Mad Doctor

Chapter 1571: want to challenge

Chu Qian wanted to refuse, and was desperately resisting, but the result was that no matter whether she wanted it or not, she had no choice but to take Ye Wutian.

After finishing the incident, Ye Wutian was extremely satisfied, looked down at Chu Qian under him, and thought happily, "Grandma, I'm not afraid that you will be disobedient and make you arrogant. Now we can see how arrogant you can go."

Chu Qian was extremely grief-stricken and wished to tear this hateful **** into pieces. Who did he take her to be? plaything?

"Little girl, remember, don't threaten me in the future, let alone provoke me, you know, I usually can't stand that kind of stimulation, understand?" Ye Wutian said proudly.

Chu Qian gritted her teeth and was furious, staring at Ye Wutian with a pair of wonderful eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, it's not our first time anyway, why are you so shy?" Ye Wutian smirked.

"Bastard." The provoked Chu Qian raised her hand and wanted to take care of Ye Wutian, but she couldn't form a threat at this time, and she couldn't form a fighting force, and her whole body was soft.

Ye Wutian grabbed Chu Qian's raised arm and looked at the other party with bad intentions: "Do you want to do it again?"

Chu Qian was so frightened that her whole body trembled. Once again, she couldn't bear it. This guy is a savage, a monster. How can he be so strong in this respect? She has been begging for mercy, he still doesn't give up, the fighting power is still there, and she must grit her teeth. Endured his wave after wave of attacks and crusades.

"Don't." Chu Qian really couldn't bear another crusade, she would die.

Ye Wutian's face sank: "Miss Chu, don't pretend in front of me, you Chu sisters are not good things, the small ones are the same, the big ones are the same, do you really think I don't know your thoughts? I have a head-on conflict with your eldest sister?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Chu Qian's eyes, maybe she didn't know Ye Wutian could see it.

"Why? Don't admit it?" Ye Wutian sneered: "Chu Qian, what did you do, what do you think, you know it yourself."

"That's what you said, I didn't think that way." Chu Qian quibble.

Ye Wutian stretched out his hand and stroked Chu Qian's still red and swollen face, and said, "If I guess right: "You were hit by Chu Sha, right? "

Chu Qian was stunned, but she didn't say anything, so the man could guess?

"Hey, amazing, right? Do you think I'm handsome? You can guess it this way." Ye Wutian is not stupid, and it can be seen from Chu Qian's reaction that he guessed right.

Chu Qian: "..."

"Listen, I don't care what kind of relationship you have between your sisters, don't get me involved, okay? What you want to make trouble with is your own business. Don't use me as a muzzle, I don't like it."

"That's what you think." Chu Qian said.

Ye Wutian sneered: "Do you like your elder sister?"

Chu Qian couldn't answer.

"Look, I guessed it right again, you don't like Chu Sha." Ye Wutian smiled proudly.

Chu Qian blushed: "I can't say whether I like it or not, she is my eldest sister."

"Do you still know this? I thought you didn't know. You must have heard your eldest sister say that I am her man. In other words, I am your brother-in-law, understand?"

Chu Qian has the urge to vomit blood, brother-in-law? So what has she become? Auntie?

Thinking of this, Chu Qian immediately shook her head and didn't dare to think about it any more. She didn't want to admit it, and she didn't want to admit to her brother-in-law. If this guy really became her brother-in-law, what would she become with him?

"I won't say more. I will warn you for the last time. If you sisters want to make trouble, or whoever wants to pick trouble, it's your own business. Don't get me involved, okay?"

The sisters of the Chu family respect each other on the surface, but in their hearts they all want each other to die. Is this kind of relationship still sisters?

"I'm afraid it won't work." When it came to this, Chu Qian did the opposite, "Ye Wutian, you must help me."

Ye Wutian smiled: "Why? You gave me a reason."

"Because you treated me like this." Chu Qian said with a blushing face.

Ye Wutian was happy: "How is this?"

Chu Qian's pretty face sank: "Ye Wutian, you'd better not pretend to be crazy."

Ye Wutian, who didn't answer immediately, stretched out his hand and squeezed lightly on Chu Qian's plump: "Are you a request or a threat?"

After humming, Chu Qian asked, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there are differences, threats, no talk, requests, I can consider." Ye Wutian said.

"Request." Chu Qian said without hesitation.

"Very well, since it is a request, how about showing your sincerity?"

Chu Qian looked at Ye Wutian suspiciously: "What kind of sincerity do you want? Isn't that enough?"

"How about being my woman?" Ye Wutian asked suddenly.

Chu Qian was asked, and it took a long time to say, "Are you going to marry you?"

Ye Wutian laughed and laughed: "Marry? Do you dare?"

"Then what do you mean?"

Ye Wutian said: "I mean, you are not allowed to marry in the future, just like today, I can enjoy you anytime in the future."

Insult, this is definitely an insult to Chu Qian. At this moment, she wants to kill Ye Wutian, which is too deceiving. What does he think of her? plaything?

Still want to hide the beauty of the golden house?

"How? Can you agree?"

The murderous Chu Qian roared: "What do you think of me?"

Ye Wutian was not angry, and asked: "What about you? What do you think of me? Chu Qian, why are you angry? We can only use each other at most."

Chu Qian was speechless and asked Ye Wutian to help her, with the idea of ​​taking advantage of it.

"Hey! Why do you think I'm so smart? I guessed it right again." Ye Wutian muttered to himself.

"Aren't you afraid that I will find your confidantes?" Chu Qian hoped that Ye Wutian would retreat.

"Afraid, not afraid. Speaking of which, you are not afraid of your elder sister? If one day you let her know that you are with me, you are not afraid of her?"

Chu Qian's face changed drastically, her dark eyes were uncertain, and her heart seemed to be struggling, which made Ye Wutian very curious. Is Chu Sha so powerful? It can actually make Chu Qian so scared.


Thinking of the scene when Chu Sha asked Chu Fang for the antidote just now, Chu Fang, the little witch, didn't even have the courage to resist.

"Okay, as long as you are willing to help me, I can promise you that after helping me achieve my wish, I will be your woman for a lifetime."

After some hesitation and struggle, Chu Qian made a decision.

This time, it was Ye Wutian's turn to be surprised. He was originally angry and aggressive, but he never expected that Chu Qian would really agree.

"Are you sure?" Ye Wutian, who was uncertain, asked, God knows if this woman really thinks that way? No one knew what was really going on in her heart.

Ye Wutian didn't think it was Chu Qian falling in love with him, even if he thought he was handsome, he would never be so smug that he thought Chu Qian would like him.

That's not realistic!

"What? Is it your turn? Why didn't you say anything? Don't dare to agree? Or are you afraid of yourself?" Chu Qian couldn't help sneering, "Go away, don't press me."

Till now, both of them still maintain that kind of intimate posture, Ye Wutian likes to stay like this, soft, slippery, very comfortable.

Ye Wutian really stood up, picked up his clothes, and after Chu Qian watched, saw Ye Wutian took out a pill, then threw his pants on the ground, and walked naked in front of Chu Qian.

Rao is that the two have already had a relationship, and they have seen each other's bodies for a long time, but Chu Qian still blushed and was very embarrassed.

"Swallow it, I promise." Ye Wutian pushed the pill in his palm to Chu Qian and said.

Chu Qian didn't answer, but instead asked, "What do you mean? Poison?"

Ye Wutian suddenly felt that this girl was very cute, and said with a smile: "What is it if it is not a poison? Could it be that you think it is a tonic?"

Chu Qian's mouth twitched slightly, "What do you mean?"

"Control you, Chu Qian, we Mingren don't speak secretly, don't you want me to help you? Okay, I can help you, swallow this pill, and I'll help you."

Chu Qianfei almost exploded: "You don't believe me? I have agreed to your conditions."

"Promise? So what? Should I agree? You tell me, should I believe it?" Ye Wutian asked.

"You should believe that I, Chu Qian, can do it if I say it."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said, "Maybe, maybe you can believe it, but, what should I believe in you?"

Chu Qian was asked.

"I really can't look at you Chu family sisters with ordinary thinking. I really want to believe you, but there is a voice in my heart telling myself that I can't believe it, at least, I can't believe it at will."

Chu Qian also stood up, she also walked naked in front of Ye Wutian, her beautiful eyes were like ice, her expression was complicated, both anger and disappointment.

Looking at Chu Qian's **** body that bulges forward and backward, Ye Wutian has a surge of impulse in his heart, and can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Aware of Ye Wutian's strangeness, while Chu Qian blushed and was shy, she couldn't help but feel complacent for a while, thinking that she looked pretty, at least it could make this beast swallow saliva.

Without any hesitation, Chu Qian quickly took the black pill in Ye Wutian's palm and swallowed it.

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded, and before he could come back to his senses, Chu Qian had already swallowed the pill.

"Do you really eat it?" Ye Wutian wondered, he had already said that it was poison, she still wanted to eat it?

"What? Do you want to regret it?" Chu Qian sneered: "I already said the Ye Wutian, do you want to regret it?"

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, with a conscience of heaven and earth. From the very beginning, he never thought of helping Chu Qian. He didn't want to care about the hatred between their sisters. Besides, none of them were easy to mess with, and they were all cruel.

When she took out the poison, she wanted to scare Chu Qian, but she just picked it up and swallowed it, looking at the situation, she didn't take it as poison at all, it was more like a candy.

After smiling bitterly, Ye Wutian said, "Tell me, how can I help you?"

"Chu Fang, she must die." Chu Qian said, with a strong killing intent.

"You are sisters." Ye Wutian is helpless, sisters cannibalize each other, what is this called?

Chu Qian did not answer, but said: "Ye Wutian, sooner or later, you will be grateful to me."

Ye Wutian: "..."

This novel comes from Kanwang

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