ye Wutian asked.

Xu Ying replied, "Are you concerned about me?"

"..." Ye Wutian felt that he should not ask, at this moment, he was completely giving up on this woman.

"It's better to do it yourself." Ye Wutian didn't want to talk about it anymore, everyone has their own way to go, and they have the right to choose which way to go.

"Wait." Xu Ying stopped.

Ye Wutian turned his head, and when he was about to speak, Xu Ying on the opposite side began to peel off his clothes slowly, very slowly and elegantly.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Wutian drank coldly, Xu Ying's behavior made him sick, what was she going to do? Want to seduce him with that set again? Want to seduce him in that regard?

Xu Ying didn't seem to hear Ye Wutian's roar, and continued her behavior, moving very slowly and naturally.

Ye Wutian is dark and paralyzed, this is not a hotel, isn't Xu Ying afraid? Not worried at all? This is the Ma family's territory. If a camera is installed somewhere, wouldn't it be clearly seen by others?

Of course, even if Xu Ying strips her naked, he will not be tempted. At this moment, he only has hatred, only disgust.

Ye Wutian, who realized that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, lifted his legs and left. Just as he lifted his feet, Xu Ying over there had successfully peeled off the first layer of clothing.

In the next second, Ye Wutian, who had just lifted his right foot, saw something inadvertently, which made him forget to step, forget to leave, and even forgot to put down the right foot that was lifted into the air.

His eyes were frozen and locked tightly on Xu Ying's side.

Xu Ying looked towards Ye Wutian, as still as water.

Ye Wutian, who was pounding in his head, walked like an arrow, instead of leaving, he rushed towards Xu Ying. When he walked in front of Xu Ying, he did something incredible, only to see him grab Xu Ying's clothes and suddenly Pull up.

The next second, Xu Ying was naked, facing Ye Wutian's rudeness, she didn't resist, she was as docile as a rabbit.

Seeing such a beautiful woman in front of her, not only did Ye Wutian not have some kind of excitement, but on the contrary, he wanted to vomit, his stomach was churning, and he didn't know when he would spit out what he ate at noon.

"What's going on?" After the shock, Ye Wutian asked with a serious expression, the intricate wounds on Xu Ying's body shocked him, not only that, but those wounds were also accompanied by a stench.

It was supposed to be a clean and perfect coquettish lying, but now it is as disgusting as a ghost, making people avoid it.

Xu Ying's upper body had almost no intact skin, and even the two babies on his chest were not spared.


Yes, the skin on Xu Ying's upper body was rotting, accompanied by bursts of unpleasant odor, like rotten eggs, fishy and stinky.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wutian asked again, subconsciously wanting to grab Xu Ying and shaking his hand, but he was unable to start, worried that it would hurt her.

Xu Ying showed a desperate smile, "Are you sympathizing with me?"

Ye Wutian: "..."

"I'm glad you can be so nervous. I'm satisfied to see you like this. At least, I didn't love you wrong."

Ye Wutian: "..."

"Seeing that I'm so disgusting doesn't affect you, does it?"

"What's going on?" Ye Wutian roared, he didn't have the heart to tell Xu Ying this, he intuitively told him that there must be an inside story.

These injuries on Xu Ying's body could never have been caused by herself. No woman in the world would do this. Even if she had a vicious heart, she couldn't do it, and she couldn't do it to herself.

"Wu Tian, ​​you used to love me, didn't you?"

Ye Wutian raised his hand and slapped her. Unlike the two slaps just now, this slap was not because of anger, but to wake her up.

Xu Ying, who covered her face with her hands, was not angry, and said softly, "I am like this, I deserve it, you don't have to worry about me."

"Someone threatened you?" Ye Wutian thought: "Ma's family?"

"They helped me, without them, I wouldn't be able to live Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian is confused, isn't it the Ma family? Who would that be? Why is the old lady Ma willing to help? You must know that the old lady Ma is not a good talker.

"Poison Shadow Gate?" Ye Wutian asked again.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I am a damned person." Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian knew, he guessed it right, that the Poison Shadow Sect attacked Xu Ying, what Ye Wutian couldn't understand was why the Poison Shadow Sect did this? Isn't Xu Ying the prince of Poison Shadow Gate? Even if it's just a fake prince, it's still a prince. On many occasions, Xu Ying is the representative of the Poison Shadow Sect.

"Why?" Ye Wutian asked, "Why did they treat you like this?"

Xu Ying raised her head and stared at Ye Wutian, and said emotionally: "Can you listen to my advice? Stay away from them, they are all lunatics."

This novel comes from reading book rim



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