Mad Doctor

Chapter 1562: Forcibly take away (below)

"Just because of you, do you want to keep me?" Ye Wutian roared coldly after his eyes glanced for a week.

Xu Ying's face was worried, and she didn't know what Ye Wutian had chatted with Madam Ma just now. It took so long to make the atmosphere so stiff.

It's never a good thing.

Surrounded by so many soldiers with live ammunition, it is almost impossible to leave safely.

The old man Ma is no longer there, and his home is still the key protection object.

At this time, the old lady Ma came out of the house, of course, in a wheelchair. Except for a few people who knew that she could stand up, most people didn't know that she could stand up. She lied to the world for most of her life.

"Grab him, dare to resist, and kill him." The old lady Ma roared with hatred. Until now, her old face is still burning with pain. No one knows the feeling, the feeling that makes her want to die.

When she saw the old lady Ma, Xu Ying Meng found the other party's red and swollen face. When she saw this, she realized why she and Ye Wutian were surrounded by circles.

Ye Wutian beat someone! It's not just ordinary people.

Who is the old lady Ma? How could she be beaten at will?

Looking at Ye Wutian with surprise, she needed an answer.

Ye Wutian noticed Xu Ying's doubtful and inquiring eyes, and said, "She wants to be beaten."

Xu Ying was speechless, who wants to be beaten? What is this rationale?

"Some people are born to like to be cheap, there is no way, I don't want to beat people, you know, I am actually a gentleman." Ye Wutian said helplessly.

Xu Ying was stunned and almost laughed, especially looking at Ye Wutian's helpless expression, which made her even more amused. If the timing was not right, she would have laughed out loud already.

Mrs. Ma was beaten, which had no effect on Xu Ying. Instead, there was a hint of happiness. Ye Wutian was undoubtedly helping her.

"Hands up." A lieutenant colonel ordered loudly.

How could Ye Wutian be afraid? He raised the evidence he had already held in his hand and said to the lieutenant colonel, "Everyone, try shooting."

The other party saw clearly the certificate in Ye Wutian's hand, the National Security Bureau, the certificate could not be fake.

"Have you ever thought about the consequences of shooting a deputy director?" Ye Wutian sneered, and then looked back at the old lady Ma: "The old man is immortal, or do you think the Ma family can smooth this matter?"

The old lady Ma's face was gloomy and uncertain, and she was beaten, it was impossible to swallow this matter, but the certificate in Ye Wutian's hand really made her embarrassed.


The old lady Ma was struggling in her heart. On the one hand, she didn't want to let Ye Wutian go. The matter had already gotten to this point. If she let Ye Wutian go, it would only make others see jokes, and she would let her see people in the future. ?

Now that she came out of the house, the old lady Ma already had a self-deprecating mentality. She had only one purpose in doing so, to clean up Ye Wutian.

After hesitating and struggling, the old lady Ma seemed to make a decision and said in a deep voice, "Arrest them, the charge is violence against me."

In order to take care of Ye Wutian, the old lady Ma also gave herself up. When she spoke, she pointed her backhand at her face, no doubt telling those soldiers that the wound on her face was Ye Wutian's masterpiece. Wutian is arrested, as long as this crime is confirmed, what will happen to Guoan? Reasonably travel the world.

Ye Wutian sighed softly, turned his head and said to Xu Ying, "Did you see it? People are going to be cheap, what can I do? Naturally, I want to slap me."

Xu Ying felt that Ye Wutian's words were not unreasonable. If you think about it carefully, you will find that there is a little philosophy.

The old lady Ma is estimated to be mad with anger, knowing that Ye Wutian's identity is not simple, she still wants to go her own way, and wants to teach Ye Wutian a lesson.

"With this kind of person, will you be successful?" Ye Wutian asked Xu Ying.

Xu Yingyou complained: "I'm already a waste, and I still have the right to choose?"

Ye Wutian chose to keep his mouth shut, and suddenly realized that he had asked a very stupid question. He shouldn't have said what he said just now, that would easily make Xu Ying follow the stick.

"Listen, I don't want to embarrass you, I have to leave today, whoever dares to stop, don't blame me for being ruthless." Because these are soldiers, Ye Wutian can bear it until now, and if it is someone else, I'm afraid Ye Wutian has already waved his hand Sprinkle a handful of medicinal powder, and what nonsense are you talking to these people?

"Arrest it, if you dare to resist, kill it on the spot." The old lady Ma ordered, she couldn't bear it anymore, she had already forgotten everything, and she was thinking about how to teach Ye Wutian a lesson, how to clean up him, this kid , it is too much.

Ye Wutian, who heard the words, knew that he couldn't go out easily today, so he slowly packed his documents. Since he had to hit it hard, then come on, whoever is afraid is a hammer.

Ma Feng got out of nowhere, his appearance made Ye Wutian look at him a lot, and he was very curious, because Ma Feng actually held the crutches with his hands.

When did Ma Feng die?

Ye Wutian was puzzled, looked at each other in confusion, wanted to get an answer from it, and wanted someone to tell him what was going on?

"Master Ma, what are you singing like?" Ye Wutian couldn't help but ask, he wanted to figure out what was going on, why did he borrow a cane? Could it be that, like old lady Ma, she wants to act for others to see? Want to hide from the world?

It was as if Ma Feng had been smashed into his chest with a heavy hammer. Now he cannot walk normally without the help of a crutch, and his right leg is simply not strong enough to support him.

To this end, he has found many doctors and seen many famous doctors, and he came to the conclusion that osteoporosis.

When he came to this conclusion, Ma Feng was almost stunned by lightning. He was still so young, how could he have osteoporosis?

The shocked Ma Feng quickly thought that his legs were smashed by Ye Wutian, and later healed by the mysterious man. This is very likely to be the case. In other words, he needs to use crutches for support today, which is also Ye Wutian. Caused by nothingness in the first place.

What Ma Feng is worried about is, what if he can't walk with his legs again one day? Do you have to be like your grandmother, who spends most of her life in a wheelchair?

That kind of result is absolutely unacceptable to him. He doesn't want to become a **** himself, or even live on this **** crutch, but, other than this, he has no other way, he can't walk without relying on this crutch. , the support of the right leg is far from enough.

After seeing major doctors, Ma Feng also tried to find the mysterious man who healed him at the beginning, but no matter what means he used, he could never find the other party, and the other party seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"Young Master Ma, your situation is not good." Ye Wutian asked knowingly, as if he wanted to sprinkle salt on other people's wounds: "If this goes on like this, it won't be long before you have a share in the competition for the disabled."

Ma Feng's mouth couldn't stop twitching. If that's the case, he might as well die. He couldn't accept the result no matter what.

"What are you still doing? Arrest them." Ma Feng lost control and roared like thunder: "No, just shoot."

Ye Wutian sneered: "Oh, I can't see that you have so much power? Ma Feng, Ma Dashao, do you have the right to order shooting? Or is the country's army originally owned by your Ma family?"

Ye Wutian's big hat is not too heavy, it directly made Ma Feng stunned, and quickly calmed down. With such a big hat, Ma Feng was allowed to be furious, and he had to seriously consider the consequences.

The same is true of the old lady Ma, who also dare not look down, she immediately stopped Ma Feng with her eyes, and motioned him not to talk nonsense. .

"Arrest." Ma Feng did not dare to issue an order, but the old lady Ma could. Strictly speaking, she belongs to the system, not to mention that these belong to the security guards of the Ma family. She has the right to issue this order, and no one is outside. Dare to say anything about her.

"Wait." In the crowd, a clear and loud voice sounded, like a thunderclap.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, but saw Wang Roosi coming.

The appearance of Wang Roosi made everyone startled, and even annoyed the old lady Ma.

Ignoring the anger, Wang Roose walked in front of Ye Wutian, changed her expression like no one, became gentle and considerate, and even reached out to help Ye Wutian tidy the collar.

Faced with all this, Ye Wutian was confused, what did Wang Roose want to do?

"Are you all right?" Wang Roose asked softly.

Ye Wutian shook his head numbly, what can he do? If he really wants to leave here, no one can stop him here.

"It's fine." Wang Roosi smiled charmingly: "Don't worry, no one can hurt you with me."

Wang Roose's words sounded strange. With her around, he would be safe? What does she want to do? Want beautiful women to save heroes?

Ye Wutian doesn't think that Wang Roosi can make the Ma family change his mind by coming here alone. Wang Roose's face is not so big, that's just two slaps, not to mention that the old lady Ma did not hesitate to black and tear her face in exchange for such an opportunity, she has no reason to take it lightly. give up.

In the past, Mrs. Ma might have given Wang Roosi some thin noodles, but now, I am afraid that she will not give any thin noodles. This is the reality.

"Girl Roose, what are you going to do?" Madam Ma asked coldly, and anyone could see her dissatisfaction.

Wang Roosi looked away from Ye Wutian's face and looked at the old lady Ma: "Grandma, can they leave?"

"No." Madam Ma's refusal was very direct and straightforward. From the beginning, she never thought of giving face to Wang Roose.

Hearing this answer, Wang Roosi was not in a hurry, as if she had already guessed that this would be the outcome, she immediately said, "Grandma, they are all my friends, can you always give me some thin noodles?"

The old lady Ma couldn't guess what medicine was sold in Wang Roose's gourd. She wanted to intercede for Ye Wutian, which was reasonable. After all, the two had cooperated. It's not like Wang Roosi's style of doing things, despite her young age, Wang Roose's work is very stable, and because of this, she was highly regarded at the beginning.

"Girl, get out of the way." This sentence is already very polite.

The appearance of Wang Roose made Ye Wutian very curious, and wanted to know what means Wang Roose would use to help him next, and the words just aroused his interest.

With me, no one can hurt you!

What a domineering sentence, it is also a familiar sentence, think about it carefully, Ye Wutian also said it, but he said it to others.

"Grandma, can't you satisfy me with just such a small request?" Wang Roose asked.

For some reason, the old lady Ma always felt a little uneasy. Wang Roosi's calmness made her uneasy, and she didn't know where the unease came from.

"Wang Roosi, if you eat what's inside and out, get out of here immediately." Ma Feng didn't dare to order someone to be arrested, but he dared to yell at Wang Roose.

Wang Roosi must have come This is Ye Wutian's idea.

Her calmness and calmness made him more sure that this woman was not afraid of the Ma family.

"Ma Feng, we are relatives. I won't care about you today, and I won't be an example. If you dare to be rude to me, I promise, you won't even have a chance to use crutches."

Ye Wutian is funny, Wang Roose seems to have changed her personality. At the beginning, Wang Roose, who was obedient and obedient to the Ma family, has disappeared, and replaced by this extremely strong attitude.

"Grandma, I have to take them away today. You have to agree to it, and you have to agree to disagree." Wang Roosi's attitude was tough, and there was no room for negotiation.

The old lady Ma frowned and looked at Wang Roosi, wondering where her courage and confidence came from. --3809+590666-->




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