Mad Doctor

Chapter 1584: Kill in public

Ding Shengsheng turned around quickly, and the speed was inversely proportional to his fat body.

However, even though Ding Shengsheng was fast, he was still half a beat in the face of the extremely fast bullets.


The bullet was in the middle of his eyebrows, there was a small red hole on Ding Shengsheng's forehead, and behind his head, there was a bowl of blood, from which the bullet flew out.

Ding Shengsheng, who was staring wide-eyed, lost consciousness in an instant. Apart from the fright that flashed in his eyes, he had no time to think about anything else.


Ding Shengsheng's fat body fell down and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes wide open, until he died, he didn't know what was going on, until he died, he didn't know where the bullet came from or who fired it. gun.

If he wants to understand these problems, Ding Shengsheng is afraid that he will only be able to figure it out in the next life, at least in this life.

Things happened so fast that people couldn't react at all. At this moment, Ding Shengsheng had fallen to the ground, in a pool of blood.

Ding Shengsheng's assistant would have weak legs and trembling, and there was a smell of urine in the air, and he was frightened.

The driver also came out of the cab. Seeing this scene, he was also quite frightened, but he was a little stronger than the assistant. At least he would bend over and squat down. He was blocked by the car and did not dare to expose his body. Under the muzzle of the mysterious man.

After the gunman killed Ding Shengsheng in secret, he didn't shoot again, which made the driver relieved.

He was killed at the door of the Hongyan Group, and the incident immediately caused a great sensation. Ye Wutian also brought people out of the company. At the same time, the police came to a large number of people.

Chang Xiaomei, who is the top police officer in Dongcheng, personally led the team. After inspecting the crime scene, he came to Ye Wutian: "What did Ding Shengsheng want you to do?"

Ye Wutian was looking at the scene of the crime, and Ding Sheng died here, making him smell a hint of conspiracy.

"Business." Ye Wutian said.

Chang Xiaomei frowned, as if dissatisfied with Ye Wutian's answer, she turned around and left with a low snort.

To everyone's surprise, a large number of reporters came from out of nowhere, and the well-informed reporters all wanted to interview Ye Wutian.

What made Ye Wutian even more unexpected was that the reporters who came here actually knew Ding Shengsheng's purpose and that he was here to close the building.

Knowing this, Ye Wutian is even more certain that there must be a conspiracy in it. After all, Ding Shengsheng is just a chess piece, a poor chess piece.

"What about the reporters outside the door?" Cheng Kexin asked. The arrival of the reporters caused Ye Wutian to return to the company immediately and did not dare to stay outside.

For a while, Ye Wutian didn't know what to do. First, Ding Shengsheng's death, and then the reporter. Everything was linked together. If it was not planned in advance, how could there be such a coincidence?

It is impossible for the police to inform the reporter, Ding Shengsheng's frightened assistant and the fearful driver will not either. When encountering such a thing, the first thing that ordinary people think of is to call the police, not the reporter.

Ding Sheng was dead, and it was even more impossible for him. Whether it was calling the police or looking for a reporter, he was incapable of doing it. As for the people of Hongyan Group, Ye Wutian believed that no one would do that.

In the afternoon, those reporters were still very dedicated at the door of the company. The crime scene had been cleaned up, Ding Shengsheng's body was carried away, and the blood on the ground was washed away with water. If it weren't for the reporters guarding the door, no one would know today. what happened here.

Ding Shengsheng's driver and assistant were brought back to the police station to assist in the investigation. When he was about to get off work, Chang Xiaomei brought someone over, and the female Tyrannosaurus stepped into Ye Wutian's office.

"Need me to assist in the investigation?" Ye Wutian asked first.

Chang Xiaomei said coldly: "Based on the current evidence, the situation is extremely unfavorable for you, and you have a serious suspicion."

Ye Wutian was stunned, analyzing the meaning of Chang Xiaomei's words, why did he become a major suspect in a blink of an eye?

"What do you mean?" Ye Wutian smelled more conspiracy.

"What did Ding Shengsheng come to see you for?" Chang Xiaomei answered nonchalantly.

"Business." Ye Wutian answered in the same way.

"Crack!" Chang Xiaomei slammed the table hard: "Ye Wutian, I hope you tell me the truth, this is very important, very important to you."

Ye Wutian looked at Chang Xiaomei for a while, and then said lightly: "He is the owner of this building, and he is here to close the building today."

"So you were angry and then disagreed, right?" Chang Xiaomei asked.

"There was an unpleasant interlude indeed."

"So you tore up the document. In order to show your strength, you were so angry that you ordered someone to shoot and kill the deceased right after he left the company. Is that right?"

Ye Wutian was stunned when asked, and said in surprise, "Who do you want to help?"

Chang Xiaomei said coldly, "It doesn't matter who I want to help, the important thing is that the deceased's assistant told me this."

Hearing this, Ye Wutian suddenly realized, and finally understood why Chang Xiaomei said that he has a serious suspicion now, not to mention, being reminded by Chang Xiaomei, when he thinks back on his own, he seems to think that he has a very big suspicion. .

"Can you believe what Ding Shengsheng's assistant said? He is obviously biased towards others." Ye Wutian said.

"You won't believe it all, and it's impossible not to believe it. It's very unfavorable for you to go to court. In fact, you have torn up documents and made trouble with the deceased very unpleasantly."

Ye Wutian was speechless.

"Be mentally prepared." Chang Xiaomei reminded: "Also, if you are staying in Dongcheng during this time, please tell me before leaving the country."

After the two chatted for a while, Chang Xiaomei led her away, and Ye Wutian felt a little relieved when she saw her leaving. It seemed that Chang Xiaomei still cared about him, still cared about him and cared about him, Change it to another one, I'm afraid I won't say a word and take it directly to the police station to make plans.

There are more and more reporters outside the company, and many are even ready for a long-term battle, bringing food and water with them.

"There's no way for us to go on like this, it's very passive." Cheng Kexin looked anxious in his eyes, Ding Shengsheng's death had nothing to do with Hongyanji, but now he was made to fall into the crotch of yellow mud, either **** or shit.

"Do you have a good solution?" Ye Wutian still couldn't understand who was behind Ding Shengsheng.

Cheng Kexin was asked, what can she do? There is a good way to say it early in the morning, and it will not be like this.

"No, in short, it can't be like this, it's too passive." Cheng Kexin said: "The clear is self-clearing, what are we afraid of?"

Ye Wutian smiled secretly, and suddenly found that Cheng Kexin was a little too naive. His opponents had done this earlier, and they were afraid that you would be clear and clear?

Presumably the other party has already thought about the next move. Now what Ye Wutian thinks is to walk in front of the opponent and directly kill this conspiracy, otherwise the latter things will still make him passive and the Hongyan Group passive.

"How about this, let's go directly to meet those reporters." Cheng Kexin looked anxious in his heart.

"Well, that's right." Cheng Kexin made an unintentional move, but Ye Wutian agreed: "You're right, we should meet those reporters."

"See what you said?"

Ye Wutian smiled slyly: "They want to figure out a lot of questions from us, and we can also figure out a lot of questions from them to see what they know."

Cheng Kexin felt that Ye Wutian's idea was too impulsive and bold, is this really good?

Should be bad! The reporters are guarding the door of the company. What will happen if you go up at this time? Wouldn't you take the initiative to deliver it to your door?

"You don't want to go, I'll just go by myself." Ye Wutian said that too many people went, but it wasn't good.

Cheng Kexin was worried and said, "Let Manager Shen accompany you."

Ye Wutian nodded slightly, but did not refuse, so he took Shen Manli out of the company door.

When the reporters saw Ye Wutian taking the initiative to appear, the dark reporters suddenly boiled, and the person who had been waiting for them for a long time finally appeared. What could make them more happy than this?

Before anyone arrived, the reporters had already pressed their cameras wildly, and the dazzling flashlight made Ye Wutian dazzled for a while, and he admired those stars very much.

"Friends from reporters, have you been waiting for a long time?" Ye Wutian who stepped forward took the initiative to say hello, quite enthusiastic.

Ye Wutian is like this, but it makes the reporters very uncomfortable. Ye Wutian's character is well known to many people. He is definitely an arrogant guy. When have you seen him like this? Even taking the initiative to greet the reporter, such Ye Wutian makes people feel unreal.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, there is a temporary meeting in the company, so let's keep everyone waiting. Otherwise, I think you are very tired. Why don't we find a place to eat something first, and then talk about business slowly?" Ye Wutian proposal.

However, Ye Wutian's proposal not only made the reporters stunned, but even Shen Manli, who was standing beside him, was confused. What kind of PR is this boss? Do you want to be brothers with these reporters?


The more this is the case, the more the reporters think something is Ye Wutian has never been such a good talker.

There must be a monster in an abnormal incident!

"How? Everyone, do you have any ideas?" Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Ye Wutian couldn't help but ask again, thinking about what happened to these guys? All of them showed that shocked expression, so what?

"Mr. Ye, there are rumors that the murder that happened not long ago today is related to you. What do you think about this?" The reporters were not fooled. They stayed here for so long, not just to eat, but to get Valuable news leads.

At this time, what they want is not food, but valuable news

Hearing this question, Ye Wutian smiled slightly, this fellow has already come prepared, why would he be worried? At the moment, he was about to open his mouth to explain, but at this moment, cluttered footsteps sounded outside the crowd, disrupting Ye Wutian's thoughts: "Get out of the way, get out of the way."

In the crowd, some people began to take the initiative to make way, or they were forcibly pushed out of the way, and several big men in black forcibly pushed the reporters who were blocking the way away.

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