Mad Doctor

Chapter 1574: was smothered

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After the Hongyan Group press conference appeared, the eyes of the whole world were focused on the Hongyan Group, and they all wanted to know how the Hongyan Group would deal with it next, and whether the warnings thrown would have any effect. "Baidu search: (), watch the latest chapters for free, very simple!"

The world is not optimistic about Hongyan Group's warning. Obviously, if people dare to do this, they have already made all preparations. If you say nothing from Hongyan Group, people will not be afraid.

The news was spread out. As the soul of the company, Ye Wutian would appear in front of Xu Ying. Facing Xu Ying's request, this guy started to wiggle and was in a dilemma.

"It's embarrassing for you? Or is it that I'm doing this now, making you feel sick?" Xu Ying asked, her voice a bit lonely.

Ye Wutian, who smiled bitterly, said: "Of course not, it doesn't mean that."

Xu Ying did not let Ye Wutian go, and looked directly at Ye Wutian: "Then what do you mean?"

Ye Wutian was dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer.

Over there, Xu Ying undressed by herself.

Ye Wutian did not stop it, standing there quietly.

"I just want you to remember me, whether I'm ugly or beautiful, I want you to remember me." Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian wondered, is this necessary? What about remembering and not remembering? The two can no longer go back to the past, so what if they remember?

Looking at the shocking scars on Xu Ying's body, Ye Wutian couldn't help but sighed, Xu Ying leaving the Poison Shadow Sect was a good thing, at least he didn't have to face those little devils of Chu Fang.

"Thank you." Xu Ying's eyes filled with tears, "Thank you for still caring about me."

Ye Wutian smiled slightly: "No other meaning, it's just a little effort."

"I don't care." Xu Ying said, she really didn't care whether Ye Wutian was a little effort or something.

After knowing this man for a long time, I will also find that in fact, this guy is often duplicitous, saying one thing and doing another.

"Don't worry, I know that I am not worthy of you now, and I will not pester you. I am very happy to have you treat me like this."

Ye Wutian had no way of answering, and didn't want to discuss this kind of issue with Xu Ying. He unscrewed the white bottle and poured out a pill, "Take this."

Xu Ying, who took the pill, didn't hesitate, just raised her head and swallowed it.

Ye Wutian didn't know why, but there was such an inexplicable touch: "Aren't you worried that I will hurt you?"

Xu Ying seemed to have heard the best joke in the world, and asked back, "Will you hurt me?"

Ye Wutian was asked, and he seemed to know that he asked an extremely stupid question, which he really shouldn't have asked.

"Sister." The voice outside the door sounded, and the poet Xu Shi had arrived before he could.

Hearing the voice, Ye Wutian was startled, he didn't want to see Xu Shishi, he was sorry for the other party.

After entering the door, Xu Shishi was also startled, afraid that he also did not expect Ye Wutian to be here, let alone that her sister would stand like this, standing naked in front of Ye Wutian.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shishi was angry at first, anger from the heart, thinking that her sister was already like this, Ye Wutian still didn't let it go.

"Help me get the medicine." Xu Ying was quite calm when his sister arrived, except for the blushing face, there was nothing unusual about it.

Only then did Xu Shishi understand, and she also secretly blamed herself for being impulsive. Fortunately, the swearing words were not said, otherwise, the consequences would be more difficult to deal with.

I thought wrong, my sister has been injured like this, the injury on her body is so serious, how can any man still have appetite and interest?

But Xu Shishi thought again, it's not right to blame her at all. If you want to blame it, you can blame Ye Wutian. This **** is not a thing.

"Shishi, come on." Ye Wutian took out the self-made powder and handed it to Xu Shishi, since she had come, Ye Wutian thought that he didn't need to be so embarrassed.

"Why?" Unexpectedly, Xu Shishi didn't reach out to pick it up, but instead asked, "Why do you want me to come? Why can't you come?"

After being asked several questions in a row, Ye Wutian didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Do you want to say whether men and women are taught or not?" Xu Shishi asked.

"Shishi, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xu Ying couldn't hold back, and was extremely dissatisfied with her sister's tone.

"Sister, did I say something wrong? Why do you want me to come? Why can't he come?" Xu Shishi clenched her teeth and said, "So many things happened between you, are you still not familiar with each other?"

That sweat in Ye Wutian's heart! That's two different things, okay? How can we talk about it? Besides, that was also in the past, and now the two have nothing to do with each other.

"Bastard, put this aside, you are still a doctor, have you forgotten? Could it be that you have forgotten your identity? You are a doctor, a doctor's parental heart, my sister is hurt like this, you should treat her as a wounded, not It's something else."

Ye Wutian couldn't refute, Xu Shishi's eloquence made him laugh and cry, and he waved his hands to beg for mercy: "Xingxing, I was wrong, Shishi, am I wrong?"

The unreasonable Xu Shishi said again: "You were already wrong, very wrong."

Ye Wutian didn't dare to answer, and quickly said to Xu Ying, "I'll give you the medicine."

Xu Ying wanted to laugh, but she seldom saw Ye Wutian so suffocated.

Ye Wutian carefully smeared the powder on Xu Ying's wound. During this period, Xu Shishi had been monitoring the whole process. Seeing her, she seemed to be afraid that Ye Wutian would take advantage of her sister.

"Okay, be careful not to touch the water." After half an hour, Ye Wutian stopped the work at hand. In the past half hour, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and it was harder than a fight.

Xu Ying put on her clothes and said thank you.

"Well, I have nothing to do. I'll go first." Ye Wutian wanted to run away, but if he stayed here for another second, he would be depressed for another second. The two sisters in front of him had had that kind of relationship with him, especially Xu Shishi. is hostile to him.

"Stop, where are we going? Will we eat you?" Xu Shishi shouted, "Or you don't want to see our sisters?"

Rao Rao's Ye Wutian wondered, what happened to this little girl? The smell of gunpowder rushed, could it be that her relatives came? Such a bad temper.

After thinking about it, Ye Wutian didn't dare to ask such a question, but said: "Shishi, you know, I don't mean that."

Xu Shishi obviously didn't eat this set, and continued to say angrily: "Do you know what you mean? Besides, what do you mean and what does it have to do with me?"

"Shishi, it's okay, don't embarrass him." Xu Ying couldn't bear it.

"Are you embarrassed? My sister said that I embarrassed you. Excuse me, have I embarrassed you?" Xu Shishi asked.

Ye Wutian shook his head again and again: "No, there is no such thing, how can it be? Shishi, you are beautiful and beautiful, even if you embarrass me, I will be happy."

After the words came out, Ye Wutian couldn't help being agitated and paralyzed, and he was really a bit of a jerk.

For Xu Shishi, Ye Wutian is different from anyone else. He is sorry for her. He used that method to forcefully occupy her.

"Sister, did you hear? People won't be angry." Xu Shishi was like a little lioness who had won a battle, triumphant.

Xu Ying was very helpless and said, "Okay, you can leave beforehand."

Ye Wutian nodded slightly and was about to leave, but Xu Shishi suddenly said: "Bastard, it's been so long, why don't you invite me to dinner?"

Looking at Xu Shishi, Ye Wutian secretly wondered which girl would the little girl sing today? I always thought she had something to say.

"it is good."

"Then let's do it now, just as I'm hungry, invite our sisters to dinner."

Xu Ying didn't want this, she was happy to eat with Ye Wutian, but Ye Wutian was willing to do so.

No matter how you look at it, Ye Wutian at this time seems to be forced.

Xu Shishi didn't give Xu Ying a chance to speak at all, and directly pulled her out and walked out. In desperation, Xu Ying could only sigh, thinking that it was just a meal anyway.

The three of them found a restaurant with an elegant environment nearby. Ye Wutian asked for a private room. After ordering, he asked Xu Shishi sincerely: "What else do you want to eat?"

Xu Shishi waved to the waiter to go out. After the waiter closed the door, she looked at Ye Wutian: "My family is in trouble."

Whether it was Ye Wutian or Xu Ying, they were all stunned when they heard it, and when they heard Xu Shishi say this, neither of them could adapt.

"Shi Shi." Xu Ying stopped him.

"Sister, apart from him, I'm afraid no one can help us." Xu Shishi said.

Ye Wutian didn't speak in a hurry, his mind was thinking fast, analyzing whether the two sisters would be singing double reeds.

"Would you like to help me?" Xu Shishi asked, "I have known you for so long, and I have never asked you to help me."

Ye Wutian was silent, and he didn't know the ins and outs of the matter, so he didn't dare to speak indiscriminately.

"Shishi, don't be **** others," Xu Ying said.

Xu Shishi didn't seem to listen, and stared at Ye Wutian: "As long as you can help me, from now on, I will be your woman." At the end, she added another sentence: "The woman behind, the woman who does not ask for anything in return."

Ye Wutian smiled bitterly, "Shi Shi, you know I don't mean that."

"I don't care what you mean, I just want to know, would you like to help me? Be happy."

"What's the matter?" After hesitating, Ye Wutian asked, if the matter is not troublesome, he is willing to help, just in time to repay the other party's favor and repay the debt to her.

"The Xu family has encountered an unprecedented Without the help of external forces, they cannot survive."

Ye Wutian was about to speak, but Xu Ying, who was sitting next to him, suddenly fell down without warning.

Both of them were startled by such an unexpected event, and they all stopped talking, and worked together to get Xu Ying from the ground.

"What's going on?" Xu Shishi asked anxiously, she didn't understand why her sister was so good.

Ye Wutian didn't answer Xu Shishi's question. He didn't know what was going on at the moment, so he quickly put it on Xu Ying's wrist.

With the passage of time, Ye Wutian's brows are more tightly wrinkled, how is this possible? From all the signs, Xu Ying was poisoned.

"How? How is my sister? You are talking." Xu Shishi was so anxious that she was about to cry. At this moment, she could only hope that Ye Wutian could help her sister. His medical skills were so powerful that he should be able to help her sister.

"Poisoned!" Ye Wutian withdrew his hand, his heart had a general idea, his anger could not be controlled, he thought of a person.

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