Mad Doctor

Chapter 1565: Seriously injured

Ye Wutian sneered, looking at the idiot-like explanation of the old man Yang, Uncle Ye wanted to slap him. This old man pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger for so many years, and he hid it deep enough.

"Framed? Old man Yang? You are shameless enough to speak, and you have all the evidence and evidence. How dare you say that you were framed? If you are also framed, what is true evidence?"

The old man Yang's face was calm and comfortable, and he was not angry because of Ye Wutian's words.

At this point, Ye Wutian still admires this old man, and he can endure it. It seems that these people in the Yang family have the same characteristics, and they are all very tolerant, and they will never fight back.

"I know that no matter how I explain it, you can't believe it."

After sneering, Ye Wutian said contemptuously: "Do you think I should believe it?"

"Believe it or not is up to you, I don't need to explain it to you."

Ye Wutian was not angry, nodded and said: "Well, this is more in line with your character and status, a dignified family owner, always endure like this, when will it end? I have to tell you about this, your grandson will be No, I will only be a tortoise all day long. I dare not stand up and fight me head-on. Just now, two hours ago, he sent a large group of people to deal with me. Old man Yang, don't tell me you don't know. This issue."

"Little brother, the purpose of your visit today is to make fun of me?"

"Then are you angry?"

"You think I should be angry?"

"Shouldn't it be?" You don't get angry if you scold you like this. I said, are you still human? "

"Brother Ye, I can understand your mood, but I have to tell you something here, please speak your mind and don't go too far."

Ye Wutian had a feeling of being defeated, and he couldn't get angry with Old Man Yang, so this fellow didn't say anything at the moment, and threw himself directly towards the opponent.

The old man Yang hurriedly backed away, "Don't blame me for being rude if you keep making a fool of yourself."

"I want you to be polite. I'm not used to you being polite to me. Come on, let's have a fight."

A large number of Yang family waiters rushed up and surrounded the old man Yang tightly. At the same time, they pointed guns at Ye Wutian. There was no doubt that as long as Ye Wutian dared to move, they would definitely shoot.

"Trash." Ye Wutian cursed.

Old man Yang's face changed continuously, he was enduring, enduring Ye Wutian's cynicism towards him, but he didn't know when he would be unable to bear it.

"Very angry? Then come, fight with Lao Tzu and let me see your true strength. By the way, you should hate me now, right? The old woman died because of me. If she died, you are not sad? After all A couple."

Old man Yang's face turned black!

Ye Wutian was secretly amusing, and said in his heart, old man Yang, hurry up and get angry, the more angry you are, the better, you do it first, then I call it self-defense.

At this moment, in Uncle Ye's heart, he wished that Old Man Yang would be as angry as possible, but unfortunately, Old Man Yang's forbearance skills were completely beyond his expectations.

These two grandfathers and grandchildren, one is an old tortoise with a shrunk head, and the other is a little tortoise with a shrunk head, neither of them can look at it with ordinary eyes.

"Are you angry? Then hurry up, I'm just standing here, come on, smash my corpse into ten thousand pieces." Ye Wutian hooked his fingers towards the old man Yang.

"Call the police." Old man Yang spit out two words, and these two words made Ye Wutian collapse instantly.

If it goes on like this, Ye Wutian probably knows that it should be impossible, unless he acts first. "Old man Yang, you must give me an explanation for this matter, and what happened just now, together, your Yang family owes me two explanations."

"It's not necessary, you can use legal means."

Ye Wutian laughed: "The law? Are you bullying me for not knowing the law? Or do you simply think that the law is just a game played by rich people? Don't forget, I am also rich now."

Old man Yang: "..."

"Xue Ying, if we haven't got the answer we want in three minutes, just do it, and let's not die." Ye Wutian changed his expression instantly after laughing.

The old man Yang was about to go crazy, thinking about whether he should do it or not. He saw through Ye Wutian's little tricks early in the morning, and he just wanted to provoke his anger. Now that he failed, he planned to act first, shameless, rascal !

"Call Bureau Xu, and I want to ask him about the security of Dongcheng." The old man Yang said to the housekeeper beside him without turning back.

Ye Wutian smiled: "Call, and then call Guoan by the way, but don't blame me for not reminding you, the time has passed for a minute."

"Aren't you afraid of death? Aren't you afraid of being shot to death by my people? Don't forget, this is my home, and you die in vain."

Ye Wutian said: "You scare me? Oh! People are really scared, what should I do? Do I want to leave? Do you want to leave?"

Looking at Ye Wutian's exaggerated expression, Old Man Yang discovered for the first time that this kid's face was so thick, how could he be afraid of his current expression? There is a bit of an excited expression.

Old man Yang's old housekeeper was on the phone. Here, Ye Wutian's phone also rang. When he took out his cell phone, he saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Which one?"

Soon, Ye Wutian's expression froze, "I'll come right away."

Putting away the phone, Ye Wutian looked at the old man Yang: "Old man Yang, I will let you go today."

Old man Yang was also very strange about Ye Wutian's departure, what happened? Why did the kid leave suddenly?

"Let the young master come back." After leaving this sentence, the old man Yang turned around and went back to the study, while the old housekeeper immediately called Yang Langzi's number.

Ye Wutian rushed to the hospital with Xueying. The phone call just now was from the hospital. Xu Ying was injured, seriously injured, and attacked by unknown people.

When he arrived at the hospital, Xu Ying had already been sent to the operating room, and Ye Wutian had no choice but to stand outside and wait. enter.

While anxious, Ye Wutian was thinking, who would attack Xu Ying? Yang family? From now on, the Yang family is the biggest suspect.

The wait was two hours, but the lights in the operating room were still on.

Not waiting for the lights in the operating room to go out, but waiting for Ouyang Xingyue, Ye Wutian was a little surprised by her appearance.

"Not yet?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Ye Wutian nodded, "Why are you here?"

Ouyang Xingyue said, "My aunt called me."

Ye Wutian realized in a trance that Xu Ying's mother, Ouyang Shouyun, was Ouyang Xingyue's aunt.

"You went to Yang's house?"

"I was going to find old man Yang to settle the account, and he came when I got the call."

"Xu Ying had an accident after seeing you. Did you meet Yang Langzi?" Ouyang Xingyue asked.

Ye Wutian was shocked: "You also suspect Yang Langzi?"

"Only he is the most doubtful for the time being."

Ye Wutian was happy, it really was his woman, she even thought the same, it felt so good.

When the two were talking, Yang Langzi also appeared, came over anxiously, and asked the first sentence: "What's the matter? How is Xu Ying?"

Ye Wutian didn't dump Yang Langzi, just walked to the side and sat down, looking at Yang Langzi intently, thinking whether Yang Langzi was acting or showing his true feelings.

Ouyang Xingyue just pointed at the indicator light on the top of the operating room door, and then she stopped.

In terms of relationship, Yang Langzi and Ouyang Xingyue can also be regarded as relatives. Yang Langzi and Xu Ying are relatives, and they are also relatives with Ouyang Xingyue, but this so-called relative relationship can almost be ignored.

"Does the Xu family know?" Yang Langzi asked.

Ye Wutian, who was playing with his phone with his head down, suddenly raised his head: "Who are you talking to? Me? Why should I answer you?"

Yang Langzi was so choked that he wanted to refute, but he didn't know how to speak. There was really no need to answer him.

"I went to your grandpa just now, and wanted him to fight me, but unfortunately he didn't dare, just like you, he's a coward."

"Ye Wutian, what do you mean?" Yang Langzi asked calmly.

"You still don't understand what I mean? Isn't it obvious? I look down on you and your Yang family." Ye Wutian sneered: "Is it painful for you to lose hundreds of brothers today?"

"You suspect those people are mine?"


"Where is the evidence?"

Ye Wutian said: "No matter how cunning a fox is, it will show its tail, Yang Langzi, don't let me find evidence, otherwise, you will definitely regret it, I promise."

"Ye, you don't need to intimidate me. If you have evidence, show it. If you don't have evidence, don't spit feces."

"There will be evidence, don't worry, it's your undead grandfather, you go back and tell him, let him get ready, this is not over."

Yang Langzi's face sank: "Is this a threat?"

"You are right, it is a threat." Ye Wutian said: "I am threatening you, what can you do? Come and bite me?"

Perhaps due to anger, Yang Langzi was shaking all over.

At this moment, the lights in the operating room finally went out, and Ye Wutian and the others hurriedly surrounded him.

"The operation was very successful, and the patient only needs to rest for a while to be fine," said the doctor who came out.

This remark made Ye Wutian inexplicably relieved, Xu Ying died As for Xu Ying, Ye Wutian was afraid that she was injured because of him, if she really died because of him, Ye Wutian I was afraid that I would never be happy in my life, but now that I am fine, Xu Ying is fine.


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