Mad Doctor

Chapter 1578: Super Rogue (3)

Jiang Yu's words were like adding fuel to the fire, causing the angry Sun Zhiyuan to explode in an instant, unable to control his emotions.

"Kill you to death." Sun Zhiyuan, who was gnashing his teeth, was like a mad dog who lost his mind, and he beat Jiang Yu hard. There was anger and jealousy. Jiang Yu had been married to him for so long, and he never married him. As a husband, even when I married him, I married him out of necessity, not from my heart.

In the face of the beating, Jiang Yu did not make any resistance, and let Sun Zhiyuan beat her. She had thought more than once that death might be a relief for her.

Sun Zhiyuan didn't know what Jiang Yu was thinking. Angrily, he beat and roared: "Do you miss your old lover? Let him rescue you and appear in front of you like a prince charming."

Jiang Yu's poignant face was full of scars and a large piece of black purple, which was heart-wrenching.

After playing for a long time, Sun Zhiyuan, who was tired from fighting, saw that Jiang Yu did not resist at all. He also lost interest. Looking at Jiang Yu lying motionless on the ground, he said, "Why don't you resist?"

Jiang Yu was motionless and her eyes were desperate. Maybe this was her life. In order to save the family, she could only marry Sun Zhiyuan.

However, what she couldn't understand was why Sun Zhiyuan changed so much before and after marriage. If Sun Zhiyuan was a sheep before marriage, then after marriage he was a wolf, and he didn't know how to pity fragrance and jade, and he didn't treat her like a human at all. .

It turned out that all his tenderness and infatuation before marriage were just disguised. After marriage, maybe he thought he didn't need to disguise, and he would show his true colors.

Why is this happening?

Jiang Yu couldn't understand these questions.

Sun Zhiyuan smoked the clothes on Jiang Yu's chest, bent down and said to her, "Remember, I am your husband, you can only have me in your heart, thinking of others, are you courting death?"

Jiang Yu closed her eyes and felt a little confused. Sun Zhiyuan's words reminded her of a person, a person she should have hated.

The person who should hate, but often thinks of him, what's the matter? Is it because you hate him too much?

Not like!

It's not like hate, on the contrary, it's more like...

Sun Zhiyuan, who had let go of Jiang Yu, sat on the sofa, glared at Jiang Yu and ordered, "Get up and take off my shoes."

Jiang Yu got up from the ground with difficulty and came to Sun Zhiyuan. Instead of taking off his shoes as he said, he said, "Let's get a divorce."

Sun Zhiyuan was stunned, and then laughed, as if he heard the best joke in the world, and laughed exaggeratedly: "Divorce? Are you okay?"

Jiang Yu's attitude was very firm: "We are not suitable."

The one who answered her was a slap, and Sun Zhiyuan slapped her face heavily.

"You dare to mention it again." Sun Zhiyuan's anger was almost on the verge of spitting fire, "Again, I'll kill you."

Jiang Yu was unmoved, not afraid of Sun Zhiyuan's intimidation: "This is good for us."

Seeing Jiang Yu's icy eyes, Sun Zhiyuan did not roar angrily, but suddenly changed his attitude and became soft and soft: "Yu'er, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, don't be angry."

"Please fulfill me." Jiang Yu said, not listening to Sun Zhiyuan's persuasion.

"Yu'er, I've already apologized to you, why don't you forgive me? You should know that I really love you, no one in this world loves you more than me, otherwise, if you get angry , you can also beat me, okay?" After saying that, Sun Zhiyuan squeezed Jiang Yu's hand and hit him in the face.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't hit you." Sun Zhiyuan kept saying sorry: "Yu'er, I'm in a bad mood today, don't you get angry? I almost died today." Thinking of the scene where the company was bombed today still makes Sun Zhiyuan linger in fear, and he is afraid when he thinks of it.

A hint of surprise flashed in Jiang Yu's eyes.

Sun Zhiyuan continued: "The company was bombed, I almost died, Yuer, I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood today, please forgive me."

"What's going on?" Jiang Yu finally said, if what Sun Zhiyuan said is true, then this matter is very serious, not an ordinary one.

Sun Zhiyuan was secretly happy in his heart. It seems that Jiang Yu's heart is not iron, and he knows how to care about people, which is a good thing.

"The company and the factory were bombed today. The reason is unknown. Fortunately, I walked fast. If it is a few seconds later, I will not be able to stand in front of you now."

Jiang Yu didn't speak anymore.

Seeing this, Sun Zhiyuan said again: "I suspect that Ye Wutian did it."

Jiang Yujiao's body was shocked, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, and she was obviously a little frightened. How could this be possible? Could it really be Ye Wutian?

Thinking of the phone call a few days ago, she didn't answer at that time.

"Yu'er, that kind of person is not worthy of your love. He doesn't have you in his heart at all. You should give up." Sun Zhiyuan said bitterly, hoping that Jiang Yu could take back that thought.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Yu asked.

"It's alright, fortunately I have a big life, Yu'er, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hit you, it's all my fault."

Jiang Yu shook his head: "You're right, it's all my fault, Sun Zhiyuan, we're not suitable, you don't love me, and I don't love you either."

Sun Zhiyuan was greatly stimulated by these words: "Why don't I love you? Yu'er, can't you see it after all these years? I can do anything for you, and you still say I don't love you?"

Jiang Yu said, "That's just your vanity, it's your possessiveness, do you really love me?"

"Love you, I love you very much, I love you very much." Sun Zhiyuan roared like thunder, as if someone stepped on his tail.

"How many lovers do you have outside? Do you need me to tell you?" Jiang Yu asked suddenly.

Sun Zhiyuan was asked dumb, and looked at Jiang Yu in astonishment, as if shocked by Jiang Yu's words, and at the same time secretly guilty, no matter what, it was his fault.

"Can't tell? Do you need me to help you count?" Jiang Yu's tone was cold. From her trembling body, it was not difficult to see that she was very angry. I believe that any woman would be very angry when she encounters this kind of thing, even if she doesn't love it. each other, but after all, they are legal husband and wife with each other.

This is betrayal!

After being stunned and surprised, Sun Zhiyuan became angry, pointing at Jiang Yu and roaring coldly, "You're following me?"

"Tracking?" Jiang Yu sneered disdainfully: "Every time you come back, there is a different perfume smell on your clothes, don't tell me you got it from walking on the street."

Sun Zhiyuan was speechless. He hadn't thought about this, or he didn't care at all. Can Jiang Yu smell such a light perfume? Is she a dog?

"Those are women's perfumes, Sun Zhiyuan, you know whether you love me or not, let's be like this, it's boring, let me do it." Jiang Yu said, desperate for relief.

Sun Zhiyuan's expression suddenly became hideous, and he roared at Jiang Yu: "Want to get rid of? There is no door, stinky woman, do you want to find your old lover after you divorce me? Do you still miss him back then? Forcibly occupying your scene?" At the end, Sun Zhiyuan slapped Jiang Yu fiercely.

In the face of being beaten, Jiang Yu did not resist, but let out a shrill laughter, which made Sun Zhiyuan's scalp tingle, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny? Shut up for me."

Jiang Yu put away her smile and said very sadly, "People don't look down on me."

This remark made Sun Zhiyuan stunned again and blurted out: "Have you tried it?"

Jiang Yu looked at Sun Zhiyuan: "From the beginning to the end, it was your own guess. From the beginning, no one liked me."

Sun Zhiyuan obviously didn't believe it, and said with a sneer, "Do you think I'll believe it if you explain it like this?"

Jiang Yu didn't care whether Sun Zhiyuan believed it or not: "That's your business, whether you believe it or not is your business, does it have anything to do with my face?"

Sun Zhiyuan was mad at Jiang Yu's attitude of not eating hard and soft, "Jiang Yu, you'd better put away your kind of thinking, no matter what, I will not agree to divorce."

Jiang Yu showed despair: "We've all come to this point, are you still unwilling to let go? You have no shortage of women, and your purpose of possession has also been achieved, Zhiyuan, please let it go, right? We all benefit."

"Don't think about it." Sun Zhiyuan waved his hand: "I tell you, there is no door. In this life, I will torture you well, so that your life is better than death, and I want you to live, and slowly see how I play to kill you. That old lover, I want you to know what will happen if you offend me, Sun Zhiyuan."

Jiang Yu sneered in pain: "Do you think you are his opponent?"

These words irritated Sun Zhiyuan so much that he slapped his hand and said, "Dare to underestimate me? See if I won't take care of you."

Jiang Yu wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth with his hand, "Zhiyuan, I beg you to agree."

"Impossible." Sun Zhiyuan's answer was quite straightforward. He would not agree to divorce anyway.

With a sigh, Jiang Yu turned around and left. This move made Sun Zhiyuan startled and gave up? Stop begging him?

Jiang Yu begged him to make Sun Zhiyuan quite tangled. On the one hand, he was very proud that the former goddess was now controlled by him. On the other hand, thinking that Jiang Yu wanted a divorce just for another man, Sun Zhiyuan was very depressed and mad. .

"Have a drink." After a while, Jiang Yu came over with a cup of tea and handed it to Sun Zhiyuan.

Sun Zhiyuan didn't answer, and UU Reading said, "What? You want to use this to soften my heart? Tell you, there's no way."

Jiang Yu, who was holding the tea, said slowly, "As a doctor, I want to tell you that your lips are chapped, which is not a good thing."

Sun Zhiyuan thought he heard it wrong: "You care about me?"

"To drink or not to drink?" Jiang Yu answered nonchalantly.

Sun Zhiyuan grabbed the cup and said, "Drink, why not?" In fact, he hadn't drank much water all day today, and he was indeed thirsty.

The water in the cup was quickly drank, and Sun Zhiyuan handed the cup to Jiang Yu: "That's right, Jiang Yu, don't think too much, you can only be my Sun Zhiyuan's woman in your life."

Jiang Yu didn't answer, closed his eyes slowly, and shouted in his heart: "Farewell, Ye Wutian, goodbye, bastard."

This book was first published on Kanshurim--3809672692-->


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