Mad Doctor

Chapter 1576: super rogue (1)

"Brother Ye, are you sure you want to refuse?" Chu Fang asked.

Ye Wutian glanced at Chu Fang: "I will solve my affairs."

Chu Fang said: "Wait for you to solve it, I'm afraid the day lily is cold."

"What do you mean?" Ye Wutian always felt that there was something in Chu Fang's words.

"It's not interesting, I just want to tell you that anything at any time is not as simple as it seems. Do you think they only have the formula for Qingcheng Pills?"

Ye Wutian's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. He didn't think about it, but he thought it was impossible. Now that Chu Fang mentioned it like this, he began to be afraid again.

"Look, as soon as I say it, you're scared." Chu Fang smiled proudly: "Brother Ye, your enemy is far stronger than you think, the best way is for us to cooperate, so that we can recognize each other. Still that sentence, I have never been hostile to you, even now, if you poison me, I am also not hostile to you, whether you believe it or not, my goal is not you."

Ye Wutian looked at each other quietly, and realized once again that he despised this little brat, and whoever dared to look down on her young age would not even know how she died in the end.

"Thank you, I still said that, I will handle my affairs." After leaving this sentence, Ye Wutian left with the antidote that was exchanged.

Looking at the back of Ye Wutian's departure, Chu Fang's little face showed anger.

After Ye Wutian left, a woman walked into the room and asked in a low voice, "Miss, what should we do next?"

"Wait and see." Chu Fang said lightly, waving his hand at the same time, signaling the woman to go out.

"Wait a minute, let the wind out and say I'm healed." Chu Fang stopped the woman.

The other party was stunned and did not understand Chu Fang's intention, but nodded, "Yes, Miss, Xu Ying, do you need me to take action?"

"Not for the time being. Before the situation becomes clear, I don't want to be too stiff with Ye Wutian."

"Miss, do you still think Ye Wutian can survive this?" The woman said, "The Hongyan Group is facing unprecedented difficulties, and the subordinates are not optimistic."

Chu Fang glanced at the woman and said, "I don't care whether he can tide over the difficulties."

"Yes, this subordinate knows." The woman turned and left after saying that.

After the woman left, Chu Fang turned his gaze to the small black box on the table, and stayed there for a long time. The small black box was very suitable for her room.

After a while, Chu Fang stretched out her small hand and took the box, opened it, and the next moment, she laughed, exaggeratedly, with tears in her eyes.

There are only a few ordinary vitamin tablets in the box. Is this the antidote?

Chu Fang laughed breathlessly, laughing at himself for being stupid, laughing at how easily he trusted others.

However, this is also normal. She has scolded others, and now she is swayed by others. No, it should be said that it is two. This Ye Wutian is really someone who is willing to suffer from anything.

Looking at the vitamin tablets in the palm of his hand, Chu Fang did not throw them away, but raised his head and put the ordinary tablets into his mouth and swallowed them, then muttered to himself, "Brother Ye, you really are Interesting, shameless enough, I like you more and more."

Ye Wutian couldn't hear Chu Fang's words, and he returned to Xu Ying again with the antidote.

Not caring about the conversation with Xu Shishi, Ye Wutian first checked Xu Ying's pulse, and after confirming that she was fine, he immediately took out the pills from Chu Fang and let Xu Ying swallow them, and the pills melted in his mouth.

Soon after taking the antidote, Xu Ying's eyebrows moved slightly, and Ye Wutian knew that it was a sign that Xu Ying was about to wake up.

"Sister, wake up soon." Xu Shishi shouted softly, "Sister, we are all here."

Xu Ying slowly opened her eyes, looked at her sister, and then looked at Ye Wutian: "What happened to me?"

"It's alright." Ye Wutian said lightly and skipped it.

Xu Ying asked Ye Wutian: "You saved me again?"

"Hands up."

Xu Ying smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"Thank you? Sister, that's what he should do." Seeing her sister wake up, Xu Shishi suddenly felt relieved, as long as her sister was still alive.

Ye Wutian dark sweat, this little girl, how did you talk?

Of course, Ye Wutian also looked for calculations to compare with the other party, stretched out his hand to squeeze Xu Ying's wrist, and took the pulse carefully.

"It's okay, rest well." Ye Wutian, who took back his hand, stood up: "Call me if you have anything."

"Are you leaving?" Xu Ying asked.

Ye Wutian nodded: "I still have something to do."

Helping Xu Ying doesn't mean you have to go back to the past with Xu Ying. Ye Wutian knows that no matter what, neither of them will be able to go back to the past. Helping her is to see her pitiful, and to read in the last trace of sympathy. superior.

Xu Ying didn't stop it, why should she stop it?

After Ye Wutian left, Xu Shishi hesitated for a while, "I'll go out and have a look."

Running out the door, Xu Shishi rushed to Ye Wutian and stopped him: "It's rude to leave without saying hello?"

Ye Wutian was speechless, and said in a daze: "Didn't you already say it just now?"

Xu Shishi, who blushed slightly, said quibly, "That's what you told my sister, not me."

"Is there a difference?" Ye Wutian was puzzled, unable to understand this.

"Of course there is a difference." Xu Shishi was quite arrogant: "My sister is my sister, I am me, how can we talk about it?"

Ye Wutian felt defeated, but was not angry, the little girl was quite cute.

However, after careful attention, Ye Wutian just discovered that Xu Shishi has grown up, no, it should be said that he has become more mature, and the places where he is strong are even more strong.

Looking at it, Ye Wutian couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Aware of Ye Wutian's strange gaze, Xu Shishi's pretty face became hot, and she glared fiercely at Ye Wutian: "Rogue, what are you looking at? Where are you looking?"

The blushing Ye Wutian hurriedly retracted his gaze, hehe smiled and said, "You can't blame me, you can only blame you for being too beautiful."

Hearing the praise, Xu Shishi raised her chest and became more charming: "Am I beautiful?"

Ye Wutian swallowed his saliva again, now, he knows the old saying too well, the hero is sad for the beauty.

"Also...Is there something else?" Ye Wutian wanted to leave, and if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would rush up and swallow this little girl raw, it was so tempting.

Ye Wutian was about to leave, but Xu Shishi suddenly took a few steps forward, hugged Ye Wutian and offered her a kiss.

Ye Wutian, who stared wide-eyed, couldn't react, what song did Xiao Nizi sing?

Ye Wutian, who was stunned by the kiss, did not push Xu Shishi away, or in other words, this guy was reluctant to push Xu Shishi away at all.

"Thank you." After releasing Ye Wutian, Xu Shishi said blushing.

Ye Wutian seemed to be unfinished, and wanted to know which Xu Shishi was singing, and why he kissed him for no reason.

The things that Xu Shishi said to him appeared in his mind, which made Ye Wutian's heart tremble. Could it be that? Want him to help the Xu family? So give something good now?

Ye Wutian didn't want to think about that, but he couldn't help it. If that was the case, he would feel sad and disgusted. He never liked women who were too scheming. Grit your teeth and leave.

"What are you thinking? Don't think crooked, just thank you for saving my sister." Xu Shishi said, I don't know Ye Wutian thought a lot and thought a lot.

Ye Wutian said: "I didn't do anything."

Xu Shishi disagreed: "That's your opinion, I'm already very happy to help my sister like this, and I also know that my sister's life and death have nothing to do with you, and you have no obligation to help her, so thank you. "

Ye Wutian smiled and did not explain anymore.

"When are you free? Let's have a meal together." Xu Shishi said, "Of course, you have to invite me."

"Okay." Ye Wutian, who was amused, agreed immediately. He had no reason not to agree. This proposal was not excessive.

"That's it, I'll wait for your call."

Ye Wutian nodded, thinking to himself, Xiao Nizi is afraid that it is not as simple as eating.

It has been two days since the warning given by Hongyan Group, and the company in country M still has no movement. On the contrary, according to reliable sources, the production of that company is even more violent, and it has no intention of stopping at all.

Ye Wutian didn't know that Zhu Jian had stayed in Dongcheng for two days, and he didn't know until now that Zhu Jian was in love.

Looking at the woman next to Zhu Jian, Ye Wutian's first impression of the other party is that this woman is somewhat like that Bingbing, she looks sweet, gentle and pleasant, and the first impression it gives is not bad.

"You came to Dongcheng for a few days without telling me about this?" Ye Wutian asked Zhu Jian, pointing at the woman beside Zhu Jian.

Zhu Jian blushed, he smiled and said, "How? Help me for reference."

Zhu Jian's words caused the woman next to him to become coquettish.

"It's not that I'm in love, how can I give any advice?" Ye Wutian said with a smile.

After saying this, the woman was so shy, she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at the two of them.

Zhu Jian glanced back, then winked at Ye Wutian: "Give me some advice."

"Very good." Ye Wutian smiled: "When did it happen? It's like an underground worker, and it's developing very fast."

"Hey, I'm not sure about this, I'll bring it to see you right away, and tell you, my grandfather doesn't even know about it." Zhu Jian smirked.

"So I should be moved?" Ye Wutian asked.

Zhu Jian asked back, "You shouldn't be moved? At least you have to invite dinner or something. Also, prepare a generous gift for your sister-in-law. You can't even do that?"

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he heard Why did he feel that something was wrong the more he listened? Dare Zhu Jian treat him as a local tyrant? He Zhu Jian brought a woman over today, and brought another over tomorrow. No matter how rich he Ye Wutian is, he is afraid that he will not be able to withstand the toss.

"Xuanxuan baby, hurry up and call Tiange." Zhu Jian hugged the woman's waist and called out kissingly.

"Brother Tian, ​​hello, my name is Wang Xuanxuan, nice to meet you," Wang Xuanxuan said after introducing herself, "Brother Tian, ​​don't listen to his nonsense."

Ye Wutian was secretly shocked, and looked at each other in surprise, this woman is not simple.

"Hehe, it should, come to Dongcheng, naturally I have to treat you." Ye Wutian said with a smile.

Zhu Jian glanced left and right: "On the side of M country, what are you going to do about it?"

"You will know soon." Ye Wutian smiled mysteriously.

Zhu Jian shuddered: "Why do I feel that you are insidious?"

This article comes from reading novels

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